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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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7 hours ago, ich777 said:

Do you have added the —dns parameter to your Extra Parameters?

I added that, but it didn't help when running the cron job from "./SteamPrefill select-apps".


7 hours ago, ich777 said:


Are you sure that you have a stable Internet connection when running the cron schedule?

Yes, my Internet works fine for the rest of my services.


7 hours ago, ich777 said:

Can you try to turn on Force Update in the template and see if this makes a difference, BTW this will only run the prefill every time the container starts/restarts and not re-download everything.

I enabled this now. Just to be clear - this is only for debugging purposes, right? It seems to download a game that was previously not available. I'll give feedback after its finished. Could there be a difference between the cron job and the force update option?

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56 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

Could there be a difference between the cron job and the force update option?

No, it's the exact same command.


You can also try to stop the container, change the cron schedule to one minute in advance and see if it downloads the game too, then there is certainly something wrong with the LANCache responding too slow.


I have now another user report of such an issue but not really related to the container. It may be possible that your LANCache is to slow to respond, do you have also issues that sometimes the friendlist is not working or Steam seems to be offline?


I can only tell that the LANCache Prefill container is working fine for me and a few other users:


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Is there a way to improve the Lancaches speed, even temporarily?
I run both containers on the same Unraid-Server with a Ryzen 7 5700G. So that should be enough "horse power" right?


When rechecking the logs, it seems most of the time the first download of a cron job suceeds, but the following fail. This means during each cron job only one (or not even one at all) game is beeing downloaded.

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50 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

When rechecking the logs, it seems most of the time the first download of a cron job suceeds, but the following fail. This means during each cron job only one (or not even one at all) game is beeing downloaded.

It is most likely that you LANCache container doesn't answers quick enough or better speaking your LANCache-DNS.

Maybe try to completely remove the LANCache-Prefill container (including the directory in appdata for it) and redownload it from the CA App again and see if this makes a difference.


I will keep you updated what my LANCache-Prefill does this night.

Link to comment
15 hours ago, zAch523 said:

I'm using the LANCache-Bundle by Josh5. Is that okay, or should I use another one?

I don't think that this will make any difference. Do you have any reports that it is not working @Josh.5?


I've checked my LANCache-Prefill container and it ran fine this night again (it had no games to update/download but it did check 15 Steam games).

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So let it sit for a while and tried to figure out what is happening - without luck. I set the Prefill-Schedule to hourly, but its still not finished downloading. This might be because I selected too many games, but I suspect there is another problem, as the log shows some error messages.


Downloading..: 70%
Downloading..: 72%
Downloading..: 73%
Downloading..: 74%
Downloading..: 75%
Downloading..: 76%
Downloading..: 77%
Downloading..: 78%
Downloading..: 79%
Downloading..: 80%
Downloading..: 82%
Downloading..: 83%
Downloading..: 84%
Downloading..: 85%
Downloading..: 86%
Downloading..: 87%
Downloading..: 88%
Downloading..: 89%
Downloading..: 91%
Downloading..: 92%
[9:03:02 AM] Starting login!
Connecting to Steam...
Downloading..: 93%
Downloading..: 94%
SteamPrefill.Models.Exceptions.SteamConnectionException: Timeout connecting to 
Steam...  Try again in a few moments
  at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.ConnectToSteam()            
  at void SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.      
     <LoginToSteamAsync>b__1(StatusContext ctx)                                 
  at Task Spectre.Console.Status.<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<Start>b__0(StatusContext
     ctx) in Status.cs:44                                                       
  at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.     
     MoveNext() in Status.cs:79                                                 
  at void Spectre.Console.Status.<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1.<<StartAsync>b__0>d.   
     MoveNext() in Status.cs:120                                                
  at void Spectre.Console.Progress.<>c__DisplayClass28_0`1.<<StartAsync>b__0>d. 
     MoveNext() in Progress.cs:133                                              
  at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Internal.DefaultExclusivityMode.RunAsync<T>( 
     Func<Task<T>> func) in DefaultExclusivityMode.cs:40                        
  at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Progress.StartAsync<T>(Func<ProgressContext, 
     Task<T>> action) in Downloading..Progress.cs: 95%
  at async Task<T> Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync<T>(string status,          
     Func<StatusContext, Task<T>> func) in Status.cs:117                        
  at async Task Spectre.Console.Status.StartAsync(string status,                
     Func<StatusContext, Task> action) in Status.cs:77                          
  at void Spectre.Console.Status.Start(string status, Action<StatusContext>     
     action) in Status.cs:48                                                    
  at async Task SteamPrefill.Handlers.Steam.Steam3Session.LoginToSteamAsync()   
  at async Task SteamPrefill.SteamManager.InitializeAsync()                     
  at async ValueTask SteamPrefill.CliCommands.PrefillCommand.ExecuteAsync(      
     IConsole console)                                                          
[9:04:08 AM] Already disconnected from Steam
Downloading..: 96%
Downloading..: 97%
Downloading..: 98%
Downloading..: 99%
[9:06:11 AM] Finished in 1:05:50.38 - 149.24 Mbit/s

