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[Support] binhex - SABnzbd

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Hi all,


I just updated my sabnzbd container and it does not seem to be working any more. Here is the log,

any help is appreciated.


2017-05-24 21:06:20,185 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,185::INFO::[SABnzbd:1275] SSL supported protocols ['TLS v1.2', 'TLS v1.1', 'TLS v1']

2017-05-24 21:06:20,189 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,188::INFO::[SABnzbd:1386] Starting web-interface on

2017-05-24 21:06:20,189 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,189::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STARTING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,193 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,192::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.

2017-05-24 21:06:20,357 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,357::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Serving on

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,358::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Error in 'start' listener <bound method Server.start of <cherrypy._cpserver.Server object at 0x2b1999457950>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 207, in publish
output.append(listener(*args, **kwargs))
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpserver.py", line 167, in start
self.httpserver, self.bind_addr = self.httpserver_from_self()
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpserver.py", line 158, in httpserver_from_self
httpserver = _cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(self)
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/_cpwsgi_server.py", line 64, in __init__
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 56, in __init__
self.context.load_cert_chain(certificate, private_key)
SSLError: [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,359::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 245, in start
File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 225, in publish
raise exc
ChannelFailures: SSLError(336245134, u'[SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)')

2017-05-24 21:06:20,359 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,359::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STOPPING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 8080)) shut down

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE HTTP Server None already shut down

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.

2017-05-24 21:06:20,361 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus STOPPED

2017-05-24 21:06:20,362 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,361::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus EXITING

2017-05-24 21:06:20,362 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 21:06:20,362::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:21:06:20] ENGINE Bus EXITED

2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 47147513872536 for <Subprocess at 47147433790064 with name sabnzbd in state STARTING> (stdout)>
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 47147513480472 for <Subprocess at 47147433790064 with name sabnzbd in state STARTING> (stderr)>
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 INFO exited: sabnzbd (exit status 70; not expected)
2017-05-24 21:06:20,364 DEBG received SIGCLD indicating a child quit
2017-05-24 21:06:21,365 INFO gave up: sabnzbd entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly

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Funnily enough, I've just upgraded too, and also having issues getting it working again.

Slightly different errors from yours mind you - mine appears to start fine, but when I log in I get;


 [24/May/2017:22:32:04] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error

If I go into config, it's set to listen on port 8080 - even though it's actually on port 8085 - changing this back to 8085 doesn't fix it either. Also tried unticking https (as I don't use it), but this a) didn't change anything, and b) didn't seem to save the setting anyway.


If I look at the logs, it's the same errors as above - no other errors, but various references to starting up the server on port 8090


On my config page (winthin SabNZB), it states the parameters are

/opt/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py --config-file /config --server --https 8090


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I too updated the sabnzbd container today and now i cannot access it. Appears to be same as WonkoTheSane.


2017-05-24 19:40:34,503 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 19:40:34,503::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:19:40:34] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 245, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 225, in publish
    raise exc
ChannelFailures: SSLError(336245134, u'[SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)')



Edit: FIXED!

Stop sabnzbd, remove server.key and server.cert from the /sabnzbd/config/admin folder, then start back up sabnzbd.

Edited by spencers
  • Upvote 2
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Same issue, I did remove the cert and key file then started.  I get this error in sab:


2017-05-25 22:13:27,022::INFO::[SABnzbd:1167] --------------------------------
2017-05-25 22:13:27,022::INFO::[SABnzbd:1168] SABnzbd.py-2.0.1 (rev=<HASH>29248ee603e6bf1)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,022::INFO::[SABnzbd:1169] Full executable path = /opt/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py
2017-05-25 22:13:27,023::INFO::[SABnzbd:1181] Platform = posix
2017-05-25 22:13:27,023::INFO::[SABnzbd:1182] Python-version = 2.7.13 (default, Feb 11 2017, 12:22:40) 
[GCC 6.3.1 20170109]
2017-05-25 22:13:27,023::INFO::[SABnzbd:1183] Arguments = /opt/sabnzbd/SABnzbd.py --config-file /config --server --https 8090
2017-05-25 22:13:27,023::INFO::[SABnzbd:1188] Preferred encoding = UTF-8
2017-05-25 22:13:27,023::INFO::[SABnzbd:1229] Read INI file /config/sabnzbd.ini
2017-05-25 22:13:27,025::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for rss_data.sab from /config/admin/rss_data.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,025::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for totals10.sab from /config/admin/totals10.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,026::INFO::[postproc:95] Loading postproc queue
2017-05-25 22:13:27,026::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for postproc2.sab from /config/admin/postproc2.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,026::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for queue10.sab from /config/admin/queue10.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,027::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for watched_data2.sab from /config/admin/watched_data2.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,028::INFO::[__init__:995] Loading data for Rating.sab from /config/admin/Rating.sab
2017-05-25 22:13:27,248::INFO::[scheduler:197] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2017-05-25 22:13:27,248::INFO::[downloader:328] Speed limit set to 2097152.0 B/s
2017-05-25 22:13:27,249::INFO::[__init__:351] All processes started
2017-05-25 22:13:27,249::INFO::[SABnzbd:283] Web dir is /opt/sabnzbd/interfaces/Plush
2017-05-25 22:13:27,249::INFO::[SABnzbd:283] Web dir is /opt/sabnzbd/interfaces/Config
2017-05-25 22:13:27,285::INFO::[SABnzbd:407] SABYenc module (v3.0.2)... found!
2017-05-25 22:13:27,285::INFO::[SABnzbd:424] Cryptography module (v1.8.1)... found!
2017-05-25 22:13:27,285::INFO::[SABnzbd:429] par2 binary... found (/usr/sbin/par2)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,285::INFO::[SABnzbd:434] par2cmdline binary... found (/usr/sbin/par2)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,286::INFO::[SABnzbd:437] UNRAR binary... found (/usr/sbin/unrar)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,286::INFO::[SABnzbd:450] unzip binary... found (/usr/sbin/unzip)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,286::INFO::[SABnzbd:455] 7za binary... found (/usr/sbin/7za)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,286::INFO::[SABnzbd:461] nice binary... found (/usr/sbin/nice)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,286::INFO::[SABnzbd:465] ionice binary... found (/usr/sbin/ionice)
2017-05-25 22:13:27,287::INFO::[SABnzbd:1274] SSL version OpenSSL 1.1.0e  16 Feb 2017
2017-05-25 22:13:27,287::INFO::[SABnzbd:1275] SSL supported protocols ['TLS v1.2', 'TLS v1.1', 'TLS v1']
2017-05-25 22:13:27,290::INFO::[SABnzbd:1386] Starting web-interface on
2017-05-25 22:13:27,290::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2017-05-25 22:13:27,293::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2017-05-25 22:13:27,462::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Serving on
2017-05-25 22:13:27,567::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Serving on
2017-05-25 22:13:27,568::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2017-05-25 22:13:27,568::INFO::[zconfig:64] No Bonjour/ZeroConfig support installed
2017-05-25 22:13:27,569::INFO::[SABnzbd:1424] Starting SABnzbd.py-2.0.1
2017-05-25 22:13:27,578::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [25/May/2017:22:13:27] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error


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10 hours ago, tkenn1s said:

BTW; as a temporary workaround, you can get sabnzbd running again by manually editing sabnzbd/config/admin/sabnzbd.ini and disabling HTTPS. Look for the line containing "enable_https" and change the value from '0' to '1'.


I tried this as well before deleting the .key and .cert files but every time I started sabnzbd back up again, HTTPS would be enabled in the GUI. Perhaps the combination of disabling HHTPS in the .ini file fixed it for me instead of just deleting the files alone.

Edited by spencers
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Getting the same problems - tried both methods to fix but no luck.


