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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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7 hours ago, strike said:

Be sure to not use any special characters in your username/password, use only 0-9,a-z,A-Z  

My login name for SurfShark is my email address so obv. an @ in the username. Also, when I download the .ovpn a username and password is generated that does not contain any special or illegal characters, so not sure what else to try. 

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4 minutes ago, ProAm500 said:

My login name for SurfShark is my email address so obv. an @ in the username. Also, when I download the .ovpn a username and password is generated that does not contain any special or illegal characters, so not sure what else to try. 

Spoke to soon. After clicking the generation link a bunch of times, I was able to get logged in. 

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It has been a while since I have had time to post about my WebUI issues but I really want to get things working again so I thought I would lay them out again and see if anyone has any ideas.  For the past 6mons or so I am unable to get DelugeVPN WebUI to open with VPN enabled.  I'm using PIA with the proper port forwarding site.  I have looked at my log (which is attached BTW) and it connects with no issues and states that the WebUI has started both with and without VPN Enabled.  I had this working for over a year prior to this, and I can't pinpoint what changed that made it stopped.  Thanks in advance for anyone who has time to take a look!



Edited by zyurph
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I'm having trouble getting deluge to upload. I'm using PIA with Sweden (tried with german too) endpoint and download works great. No matter what I seem to do it will not upload however. Is there something I need to add?


If I understand correctly, I don't need to open any ports?

Edited by Andreen
Read up on it some more
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7 hours ago, zyurph said:

It has been a while since I have had time to post about my WebUI issues but I really want to get things working again so I thought I would lay them out again and see if anyone has any ideas.  For the past 6mons or so I am unable to get DelugeVPN WebUI to open with VPN enabled.  I'm using PIA with the proper port forwarding site.  I have looked at my log (which is attached BTW) and it connects with no issues and states that the WebUI has started both with and without VPN Enabled.  I had this working for over a year prior to this, and I can't pinpoint what changed that made it stopped.  Thanks in advance for anyone who has time to take a look!



Can't see anything wrong in your log. What network type do you have in the container template? And what address do you use when you're trying to connect to the webui?

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3 hours ago, Andreen said:

I'm having trouble getting deluge to upload. I'm using PIA with Sweden (tried with german too) endpoint and download works great. No matter what I seem to do it will not upload however. Is there something I need to add?


If I understand correctly, I don't need to open any ports?

You do need an open incoming port, but if you're using PIA this container does the port forwarding for you automatically. All you have to do is enable strict port forward in the container template and connect to a supported endpoint. Have you confirmed that you get an incoming port? Check the log. Also if you're on a private tracker make sure to disable peer exchange and dht in the deluge settings.

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1 hour ago, strike said:

Can't see anything wrong in your log. What network type do you have in the container template? And what address do you use when you're trying to connect to the webui?

Thanks for the reply strike, my network type is "Custom : br0" and I'm using to connect to the WebUI.

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@binhex - I am trying to run your container in docker swarm as a service instead of a docker container via docker compose. I understand that your container asks for the "NET_ADMIN" cap to be added on docker-compose files. But as far as I know docker swarm/stack files doesn't support capabilities? Can I run your container without that cap_add parameter as a docker service?

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9 minutes ago, zyurph said:

my network type is "Custom : br0

This is your issue. This container doesn't officially support customs networks, you need to switch to bridge or host. Which also means you have to switch any other containers who connects to deluge to bridge or host. I'm one of the few who have customs network working in this container but I don't know why it works for me and not for most people. The only advice I have is to try to set the the "Privileged" flag to ON in the container template then try again, if that doesn't work you'll have to switch to bridge/host.

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2 minutes ago, strike said:

This is your issue. This container doesn't officially support customs networks, you need to switch to bridge or host. Which also means you have to switch any other containers who connects to deluge to bridge or host. I'm one of the few who have customs network working in this container but I don't know why it works for me and not for most people. The only advice I have is to try to set the the "Privileged" flag to ON in the container template then try again, if that doesn't work you'll have to switch to bridge/host.

Thanks that fixed it.  I had been running a custom network for a good while without issue.  some update either in deluge or UNRAID must have broken it.  

Thanks again!

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14 hours ago, strike said:

You do need an open incoming port, but if you're using PIA this container does the port forwarding for you automatically. All you have to do is enable strict port forward in the container template and connect to a supported endpoint. Have you confirmed that you get an incoming port? Check the log. Also if you're on a private tracker make sure to disable peer exchange and dht in the deluge settings.

I'm a bit confused, I do use PIA. At first you say I need an open incoming port, then you say all I need to do is enable strict port forward in the container. So if I use PIA, I do not need an open incoming port, correct?


