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[Plugin] Mover Tuning

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I left out details. This was a manual move. It never moves any files with Mover Tuning installed. It just sits there and gets stuck with the mover running until I reboot which ends up forcing an array unmount and results in a forced parity check.


I uninstalled Mover Tuning and it's now moving files after a manual move started.

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Not sure if my issue is tied into the (hopefully soon) forthcoming fix, but I realized my mover was not running in v6.11.5 recently.


My leading theory was that there might be an issue with me having two cache drives (one for appdata, which I call 'cache' and one for downloads which I call 'download_drive').




In the case of the following setting:

Only move at this threshold of used cache space

If I have that set to 50%, is it waiting until both drives reach 50%? Is there a way to trigger it based on just the 'download_drive' specifically, in my case.

Edited by Magic815
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8 hours ago, Magic815 said:

Not sure if my issue is tied into the (hopefully soon) forthcoming fix, but I realized my mover was not running in v6.11.5 recently.


My leading theory was that there might be an issue with me having two cache drives (one for appdata, which I call 'cache' and one for downloads which I call 'download_drive').




In the case of the following setting:

Only move at this threshold of used cache space

If I have that set to 50%, is it waiting until both drives reach 50%? Is there a way to trigger it based on just the 'download_drive' specifically, in my case.

So from my understanding the Mover Tuning Plugin just goes through each share listed in "/boot/config/shares/" and for each share it will determine which pool it is part of and then calculate if that pool is over the global threshold which in your case is 50%. Currently there is no way to set this value on a per-pool basis, so it should run on your Download_drive and not your Cache, as it stands. 

Files not moving could be a couple things, it would be easiest to determine why with the latest ".log" file in "/tmp/Mover".

  1. You may have other settings enabled in Mover Tuning Causing most of the files to not be moved.
  2. Perhaps you are experiencing the same issue that others here are experiencing with the Mover not working properly when mover tuning is installed. In complete honesty, I have no idea what is causing the problems. I will make a post below, please try those steps.
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Tagging some people this is relevant for (don't have to do it if you don't want): @Robbie G78, @Kloudz, @sourCream, @wibble, @WWGT, @knights_of_pine, @Chunks, @Taddeusz, and @Magic815

Okay so for everyone where the Mover Tuning Plugin is no longer working and the mover wont run please follow these steps to help me figure this out :)


Fill out this quick template:


Unraid Version: 6.12.3

Mover Tuning Version: 2023.08.22

Move Type: Manual, Scheduled or Both

Current Global Settings: Put it in a Spoiler. In console 'cat "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg" ' (if this doesn't work, see step 4 below)
Issue: eg. Mover not running.


Troubleshooting - Try each step one at a time, if it does not fix your issue try the next one:

  1. Enable mover logging! "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Settings" 
  2. (Manual Moves Only): Is "Move Now button follows plug-in filters:" (In "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Tuning") set to Yes? If not, make this change and run the mover again.
    If this now works, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
  3. Check to see if "share.cfg" exists.



    ls "/boot/config"

    If it does exist:

    cat "/boot/config/share.cfg"

    Check to see if the following line is in the file 'shareCacheEnabled="yes"'. If not add it:

    echo 'shareCacheEnabled="yes"' >> /boot/config/share.cfg

    Run the mover again. If it works now, please let me know.

  4. Check to see if "ca.mover.tuning.cfg" exists.


    ls "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning"


    If it does not exist, go to "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Tuning", make some changes and save and see if it exists now.
    If it STILL doesn't exist make a note to tell me and do the following:

    echo -e "moverDisabled=\"no\"\nmoverNice=\"0\"\nmoverIO=\"-c 2 -n 0\"\nthreshold=\"0\"\nage=\"no\"\nsizef=\"no\"\nsparsnessf=\"no\"\nfilelistf=\"no\"\nfiletypesf=\"no\"\nparity=\"yes\"\nenableTurbo=\"no\"\nlogging=\"no\"\nforce=\"no\"\nignoreHidden=\"no\"\nbeforeScript=\"\"\nafterScript=\"\"\nomovercfg=\"no\"\nmovenow=\"yes\"\ntestmode=\"no\"" >> /boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg

    Feel free to change the settings back to what you want and now run the mover again.
    If it works now, please let me know.