26/05/2017 17:13 [26/May/2017:17:13:07] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error


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1 minute ago, Hitcher said:

Getting the same problems - tried both methods to fix but no luck.


26/05/2017 17:13 [26/May/2017:17:13:07] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error



my sig FAQ details in there.

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On 5/24/2017 at 8:42 PM, spencers said:

I too updated the sabnzbd container today and now i cannot access it. Appears to be same as WonkoTheSane.


2017-05-24 19:40:34,503 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 19:40:34,503::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:19:40:34] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 245, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 225, in publish
    raise exc
ChannelFailures: SSLError(336245134, u'[SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)')



Edit: FIXED!

Stop sabnzbd, remove server.key and server.cert from the /sabnzbd/config/admin folder, then start back up sabnzbd.


Got the error.

Applied this fix.

SAB starts and runs.

I'm getting this error also:


4 hours ago, Hitcher said:

Getting the same problems - tried both methods to fix but no luck.


26/05/2017 17:13 [26/May/2017:17:13:07] ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2024, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.py", line 2091, in tick
    s, ssl_env = self.ssl_adapter.wrap(s)
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/wsgiserver/ssl_builtin.py", line 67, in wrap
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 363, in wrap_socket
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 611, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/ssl.py", line 840, in do_handshake
error: [Errno 0] Error


However, SAB is running and remains running.


I'm not set up to use HTTPS, so that may be the reason.

4 hours ago, binhex said:


my sig FAQ details in there.

General Docker FAQ : I don't see anything relevant, you'll have to point for us slower folk.

unRAID Docker FAQ :

Sorry, there is a problem

You do not have permission to view this content.

Error code: 2F173/H


I get that the FAQs are there to save you time, I fully understand and accept that. But for me, at least, you'll have to provide a bigger hint.

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Since this issue was known at least 15 days ago, why push it out in your Docker? How can I revert back to older version that worked?

Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk

The issue wasn't known about prior to the build, and as you can see by posts in this thread can be simply fixed, see my Sig FAQ for details on how to fix it or revert back.

Sent from my LG-V500 using Tapatalk

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12 hours ago, FreeMan said:

get that the FAQs are there to save you time, I fully understand and accept that. But for me, at least, you'll have to provide a bigger hint.

Note:- There is currently a bug in SABnzbd where it still shows an error message on the web ui, this is completely harmless and can be dismissed, if you wish to help get this bug removed then please post about it here:- https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/853

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5 hours ago, binhex said:

Note:- There is currently a bug in SABnzbd where it still shows an error message on the web ui, this is completely harmless and can be dismissed, if you wish to help get this bug removed then please post about it here:- https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/853


Thanks for the hint! I can ignore a spurious error message.


I appreciate all your work in making these available and in supporting them!

  • Upvote 1
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On 5/24/2017 at 8:42 PM, spencers said:

I too updated the sabnzbd container today and now i cannot access it. Appears to be same as WonkoTheSane.


2017-05-24 19:40:34,503 DEBG 'sabnzbd' stderr output:
2017-05-24 19:40:34,503::ERROR::[_cplogging:219] [24/May/2017:19:40:34] ENGINE Shutting down due to error in start listener:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 245, in start
  File "/opt/sabnzbd/cherrypy/process/wspbus.py", line 225, in publish
    raise exc
ChannelFailures: SSLError(336245134, u'[SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:2699)')



Edit: FIXED!

Stop sabnzbd, remove server.key and server.cert from the /sabnzbd/config/admin folder, then start back up sabnzbd.

fixed my instance as well. thank you!


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Hello forum..  is anyone else getting this error when launching the SABnzbd GUI? 



400 Bad Request

Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 635, in respond
  File "/usr/share/sabnzbdplus/cherrypy/_cprequest.py", line 737, in process_headers
    raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, msg)
HTTPError: (400, 'Illegal cookie name ys-api/mpegts/network')

Powered by CherryPy 8.1.2 
Edited by cpthook
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