[9:06:11 AM] Starting Hunt: Showdown
Fetching depot manifests...
[9:06:13 AM] Downloading 39.42 GiB
Downloading..: 0%
Downloading..: 0%
Downloading..: 0%
Downloading..: 1%
Downloading..: 1%
Downloading..: 2%
Downloading..: 3%
Downloading..: 3%
Downloading..: 4%
Downloading..: 4%
Downloading..: 5%
Downloading..: 5%
Downloading..: 6%
Downloading..: 6%
Downloading..: 7%
Downloading..: 7%
Downloading..: 8%
Downloading..: 8%
Downloading..: 9%
Downloading..: 9%
Downloading..: 10%
Downloading..: 11%
Downloading..: 11%
Downloading..: 12%
Downloading..: 13%
Downloading..: 13%
Downloading..: 14%
Downloading..: 14%

Maybe the error messages origin in the download not being complete before the next cron job is triggered?

It would also be helpful to store the complete log, I already set LOGCLEANUP to false, but whenever the container is edited the logfile in appdata is wiped. Is there a chance you could make the logfile persistent and add the date to the timestamps?

Edited by zAch523
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29 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

Maybe the error messages origin in the download not being complete before the next cron job is triggered?

It seems indeed that you cron schedule is too tight and it tries to start a new prefill while already a prefill is already running

But it also seems that your first cron job did not finish before the next one is started.

I can however create a check which checks if a prefill is already running and aborts a new prefill.


May I recommend that you first force a prefill and set your cron schedules to:

0 0 31 12 *

to let the first prefill finish?


29 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

It would also be helpful to store the complete log, I already set LOGCLEANUP to false, but whenever the container is edited the logfile in appdata is wiped.

Are you referring to the log from the container when clicking on the symbol or do you mean the log files in the "logs" directory?

If you set the Variable LOGCLEANUP to "false" then it should not clean up the log files in your "logs" directory.


You should also see the timestamps in the log files.

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28 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

It would also be helpful to store the complete log, I already set LOGCLEANUP to false, but whenever the container is edited the logfile in appdata is wiped. Is there a chance you could make the logfile persistent and add the date to the timestamps?


Hmm somehow it stuck now and all the information remained in the logfile 😕

The date would still be a nice feature.


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4 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

Hmm somehow it stuck now and all the information remained in the logfile 😕

I really don't know what you mean, please post your logs (simply drag and drop them here).

It seems that something with your setup is wrong...


I checked my log and everything runs as expected:


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1 hour ago, zAch523 said:

So let it sit for a while and tried to figure out what is happening - without luck. I set the Prefill-Schedule to hourly, but its still not finished downloading. This might be because I selected too many games, but I suspect there is another problem, as the log shows some error messages.

Maybe the error messages origin in the download not being complete before the next cron job is triggered?

It would also be helpful to store the complete log, I already set LOGCLEANUP to false, but whenever the container is edited the logfile in appdata is wiped. Is there a chance you could make the logfile persistent and add the date to the timestamps?

Depending on your internet connection speeds and also how fast your HDDs/SSDs are it could take to long before able to start a new cron. This will interrupt the already running prefill as ich777 already mentioned.


[5:08:47 AM] Finished in 3:13:02.14 - 58.93 Mbit/s

[5:08:47 AM] Starting WoW Classic   Up to date!
[5:08:48 AM] Starting Call of Duty: Black Ops 4   Up to date!
[5:08:49 AM] Starting Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War   Up to date!
[5:08:49 AM] Starting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare   Up to date!
[5:08:50 AM] Starting Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2   Up to date!
[5:08:51 AM] Starting Call of Duty: Vanguard   Up to date!
[5:08:52 AM] Starting Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time   Up to date!
[5:08:52 AM] Prefill complete! Prefilled 18 apps in 4:08:50.33


I have 18 apps / games which will be prefilled with updates and so on. This take already 3 Hours and 13 Minutes. If you may lets say got 20 apps / games it will take longer. I limited my docker half of the speed from my internet connection (1GB).

  • Like 1
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12 hours ago, zAch523 said:

The date would still be a nice feature.

