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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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7 hours ago, Hackintosys said:

Do the docker update itself? I mean the base packages etc.?

What do you mean exactly?

The game servers do update itself on Docker start/restart.


7 hours ago, Hackintosys said:

I want to know if the base image gets updates here aswell?

Sure thing, but I update the baseimage once a year or so or if some vulnerable package is included in the base image, then the baseimage is updated instantly.


7 hours ago, Hackintosys said:

Cause I see other docker images getting updates with depend. bots etc.

What do you mean exactly with that?

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I'm not having much success running the garrysmod docker. Currently getting this error upon starting..

/opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 58: /serverdata/serverfiles/srcds_run: No such file or directory

Anyone recently tried a clean garrysmod install and had it work fine? Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks

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1 hour ago, brent0r said:

I'm not having much success running the garrysmod docker. Currently getting this error upon starting..

Can you please be a bit more specific please?

Can you share a screenshot from the template, do you have a Cache drive installed in your server, have passed over Steam credentials to the container?


And also yes, only a few days ago a user asked this:


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6 minutes ago, projektdotnet said:

Was there ever any movement on this? I'd been looking for an easy way to install a containerized WoTLK emulator but hadn't found anything except for this one post/reply.

Yes, but I won't create a template for this or better speaking a AiO container since I really don't want that Blizzard/Activision (now Microsoft) come after me...

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Good evening and thank you for the hard work on these.


Barotrauma just released an update today that caused my perfectly working server to not be able to use mods anymore. The devs on discord said that the update added a "LocalMods" directory under what typically falls under my User/Appdata/... file on my windows machine/client.


It seems that the way that the docker container handles that is under a container path of /serverdata/serverfiles/.... Well, the problem is that within the file structure, there is an .xml file that points to the LocalMods directory and I've tried to point it to /mnt/cache/......../Local Mods and /serverdata/serverfiles/...../Local Mods/ but it still doesnt seem to pull in the mods.


The config files entries and the mod file folders are copied directly from my client (my windows machine) which can self-host with mods no problem.


Is my filepath correct in the config file like this? Nothing has been changed on the Barotrauma template:



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3 hours ago, wildc4t said:

Is my filepath correct in the config file like this? Nothing has been changed on the Barotrauma template:

Can you give me a little bit more insight how you installed the mods or how to install mods for Barotrauma in general?


EDIT: I've pushed an update to the Barotrauma container since it won't start if you install it from scratch, this is now fixed.

Maybe now the mods will work too?

Please update the container.

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

Can you give me a little bit more insight how you installed the mods or how to install mods for Barotrauma in general?

Sure. Before yesterday's update you could follow the guide here: https://barotrauma.fandom.com/wiki/Enabling_Mods_on_a_Dedicated_Server


With the new update, there is a new filepath called "Workshop Mods" and its path is called out in the config_player.xml file under the main directory. The section in the config_player file that calls out mods looks like this:



    <!--Backwards compatibility-->


      name="Vanilla 0.9" />



      path="Content/ContentPackages/Vanilla.xml" />


      <!--o'Clock Radar / Sonar-->


        path="/serverdata/serverfiles/WorkshopMods/Installed/2651474931/filelist.xml" />




Where the filelist.xml indexes the mod and the folder number relates to a steam workshop ID. What I pasted above is just one of the mods I'm trying to get working.


I'm almost positive I've written the filepath incorrectly, because if I self-host on my client I can get the mods working on my self-hosted server. This may be fixed in a hot-fix from the devs, I just want to verify that my pathing is correct.

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9 minutes ago, wildc4t said:

I'm almost positive I've written the filepath incorrectly, because if I self-host on my client I can get the mods working on my self-hosted server. This may be fixed in a hot-fix from the devs, I just want to verify that my pathing is correct.

The path to the game files inside the container is:



You can also see this here in the Dockerfile on line 13 and the README.md also says this at the SERVER_DIR variable: Click

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16 minutes ago, ich777 said:

The path to the game files inside the container is:



You can also see this here in the Dockerfile on line 13 and the README.md also says this at the SERVER_DIR variable: Click



I'm still pretty new to the whole thing, but it looks like my file path should be correct then on this line of the player_config.xml file, right?


29 minutes ago, wildc4t said:



Thanks for all your help.

Edited by wildc4t
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3 hours ago, ich777 said:

I think so, if that path exists…

Got the mods working in a workaround kind of way, in case anyone stumbles on this thread.


