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[Support] binhex - Sonarr

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Hey Friends,


Been running Unraid fine for a few months now with Sonarr/Radarr etc....the basics will you. 


Went to go add a new show to my Sonarr today and I can't seem to access the WebUI....I have tried restarting the docker, stopping other dockers, reinstalling the docker, as well as rebooting the server.  All to no avail.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: I should add all other dockers seem to be working fine.




Edited by WhatPlantsCrave
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45 minutes ago, WhatPlantsCrave said:

Hey Friends,


Been running Unraid fine for a few months now with Sonarr/Radarr etc....the basics will you. 


Went to go add a new show to my Sonarr today and I can't seem to access the WebUI....I have tried restarting the docker, stopping other dockers, reinstalling the docker, as well as rebooting the server.  All to no avail.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: I should add all other dockers seem to be working fine.






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3 hours ago, WhatPlantsCrave said:

Hope you have a backup :)
[v2.0.0.5322] NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.CorruptDatabaseException: Database file: /config/nzbdrone.db is corrupt, restore from backup if available. See: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/FAQ#i-am-getting-an-error-database-disk-image-is-malformed ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: database disk image is malformed database disk image is malformed

This is from your log ^^

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1 hour ago, ProZac said:

Hope you have a backup :)
[v2.0.0.5322] NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.CorruptDatabaseException: Database file: /config/nzbdrone.db is corrupt, restore from backup if available. See: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/FAQ#i-am-getting-an-error-database-disk-image-is-malformed ---> System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: database disk image is malformed database disk image is malformed

This is from your log ^^

Don't think I do :/  Mostly just followed spaceinvader's guides when getting setup and I don't think that covered a back up.  What exactly should I be backing up in the future?


Edit:  Also pardon me for being a bit new to this side of computing....I am not really sure after reading through that guide how I would execute that in an Unraid platform?  Sorry mostly windows based user prior to this server build.


Second Edit:  It looks like Sonarr was potentially backing itself up?  Within the appdata it has a Backups -> scheduled folder with 4 backups in it between now and 05/15


Ok Final Edit: Removing the old Database and replacing with a backup worked.  TY for the help everyone :)

Edited by WhatPlantsCrave
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12 hours ago, WhatPlantsCrave said:

Ok Final Edit: Removing the old Database and replacing with a backup worked.  TY for the help everyone :)

Great that your backup worked :) There have been some issues for various people with sqlite database corruption since Unraid v 6.7, so I would pay attention to it during the next days/weeks to make sure it stays stable :)


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On 6/25/2019 at 11:29 AM, francrouge said:

Hi guys,


I was wondering if i add a serie would sonarr create a folder for it and move the data for me ?


Or do i have to use another docker also ?



If you add a show in sonarr, and you have given sonarr the correct access, it will create the folder yes. It will also move files if it finds them in the correct location. Just fyi, if you have downloaded/added the files before you add the show to sonarr, you might have to manualy import them.

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8 hours ago, xman111 said:

Hey guys just set this up with Unraid + Sonarr + Sab + Plex.   Everything works except it doesn't grab automatically, i have to click the automatic search, then it downloads and puts it into Plex.  How do i make it grab automatically?

It all depends on how you add the show. The monitor status will tell your system if it should actively search for episodes or not. Then you have the add button on the end, where you can select just Add or the Add and Search for missing episodes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Small problem, when download completes, Sonarr moves the file(s), and it deletes the file at the download location. 

Is there someway to stop the deletion, as I did not have this on my last setup, as I move the downloads for other use,  I know that this will leave me with two copies.

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7 hours ago, Leverz said:

Small problem, when download completes, Sonarr moves the file(s), and it deletes the file at the download location. 

Is there someway to stop the deletion, as I did not have this on my last setup, as I move the downloads for other use,  I know that this will leave me with two copies.

on the Download Client tab>Completed Download Handling>Remove>set to No.

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I'm having an issue with Sonarr not moving completed downloads. I believe it's related to this error found in the logs:

[v2.0.0.5322] Marr.Data.DataMappingException: The DataMapper was unable to load the following field: 'InitialFailure' value: ''. String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. ---> System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.

Has anyone run into this error before and maybe know a solution? I've tried searching but I can only find general info on Stackoverflow not related to Sonarr.

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I have been having one hell of a time with both Radarr and Sonarr lately after upgrading to usenet from torrents.


After getting usenet all set up things were running smoothly, and downloading fast -- YAY!  Well then begins the first problem.  The rate at which it was downloading was causing my small Cache drive to fill up, when this happened Unraid would spam the logs saying that the cache drive was full.  Once it filled the log file it started to lock up just about all services, except being able to watch Plex remotely still.