Please update the container, I've now added a line that tells you the date when the prefill started (time will be displayed by Prefill itself), I've also added a check if SteamPrefill or BattleNetPrefill is running so that it doesn't start a new Prefill and let the running one finish until it's done (but please remember this check will only prevent that it starts a new SteamPrefill if another on from a old cron schedule isn't finished yet, so it is theoretically possible then BattleNetPrefill is running at the same time with SteamPrefill, BattleNetPrefill has that check too).


I've also tested the log cleanup and over here it is not removing the logs if I set LOGCLEANUP to "false".


I don't know if you've already seen it but I've implemented another variable that makes it possible to define a global schedule and this will run BattleNetPrefill and afterwards SteamPrefill at a given schedule.

This schedule will override the other schedules if defined.


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On 11/16/2022 at 11:02 AM, ich777 said:

I really don't know what you mean, please post your logs (simply drag and drop them here).

It seems that something with your setup is wrong...

Hi @ich777 sorry for the confusion...

I did some testing and found out what's wrong with my logfiles. It seems that only the output of the container start and the cron jobs is logged to file. Whenever I open a terminal and connect to the docker container, nothing that happens is logged to the file.
Also sometimes the log in the file does not contain the latest steps, that means it's simply cut of. Like for example the container ran tonight until 1:05. This is the end of the content of the logfile:


[2022-11-17] Starting SteamPrefill

[12:00:02 AM] Starting login!

Connecting to Steam...

Logging into Steam...

[12:00:11 AM] Logged into Steam

Saving Steam session...

Retrieving owned apps...

[12:00:11 AM] Steam session initialization complete!

Retrieving latest App info...


[12:00:13 AM] Starting Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition

 Getting available CDN Servers...

Fetching depot manifests...

[12:00:16 AM] Downloading 44.25 GiB

Detecting Lancache server...

[12:00:16 AM] Detected Lancache server at lancache.steamcontent.com []

Downloading..: 0%

Downloading..: 0%

Downloading..: 1%

Downloading..: 2%

Downloading..: 3%

Downloading..: 4%

Downloading..: 4%

Downloading..: 5%

Downloading..: 6%

Downloading..: 7%

Downloading..: 8%

Downloading..: 8%

Downloading..: 9%

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Downloading..: 12%

Downloading..: 12%

Downloading..: 13%

Downloading..: 14%

Downloading..: 14%

Downloading..: 15%

Downloading..: 16%

Downloading..: 17%

Downloading..: 17%

Downloading..: 18%

Downloading..: 19%

Downloading..: 20%

Downloading..: 21%

Downloading..: 22%

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Downloading..: 28%

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Downloading..: 36%

Downloading..: 37%

Downloading..: 37%

Downloading..: 38%

Downloading..: 39%

Downloading..: 40%

Downloading..: 41%

Downloading..: 41%

Downloading..: 42%

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Downloading..: 45%

Downloading..: 45%

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Downloading..: 50%

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Downloading..: 53%

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Downloading..: 56%

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Downloading..: 84%

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Downloading..: 87%

Downloading..: 88%

Downloading..: 88%

Downloading..: 89%

Downloading..: 90%

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Downloading..: 92%

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Downloading..: 95%

Downloading..: 96%

Downloading..: 96%

Downloading..: 97%

Downloading..: 97%

Downloading..: 98%

Downloading..: 98%

Downloading..: 99%

Downloading..: 99%

Retrying  1..: 0%

Retrying  1..: 31%

Retrying  1..: 53%

Retrying  1..: 84%

Retrying  1..: 95%

Retrying  1..: 98%

[1:02:54 AM] Finished in 1:02:38.59 - 101.14 Mbit/s


[1:02:54 AM] Starting Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Fetching depot manifests...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

   Unexpected download error : Unable to download manifests!  Skipping...


[1:03:26 AM] Starting Valheim

Fetching depot manifests...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

   Unexpected download error : Unable to download manifests!  Skipping...


[1:03:57 AM] Starting Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Fetching depot manifests...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

Manifest request timed out.  Retrying...

   Unexpected download error : Unable to download manifests!  Skipping...


[1:04:29 AM] Prefill complete!


  Prefilled 6 apps in 1:04:27.69  


   Updated │ Up To Date │ Failed  


      1    │     2      │   3      



[1:04:29 AM] Disconnected from Steam!

This morning I accessed the container via ssh in order to manually trigger the prefill. It downloaded 1 game but nothing of this is in the logfiles.



