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Thank you for your response, I thought I explained in more detail, but it was missing the third pic.

It is not going past a grey screen and i am not able to input any of my folders and see any of the contents.

i was hoping for help on the container volume and host path sections, if that's the problem.


My path to my data is root/mnt/user/ and I have tried many times and still can't get it to work. When I start emby server it shows only a gray screen


No I didn't hit update...gave up on emby & plex for now and went back to regular kodi seems it is much easier and i'll just muddle through till I can get proper support for these docker apps



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Thank you for your response, I thought I explained in more detail, but it was missing the third pic.

It is not going past a grey screen and i am not able to input any of my folders and see any of the contents.

i was hoping for help on the container volume and host path sections, if that's the problem.


My path to my data is root/mnt/user/ and I have tried many times and still can't get it to work. When I start emby server it shows only a gray screen


Try using /mnt instead of /mnt/user. You then set your data paths under library section of manage server in Emby. e.g. /mnt/user/Movies for Movies.

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I have a strange issue. When I'm in the manage section, under playback, then transcode. If i try to make any changes and click save. it says "Please fill in this field" but it's pointing to the top left of the screen. i don't see any section that isn't filled out. It won't save, if i move to a different tab and go back it forgets all of my inputs. Anyone else experiencing that? i've tried restarting emby to no avail. I'm on the latest version (3.0.5986.0)


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Is that using the iPad app? If it is I went though the same issue. I had to change it from my laptop (win 7). It might have been the other way round now I can't recall - it didn't work on one of my devices that's for sure lol.

Pretty certain it involved safari though  :)


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Is that using the iPad app? If it is I went though the same issue. I had to change it from my laptop (win 7). It might have been the other way round now I can't recall - it didn't work on one of my devices that's for sure lol.

Pretty certain it involved safari though  :)


No, this is on a Windows 7 laptop. i tried it in Firefox, Chrome and IE and all are doing the same thing.

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Just rechecked and yes you're right I couldn't get it to change in Win 7 on Firefox or IE.


I used the iPad app to make the changes. There are issues with the web ui loading in Safari on the iPad too which I know have been mentioned on the Emby forum.


I knew I'd experienced it in some combination, I was trying to change the transcoding directory when I came across it.

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Anyone know how to downgrade mono in the docker? I see I have 4.4.1 and now having issues playing videos. I know there have been reported problems with Emby and 4.4.1. I can connect to the docker and see my version but no idea how to downgrade.




Have you experienced any issues or are you just preparing for possible issues? I have upgraded to latest version and everything seems to be running just fine.

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Anyone know how to downgrade mono in the docker? I see I have 4.4.1 and now having issues playing videos. I know there have been reported problems with Emby and 4.4.1. I can connect to the docker and see my version but no idea how to downgrade.




Have you experienced any issues or are you just preparing for possible issues? I have upgraded to latest version and everything seems to be running just fine.


I'm running latest without any major issues as well.  The only thing I note is the Safari browser isn't matching titles with coverart correctly but I think this is a "known" bug?!

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Have been trying to get this to run now for over a month (on and off) but this has now gotten to me and it's either me or the machine  :)


I have gotten the webUI to come up, and I pointed it to the server, however I cannot get it to see any folders at all. the path should be something like '/mnt/user/movies' (since that is the actual path) but it won't accept it at all it tells me there was an error adding the media path please ensure the path is valid and the emby server process has access to it.


Don't have much hair left...lol



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Have been trying to get this to run now for over a month (on and off) but this has now gotten to me and it's either me or the machine  :)


I have gotten the webUI to come up, and I pointed it to the server, however I cannot get it to see any folders at all. the path should be something like '/mnt/user/movies' (since that is the actual path) but it won't accept it at all it tells me there was an error adding the media path please ensure the path is valid and the emby server process has access to it.


Don't have much hair left...lol




You haven't provided me with enough detail to be sure BUT it sounds to me like youre misunderstanding how docker works.


This is how mine is setup - works a treat:


/config          /mnt/cache/appdata/emby/

/mnt            /mnt/user/media/


The docker path config ice pube has provided is almost typical. However I would make one minor amendment:


/config          /mnt/cache/appdata/emby/
/movies        /mnt/user/media/movies
/tv               /mnt/user/media/tv


If you mirror this then the path you enter into Emby for mapping your directory is NOT /mnt/user/media/tv or /mnt/user/media/movies it is just /moves and /tv.


If you want, think of them like shortcuts or symlinks! :)


I hope this makes it clearer for you! Emby is awesome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is the best place to put this, it looks like Emby now has a newer public release 3.0.6070 than what I am running in this docker (mine reports Version 3.0.5972.0).  Any chance of getting an update of this docker to the latest public release of Emby?


I have been running this container for months now and it rocks!  Please keep up the good work. Thanks.

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Not sure if this is the best place to put this, it looks like Emby now has a newer public release 3.0.6070 than what I am running in this docker (mine reports Version 3.0.5972.0).  Any chance of getting an update of this docker to the latest public release of Emby?


I have been running this container for months now and it rocks!  Please keep up the good work. Thanks.


Essentially I think this container is always going to be behind somewhat as Emby have a VERY regular release schedule.


As containers go, I feel it gets maintained and updated very well.


I keep an eye on this link:




As long as there isn't something that critical in there (with respect to a recent release) - which I don't think there is (for me at least) at this time, I don't worry about it.

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? I am on the latest public release 3.0.6070. It takes a couple of hours to get the docker to get updated but its up to date. If you are not on the latest beta/rc of unraid, manually run an update on the docker or delete it and reinstall it. It will keep your settings and will download the latest version.

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Thanks, mgworek!  That did the trick.


I have been super happy with this docker (and Emby), normally the regular updates don't really impact me much but I noticed a few points about library updates changes that I was hoping to see a few weeks ago.


The way I forced the update was to "edit" the docker, keep all the settings as is and click "Save". It pulled down the latest and was up and running right away.  Now I am running Version 3.0.6200.0 (even newer than when I posted this question the other day).


Thanks again everyone!

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once the current unraid rc is released, you won't have the updating problem but you could also put this in your go file. "echo "0 2 * * * docker exec Emby-Server update" | sudo tee -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root". Change the times to whatever you want but that updated the docker every night for me when I was running the Emby betas. Or you can just run 'docker exec Emby-Server update" from the cli and it will update it.



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I had an email last night saying there was an update for this docker so applied it. I can't get any videos or music to play.


I've tried rebooting the server as well as restarting the emby server.


Anyone know if I can roll back to a previous version easily. I have backup/restore installed but don't particularly want to restore all my dockers as for some reason emby isn't in the list of apps.

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I had an email last night saying there was an update for this docker so applied it. I can't get any videos or music to play.


I've tried rebooting the server as well as restarting the emby server.


Anyone know if I can roll back to a previous version easily. I have backup/restore installed but don't particularly want to restore all my dockers as for some reason emby isn't in the list of apps.


I've just updated my container remotely and played a video fine. Tried Kodi too. Played fine.


I need more. What is in your server logs??



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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