When the lock-ups occured it would cause my databases in both Radarr and Sonarr to become malformed.  Fun.  Ok...I have done this once before, just go ahead and restore from a backup.  Went OK, until it happened again.  And then again.  And then again.


And now at this point I am getting this error message within Sonarr on everything.




Hours and days of tinkering with this to figure out what the hell is going on.  Tried going to a further backup.  Tried editing the pathings to make sure everything was correct.  Disabled torrents altogether and pointed Sonarr directly to the /Series level of the file system...No luck.  It is happening with every series, every episode.  I went and cleared my NZBGet History to see if that was somehow related, again no luck.


Now Radarr (feel free to ignore this, I suppose I can post this specific issue over on that thread but would love if we could tackle both simultaneously)  was showing the same errors, but also the specific Error that NZBDrone DB was malformed....great.  Same steps.  I went to the furthest backup I had and no luck.  Tried uninstalling the docker and reinstalling as a last ditch effort and now the UI won't even load.  Cool....  Tried to uninstall Radarr once again and deleted allllll of the appdata (probably not the best idea and I am sure someone here will let me know that.)  This at least got Radarr WebUI to load.  I am going to give a go at setting it back up and will see if I run into similar issues, but super glad I get to go through and re-add all of my media.


At a total loss here and am just about banging my head against a wall trying to get these services that were running fairly smoothly with Torrents to now work with my upgraded services.


I guess what I am looking for here is....


1. How can I stop Unraid from spamming the logs that the cache drive is full once it gets full.  My impression was that once the Cache hits a certain threshold Unraid will then start downloading directly to the Array (as I have the Downloads share set to "Yes")....but apparently that doesn't seem to be the case.  Is my only solution here to get a 1TB SSD?  Not the end of the world, but have some other expenses I am prioritizing right now.


2. Is there anyway to fix the Error within Sonarr without having to completely uninstall and delete the appdata like I did in Radarr? Having to start completely fresh.


3. How dumb am I for going to the lengths I did to get Radarr back up and running?  Was this really my only option.  I would like to avoid having to do this every couple of days as that was the whole point of me setting up these services so I could be as hands-off as possible to get my media.



Edit: So after completely wiping my Radarr appdata and reinstalling I went through and bulk imported "all" of my movies.  For some reason it's not picking them all up and I am missing roughly 50 movies from my media folder.  Additionally it is showing about 80% of the movies as "Missing" rather than downloaded.  Is this just something I have to give time?  Again I am losing my mind over here trying to get this working again.


Edit 2:  After a manual library refresh it seems to have picked up most of the movies and listed them as Downloaded.  Fingers crossed on Radarr, may do the same for Sonarr, but nervous due to the majority of my collection being Anime which I know can be finicky on Sonarr.



Edited by WhatPlantsCrave
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I'm perplexed.... [Start bad joke that will haunt me]


I have Sonarr and Radarr setup to grab stuff off the interwebs using SabNZBD. That seems to be working fine. It searches, sends it to Sab, Sab seems to do its thing and for the most part it moves things from the completed folder to the proper location on my media share. 


I tried to set the link between Sonarr (and Radarr) with Plex [Puncline!] and it gives me the error below. However, I can get to Plex fine through the WebUI, my TV, etc. Any thoughts?






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7 minutes ago, JasenHicks said:

I'm perplexed.... [Start bad joke that will haunt me]


I have Sonarr and Radarr setup to grab stuff off the interwebs using SabNZBD. That seems to be working fine. It searches, sends it to Sab, Sab seems to do its thing and for the most part it moves things from the completed folder to the proper location on my media share. 


I tried to set the link between Sonarr (and Radarr) with Plex [Puncline!] and it gives me the error below. However, I can get to Plex fine through the WebUI, my TV, etc. Any thoughts?




Hey Jasen,


I am having my own issues with something separate so I have been refreshing this page like crazy.  


I may be confused as to what you are trying to connect there with Plex?  On my setup Sonarr/Radarr just moves the files to the same folder Plex references for it's media library, and I didn't have to setup any direct connection from Sonarr/Radarr to Plex.


Is your media being sent to the same folders that your Plex media library is reading?  If so you should see them autopopulate in Plex.


Is there something else you are trying to accomplish aside from Plex loading the Sonarr/Radarr downloads into your media library?


Edit:  I personally followed SpaceInvaderOne's setup videos back when I first did mine and he also didn't add Plex to the Connections tab.

Edited by WhatPlantsCrave
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try toggling the 'Use SSL' switch in sonarr, you will need this to be enabled if you are forcing the use of SSL for plex (which i can tell you are using by looking at your plex screenshot (not secure with triangle = self signed cert)).


as to what this actually does, its simply to notify plex of newly downloaded tv series, you dont actually need this as plex has its own file system checker, but hey you can turn it on if you want :-).

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