After this I just restarted the container to trigger the "prefill on start" and the log that I access via the unraid web UI shows this:


text  error  warn  system  array  login  

---Checking if UID: 99 matches user---
---Checking if GID: 100 matches user---
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Starting cron---
---Taking ownership of data...---
---SteamPrefill enabled!---
---Version Check!---
---SteamPrefill v1.7.3 up-to-date---
---Prepare Server---
---Force update enabled!---
[2022-11-17] Starting SteamPrefill
[11:08:22 AM] Starting login!
Connecting to Steam...
Logging into Steam...
[11:08:24 AM] Logged into Steam
Saving Steam session...
Retrieving owned apps...
[11:08:24 AM] Steam session initialization complete!
Retrieving latest App info...

[11:08:26 AM] Starting Warhammer: Vermintide 2
 Getting available CDN Servers... 
Fetching depot manifests...
[11:08:27 AM] Downloading 58.55 GiB
Detecting Lancache server...
[11:08:27 AM] Detected Lancache server at lancache.steamcontent.com []
Downloading..: 0%
Downloading..: 5%
Downloading..: 15%
Downloading..: 25%
Downloading..: 43%
Downloading..: 50%
Downloading..: 63%
Downloading..: 64%
Downloading..: 64%
Downloading..: 65%
Downloading..: 66%
Downloading..: 66%
Downloading..: 67%
Downloading..: 67%
Downloading..: 68%
Downloading..: 69%
Downloading..: 69%
Downloading..: 70%
Downloading..: 70%
Downloading..: 71%
Downloading..: 72%
Downloading..: 72%
Downloading..: 73%
Downloading..: 73%
Downloading..: 74%
Downloading..: 74%
Downloading..: 75%
Downloading..: 75%
Downloading..: 76%
Downloading..: 76%
Downloading..: 77%
Downloading..: 77%
Downloading..: 78%
Downloading..: 79%
Downloading..: 79%
Downloading..: 80%
Downloading..: 80%
Downloading..: 81%
Downloading..: 81%
Downloading..: 82%
Downloading..: 83%
Downloading..: 83%
Downloading..: 84%
Downloading..: 84%
Downloading..: 85%
Downloading..: 85%
Downloading..: 86%
Downloading..: 87%
Downloading..: 87%
Downloading..: 88%
Downloading..: 88%
Downloading..: 89%
Downloading..: 89%
Downloading..: 90%
Downloading..: 91%
Downloading..: 91%
Downloading..: 92%
Downloading..: 92%
Downloading..: 93%
Downloading..: 94%
Downloading..: 94%
Downloading..: 95%
Downloading..: 95%
Downloading..: 96%
Downloading..: 96%
Downloading..: 97%
Downloading..: 97%
Downloading..: 98%
Downloading..: 98%
Downloading..: 99%
Downloading..: 99%
Downloading..: 99%
Downloading..: 99%
Downloading..: 99%
Retrying  1..: 0%
Retrying  1..: 27%
Retrying  1..: 79%
[11:43:33 AM] Finished in 35:06.10 - 238.81 Mbit/s

[11:43:33 AM] Prefill complete!
  Prefilled 6 apps in 35:11.50 
   Updated │ Up To Date        
      1    │     5             
[11:43:33 AM] Disconnected from Steam!

Your cron schedule for SteamPrefill is: 0 1 * * *

---Container fully started, waiting for next cron job to start!---

[1:04:29 AM] Prefill complete!
  Prefilled 6 apps in 1:04:27.69   
   Updated │ Up To Date │ Failed   
      1    │     2      │   3      
[1:04:29 AM] Disconnected from Steam!

As you can see, I has some of the text from tonights run at the end of it...
Could this have to do with accessing the container via terminal? Could this break the logging somehow?



12 hours ago, ich777 said:

Please update the container

I did this and it works fine - thank you so much.



23 hours ago, RiDDiX said:

I limited my docker half of the speed from my internet connection (1GB).

Hi @RiDDiX, thank you for the tip. I should implement something linke this too. Can you tell me how you accomplished this? I searched for a setting in docker or the container itself but could not find anything. If you could give me a hint, I'd be very greatful!

steam_prefill 20221117-1136.log

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50 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

Like for example the container ran tonight until 1:05. This is the end of the content of the logfile

I see nothing that is cut off here, at least not in the file that you've posted.


Is maybe CA Backup running which is turning off your LANCache container while the LANCache-Prefill is running?


50 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

It seems that only the output of the container start and the cron jobs is logged to file. Whenever I open a terminal and connect to the docker container, nothing that happens is logged to the file.

Yes, but that is actually the same if you connect to any container and would do it like that because simply you are overriding how the logging function is working...

