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[Support] knex666 - FileBrowser

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The plugin links to a dead site/domain, it looks like? At one point, there was a logo of some type, but it was very generic and had a message about the domain, but it only showed up one time. I refreshed and had not seen it since.





Going to that link took me here:



Trying to remove the https from the url takes me to here, which is just a blank page, it seems:



Edited by MostHated
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I'm using this FileBrowser docker image. I've used the flag --user 99:100 but since umask is 0022 instead of unraid's default 0000, any file/folder created using FileBrowser can only be written by user "nobody".

This means that when accessing my shares via SMB I cannot edit the files or directories created in FileBrowser.


Is there any way to change the default umask value in the container? I know some images have this option built in, but it is not the case with this one.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/16/2021 at 11:16 AM, gafka said:

Hi! I'm using this FileBrowser docker image. I've used the flag --user 99:100 but since umask is 0022 instead of unraid's default 0000, any file/folder created using FileBrowser can only be written by user "nobody".

This means that when accessing my shares via SMB I cannot edit the files or directories created in FileBrowser.


Is there any way to change the default umask value in the container? I know some images have this option built in, but it is not the case with this one.


Did you find a way to get this working?

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15 hours ago, knex666 said:


Yep thats very weak. I am running a chron script that edits my filerights every some minutes. Thats not good but good enough

Hah, that would actually be good enough for our use, as 95% of the time we're using the files through SMB, and only 5% (whenever someone is working from home, and they're creating new folders) is used with FileBrowser.


Mind sharing the script you did?

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On 5/16/2021 at 10:16 AM, gafka said:

Hi! I'm using this FileBrowser docker image. I've used the flag --user 99:100 but since umask is 0022 instead of unraid's default 0000, any file/folder created using FileBrowser can only be written by user "nobody".

This means that when accessing my shares via SMB I cannot edit the files or directories created in FileBrowser.


Is there any way to change the default umask value in the container? I know some images have this option built in, but it is not the case with this one.


Hi !! How did you fixed the problem ? If it's fixed... :)

Thanks !

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On 10/13/2021 at 11:35 AM, PicPoc said:


Hi !! How did you fixed the problem ? If it's fixed... :)

Thanks !


On 10/4/2021 at 7:42 PM, knex666 said:


Yep thats very weak. I am running a cron script that edits my filerights every some minutes. Thats not good but good enough


I don't know what the script is though, but probably shouldn't be too hard to create one on your own 🤷‍♂️

Edited by REllU
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41 minutes ago, PicPoc said:

How can force 'chmod' to 666 ? FILEBROWSER writes by default 755 and files are not writable by users.



may start reading the official docs, this docker runs as root i assume (i use my own template), but there are options to run after each event, so you can easily chmod files automatically.




by default all smb users should be able to work with these files, but i assume u use personalized user shares, so may read the docs to figure it out.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I have Filebrowser working fine locally but I cant work out how to expose it to the internet.  I have SWAG and duckdns configured correctly for radarr and http://domain/radarr works fine.  Did the same for Filebrowser but when I go to http://domain/filebrowser I just get the default SWAG page.


I have changed the network type to custom - proxynet from custom - br0.


Whats the correct address for connecting over the internet?

Edited by MendipMan
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here a working sample from a subfolder setup while filebrowser is on its custom br0 own ip


# files does not require a base url setting 

	location ^~ /files/ {
		auth_basic off;
		allow all; # Allow all to see content 
#		auth_basic "Restricted";
#		auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
		include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        set $upstream_filebrowser;
        proxy_pass http://$upstream_filebrowser;
		proxy_buffering off;
		access_log off;


  • Thanks 1
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