  5. Check to see if all your user shares exist in "/boot/config/shares"



    ls "/boot/config/shares"

    All your shares should exist here with the exact same name they have in your "Shares" tab (including capital letters). If the name isn't there or isn't the same, try renaming completely and saving, then renaming back.
    Run the mover. If it works now, please let me know.

  6. If all else hasn't worked please try make changes to the "mover.php" file.



    nano "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/mover.php"

    Find the following lines (line 162/163): 

    logger("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover $options");
    passthru("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover $options");

    and replace with the following:

    logger("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/sbin/mover.old $options");
    passthru("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/sbin/mover.old $options");

    Once done, save the file with "ctrl+o" "enter" and then "ctrl+x" to exit.
    Try running the mover again. In this case, I would like for you to try run the mover twice, once with "step 2" setting disabled and once with it enabled.
    It is important to know that these changes will revert when your server restarts.
    If this now works, please let me know and which one or both it worked for.

If you run through these steps and it is WORKING please add the following to your starting template:


Steps Tried: 1-5

Working Step: 5
Extra Details: eg. Name of the "[share_name].cfg" was not the same as [share_name] in the "Shares" tab.

If you run through all the steps and the is is still NOT WORKING, please add the following to your starting template:


Steps Tried: 1-6

System Log: Put in a spoiler. 
Mover Tuning Log: Put it in a spoiler. Find at "/tmp/Mover" it is the most recent file ending in ".log"
Extra Details: eg. Only stopped working after latest update.


Thanks guys, doing these steps and reporting back to us will really help us figure out what exactly is wrong. None of these issues are occurring for me personally so it is very hard to troubleshoot.

Edited by Swarles
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On 9/5/2023 at 9:51 PM, Swarles said:

Tagging some people this is relevant for (don't have to do it if you don't want): @Robbie G78, @Kloudz, @sourCream, @wibble, @WWGT, @knights_of_pine, @Chunks, @Taddeusz, and @Magic815

Okay so for everyone where the Mover Tuning Plugin is no longer working and the mover wont run please follow these steps to help me figure this out :)


Fill out this quick template:


Troubleshooting - Try each step one at a time, if it does not fix your issue try the next one:

  1. Enable mover logging! "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Settings" 
  2. (Manual Moves Only): Is "Move Now button follows plug-in filters:" (In "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Tuning") set to Yes? If not, make this change and run the mover again.
    If this now works, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
  3. Check to see if "share.cfg" exists.

      Reveal hidden contents


    ls "/boot/config"

    If it does exist:

    cat "/boot/config/share.cfg"

    Check to see if the following line is in the file 'shareCacheEnabled="yes"'. If not add it:

    echo 'shareCacheEnabled="yes"' >> /boot/config/share.cfg

    Run the mover again. If it works now, please let me know.

  4. Check to see if "ca.mover.tuning.cfg" exists.
      Reveal hidden contents


    ls "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning"


    If it does not exist, go to "Settings>Scheduler>Mover Tuning", make some changes and save and see if it exists now.
    If it STILL doesn't exist make a note to tell me and do the following:

    echo -e "moverDisabled=\"no\"\nmoverNice=\"0\"\nmoverIO=\"-c 2 -n 0\"\nthreshold=\"0\"\nage=\"no\"\nsizef=\"no\"\nsparsnessf=\"no\"\nfilelistf=\"no\"\nfiletypesf=\"no\"\nparity=\"yes\"\nenableTurbo=\"no\"\nlogging=\"no\"\nforce=\"no\"\nignoreHidden=\"no\"\nbeforeScript=\"\"\nafterScript=\"\"\nomovercfg=\"no\"\nmovenow=\"yes\"\ntestmode=\"no\"" >> /boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg

    Feel free to change the settings back to what you want and now run the mover again.
    If it works now, please let me know.