I get an incoming port in the container logs, yes. And that's the port I'm using for incoming in Deluge. The problem seems to be outgoing.

DHT is off. I can't find peer exchange in the settings but I turned all off so should be off.


I now do get a very small upload but it maxes out at like 100kb/s very rarely, which is abysmal. Down I get 20+MBit/s without issues.

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4 hours ago, Andreen said:

I'm a bit confused, I do use PIA. At first you say I need an open incoming port, then you say all I need to do is enable strict port forward in the container. So if I use PIA, I do not need an open incoming port, correct?


I get an incoming port in the container logs, yes. And that's the port I'm using for incoming in Deluge. The problem seems to be outgoing.

DHT is off. I can't find peer exchange in the settings but I turned all off so should be off.


I now do get a very small upload but it maxes out at like 100kb/s very rarely, which is abysmal. Down I get 20+MBit/s without issues.

Re-fraising a bit. Yes, you do need an incoming port, but since you're using PIA you don't have to worry about that, this container does it for you. All you need to do is the 2 things I mentioned. 1. Make sure you have strict port forwarding enabled and 2. connect to a supported endpoint. But you said you confirmed that you got an incoming port in the logs, so that should all be ok.


The reason an open incoming port is important is that if you don't have that, nobody can connect to you and thus you can't upload anything. But your issue seems to be something else since you do have an open incoming port. Have you checked your private tracker? What does it say? The site may have an indication if your "connectable" or not. 


How do you add you torrents do deluge?

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2 hours ago, strike said:

Re-fraising a bit. Yes, you do need an incoming port, but since you're using PIA you don't have to worry about that, this container does it for you. All you need to do is the 2 things I mentioned. 1. Make sure you have strict port forwarding enabled and 2. connect to a supported endpoint. But you said you confirmed that you got an incoming port in the logs, so that should all be ok. 


The reason an open incoming port is important is that if you don't have that, nobody can connect to you and thus you can't upload anything. But your issue seems to be something else since you do have an open incoming port. Have you checked your private tracker? What does it say? The site may have an indication if your "connectable" or not.  


How do you add you torrents do deluge?


I'm sorry to have wasted your time but I actually believe all is working well now. I've gotten stuff to seed now and I believe my issue was not seeding popular enough stuff... Sorry but thanks!

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On 3/17/2019 at 3:11 PM, emteedubs said:

@binhex - I am trying to run your container in docker swarm as a service instead of a docker container via docker compose. I understand that your container asks for the "NET_ADMIN" cap to be added on docker-compose files. But as far as I know docker swarm/stack files doesn't support capabilities? Can I run your container without that cap_add parameter as a docker service?

you can use net_admin in docker compose, go here and do a find for net_admin using your browser:-


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On 3/16/2019 at 9:00 PM, mcrommert said:

Now i have seen files where on recheck 40% of the file is missing.  Obviously others are not having this issue and i feel like i'm missing something simple.  Could this be a vpn issue?

i would suspect the 'stablebit drivepool volume' is the cause of your problems, the VPN will not cause this no, torrent clients and the torrent protocol is very clever in that hash checking is done throughly so i would trust deluge that your data is becoming corrupt in some manner when moved over to your SMB share.


edit - simple proof of this is dont move it over and instead once complete then force a re-check, it should come back as complete, then move it and then re-add it back in (which will of course force a re-check), if the re-check comes back with lots of incomplete's then you know the issue is with stablebit

Edited by binhex
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I just migrated my DelugeVPN folder from cache to an Unassigned Device. I got the existing files to seed, but I can't download to the new UD drive (I get an Error with 0 data downloading). Here's my volume mapping and preferences - something I'm missing?

deluge preferences.png

deluge UD path.png

deluge volume mappings.png

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

@BBLV neither /incomplete or /Completed exist as volume mappings inside the container, change those to be /data/Incomplete and /data/Completed and you will be set.

Glad it was something so simple. Every time I hit a snag I learn something new!

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18 minutes ago, trurl said:

Understanding volume mapping will go a long way toward avoiding those snags in the first place. See the Docker FAQ.




Thanks for the link. I read that entire thread three times last night as I was troubleshooting Krusader and Unassigned Devices and was still a little lost. I've never delt with Linux prior to unRAID, but learning quickly. It took some trial and error to understand volume mapping and I think I finally have it down.

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If you add new volume mappings to the docker container for /Completed and /Incomplete, then you can point them, individually, to anywhere accessible from your server, giving you total flexibility.


My volume mappings:



'LeechTorrents' are those currently downloading.  On completion, deluge automatically moves them to 'Torrents'. I then do some manual processing to extract the files I need after which I manually move the torrents to 'ReadyTorrents' from within deluge.

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