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[Support] Google Music Manager

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*Mod please move this thread to the container forum when appropriate.*


Support thread for the Google Music Manager container.


All credit for the docker container goes to the original creator ruippeixotog. I've simply created the necessary .xml and Git repo for use on Unraid.



Google Music Manager allows uploading of local music files for use with the Google Play Music service. By default, Music Manager's appdata will map to /mnt/cache/appdata/google-musicmanager. /music can be mapped to whichever path your music collection is stored on. The containers VNC server will be exposed on port 5900. If you have VM's running, you may want to map 5900 to another port. You are only required to VNC into the container once to authenticate your Google credentials.


Please post any questions, issue's or suggestion you may have below.



Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/ruippeixotog/google-musicmanager/

Docker Template Repo: https://github.com/bb12489/docker-templates

GitHub: https://github.com/ruippeixotog/docker-google-musicmanager  - Note: My .xml is currently set to ruippeixotogs Dev branch to fix the issue of VNC not staying running. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'v pretty much given up on the Google Music Manager service, I maxed out on devices which is 10 it seems that every time I stopped and restarted the docker it was seen as a new device, then on top of it all you are only allowed to delete 4 devices a year so I am now locked out. For some reason or other my upload process continually losses my login info after a few hours of running. I'm not blaming the docker in any way I am pretty sure it's the Goggle Music Manager that's the problem from reviews. 


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Tried running it on my Win 10 VM and ran into a problem with a MAC address requirement, after installing the Music Manager application I get this message "Login failed. Could not identify your computer" I tried adding a MAC address to the Red Hat VirtLO Ethernet Adapter Properties->Properties->Configure->Advanced->Assign MAC and still got the "could not identify computer" message. Here's a blog I found about the problem https://www.bentasker.co.uk/blog/general/292-virtualisation-google-play-music-manager-cannot-identify-your-computer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi bb12489,


You should look into using hurricane hernandez's docker gui baseimage so this can be run in the web browser without the need for external vnc.


His docker is here: https://hub.docker.com/r/hurricane/dockergui/


A few of my containers like rdp-calibre and digikam use that and it works great.


EDIT: Oops just realized that you're not the original dev. Well, if you're interested in forking and modifying it, I would suggest looking at the docker gui baseimage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried running it on my Win 10 VM and ran into a problem with a MAC address requirement, after installing the Music Manager application I get this message "Login failed. Could not identify your computer" I tried adding a MAC address to the Red Hat VirtLO Ethernet Adapter Properties->Properties->Configure->Advanced->Assign MAC and still got the "could not identify computer" message. Here's a blog I found about the problem https://www.bentasker.co.uk/blog/general/292-virtualisation-google-play-music-manager-cannot-identify-your-computer


i too just tried and spoof the program but still no go. have you figured out how to get around it??

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

This container isn't really prime for use anyway, as it generates a new random MAC address every time you launch it, and can quickly exhaust your Google account's limit for unique machines, assuming it doesn't immediately hit an address that's in use by another user.


After trying this (no successfully), noting the last updates, and this comment:  What's the status of this Docker?  Is it pretty much dead and not functional now?


I quickly tried to get Music Manager going on a VM as well, and it can't succeed on that - something for me resolve (how to actually run Music Manager in Unraid)...

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  • 1 month later...

Also running into the 2 account issue. Tried restarting/reinstalling a couple of times but no luck.


I'm a long time unRAID user but new to v6 & Dockers... this was my first attempt at running a docker.  Is there a way to rate or flag dockers as non-functional so they don't appear in the CA list?

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Also running into the 2 account issue. Tried restarting/reinstalling a couple of times but no luck.


I'm a long time unRAID user but new to v6 & Dockers... this was my first attempt at running a docker.  Is there a way to rate or flag dockers as non-functional so they don't appear in the CA list?

Anyone has the ability to issue pull requests on this file: https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json for my review.  Or to drop me a PM about any non-functioning container. 


My limited understanding about GMM was that it does function, albeit if IPs / Users change then it goes downhill


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Also running into the 2 account issue. Tried restarting/reinstalling a couple of times but no luck.


I'm a long time unRAID user but new to v6 & Dockers... this was my first attempt at running a docker.  Is there a way to rate or flag dockers as non-functional so they don't appear in the CA list?

Anyone has the ability to issue pull requests on this file: https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json for my review.  Or to drop me a PM about any non-functioning container. 


My limited understanding about GMM was that it does function, albeit if IPs / Users change then it goes downhill


Hey Squid... MAC address generation is causing invalid registration states.


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Also running into the 2 account issue. Tried restarting/reinstalling a couple of times but no luck.


I'm a long time unRAID user but new to v6 & Dockers... this was my first attempt at running a docker.  Is there a way to rate or flag dockers as non-functional so they don't appear in the CA list?

Anyone has the ability to issue pull requests on this file: https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json for my review.  Or to drop me a PM about any non-functioning container. 


My limited understanding about GMM was that it does function, albeit if IPs / Users change then it goes downhill


Hey Squid... MAC address generation is causing invalid registration states.

A week ago I did this which should cover everything Untitled_zpsst9jlds5.png
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Also running into the 2 account issue. Tried restarting/reinstalling a couple of times but no luck.


I'm a long time unRAID user but new to v6 & Dockers... this was my first attempt at running a docker.  Is there a way to rate or flag dockers as non-functional so they don't appear in the CA list?

Anyone has the ability to issue pull requests on this file: https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json for my review.  Or to drop me a PM about any non-functioning container. 


My limited understanding about GMM was that it does function, albeit if IPs / Users change then it goes downhill


The program functions correctly but each new restart of the docker causes a random mac address which takes up a license. Quickly reaches your limit with Google.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...

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