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[Support] binhex - SABnzbd

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10 hours ago, Ortoch said:

Second seperate issue so I made a second post but I have been unable to see speeds above 30MB/s with this docker and my old Freenas setup with sabnzbd (not your version just a standalone app on a ubuntu 16 server) was almost always between 80-90MB/s. Is there any reason for that? 

check the number of connections to the usenet server, im assuming we are comparing apples with apples here and its the same usenet provider, right?

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5 hours ago, binhex said:

check the number of connections to the usenet server, im assuming we are comparing apples with apples here and its the same usenet provider, right?

So I'm still loading all my data back onto the nas after the rebuild and when I was running tests to see speed I was pausing my SMB transfers for like 10-20 seconds trying to test speed and I think that may have been the issue. Today I finished a drive pool and between when I disconnected it and connected the next set of drives to transfer onto the nas I saw a steady transfer over 60MB/s so I think its just the pipe between the NAS and my PC is pretty full and once I finish all the inbound traffic from my drive pools the speed will be back to what I used to have. I'll post back here if not but I think I was just jumping the gun and not testing thoroughly enough.

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6 hours ago, binhex said:

yep you def do have permissions issues, note the directory listing shows user 'root' group 'root' is the owner:-




whereas the container is configured to use PUID value of 99, which equates to user 'nobody' and PGID of 100, which equates to a group name of 'users'.


so to fix this stop the container, then delete the file /config/perms.txt and then start the container, this will reset permissions for this container only to the correct values.

stopped container, deleted the /config/perms.txt file, restarted container, same error and same PUID/PGID


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Googled around a bit looks like root/root is 0/0 for PUID/PGID so I deleted perms.txt with the container running, changed the two lines on the config from 99/100 to 0/0, restarted the container and now no error. Did I just get lucky or should I be scared that it appears to work now :D ?


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I recently did a server rebuild, and I'm trying to re-deploy the sabnzbdvpn container, however it appears to hang during the VPN setup. According to logs output, it is always hanging here:



2019-11-08 16:12:38,866 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[info] Application does not require external IP address, skipping external IP address detection


There is no activity after that, no matter how long I wait. I'm passing VPN_PROV=pia and VPN_REMOTE=swiss.privateinternetaccess.com along with the standard set of env vars. 

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On 11/8/2019 at 4:19 PM, turboturtle said:

There is no activity after that, no matter how long I wait.


I was able to exec into the container and manually start sabnzbd without issue. I also confirmed the VPN is properly functioning as exec'ing a curl against whatismyip.akamai.com shows the expected VPN address.


So it seems that, for one reason or another, nothing is launching sabnzbd when the container starts, even though the VPN setup is successful.

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  • 3 months later...

I configured my SABnzbd docker yesterday in unraid 6.8.1. And put a test download on it.

Previously, I have had a Win10 VM running SABnzb client, and I have been getting very high throughput (10-11 MBps on a 100/40 Mbps fibre link).

In docker, it usually goes upto 6.5 MBps and rarely ever touched 9-10 MBps.


I have paused the downloads in docker to run downloads through VM, so we know its not connection bottleneck. And I noticed once again VM is able to touch 10-11 MBps.


What could be the reason ? Should I increase any assigned resources for the docker ? Sorry docker noob here.


EDIT My download folder is setup on the SSD cache disk.


I dont have any bandwidth throttling set in docker. See screenshots below.

Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 3.39.46 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 3.40.23 pm.png

Edited by Babar
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  • 4 weeks later...

I hope someone can help a general question that has arisen initially with this docker app but might help me with others!


I was just about to install this one but the docker template seems not to match the github/dockerhub usage instructions

Specifically the template only has a single volume map (container: \data which defaults to host: \mnt\user\appdata\data) with the "show more settings' also having the standard container: /config to host: /mnt/user/binhex-sabnzbd mapping


Looking on github/dockerhub, the usage instructions indicate 3 mappings:

1. -v <path for media files>:/media \

2. -v <path for config files>:/config \

3. -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \


I understand 2 and 3, one is fixed, the other hidden in 'show more settings'.. 

However, 1 is a bit odd, /media sounds sensible, but why is the template asking for a /data and defaulting to /appdata/data?


[edit] so a bit more digging and I've found the "docker-templates" repo on github for these so I can see the template from source does not match the usage instructions (not sure if it should/shouldn't, it may be my ignorance)..


One thing that springs to mind, when I've edited a few installs, I've found the 'my-[docker]' tempalte files in /flash and there is a nice <config> tag that allows you to have a <description> field per item, something I've done to a couple of dockers to help me if ever editing/reinstalling.