If you start for example a process in another container which is spiting out some log this won't be redirected to the container log and/or also maybe not to a log file but this is a fairly common behavior.


50 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

This morning I accessed the container via ssh in order to manually trigger the prefill. It downloaded 1 game but nothing of this is in the logfiles.

Yes, as explained above this is common behavior.


50 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

As you can see, I has some of the text from tonights run at the end of it...
Could this have to do with accessing the container via terminal? Could this break the logging somehow?

No, this is because tail displays the last few lines from the already made Prefill from the Force Prefill and only shows up in the log but not the log file, maybe I will change that too. <- I changed that already to avoid further confusion but this is only a cosmetic thing and won't affect the functionality from the container (please update the container, again...).


Again, your log file is totally fine, the only thing that you should really take a look is your log files in the "logs" directory...

Link to comment

Okay so i guess I understand how the log works and what to expect.

Now the only problem ist the original one, which ist that only a small amount of games ist beeing downloaded in each run. Do you think there ist a chance to find the reason without @josh5 ?

I never had problems when I used a VM to prefill the cache.

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8 minutes ago, zAch523 said:

Now the only problem ist the original one, which ist that only a small amount of games ist beeing downloaded in each run. Do you think there ist a chance to find the reason without @josh5 ?

I really don't know... Maybe this is a issue with the LANCache itself or it could also be that like mentioned above that CA Backup is running and your container is stopped while a backup is taken and so on...

Otherwise I would recommend to head over to the support thread from @Josh.5's LANCache Bundle container and post there if someone already had the same issue.


I don't have any issues whatsoever with the Prefill container but I run LANCache in a LXC container.

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On 6/5/2022 at 9:10 AM, lhw1221 said:

Thunderbird dose not work anymore after i restartet my server resently 

---Ensuring UID: 99 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Ensuring GID: 100 matches user---
usermod: no changes
---Setting umask to 000---
---Checking for optional scripts---
---No optional script found, continuing---
---Checking configuration for noVNC---
Nothing to do, noVNC resizing set to default
Nothing to do, noVNC qaulity set to default
Nothing to do, noVNC compression set to default
---Taking ownership of data...---
---Version Check---

---Thunderbird v91.10.0 up-to-date---
---Preparing Server---
---Resolution check---
---Checking for old logfiles---
---Checking for old display lock files---
---Starting TurboVNC server---
---Starting Fluxbox---
Fluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning..
Fluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning..
---Starting noVNC server---
WebSocket server settings:
- Listen on :8080
- Web server. Web root: /usr/share/novnc
- No SSL/TLS support (no cert file)
- Backgrounding (daemon)
Fluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning..
Fluxbox crashed with exit code 1. Respawning..
---Starting Thunderbird---
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Error: cannot open display: :99

after this it loops showing the same everytime


I got the same issue. But I tried everything with no luck:
- Removing Container. (No fix)
- Removing mounts and container. (No fix)

- Removing mounts, container and image (No fix)

It was working, but I needed to remove the container and the mounts from the first try because I fucked up the thunderbird user import. Thereafter, I got this error.





My setup, maybe related:
I'm using Cloudflare and nginx proxy manager to proxy and reverse proxy my docker containers.

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51 minutes ago, DockerIsNotAShoeBrand said:

My setup, maybe related:
I'm using Cloudflare and nginx proxy manager to proxy and reverse proxy my docker containers.

Please post a screenshot from your entire container template.


On what Unraid version are you? Do you use the container on Unraid?


I'm using the container on a daily basis (because it's my AiO Desktop mail client) and it is working perfectly fine over here:


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On 11/16/2022 at 3:30 AM, ich777 said:

I don't think that this will make any difference. Do you have any reports that it is not working @Josh.5?


I've checked my LANCache-Prefill container and it ran fine this night again (it had no games to update/download but it did check 15 Steam games).

I have not used the lancache container for a very long time. I tried to maintain it for people here who have been, but I cannot really test things and am flying under the assumption that things have been working fine for the people who have been using it. I'll probably be pulling the template from CA when I stop using Unraid next month as I have not intention of providing further support for it for this platform.

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Is the ich777/ubuntu-mirror docker working correctly?

Seeing errors:


E: Failed to fetch https://ubuntu.mirrors.domain.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/cnf/Commands-amd64  404  Not Found [IP: 443]

Which may relate to: https://www.linuxtechi.com/setup-local-apt-repository-server-ubuntu/


Note : If we don’t sync cnf directory then on client machines we will get following errors, so to resolve these errors we have to create and execute above script.

Edit: Following the instructions above to grab the cnf directory seems to have resolved the issue.

Edited by aterfax
Updated info.
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