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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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18 minutes ago, s0m128k said:

Is increasing the resolution in DirSyncPro possible?

Sure thing, create a variable with the Key: CUSTOM_RES_W and the Value: 1280 to set the width and a second variable with the Key: CUSTOM_RES_H and the Value: 768 if you want to set the height in the Docker template.


But keep in mind this should be the only menu that is slightly "bigger" than the pre set screen size of 1024x768 and you should be able to reach all buttons and drop downs.

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photoprism keeps freezing on upload. I set it up yesterday and I can upload limited small amounts of photos. ie. 200-500photos. In total I have aprox 10,000 photos I want to backup but if I select all to upload, it will freeze at some point. It's not consistently stopping on the same number. 


I have a mysql data base to try to remedy the issue but that made no change. 

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3 hours ago, Pstark said:

photoprism keeps freezing on upload. I set it up yesterday and I can upload limited small amounts of photos. ie. 200-500photos. In total I have aprox 10,000 photos I want to backup but if I select all to upload, it will freeze at some point. It's not consistently stopping on the same number. 

I recommend that you create a issue on Github for that because I'm only the template maintainer.

Here is their Github Issue tracker: Click


This seems like a really strange issue to me, does the log tell you anything why it stopped?

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I have been trying to connect unraid to PIA VPN for hours thanks to openVPN client but I am stuck.


First, I have downloaded a fresh openvpn config files from PIA

Then, I have downloaded the right container from apps : OpenVPN-Client by ich777

and I followed carrefully the steps :

- 1) Rename your *.ovpn to 'vpn.ovpn' and place it in your OpenVPN-Client directory : done (capture 1)

- 2) Create in the same directory a file named 'vpn.auth' and place your Username in the first line and the Password for the connection in the second line and save it : done

- 3) Restart the container open the logs and see if the connection to your VPN establishes successfully.


Log results :


---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
ls: cannot access '/vpn/*': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access '/vpn/*': No such file or directory
Error: ipv4: FIB table does not exist.
Dump terminated
ERROR: VPN not configured!
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
Error: ipv4: FIB table does not exist.
Dump terminated
ERROR: VPN not configured!
+ exec sg vpn -c 'openvpn --cd /vpn --config /vpn/vpn.conf --script-security 2 --redirect-gateway def1 --auth-user-pass /vpn/vpn.auth '
Options error: In [CMD-LINE]:1: Error opening configuration file: /vpn/vpn.conf
Use --help for more information.
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
Error: ipv4: FIB table does not exist.
Dump terminated
ERROR: VPN not configured!


Is anyone could help me please ?



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7 minutes ago, neuk34 said:
Options error: In [CMD-LINE]:1: Error opening configuration file: /vpn/vpn.conf


I'm not too familiar with PIA but I think something is wrong with the configuration as the error message suggests.


For example if you take Privado, they deliver a single ovpn file that you rename, put in the openvpnclient folder and create the second file with the credentials, thats it.


In your case something seems wrong with the configuration.

Does PIA have a free tier or free month that I can try it on my own?

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Hello Ich !


There is not trial on PIA, but I can send you in PM my access.


It looks like container doesn't find conf files at /mnt/disk1/appdata/openvpn-client:


cannot access '/vpn/*': No such file or directory


You can see in my previous capture that all the files are present in the directory.

I don't understand..


Here comes my conf :


dev tun
proto udp
remote france.privacy.network 1198
resolv-retry infinite
cipher aes-128-cbc
auth sha1
remote-cert-tls server

verb 1
reneg-sec 0
-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----
"my key"
-----END X509 CRL-----

my key



Do you find any issue?


Edited by neuk34
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7 hours ago, Roukmoute said:

Is it possible to have dynamic resolution?

Sure thing, open up the menu for VNC on the left side, click on the gear icon and at Scaling satet it to Remote.


7 hours ago, Roukmoute said:

Is it possible to have the sound on firefox via webgui?

No, not in my containers.

