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[Support] binhex - qBittorrentVPN

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Ok guys, I have been wandering the forum and the internet for more than 12 hours without having a clue of what to do, this is my problem:


Original config:


I have an SSD cache where I downloaded my torrents, after the torrent is completed It moved to another folder on my cache, like this:


Share1/Temporal            (Cache only)

Share2/Downloaded      (Array but catched)


Share1 was a cache only share and Share2 was an array share that used the cache, the idea was download torrents and once they where completed copy them to the "Downloaded" folder and after that the mover will put them on the mechanical disks on the array.


The problem came when I noticed that some files where keep in the cache, of coure if the file is being read the mover cant move it to the array, so I chaged to:


New Config


Share1/Temporal         (Cache only)

Share2/Downloaded    (No cache at all)


With this config the mover is not necessary and qBittorrent acts as mover when a torrent is completed.


Ok, her is where things get out of hand, as I said Share2 has cache set to "NO" but no matter what I do once a torrent is completed QBitorrent creates a "Downloaded" folder inside the cache, of course the mover does nothing because Share2 is set to cache "NO".


In the docker /data is set to /mnt/user/


What am I doing wrong?

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55 minutes ago, Sanduleak said:

and I can´t understand why or how that happens.

Me neither. 

you could try changing the host path for /data from /mnt/user/ to /mnt/user/Downloads/. This will restrict the qbit apps access from the rest of the system. It will only be able to create folders in the Downloads share.


If that doesn’t change anything then the problem might be with the unRAID share itself. Settings applied in the share tab are not being used by unRAID. You could check /boot/config/shares/<name of share>.cfg and see what shareUseCache is set to. 

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14 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

you could try changing the host path for /data from /mnt/user/ to /mnt/user/Downloads/. This will restrict the qbit apps access from the rest of the system. It will only be able to create folders in the Downloads share.


I have thought about that, but if I do qbit will not be able to place the temporal files in the cache, defeating the main idea...

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1 hour ago, Sanduleak said:

I have thought about that, but if I do qbit will not be able to place the temporal files in the cache, defeating the main idea...

You really don’t need to use the cache at all. I really doubt that your download speeds are fast enough to max the write speed to the array. Or maybe you have some other reason for using cache for downloads?

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Has anybody noticed abnormally high data usage when connected to the PIA VPN? I have my download rate restricted to 1.5 MB/s, but my router reporting 40 MB/s+ usage and I'm gobbling up 20 GB+ of data an hour. I hit my data cap in a week and I definitely did not download 1.2TB worth of stuff.


I'm frustratingly limited on the tools I can use to measure data consumption because I'm using a TP-Link Deco mesh. I was only able to isolate it to qBT by shutting down the container and monitoring my total data usage for a few days.

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Has anybody noticed abnormally high data usage when connected to the PIA VPN? I have my download rate restricted to 1.5 MB/s, but my router reporting 40 MB/s+ usage and I'm gobbling up 20 GB+ of data an hour. I hit my data cap in a week and I definitely did not download 1.2TB worth of stuff.
I'm frustratingly limited on the tools I can use to measure data consumption because I'm using a TP-Link Deco mesh. I was only able to isolate it to qBT by shutting down the container and monitoring my total data usage for a few days.
Never seen this, nope

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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Hello! I've been using your qbittorrent container for a few weeks without issues now. However now I can no longer login into the web-ui. When I submit my username + password, the login page reloads and nothing happens. No error message, nothing. However when I enter a wrong password, I still get the error message that uname/pw is wrong


What I did before the problem occurred:

- Not sure if it's related to the problem, but I installed + ran unraid ClamAV to scan my torrent directory. I set it to check the folder which contains the sub-folders for finished torrents, in-progress torrents, torrent files and the input/consume folder for new torrent files. ClamAV ran without error and didn't find anything. A while later I couldn't log into the qbittorrent WebUI anymore.

-> A restart of the qbittorrent container temporarily allowed me to login again. However a few hours later the login problem reoccurred and now no amount of restarting will allow me to login again.


What I have tried to solve the problem:

- Check container logs - no entries besides the startup entries from a few hours ago

- restart container

- restart unraid server

- Use different browser (firefox / edge)

- check username / pw in qbittorrent config file - no changes, still my username and pw

- force update container

- change pw in qbittorrent config file. Restart container and try to log in with new password. Now I get the "wrong password" error message for the new password. Original password still produces reload with no error message, login fails with both passwords. Restored original config file to undo my changes.