I took all my client downloaded mods (after booting client into the game and enabling them in the main menu -> steam workshop menu) and copied them to my server folder path "LocalMods" (if you don't know where your client folders are, right-click Barotrauma in the Steam Library page and click "Manage" -> "Browse Local Files"). They will copy over with their steam ID (i.e. "2651474931"). I then renamed the containing mod folders so that the game would consider them a Local Mod and not a steam workshop mod. For instance the folder named "2651474931" was renamed to "Radar".


Then, back in the main directory, open config_player.xml:

1. Change the language from "None" to "[your language]"

2. Go to your client directory and open it's config_player.xml and copy everything between <contentpackages> and </contentpackages>

3. Open the server file version of config_player.xml.

4. Paste the section in between the <contentopackages> and change all the mod directories from the client side (i.e. path="C:/Users/Name/AppData/........../filelist.xml") to the correct path in the server directory for all the folders that you renamed (i.e. path="LocalMods/Radar/filelist.xml")

5. Complete step 3 for all mods in your modlist and save the server file.

6. Restart Barotrauma docker if you accidentally left it running


If you see your server listed on the server browser in Baro, click on it and look to the bottom right pane and it will show the mods that are currently running. That's how you know it's worked. Also, if you get an error that says something along the lines of <StartGame>d__95 has failed, you need to ensure that the language is not still set to "none" in the config_player.xml file.


See the attached image if you need more help.


I'm sure they'll patch the game soon to fix this for dedicated server users, but this should help people get going again.


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26 minutes ago, userBert said:

But i can't connect to it via internet. I think this might be the reason

No, these are messages from WINE and doesn't affect the functionality from the container at all.


A friend of mine has this container running on his Server where I and other can connect flawlessly to the server.


What ports have you forwarded in your Router/Firewall?

From where did you try to connect to the server, did you try it from your local network through your public IP address or did you try it from a foreign machine? Keep in mind some times hair pin NAT doesn't work properly and people are maybe able to connect with your external IP/domain name.

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21 minutes ago, ich777 said:

No, these are messages from WINE and doesn't affect the functionality from the container at all.


A friend of mine has this container running on his Server where I and other can connect flawlessly to the server.


What ports have you forwarded in your Router/Firewall?

From where did you try to connect to the server, did you try it from your local network through your public IP address or did you try it from a foreign machine? Keep in mind some times hair pin NAT doesn't work properly and people are maybe able to connect with your external IP/domain name.


thank you for your response :)

I forwarded the Standard ports + 12029 because i saw in the LOG that he was complaining about that too. But maybe it also makes no difference.

Edit: a Friend of mine tryed to connect from Home and i tryed from LAN.



Edited by userBert
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28 minutes ago, userBert said:

a Friend of mine tryed to connect from Home and i tryed from LAN.

I will try that later today and report back.


Please make also sure that you've forwarded the ports with the right protocol, also keep in mind to don't forward TCP and UDP when only UDP is needed, some game servers will not connect if you do that.


May I also ask how did you try to connect? Through the server list or through direct connection and what did you enter, your public IP or your domain name?

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4 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I will try that later today and report back.


Please make also sure that you've forwarded the ports with the right protocol, also keep in mind to don't forward TCP and UDP when only UDP is needed, some game servers will not connect if you do that.


May I also ask how did you try to connect? Through the server list or through direct connection and what did you enter, your public IP or your domain name?

I exactly forwarded the ports from the screenshot, also i allowed ipv4 connection only.


After the Setup i've found the Server in the Serverlist of Conan Exiles, so i tryed first to connect via the join button (Home Pc and Server at the same Network). Also tryed my Friend via Internet.

After failure i connected via direkt connect and internal IP and that works fine.

Direkt connection via public ip causing a time out by both of us (Port 7777).


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24 minutes ago, userBert said:

After failure i connected via direkt connect and internal IP and that works fine.

May I ask if you can browse the Server list if you see a server called "Test userBert" and try to connect with the default password?


I'm only able to test this in a few hours...

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

May I ask if you can browse the Server list if you see a server called "Test userBert" and try to connect with the default password?


I'm only able to test this in a few hours...

First of all, i really appreciate your effort! Thx a lot!

Actually i found the Server in the list and tryed to join. But sadly its the exact same behavior i have expirienced before.

Can't connect and after about 5 min. it says timeout.


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