  5. Check to see if all your user shares exist in "/boot/config/shares"

      Reveal hidden contents


    ls "/boot/config/shares"

    All your shares should exist here with the exact same name they have in your "Shares" tab (including capital letters). If the name isn't there or isn't the same, try renaming completely and saving, then renaming back.
    Run the mover. If it works now, please let me know.

  6. If all else hasn't worked please try make changes to the "mover.php" file.

      Hide contents


    nano "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/mover.php"

    Find the following lines (line 162/163): 

    logger("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover $options");
    passthru("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover $options");

    and replace with the following:

    logger("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/sbin/mover.old $options");
    passthru("ionice $ioLevel nice -n $niceLevel /usr/local/sbin/mover.old $options");

    Once done, save the file with "ctrl+o" "enter" and then "ctrl+x" to exit.
    Try running the mover again. In this case, I would like for you to try run the mover twice, once with "step 2" setting disabled and once with it enabled.
    It is important to know that these changes will revert when your server restarts.
    If this now works, please let me know and which one or both it worked for.

If you run through these steps and it is WORKING please add the following to your starting template:

If you run through all the steps and the is is still NOT WORKING, please add the following to your starting template:


Thanks guys, doing these steps and reporting back to us will really help us figure out what exactly is wrong. None of these issues are occurring for me personally so it is very hard to troubleshoot.

I've had the movers tuning plugin uninstalled for some time now since I last replied to this thread. Also, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to anyone. Been busy doing RL stuff lol.


That said, I was holding off on installing the Movers Tuning plugin until it's been updated but looks like it hasn't. Anyway, I installed it today. And the first thing I did before doing anything is to see if "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg" existed. I checked the directory and the ca.mover.tuning.cfg file didn't exist. So I went to Settings > Scheduler > Toggled "Disable Mover running on a schedule" to "Yes" then I toggled it back to "No". Once I did this, the file was created then I toggled "Move Now" from the Main screen and Unraid started Moving files like it should.


So not sure what happened here, maybe because ca.mover.tuning.cfg didn't exist? But then again, I was doing some server maintenance like converting my cache pools to zfs. Moving my appdata from a cache to the array then back to cache. Recreated my system folder that has libvert and docker folders.


Suffice it to say, it looks like it's working now which is weird. I haven't tested whether or not mover will kick in based on the schedule I set. So I'm waiting for that to happen.


Kinda happy, I have the movers tuning plugin installed again. I missed having the ability to disable mover while a parity check was happening. I was due for a parity check.


anyway, I think I wrote too much :D 

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On 9/5/2023 at 11:30 AM, Magic815 said:

Not sure if my issue is tied into the (hopefully soon) forthcoming fix, but I realized my mover was not running in v6.11.5 recently.


My leading theory was that there might be an issue with me having two cache drives (one for appdata, which I call 'cache' and one for downloads which I call 'download_drive').




In the case of the following setting:

Only move at this threshold of used cache space

If I have that set to 50%, is it waiting until both drives reach 50%? Is there a way to trigger it based on just the 'download_drive' specifically, in my case.


I'm running the same OS version. I'm believing its the newest update to the Plugin.  However, I think my version is working I"m not 100% sure. Lol I haven't checked my files in a while. 


Interesting. I set my mover-turner to move files that are older than 5 days. Then I enabled logs and test mode. I made sure plugin was set to use plugin rules when mover was pressed. I got this in my logs. 


Sep  8 13:15:13 Tower root: mover: started
Sep  8 13:15:27 Tower root: mover: finished

Moved nothing lol.


I disabled Test Mode and now it appears to be moving files.


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20 hours ago, Kloudz said:

I've had the movers tuning plugin uninstalled for some time now since I last replied to this thread. Also, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to anyone. Been busy doing RL stuff lol.