I know it's very cheeky to ask, but I'd absolutely love it if authors detailed things using that method in their docker templates to help us OCD people who don't want to mess things up :)






Edited by Snubbers
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7 hours ago, Snubbers said:

[edit] so a bit more digging and I've found the "docker-templates" repo on github for these so I can see the template from source does not match the usage instructions (not sure if it should/shouldn't, it may be my ignorance)..

you are quite right they do not match, and yes they should do, just to be clear, here is what each volume mount does roughly (depends on app):-


/config = location for the applications configuration/metadata/databases

/data = location to store incomplete/completed downloads or other application generated data file.

/media = location for existing media, this one is optional and rarely used for this container, but is meant to be used as a means of post processing, generally done using a script.


as /media is optional i have removed this from the readme and replaced it with /data, which is not optional, so this now matches the template..


8 hours ago, Snubbers said:

I know it's very cheeky to ask, but I'd absolutely love it if authors detailed things using that method in their docker templates to help us OCD people who don't want to mess things up

i would like to do this, but its a real time drain, as each template would need specific text, and i currently have 40+ templates to do, so this is no small undertaking, i will add it to my list but dont expect it any time soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a space issue going on that I keep getting error for.  It first started right after I got my new unraid system set up and through online reading I figured out I installed it to the wrong location.  In response I ended up making a download share which has plenty of space and now I am pretty sure I have everything configured right.


But after a week or so of downloads it has crept up again.  Sab says I have plenty of space as does the unraid main dashboard (around 19TB).


Sab error:



Docker settings:




Any guidance here would be super helpful.

Thank you in advance, and sorry I am very new at all of this.


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10 hours ago, sgpigeon said:

I have a space issue going on that I keep getting error for.  It first started right after I got my new unraid system set up and through online reading I figured out I installed it to the wrong location.  In response I ended up making a download share which has plenty of space and now I am pretty sure I have everything configured right.


But after a week or so of downloads it has crept up again.  Sab says I have plenty of space as does the unraid main dashboard (around 19TB).


Sab error:



Docker settings:




Any guidance here would be super helpful.

Thank you in advance, and sorry I am very new at all of this.


how much space do you have for the share 'Downloads' on unraid?, open unraid web ui go to shares and check the FREE column for the share.

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4 hours ago, binhex said:

how much space do you have for the share 'Downloads' on unraid?, open unraid web ui go to shares and check the FREE column for the share.

binhex thanks for helping out! 

As far as I can tell I have tons of free space.

I essentially set each of my shares over most of my drives:



Thanks again!

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5 hours ago, sgpigeon said:

binhex thanks for helping out! 

As far as I can tell I have tons of free space.

I essentially set each of my shares over most of my drives:



Thanks again!

your Downloads share is set to cache 'yes' thus it will be saving files to your cache drive before the mover moves the files to the array (every 24 hours), thus i would suspect your cache drive is probably full.

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18 hours ago, binhex said:

your Downloads share is set to cache 'yes' thus it will be saving files to your cache drive before the mover moves the files to the array (every 24 hours), thus i would suspect your cache drive is probably full.

That was it! Thanks so much for your help!

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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, Cpt. Chaz said:

i saw somewhere where folks were saying they downloaded to ram instead of disk. i tried adding a container path to /tmp and set it as the temporary download location, and it threw up all kinds of errors in the gui. has anybody here had success with this?

Unless you've got an insanely huge amount of RAM in the server, I wouldn't be downloading to RAM.  You basically need twice the amount of free memory as the largest possible download.

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36 minutes ago, Squid said:

Unless you've got an insanely huge amount of RAM in the server, I wouldn't be downloading to RAM.  You basically need twice the amount of free memory as the largest possible download.

I’ve got a decent amount, yeah. Enough that I think it would be worth trying. If it doesn’t work, I’ll revert back

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Hello folks... docker question.


I have sab running flawlessly.. it's fast and doing everything it should... except...


No matter what I seem to do with my config, I can't get docker to launch on anything other than 8080.  What am I missing?


I can configure docker to say... 8800... restart the docker container and it (the actual sab ui) is back to 8080.


Host port 1:  8800, container port 8800

Host port 2: 8900, container port 8900


Launch it.. app is on 8080.  Change the config in sab to 8800, restart sab.. and it's on 8800.


Restart the container.. host port 1 and 2 still show 8800/8900, but the app is back running on 8080.


What am I missing?


Thank you :)

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Theres no need to change the port it listens to inside the app, nor to ever change the container port on the template.   All you need to do is change the host port to whatever you want.


All this assumes the network mode is bridge.   If you've set the template to be on it's own IP address or are running in host then the port will always be whatever the app itself dictates and all port mappings are ignored as they make no sense in that circumstance

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  • 3 weeks later...

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