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40 minutes ago, Drowsy said:

2 weeks ago i updated the container and my torrents where gone so i reverted to
which fixed everything.

Is it safe to update? Which instructions should i follow to correctly update? 

I think you are referring to a problem that has been discussed in the previous pages. If you look at the container log it should tell you what files you have to move.

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  • 3 weeks later...



How do I reset the password? I can no longer login. Or better still, disable logging in entirely? Or possibly recommend another bittorrent docker container for UnRaid that does not requir logging in? It's a useless feature really, and more annoying than anything.


Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Im having trouble with this docker for some reason. I use torrenting for sending BIG raw files to some friends that help me editing them. But it connects realy slow to them or they dont get a connection to me at all.


My Nat is correct and im vissible when i test on for example https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/


If i seed with my own computer there is no problems. Its like im behind a firewall even if i had nated correctly. Or im missing something.


Thank you in advance!

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On 9/1/2018 at 12:33 PM, CHBMB said:

You've changed the port on the docker side, you should change the port on the host side and leave the docker port alone.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

This doesnt work.  even though virtual 6881 is mapped to a server port number xxxxx, the qbit reports 6881 to the tracker, and that port is banned at more than one tracker.  canyouseeme can see my server using my servers port number xxxxx (mapped to docker port 6881) when the docker port number, 6881, is entered in the web gui.  unfortunately qbit reports the 6881 instead of the actual port being used.


when i put port xxxxx into the webgui, canyouseeme says the port xxxxx is blocked.


port 6881 being banned stops me even though i am not even using it.   jesus why cant we edit the container port number?  this is a very simple networking issue and it seems it is not solvable.


Is there any way to change this?  I am ready to give up on unraid dockers <frustrated>

Edited by PeteAron
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"Wednesday March 24th 2021 - qBittorrent v4.3.4 release

qBittorrent v4.3.4 was released.
WEBUI: It is accidentally broken in this release. A new release will be posted quickly. If you use the WebUI skip v4.3.4 for now."


Luckily the torrents are still running, it's only the WEBUI

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I finally had the chance to set this and the binhex-delugevpn containers for evaluation as they're the last major containers I wanted I'd not gotten around to yet.  Most everything looks good, but whenever I launch either container I get this in the logs:


Warning: `/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible


I've seen some people include that in their log captures here, but I've not found the resolution.  I thought that deleting perms.txt and restarting the containers would address, but the behavior is the same. Whether I delete perms.txt or leave it as be, it changes the 600 permissions I'd set on the file manually back to 755.  Can someone help me resolve this?

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On 4/1/2021 at 7:30 AM, master.h said:

Has anyone been successful setting up notifications in qbit? I would like to receive a notification through the Pushover android app whenever a torrent is added but haven't been able to figure anything out yet. 

It took some tinkering, but I've figured out how to do it with python. The docker image includes python3, so this is what I did:

  • Mount a folder, "/mnt/user/path" to "/script"
  • In qBittorrent, put this under "run external program": "python3 /script/notify.py "%N" "%G" "%Z""

This is a simplified version of my script, which sends a notification via Pushover

import sys
import time
import json
import urllib

name = sys.argv[1]
tags = sys.argv[2]
size = sys.argv[3]

pushover_user = "USER"
pushover_token = "TOKEN"

import http.client #Python 3

def pushover():
    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.pushover.net:443")
    conn.request("POST", "/1/messages.json",
    "token": pushover_token,
    "user": pushover_user,
    "message": name + " has finished downloading",
    }), { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" })



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8 hours ago, Ademar said:

It took some tinkering, but I've figured out how to do it with python. The docker image includes python3, so this is what I did:

  • Mount a folder, "/mnt/user/path" to "/script"
  • In qBittorrent, put this under "run external program": "python3 /script/notify.py "%N" "%G" "%Z""

Thank you very much! I'm not much of a scripter at all and know nothing about python, this is hugely helpful.

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On 4/2/2021 at 1:00 PM, Ademar said:

pushover_user = "USER"

pushover_token = "TOKEN"

Well, so far I've not received any alerts. Fairly certain I've got the path and and the "run external program" sorted out properly, but I  think I might have this section wrong. What should the values for USER and TOKEN be (inside the quotes)? Right now, I have USER set with my pushover user token and TOKEN is set with my application api token I created.

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10 hours ago, master.h said:

Well, so far I've not received any alerts. Fairly certain I've got the path and and the "run external program" sorted out properly, but I  think I might have this section wrong. What should the values for USER and TOKEN be (inside the quotes)? Right now, I have USER set with my pushover user token and TOKEN is set with my application api token I created.

That sounds right. Make sure you do not have quotes around the whole thing in qBittorrent (so no symbols before python3)

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18 hours ago, mkayze said:

I just installed this for the first time and the default admin/adminadmin doesn't work. Anyone have an idea?

Yep, same problem.


Also, it appears that changing the default Web UI port from 8080 to another port (in my case to 8081) is not properly reflected in the Docker command. The command uses the argument

-p '8081:8080/tcp'

while the expected argument would be

-p '8081:8081/tcp'


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