That said, I was holding off on installing the Movers Tuning plugin until it's been updated but looks like it hasn't. Anyway, I installed it today. And the first thing I did before doing anything is to see if "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg" existed. I checked the directory and the ca.mover.tuning.cfg file didn't exist. So I went to Settings > Scheduler > Toggled "Disable Mover running on a schedule" to "Yes" then I toggled it back to "No". Once I did this, the file was created then I toggled "Move Now" from the Main screen and Unraid started Moving files like it should.


So not sure what happened here, maybe because ca.mover.tuning.cfg didn't exist? But then again, I was doing some server maintenance like converting my cache pools to zfs. Moving my appdata from a cache to the array then back to cache. Recreated my system folder that has libvert and docker folders.


Suffice it to say, it looks like it's working now which is weird. I haven't tested whether or not mover will kick in based on the schedule I set. So I'm waiting for that to happen.


Kinda happy, I have the movers tuning plugin installed again. I missed having the ability to disable mover while a parity check was happening. I was due for a parity check.


anyway, I think I wrote too much :D 


Quick update, with Scheduler set, Movers is working as expected. Mover is triggered every 2 hours based on settings.


So, not sure what happened.

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On 9/8/2023 at 11:41 AM, Kloudz said:

I've had the movers tuning plugin uninstalled for some time now since I last replied to this thread. Also, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to anyone. Been busy doing RL stuff lol.


That said, I was holding off on installing the Movers Tuning plugin until it's been updated but looks like it hasn't. Anyway, I installed it today. And the first thing I did before doing anything is to see if "/boot/config/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/ca.mover.tuning.cfg" existed. I checked the directory and the ca.mover.tuning.cfg file didn't exist. So I went to Settings > Scheduler > Toggled "Disable Mover running on a schedule" to "Yes" then I toggled it back to "No". Once I did this, the file was created then I toggled "Move Now" from the Main screen and Unraid started Moving files like it should.


So not sure what happened here, maybe because ca.mover.tuning.cfg didn't exist? But then again, I was doing some server maintenance like converting my cache pools to zfs. Moving my appdata from a cache to the array then back to cache. Recreated my system folder that has libvert and docker folders.


Suffice it to say, it looks like it's working now which is weird. I haven't tested whether or not mover will kick in based on the schedule I set. So I'm waiting for that to happen.


Kinda happy, I have the movers tuning plugin installed again. I missed having the ability to disable mover while a parity check was happening. I was due for a parity check.


anyway, I think I wrote too much :D 

Some great info thanks!


Yeah I suspect the "ca.mover.tuning.cfg" missing is the main culprit for people whose movers aren't doing anything at all.

I'm just not sure why it's come up, nothing in the code relating to that changed in the latest update. Hmm. Fix should be pretty easy to issue though regardless.

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8 hours ago, kizer said:


I'm running the same OS version. I'm believing its the newest update to the Plugin.  However, I think my version is working I"m not 100% sure. Lol I haven't checked my files in a while. 


Interesting. I set my mover-turner to move files that are older than 5 days. Then I enabled logs and test mode. I made sure plugin was set to use plugin rules when mover was pressed. I got this in my logs. 


Sep  8 13:15:13 Tower root: mover: started
Sep  8 13:15:27 Tower root: mover: finished

Moved nothing lol.


I disabled Test Mode and now it appears to be moving files.


Test mode won't actually move any files so they won't appear in syslog. You have to go to "/tmp/Mover" and look at the .list files. Those will show the files that will be moved. That's  also were you'll find the detailed mover tuning log file.


I'm wondering if on the latest unraid when you update a plugin if it removes the .cfg file for its settings. I'll have to test.

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On 8/21/2023 at 1:40 AM, Swarles said:

My first guess will be that perhaps you are missing the shebang at the beginning of your script? The shebang has to be on line one and point to the location of your python interpreter. For example:


But edit it ^^ to make sure it is your location.


