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On 9/10/2021 at 4:10 AM, itskamel said:

not sure what version i was on but i did a update and now nothing will upload over local network. if i try to open the web ui page i get "Internal Server Error". anyone else?

in case someone comes here searching
nextcloud fails because of mariadb update, changing mariadb repository to linuxserver/mariadb:110.4.21mariabionic-ls31 fixes the issue



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(Old issue, before updating)


Upgraded my UnRaid hardware over the weekend, and noticed that now NextCloud is unable to access SMB shares.

Anyone have any ideas what's up with that?


The shares themselves seem to be fine, as I can access them through network.


I upgraded the motherboard, RAM, and CPU.


With SMB test- app, I'm getting the following errors:



I updated the docker image, but I haven't updated NextCloud itself in a while. The last update broke the SMB shares in such a way, that I had to download the previous version of NextCloud, and import the "icewind" from the older version to the new one, to get it to work again.



EDIT: (Internal server error, fixed in the next edit)


So, I figured I have not much to lose, and tried to update NextCloud, and I'm having the same issue as many others in here.

Internal Server Error.


I've tried to update MariaDB, and tried to delete the ib_logfile0, and tried to change the repository of MariaDB, but nothing seems to work there.

Again, any help would be appreciated.


EDIT2: (Fixing the internal server error, and back to square one)


Reading through the log-file, I noticed something familiar. The files_external was giving me issues again, so I tried to remove the app folder, and ta-dah! I was able to access my NextCloud yet again.


I then tried to do the same trick I did the last time around:

And.. I'm back to square one.

So, I can access the NextCloud, but NextCloud cannot access the SMB shares.



NextCloud is amazing for what it's trying to achieve, when it works. But it has just given me way too many headaches, and it's pretty much overkill for what I want to do with it (accessing files through the internet) that I've now decided to move to "FileBrowser" docker instead. Setting that up took me 10 minutes without really knowing what to do, and it's been working nicely (knock on wood), and even issues that we previously had (not being able to download files over 1gb) are now gone.


Good luck all of you UnRaider's, who're battling with NextCloud!

Edited by REllU
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Deleting the log files, changing the docker image, etc. in the above posts do not work for me. Would be really great if someone can help me out. I got the ".ocdata" error, but I am also just not able to access the webUI at all. I use NextCloud as a backup solution for my households phones, so it would be great to get this running again...

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17 hours ago, shinfo44 said:

Deleting the log files, changing the docker image, etc. in the above posts do not work for me. Would be really great if someone can help me out. I got the ".ocdata" error, but I am also just not able to access the webUI at all. I use NextCloud as a backup solution for my households phones, so it would be great to get this running again...


I don't have the answer for your issue, but I'm using an app called "AutoSync" on our household phones. Cost's like 7eur to get the license to use it with an SMB share, and you can set it to sync automatically any folders you want when you're connected to a specific wifi. Has been working nicely for our needs atleast.

Edited by REllU
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On 9/11/2021 at 1:15 PM, karabox said:

in case someone comes here searching
nextcloud fails because of mariadb update, changing mariadb repository to linuxserver/mariadb:110.4.21mariabionic-ls31 fixes the issue



yessss   this works ,   have been having failed uploads from photos and finally looked into the problem ,,  Thanks to all .   


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On 9/4/2021 at 6:14 PM, TRusselo said:

Unraid 6.9.2


following guide in POST 1 

create share, install mariadb, setup maria DB


Install nextcloud..... and ERROR...

upon opening nextcloud GUI for first time i get error

Composer autoloader not found, unable to continue. Check the folder "3rdparty". Running "git submodule update --init" will initialize the git submodule that handles the subfolder "3rdparty".

in the logs i find 

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
using keys found in /config/keys
[cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 50-install: executing...
[cont-init.d] 50-install: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 60-memcache: executing...
cp: cannot create regular file '/config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php': No such file or directory
chown: cannot access '/config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php': No such file or directory
[cont-init.d] 60-memcache: exited 1.
[cont-init.d] 70-aliases: executing...
[cont-init.d] 70-aliases: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: executing...
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing...
[custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.



what did i do wrong....?


feels like a permission thing...  according to the instructions from SpaceinvaderOne's video, i've followed all the steps.
what did i do wrong?

Hi, I see that you've been posting this for a month or so. I was just trying to install NextCloud and I got the same error. What I did to solve it was to remove the docker container and delete any configuration files that may remain on the appdata directory. Then install again the docker container and don't access the webUI for a couple minutes, then you should be good. I found in this guide that you have to give it a minute or so before accessing it. Hope it helps.

Edited by Valenciano
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I have used NextCloud for some time now and UnRAID updates the docker regularly. But now I found out that my Nextcloud-version is 18.0.0, where NextCloud has moved up to 22.x. I thought updating the docker was enough to get newer NextCloud versions, but that doesn't seem to be the case. What do I have to do to move to NextCloud 22.x?