EDIT1: supervisord.log contained the following section:

DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[warn] Unable to load iptable_mangle module, you will not be able to connect to the applications Web UI or Privoxy outside of your LAN
[info] unRAID/Ubuntu users: Please attempt to load the module by executing the following on your host: '/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle'

Executing the recommended command in the UnRaid cli solved the problem for now. Don't know whether it'll survive a reboot, but the workaround is good enough for me.

EDIT2: Great. After a reboot the login is broken again, same way as before. However the supervisord.log does not show any errors related to the UI anymore, and executing "/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle" does not fix the problem anymore either. Back to square one I guess.

Edited by Foxy
Turns out that the login is indeed still broken.
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On 3/5/2022 at 9:39 AM, drawmonster said:

Has the recently released directory bug been fixed? I rolled back to 4.3.9-2-01 and have been there since the bug came out.


What bug is this? I just had to rebuild all my dockers and my qbittorrent lost all of it's settings, it is like it is not even reading the conf file since all the settings are correct in it.


Also if I update the settings, the .conf file is not updated yet the settings seem to stick?


Is it using a new conf file that is not mapped to appdata now?


Edit: Can confirm that the .conf seems to be the issue, reverted to that version and all my settings showed back up and it is using the correct conf again.


Seems the new version is using a differnt conf location or something.

Edited by TexasUnraid
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Hey Guys,
I'm trying to switch from OpenVPN to Wireguard since i only get about 2mb/s with OpenVPN, but when I do so I am unable to access the WebUI. I can see that qbit is downloading stuff when I check on radarr.
I havent changed any settings except for the VPN_CLIENT variable. Am I missing something? The extra parameter --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" is already there and the container is running in privileged mode.

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Hey everyone,


I'm kind of stuck and I don't know what to do, so I'm hoping you can help point me in the right direction. A few days ago all of my torrents stopped working. When I add a new torrent it immediately places it in an "Error" state and I can't find any information in either the container logs or any details of the file in the torrent client itself to help me understand what is happening. I removed the container entirely and rebuilt it (keeping all my original config files and everything) but I get the same problem. 


I don't know if it's related but around the same time I started to get Read errors on one of my drives but the directories I save to and have configured for /data and /config are all still accessible. Any help would be appreciated here.

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On 3/8/2022 at 12:07 PM, mathiasdoe said:

Hey Guys,
I'm trying to switch from OpenVPN to Wireguard since i only get about 2mb/s with OpenVPN, but when I do so I am unable to access the WebUI. I can see that qbit is downloading stuff when I check on radarr.
I havent changed any settings except for the VPN_CLIENT variable. Am I missing something? The extra parameter --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" is already there and the container is running in privileged mode.

Managed to fix this, the issue was incorrectly set LAN_NETWORK. 
This helped me: https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md#:~:text=Q4. I'm struggling to configure LAN_NETWORK correctly%2C can you give some examples%3F

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Hi everyone -

I've just recently (over the last couple of days) started having an issue where my torrents just keep stalling. Everything has been working for almost a year at this point with no issues. All of a sudden, every single torrent stalls. If I restart the docker container, the downloads pick back up for a minute or two before stalling again.


I've done clean re-installations of the docker, triple checked my VPN settings, rolled back to previous versions of the image, all with no luck. After some further investigation on the tracker's end, I noticed that my downloads are starting with my VPN IP and then exposing my public IP almost in perfect patterns. 

I haven't changed anything about this configuration, and I can't figure out why it's happening out of nowhere. Please take a look and see if there's something I need to adjust or if anyone else has had this issue I'd appreciate any and all suggestions.



Edited by mccloudd
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Hi... I'm unable to launch WebUI.


I've changed to port 8070 (Sab was taking default) in all relevant places and using wireguard with pia.


One thing I've noticed is that the port in supervisord.log is not open according to yougetsignaldotcom. I may have something wrong but I checked with the VPN IP & port at the bottom of the log?


I've tried adding the ovpn and cert file from pia website to the wireguard folder (is this relevant as the FAQ mentions OpenVPN folder only?) but the wg0.conf is always written on docker restart.


If there is anything else needed, please let me know, I've been on this for around 4 hours, and can't seem to find my issue in these forums or elsewhere.


Here is my compose and log attached:




Appreciate any support.


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