This is my best guess and you should test you can otherwise run your script with just "./mnt/user/[rest of path]/1.py" in the terminal. If it does run properly but the shebang doesn't fix it, you will have to go to /tmp/Mover and provided the latest ".log" file in there for me to see what the mover is doing.


I'm not missing it, and the script runs correctly when executed from the CLI.


I can run the before script manually, run mover, run the after script manually, and everything works. When I put it in the mover tuner, it doesn't run and I can't seem to figure out where to start.

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20 hours ago, privateer said:


I'm not missing it, and the script runs correctly when executed from the CLI.


I can run the before script manually, run mover, run the after script manually, and everything works. When I put it in the mover tuner, it doesn't run and I can't seem to figure out where to start.

How are you running your script? Does your script have spaces in the path (this shouldn't cause issues)?

"./script" or "python3 /script"?

Can you try the following for me in terminal:

eval "/script"


eval /script


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5 hours ago, Swarles said:

How are you running your script? Does your script have spaces in the path (this shouldn't cause issues)?

"./script" or "python3 /script"?

Can you try the following for me in terminal:

eval "/script"


eval /script



The script are python scripts. When I test I put in "/mnt/user/appdata/scripts/scriptname.py" and hit enter. Script shows the correct output and I can see its working by checking to make sure it has the correct effect. Eval commands with and without quotes show the correct output.


There are no spaces in the file path or file name.


Here is what the log looks like when it runs my commands through mover tuning:

root: ionice -c 2 -n 0 nice -n 0 /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/age_mover start 0 0 0 '' '' "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script1.py" "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script2.py" '' '' '' '' 55


But when I check it doesn't have the desired effects, or alternative the scripts are running so fast back to back that I can't tell that they are running, since the goal is for script 1 to make a change, then mover runs, then script 2 undoes the change. This works if I do it manually/

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3 minutes ago, privateer said:

Eval commands with and without quotes show the correct output.

Hmm okay strange because this is how the mover tuning plugin runs the scripts.

Only other thing I can think of without digging deeper is if they are executable? 

Try the following:

ls -l "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script1.py"

and if it is not executable (there are no -x in it) try this and run it again:

chmod +x "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script1.py"


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2 hours ago, Swarles said:

Hmm okay strange because this is how the mover tuning plugin runs the scripts.

Only other thing I can think of without digging deeper is if they are executable? 

Try the following:

ls -l "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script1.py"

and if it is not executable (there are no -x in it) try this and run it again:

chmod +x "/mnt/user/[FILEPATH]/script1.py"



How could it not be executable if I can already run it from CLI?


EDIT: Forgot to answer your Q. It's 766. The command also shows 766.

Edited by privateer
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On 9/9/2023 at 12:17 AM, Swarles said:

Some great info thanks!


Yeah I suspect the "ca.mover.tuning.cfg" missing is the main culprit for people whose movers aren't doing anything at all.

I'm just not sure why it's come up, nothing in the code relating to that changed in the latest update. Hmm. Fix should be pretty easy to issue though regardless.

I followed Kloudz advice and I did seem to be missing the file as well. While I was able to run mover from the dashboard again I seem to be running into another issue and that is despite "Move Now button follows plug-in filters" being set to NO unless I change my "Only move at this threshold of used cache space" to something lower than what is currently being used the mover will not run when activated from the dashboard but will run when activated from the the shares page or the scheduler page.

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 When I boot up my server I get the following error in the output of the screen

mv: cannot stat '/usr/local/bin/mover': No such file or directory


it is not really an issue, I searched the web and I found this post talking about this and the addon "move tuning plugin", which I assume is "CA Mover Tuning". The post talks about deleting the plugin. Now I do not have an issue with the server not starting, just that the entry is there.


I looked at the '/usr/loval/bin/mover' which is a shell script

PPPID=`ps h -o ppid= $PPID 2>/dev/null`
P_COMMAND=`ps h -o %c $PPPID 2>/dev/null`
/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.mover.tuning/mover.php $P_COMMAND $1


I looked at the file mentioned, and the mover.php file is where it is supposed to be, seems everything is working as intended, except that I get the error when booting it, surely I could just ignore it. But I rather fix it than leave it there.