Edited by RJ59
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I have previously set up both Nextcloud and Collabora on my personal Unraid server and it has been cranking along fine for quite some time. Recently my boss discovered Nextcloud and wanted it. We initially had it running on a Synology but between the limited resources on the Syno and some behind the scenes networking stuff, we made the move to Unraid.


I was able to successfully move the database and all of the data over to our Unraid server and get it back up and running. Since I had not set Collabora up on the Synology, we were running without it on Unraid. I installed the Collabora docker, followed all of the same steps that I used on my personal server and I have been having all kinds of difficulty with it.


When I try to enter the collabora address into the settings for Collabora Online in Nextcloud, it tells me that it could not establish a connection to the server. Looking at the nextcloud.log file, I found an error referring to the SSL certificate saying that it is a self signed certificate. Seeing as how I have both Nextcloud and Collabora sitting behind SWAG, this error doesn't make much sense to me, but I admit to not being an expert on this.


I can access the Collabora admin page, and it does show that it is a secure connection verfied by LetsEncrypt.

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Trying to update to 21.0.4 from 21.0.3.  It wont let me past the create backup step.  Go back and hit the retry update button but keeps timing out.  Can I do this from the console?  Or is there a way to get it to go?


This is the error I get


Create backup

Parsing response failed.
Show detailed response

<html> <head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head> <body> <center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx/1.20.1</center> </body> </html>

Edited by Gragorg
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On 9/15/2021 at 4:26 PM, REllU said:


I don't have the answer for your issue, but I'm using an app called "AutoSync" on our household phones. Cost's like 7eur to get the license to use it with an SMB share, and you can set it to sync automatically any folders you want when you're connected to a specific wifi. Has been working nicely for our needs atleast.

Thanks for the tip about AutoSync! I've been looking for this kind of app for a while! 👍

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Hi You All!!


Need some guidance here because I am stumped!! I am trying to do just a basic local network install nothing fancy like reverse proxy. I followed SpacedInvaders tutorial and I am super confused have tried everything and I just can not get it to work.


In NextCloud it says


Collabora Online server is reachable.

With a green icon.


But when I try to open or create a document it times out and says


Failed to load Collabora Online - please try again later✖


I am pretty sure the problem is in the docker setup of the domain pic below:



This is internal and I did change the user and pass to show here before anybody says something lol


Now my nextcloud install is at



I asume the way I have it is wrong so what do I put in Container Variable: domain


thanks any help is as always really really appreciated.



Edited by NeoSys
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On 9/19/2021 at 12:17 PM, RJ59 said:

I have used NextCloud for some time now and UnRAID updates the docker regularly. But now I found out that my Nextcloud-version is 18.0.0, where NextCloud has moved up to 22.x. I thought updating the docker was enough to get newer NextCloud versions, but that doesn't seem to be the case. What do I have to do to move to NextCloud 22.x?

Is there no one that can help me with this? I feel really stupid on this.

When Nextcloud would have been installed in a server or VM, I would have updated it, but that seems useless using a docker, because with the next update my updated version would have been lost. I do get updates in UnRaid, but why don't I get a newer version then 18.0.0 in the docker?

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Is there no one that can help me with this? I feel really stupid on this.
When Nextcloud would have been installed in a server or VM, I would have updated it, but that seems useless using a docker, because with the next update my updated version would have been lost. I do get updates in UnRaid, but why don't I get a newer version then 18.0.0 in the docker?
Update instructions is on the 1st post of this thread.
And no, updating docker, won't overwrite your updated nextcloud.

Nextcloud's server runtime files are stored in the appdata folder

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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i had some issues with internal server error after the update aswell. It turned out that my Redis docker had gotten another IP and therefore nextcloud could not connect. The weird thing was that i didnt see any logs regarding this. For you who still have an issue after trying the workarounds on 204 might want to recheck your config file so it still reflects reality.
Needless to say my important containers now have fixed ip adresses

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On 9/26/2021 at 4:59 PM, skois said:

Update instructions is on the 1st post of this thread.
And no, updating docker, won't overwrite your updated nextcloud.

Nextcloud's server runtime files are stored in the appdata folder

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

Thank you for your help, I succeeded in updating. I guess it must be kind of annoying for you, but I really did not expect instructions this clear about updating in the first post. Anyway, I have learned a valuable lesson, I will look better for this kind of instructions next time. Thank you!


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On 9/20/2021 at 4:00 PM, Eddie_B said:

I have previously set up both Nextcloud and Collabora on my personal Unraid server and it has been cranking along fine for quite some time. Recently my boss discovered Nextcloud and wanted it. We initially had it running on a Synology but between the limited resources on the Syno and some behind the scenes networking stuff, we made the move to Unraid.


I was able to successfully move the database and all of the data over to our Unraid server and get it back up and running. Since I had not set Collabora up on the Synology, we were running without it on Unraid. I installed the Collabora docker, followed all of the same steps that I used on my personal server and I have been having all kinds of difficulty with it.


When I try to enter the collabora address into the settings for Collabora Online in Nextcloud, it tells me that it could not establish a connection to the server. Looking at the nextcloud.log file, I found an error referring to the SSL certificate saying that it is a self signed certificate. Seeing as how I have both Nextcloud and Collabora sitting behind SWAG, this error doesn't make much sense to me, but I admit to not being an expert on this.


