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UnRAID Manual 6 (Downloadable/Printable PDF)

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In fact, I see that you are using mediawiki. A quick search for "mediawiki + pdf" yielded the top result: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Pdf_Export


EDIT: I also see from the 4.7 link above that there is a "printable version" link http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Manual&printable=yes ... this won't give a ToC with clickable links, but if you're actually physically printing, I don't think that works with paper ;-)  It is limited however, in practical functionality, for pages that are "complete" otherwise you'd have to select each page you're interested, open the printable version, and then print it.


Yup. That's what I meant,  just to spend tiny amount of time finding proper tools to automate things.


Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me.  I know you guys are smarter than this.  Sure, it may take 10 seconds to google search "Media Wiki Automated PDF Conversion" or something like that, but do either of you really think it's just "click install and done"?  There are countless things to consider:


1 - Is this add-on official or 3rd party?

2 - Is it compatible with our version of Media Wiki?

3 - Will it break our integration with SMF?

4 - How cleanly does it output the content?

5 - If we use this add-on, will this limit our upgradeability in the future?

6 - How much downtime will it take to apply and test this add-on?

7 - Why are we even doing this when the wiki is fine for 99% of people?


And do you want us spending gobs of time figuring something like this out or adding features / fixing bugs in unRAID?  We have plans to reinvest in our website, wiki, and forums at some point in the not-too-distant future, but for now, these types of distractions are just not important enough for us to worry about.  10 years of selling the product without maintaining documentation in downloadable/printable form says so.  I appreciate what Frank did here, but beyond stickying the thread (which I will do), don't expect us to do anything else with this.  It's just a distraction from getting you guys better features and more frequent releases.

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In fact, I see that you are using mediawiki. A quick search for "mediawiki + pdf" yielded the top result: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Pdf_Export


EDIT: I also see from the 4.7 link above that there is a "printable version" link http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Manual&printable=yes ... this won't give a ToC with clickable links, but if you're actually physically printing, I don't think that works with paper ;-)  It is limited however, in practical functionality, for pages that are "complete" otherwise you'd have to select each page you're interested, open the printable version, and then print it.


Yup. That's what I meant,  just to spend tiny amount of time finding proper tools to automate things.


Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me.  I know you guys are smarter than this.  Sure, it may take 10 seconds to google search "Media Wiki Automated PDF Conversion" or something like that, but do either of you really think it's just "click install and done"?  There are countless things to consider:


1 - Is this add-on official or 3rd party?

2 - Is it compatible with our version of Media Wiki?

3 - Will it break our integration with SMF?

4 - How cleanly does it output the content?

5 - If we use this add-on, will this limit our upgradeability in the future?

6 - How much downtime will it take to apply and test this add-on?

7 - Why are we even doing this when the wiki is fine for 99% of people?


And do you want us spending gobs of time figuring something like this out or adding features / fixing bugs in unRAID?  We have plans to reinvest in our website, wiki, and forums at some point in the not-too-distant future, but for now, these types of distractions are just not important enough for us to worry about.  10 years of selling the product without maintaining documentation in downloadable/printable form says so.  I appreciate what Frank did here, but beyond stickying the thread (which I will do), don't expect us to do anything else with this.  It's just a distraction from getting you guys better features and more frequent releases.


Sorry man i wasn't trying to be that guy.


But yeah, its official and compatible. No answers on the rest of your question


I did point out the "printable version" link that people can use ;)


For the record, my preference is for development with well written inline help even above the wiki. But I know there are procedures best handled in a wiki.

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In fact, I see that you are using mediawiki. A quick search for "mediawiki + pdf" yielded the top result: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Pdf_Export


EDIT: I also see from the 4.7 link above that there is a "printable version" link http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Manual&printable=yes ... this won't give a ToC with clickable links, but if you're actually physically printing, I don't think that works with paper ;-)  It is limited however, in practical functionality, for pages that are "complete" otherwise you'd have to select each page you're interested, open the printable version, and then print it.


Yup. That's what I meant,  just to spend tiny amount of time finding proper tools to automate things.


Oh come on, you've got to be kidding me.  I know you guys are smarter than this.  Sure, it may take 10 seconds to google search "Media Wiki Automated PDF Conversion" or something like that, but do either of you really think it's just "click install and done"?  There are countless things to consider:


1 - Is this add-on official or 3rd party?

2 - Is it compatible with our version of Media Wiki?

3 - Will it break our integration with SMF?

4 - How cleanly does it output the content?

5 - If we use this add-on, will this limit our upgradeability in the future?