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On 9/8/2023 at 9:17 PM, Swarles said:

Some great info thanks!


Yeah I suspect the "ca.mover.tuning.cfg" missing is the main culprit for people whose movers aren't doing anything at all.

I'm just not sure why it's come up, nothing in the code relating to that changed in the latest update. Hmm. Fix should be pretty easy to issue though regardless.

Its been a few days, seems to stop working today. The only thing I did today was stop then started my array. Needed to check some configs but didn't make any changes.


Anyway, I even added 3 additional files. Triggered Mover via Main screen and nothing. Then I followed your steps that you posted last week and went all the way to Step #6 and its now working again.


Something is definitely up here. Just to Recap, since I last posted that it was working. There hasn't been any issues since. But earlier this morning, I noticed theres still a file in my cache drive. Ran Mover like usual and didn't think of any till 5 mins later and noticed that the file was still in the cache. From here, I stopped the Array to check some configs, didn't change anything then started the Array. Ran Mover again and nothing. So I tried to perform all the troubleshooting steps again and went all the way to Step #6 and once I performed step #6. Mover started working again from the Main Screen. Between Steps 1-5, I didn't make any changes until Step #6


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On 9/12/2023 at 11:53 AM, Kloudz said:

Its been a few days, seems to stop working today. The only thing I did today was stop then started my array. Needed to check some configs but didn't make any changes.


Anyway, I even added 3 additional files. Triggered Mover via Main screen and nothing. Then I followed your steps that you posted last week and went all the way to Step #6 and its now working again.


Something is definitely up here. Just to Recap, since I last posted that it was working. There hasn't been any issues since. But earlier this morning, I noticed theres still a file in my cache drive. Ran Mover like usual and didn't think of any till 5 mins later and noticed that the file was still in the cache. From here, I stopped the Array to check some configs, didn't change anything then started the Array. Ran Mover again and nothing. So I tried to perform all the troubleshooting steps again and went all the way to Step #6 and once I performed step #6. Mover started working again from the Main Screen. Between Steps 1-5, I didn't make any changes until Step #6



I encountered this problem too today and Step #6 fixed it for me, allbeit until the next restart.


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I have a question about the force move of all files on a schedule - if I have this set at yes - then it will invoke the schedule from the part on top or no?   


I thought my mover was jacked but I think my settings were off.  I just want it to run every morning at 3:30.   Obviously I have the daily part scheduled - should I switch my "move all from cache yes" and "only move at this threshold" to 0%?




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On 10/27/2022 at 12:09 PM, hugenbdd said:

How to ignore a SINGLE file

1.) Find the path of the file you wish to ignore.
    ls -ltr /mnt/cache/Download/complete/test.txt
        root@Tower:/# ls -ltr /mnt/cache/Download/complete/test.txt
        -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Oct 27 11:32 /mnt/cache/Download/complete/test.txt*
2.) Copy the complete path used.  
3.) Create a text file to hold the ignore list.
    vi /mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt
4.) Add a file path to the mover_ignore.txt file
    While still in vi press the i button on your keyboard.
    Right click mouse.
5.) Exit and Save
    ESC key, then : key, then w key, then q key
6.) Verify file was saved
    cat /mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt
    "This should print out 1 line you just entered into the mover_ignore.txt"
7.) Verify the find command results does not contain the ignored file
    find "/mnt/cache/Download" -depth | grep -vFf '/mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt'
    /mnt/cache/Download is the share name on the cache. (Note, cache name could be different if you have multiple caches or changed the default name)


How to ignore Muliple files.

1.) Find the paths of the files you wish to ignore
    ls -ltr /mnt/cache/Download/complete/test.txt
    ls -ltr /mnt/cache/Download/complete/Second_File.txt
2.) Copy the complete paths used to a separate notepad or text file.
3.) Copy the paths in your notepad to the clip board. 
    Select, the right click copy
4.) Create a text file to hold the ignore list.
    vi /mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt
5.) Add the file paths to the mover_ignore.txt file
    While still in vi press the i button on your keyboard.
    Right click mouse.