VNC was only designed to transmit a remote desktop or at least the screen from a remote desktop without sound.

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5 hours ago, ich777 said:

Sure thing, open up the menu for VNC on the left side, click on the gear icon and at Scaling satet it to Remote.


No, not in my containers.

VNC was only designed to transmit a remote desktop or at least the screen from a remote desktop without sound.

Thanks, I've never paid attention to theses options for scaling the remote screen.


Too bad for the sound but I keep your version because it is fast!


Thanks a lot.

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I've got some issues using the OpenVPN-client. In the description I see this:



and write down the port(s) that you need to connect to.
After that go back to edit this containers template and add the port that you have noted in the above step to this container and click 'Apply' now you can connect to the container that you tunneld the traffic though this container.


Can someone elaborate on this? It's not clear to me what to do here.

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54 minutes ago, MIB75 said:

Can someone elaborate on this? It's not clear to me what to do here.

What is the exact issue or what do you need exactly?


If the container who you are routing through the traffic has for example a WebGUI and in this is mapped in the container form let's say container port 8080 to the host port 8090 you have to create the exact same mapping in the OpenVPN-Client container.

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16 hours ago, ich777 said:

What is the exact issue or what do you need exactly?


If the container who you are routing through the traffic has for example a WebGUI and in this is mapped in the container form let's say container port 8080 to the host port 8090 you have to create the exact same mapping in the OpenVPN-Client container.


Thanks for the reply. This made me realize I just had to take things step by step and it is as simple as you state it here. I was doing multple things at once. Never a good idea... Now it works.

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Trying to setup your Debian-APT-Mirror docker but having an odd issue.


---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Adding user: debian to www-data---
The user `debian' is already a member of `www-data'.
---Setting umask to 0000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Starting cron---
---Starting apache2---
---Something went horribly wrong, can't find the mirror directory!---


I have checked things over and over, I have the folder mapped to valid paths, if I manually create files in these folders, either inside the docker or on the server side, it is visible and editable from both ends.



I also manually created the mirror dir under the data folder but didn't help. It is like it is using another folder tree entirely.


I manually started apt-mirror and it ran but started filling up my docker image but I could not figure out where the files were going. It is using all default settings in the mirror.list file for now. The download itself seemed to be working fine.

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47 minutes ago, comet424 said:

im having 0 luck getting luckybackup to work..  the pre-setup of the ssh-keys  is not working    no matter what  you still gotta type in the Root user password on the remote computer..  driving me nuts..

What have you done so far? What are you typing in, with no context I can't help... ;)

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sorry i followed  the unraid Luckybackup  blog step by step..    that failed..  always asks for password  

i also  done

i made a couple posts  getting no where..  i tried other SSH-keygens..  it used to work couple unraid versions ago but no matter what i do..  if i use a different name then "ID_RSA"  its 100% busted





 i have 5 unraid servers

i dont want to be using   ID_RSA for all 5  

i want 

Tower =   tower.pub

Backupserver = backupserver.pub


problem is   its not working ..    

if you do   /root/.ssh/id_rsa  

that works but if i change things to  /root/.ssh/tower


then the whole setup is broken.. and i getting frustrated   cuz  nothing works  other then  id_rsa

file name..  maybe 2  unraid versions ago  i had no problem  but now  i cant use  other then  id_rsa


i start over and try a different version  i try a different youtube video


nothing seems to work when you use an alternative  word to  id_rsa  for the public and master key 


plus my 1 article  you can see the Luckybackup glitchy screen displays too asking for a password when it shouldnt need one.. and then    icons over top of ok cancel buttons


Edited by comet424
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following this 


failed 100%

i guess right from the ssh-keygen  


guess unraid does not accept  giving a name  for the key   without problems



so non of the servers can have the   "id_rsa.pub"   as i want  luckybackup setup on all 5 unraid servers

all 5 have the pub keys  of the other servers..  


but it seems  there is an issue  that anything but "id_rsa"  is used is a problem

Edited by comet424
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