6 - How much downtime will it take to apply and test this add-on?

7 - Why are we even doing this when the wiki is fine for 99% of people?


And do you want us spending gobs of time figuring something like this out or adding features / fixing bugs in unRAID?  We have plans to reinvest in our website, wiki, and forums at some point in the not-too-distant future, but for now, these types of distractions are just not important enough for us to worry about.  10 years of selling the product without maintaining documentation in downloadable/printable form says so.  I appreciate what Frank did here, but beyond stickying the thread (which I will do), don't expect us to do anything else with this.  It's just a distraction from getting you guys better features and more frequent releases.


Sorry man i wasn't trying to be that guy.


But yeah, its official and compatible. No answers on the rest of your question


I did point out the "printable version" link that people can use ;)


For the record, my preference is for development with well written inline help even above the wiki. But I know there are procedures best handled in a wiki.


No need to apologize, I just read yours and Brit's post and had one of these moments:



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... Yet if we host it on the website, it implies its officially supported.  There will be an expectation that it will be maintained and when we update the wiki, users who stumble across the outdated PDF will probably be even more confused.


"... when we update the wiki ..."  ==>  :) :)    Does this imply that you intend to start keeping the wiki current !!??  If you go to the Wiki today you'll find the "Official Manual" along with a note that it is "... version 4.7 only "  :) :)



... Most users will probably be just fine using the wiki as opposed to a PDF ...


I agree ... but I also think that given a choice many would prefer a PDF manual that they can peruse at their leisure, whether or not they actually print it (most would NOT do that).


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... Yet if we host it on the website, it implies its officially supported.  There will be an expectation that it will be maintained and when we update the wiki, users who stumble across the outdated PDF will probably be even more confused.


"... when we update the wiki ..."  ==>  :) :)    Does this imply that you intend to start keeping the wiki current !!??  If you go to the Wiki today you'll find the "Official Manual" along with a note that it is "... version 4.7 only "  :) :)



... Most users will probably be just fine using the wiki as opposed to a PDF ...


I agree ... but I also think that given a choice many would prefer a PDF manual that they can peruse at their leisure, whether or not they actually print it (most would NOT do that).


I think this is one of those situations where everyone is right.  If you look at the WIKI page, you will see that it is entitled "UnRAID Manual 6".  As you read through it, you will quickly discover that 99% of the material covers only the installation, configuration, and configuration settings of unRAID.  So changes will not (really) be necessary until until the promised dual parity option comes out. 


And, even then, how many people will remain with the single parity option?  I certainly hope that the interface and configuration will not be changed dramatically for those folks who decide that dual parity does not really offer that that many advantages over the single parity option when the added cost and complexity are factored in.  (I am thinking primarily of those folks with less than eight to ten drives in their protected array.) 


In any case, the changes to the WIKI will probably be to only add another section/chapter or two to cover the setup and configuration.  Will the WIKI be updated instantly or after the dust settles?  Only time will tell.  If, and when, a major update occurs, it will only take a few hours of one of us to get a PDF version of that manual.  Then everyone can have and use what ever they want---  the on-line WIKI, the local PDF file for reference or a printed version that can be read and filed in a notebook.  I know that I will annotated my printed copy with notes that clarify and point to other sections and outside resources.  My current unRAID notebook is an 1-1/2" 'D' ring type and I may have to get a 2" before long!


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Whatever happens ... as an 'insignificant' here can I thank Frank for his efforts and say that I for one will find this extremely useful irrespective of where it eventually ends up (but, hey .. it should really be maintained alongside/ahead of the wiki as 'new' users expect at least this level of hand-holding these days and they are the future customer base). I still find things extremely difficult to cross reference even with the wiki so this comes in way ahead of that as, like others have said, it can be held alongside the installation.

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We will do that when the need is clearly demonstrated that folks can't survive without a PDF copy of the manual.  I don't really think this is an issue for the majority of folks, so until someone proves that it is, we won't sweat bullets on it.

What started all of this was an off the cuff remark by myself in another thread about how I was amazed that there wasn't a locally stored copy of the manual included with unraid nor even a link anywhere within unRaid to take you directly to the unRaid manual.


Personally, I really don't see the need for a PDF version of the manual when the wiki is available.  But I cannot fathom how you went to all the trouble of creating a decent manual for unRaid, and yet its buried within the wiki, and you make the users jump through hoops (or at least have to go to LT's web page, select support then documentation) when all you need is a simple modification to the help system to bring up a link (or include something in the tools tab that takes you directly to the link)


Direct links to documentation is the norm nowadays, not the exception

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi, I'm Brazilian and I already apologize for my English.