    You should now have two file paths in the file.
6.) Exit and Save
    ESC key, then : key, then w key, then q key
7.) Verify file was saved
    cat /mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt
    "This should print out 2 lines you just entered into the mover_ignore.txt"
8.) Verify the find command results does not contain the ignored files
    find "/mnt/cache/Download" -depth | grep -vFf '/mnt/user/appdata/mover-ignore/mover_ignore.txt'
    /mnt/cache/Download is the share name on the cache. (Note, cache name could be different if you have multiple caches or changed the default name)

How to Ignore a directory
instead of a file path, use a directory path.  no * or / at the end.
This may cause issues if you have other files or directories named the similar but with extra text.


*Note /mnt/cache/Download/complete  will also ignore /mnt/cache/Download/complete-old 



*I use vi in this example instead of creating a file in windows, as windows can add ^m characters to the end of the line, causing issues in Linux.   This would not be an issue if dos2unix was included in unRAID.


**Basic vi commands



This post should be stickied.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On my cache drive I have a share called 'data'.

SABnzbd use the cache 'data' share to it's Temporary Download Folder and Completed Download Folder.

The owner of the cache 'data' share is 'nobody' and everything works without any problems.

In the Mover Tuning - Plugin, I have setup "Cron Schedule to force move all of files: 35 3 * * *

The Plugin 'destroy' the cache 'data' share and create a new one with owner 'root' and after that SABnzbd can no longer get access to the share.

When I change owner back to 'nobody' and restart SABnzbd, SABnzbd works again.

- - - - -

Oct  2 03:35:04 unRAID shfs: /usr/sbin/zfs unmount 'cache/data'
Oct  2 03:35:04 unRAID shfs: /usr/sbin/zfs destroy 'cache/data'
Oct  2 03:35:04 unRAID root: cannot destroy 'cache/data': dataset is busy
Oct  2 03:35:04 unRAID shfs: retval: 1 attempting 'destroy'
Oct  2 03:35:04 unRAID shfs: /usr/sbin/zfs mount 'cache/data'

- - - - - -

2023-10-02 02:10:13,845::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [02/Oct/2023:02:10:13] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2023-10-02 02:10:13,950::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [02/Oct/2023:02:10:13] ENGINE Serving on
2023-10-02 02:10:13,950::INFO::[_cplogging:213] [02/Oct/2023:02:10:13] ENGINE Bus STARTED

2023-10-02 03:35:07,990::ERROR::[filesystem:728] Failed making (/data/usenet/incomplete)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/sabnzbd/filesystem.py", line 722, in create_all_dirs
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/usenet/incomplete'
2023-10-02 03:35:07,992::ERROR::[filesystem:396] Cannot create directory /data/usenet/incomplete
2023-10-02 03:35:07,992::ERROR::[filesystem:728] Failed making (/data/usenet/complete)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/sabnzbd/filesystem.py", line 722, in create_all_dirs
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/usenet/complete'
2023-10-02 03:35:07,992::ERROR::[filesystem:396] Cannot create directory /data/usenet/complete
2023-10-02 03:35:07,993::ERROR::[filesystem:728] Failed making (/data/usenet/incomplete)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/sabnzbd/filesystem.py", line 722, in create_all_dirs

- - - - -


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15 hours ago, Jaybau said:

Is there functionality to manually force a move of a folder/files?


I have the mover configured to ignore/exclude and wait X days until a file is moved.  But sometimes I want to manually force/push a file/folder to the array.

If it's just a random file or folder within a share then do the move manually, recommend going into the cache and moving it to the disk# avoiding "user".


If you want to move everything on just one share, go to the "Shares" tab and click on the share. There should be an option to move all from the share underneath per-share mover settings. This doesn't follow plugin filters and will move everything on that share to the array.

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