I can access the Collabora admin page, and it does show that it is a secure connection verfied by LetsEncrypt.


Anyone got any ideas here?

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On 9/24/2021 at 12:33 AM, NeoSys said:

Hi You All!!


Need some guidance here because I am stumped!! I am trying to do just a basic local network install nothing fancy like reverse proxy. I followed SpacedInvaders tutorial and I am super confused have tried everything and I just can not get it to work.


In NextCloud it says

With a green icon.


But when I try to open or create a document it times out and says


I am pretty sure the problem is in the docker setup of the domain pic below:



This is internal and I did change the user and pass to show here before anybody says something lol


Now my nextcloud install is at


I asume the way I have it is wrong so what do I put in Container Variable: domain


thanks any help is as always really really appreciated.



Hey guys any help?

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Error: Array to string conversion at /config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10NString.php#79



/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10NString.php - line 79:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/L10N.php - line 110:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/L10N/LazyL10N.php - line 53:


/config/www/nextcloud/apps/updatenotification/lib/Notification/Notifier.php - line 145:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Notification/Manager.php - line 299:


/config/www/nextcloud/apps/notifications/lib/Controller/EndpointController.php - line 106:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php - line 169:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php - line 100:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/AppFramework/App.php - line 152:


/config/www/nextcloud/lib/private/Route/Router.php - line 309:


/config/www/nextcloud/ocs/v1.php - line 88:


/config/www/nextcloud/ocs/v2.php - line 24:

require_once("/config/www ... p")

I'm wondering what all this means? It pops up in logging every 30 seconds.

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Hey Guys, I’m looking for a solution to what I assume is a strange use case and I can’t quite think of a search term to explain it easily so here I am with the long winded version so see if anyway can put me on the right path.


I’ve just setup next cloud and have my admin user setup, NextCloud will only ever be used with this with this single account. What I want to do is have only 2 folders, both of which are shares live in a dedicated pool called cloud.


I want these folders to be both accessible via SMB and via NextCloud so I have my folders mapped as such

  • /config > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud
  • /data > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud/data
  • /data/singleuser/files > /mnt/cloud

This is working great except I want the ability to modify files both from NextCloud and on the FileSystem but NextCloud doesn’t see the files if they’re moved into the folder via SMB because they’re not being synced, does anyone know of a way to have files automatically sync into NextCloud if they’re dumped into the users file folder?

I’m not against running another Docker App to handle the syncing but I would assume syncing the files at they’re current location would cause some issues.

Anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this?


Thanks in advance.

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Hello guys! thanks for all your work to make possible Nextcloud in Unraid.


I want to ask you some questions. But let me first explain you what happened to me.


I have a server running nextcloud in a docker container. It has an ssd as cache drive that holds the Nextcloud folder where all the files are stored before being moved to the array (my first mistake). Just to justify this, I was trying to speed up data transmissions but, since all the clients accessing this server are over the internet, it makes not much of a difference. And, in this case, was a disadvantage.


The thing is that I changed the server, and moved the drives to another one, started the array, but, to my bad luck the parity disk failed and I had to replace it. So I was distracted and never realized that the cache one was not recognized by Unraid (second mistake), and, despite of that, the array started normally and Nextcloud and MariaDB (which run from the cache drive) started as well. (it should be at least a flag there if the cache drives are missing when starting the array).

So when I loggid into nextcloud's webUI, It was asking me to configure the database. So I panicked and the best solution I could come up was to restore my appdata backup but it was 6 days old (third mistake). Then started Nextcloud again and it went "well". I could log on and all the users were being recognized but I wasn't aware that there were misstakes going on. 

Next day in the morning users were complaining that all their Nextcloud folders were missing files from last week.

So, the worst of all (like it hadn't been enough already) was that, due to the outdated database, Nextcloud deleted the newer files and those who had changes where an endless list of problems in the user application: checksum errors, sync errors, to mention some. Why did Nextcloud did this instead of asking the user to keep or delete those files?


I was really stressed. And I hope it does not happen to any of you guys.

So, I would like to understand deeper how Nextcloud + MariaDB work, because I thought that the database was only storing user names and passwords, but, as you have seen it is not. What else is stored in that database that needs to be handled carefully? 


Dos any of you have a good knowledge about how Nextcloud works internally In order to troubleshoot it better and faster?

And it is quite a topic, what to do and how to properly have Nextcloud backed up and maintained so data loss won't happen.

If there is here an advice on the best practices of how to proceed in case of critical hardware failure, I am open to suggestions and I hope that you can learn from my mistakes.

Here is what I've learned so far:

1.- Dont Use a Cache Drive for Nextcloud, at least from users that rely on it remotely.
2.- Backup MariaDB daily If more than once every day, much better.

3.- Every time the array starts, to check if all the cache pools and drives are working correctly.

4.- Don't jump fast into restoring backups, the right files could still be there... hidden.


Thanks in advance.



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