I'm interested in unraid just for games, currently I use three workstations using the aster program and for compatible games it works great, but has about 30% of games I tested do not work with this program.

my system

processor: ryzen 5 1600x

gpu: gtx 970 windforce

Motherboard: Asus rog strix b 350f

Memory: 20gb ddr4

In aster I do not have to split my hardware so the workstations when required didvidem my hardware.

How does it work in the unraid case?

I could put the 12 cores of my processor, the 20 gb of memory and my gtx 970 for the three workstations? and if I had to split how would it be with the video card I only have one?

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  • 4 months later...
On 12/28/2015 at 12:23 PM, jumperalex said:


I can't guess who's older but let me just say ...


BAH YOU YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPERS!!! I remember when I had nothing but the green glow of a moving turtle to keep me warm at night!!! You with your fancy shmancy color monitors!!!

I always preferred my nice warm Amber monitors over the harsh green ones myself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/27/2015 at 9:05 PM, thestewman said:

Frank1940 has made a PDF file of the LimeTech v6 Manual


He has generated a PDF file of the jonp documentation by copying it into MS Word and formatting it to look like a printed manual complete with a Table of Contents.  However it is larger than the 192KB limit (even after he zipped it) so he couldn't upload it to the forum as an attachment. 



Here is a link to Frank1940's PDF file that he has made available to Unraid users..

It is downloadable and if you care to all 69 pages are printable as a PDF file







Hey Guys, I jut noticed that the fist link is down

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  • 4 months later...
18 minutes ago, AinsWorth said:

I couldn't get the second link to work either. Please check. Thank you.

Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk

The second link did work on my WIN10 PC.  But it did open as a Google Doc in Chrome.  Playing around there I found that I could download the PDF by 'Printing' it.  I do not have a PDF helper installed for Chrome as I always want to get the PDF downloaded rather than it opening in Chrome.  (With nobody delivering printed manuals these days, I always want to have Documentation available for the stuff I buy!!!)   


Let me know by PM if you can't get it and we make arrangements. 

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  • 10 months later...

Fellow Forum Members,

The two dropbox links CarlosCo posted no longer work. I would be very grateful if someone in the community can post new Dropbox links containing PDF versions of UnRAID 6/Getting Started manual.  Or even better, can anybody in  the community please point me to a working link where I can download the PDF from right now?  Thank you for your time.

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Thanks Frank1940!  You are correct about it being an old version.  Why don't the UNRAID development team offer this important online documentation as a PDF? It would help tremendously because in my case I need to study the UnRaid instruction content during my lunch hour at work and I don't have access to a computer during my lunch hour. Honestly, for what they are charging us for the UnRaid software itself I think we are entitled to a portable version of the manual we can print out and carry around where ever so we  can study the content without being chained to computer screen.  Just my two cents.  :-)

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9 hours ago, binar said:

It would help tremendously because in my case I need to study the UnRaid instruction content during my lunch hour at work and I don't have access to a computer during my lunch hour.

You can actually do it yourself.  Open up the current Unraid manual using the link in the lower right hand corner of the GUI.  Then print it in PDF format from the browser.  (WIN10 has a 'Microsoft print to PDF' printer driver installed as a default.  I would assume that most other OS either have PDF driver installed or you can find a free one.)  FYI, I would print to PDF format first and then print it to paper as web browsers can really screw-up some HTML content when they print it out directly.  You can quickly see what you are going to get on paper from the PDF instead printing directly to paper to find what you thought was going to five page document turns in to thirty pages of mostly blank paper.


The way that I put it together  was to copy the manual (<control-C>) and pasted it into a Word Document in WIN7.  (I would use LibreOffice today.)  I changed the section headings format so that Word could built a table of contents.  I also added headers and footers with page numbers for appearances.  I probably had to do some work to get the figures properly sized and located in the text.  I printed the completed Word Document to the PDF format.  It is not a difficult job but it does take a lot of time.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...
On 3/17/2022 at 10:52 AM, BeersTeddy said:


Since pdf manual for UNRAID 6.9.2 doesn't seem to exists I created one myself - just because I like to read from real paper.


Simply printed all pages from https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual to single pdf files, then merged them all together with pdfsam (handy little app BTW)


VirustTotal Info


UNRAID 6.9.2 Manual 17.03.2022.pdf 5.52 MB · 58 downloads

Thanks for your work on this and posting the PDF.

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