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Unraid Forum 100K Giveaway

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I must say the gifts look awesome! Especially the USB drives with the Unraid logo!


I initially thought that moving from a Synology to a self managed server would be impossible. I finally decided to try out Unraid after my friend gave me his old computer and the experience has been flawless. I am surprised more people haven’t just decided to do this instead! Dockers and VMs just work and it is so seamless to just add array disks and parity disks. I love how Unraid just makes going into this so accessible through its UI, architecture, support. 


Maybe not a feature per se but I hope to see a dedicated YouTube or a video channel, kinda like what Spaceinvader does but with all the other cool folk like binhex and Linux Server. It will hopefully be a regular weekly thing so that more people from all over the world can really learn about running a server through Unraid. 

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I love the fact that Unraid makes everything so much easier to manage. Unfortunately, I’m not running it at the moment because my home server went to live at a colo facility and wouldn’t have a firewall in front of it anymore.


which brings me to my feature request. I’d love it if Unraid had the ability to be built in a “hardened” with a firewall that would keep most ports protected and only exposed the ports that you select to be exposed. Ideally there would also be a VPN capability so that you could still get access to all of the protected resources from a trusted network/endpoint. 

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La chose que j'aime le plus chez unRAID c'est belle est bien le fait de pouvoir mettre en place un lab rapidement avec tout les outils qui servent a constuire les lab du futur 


et j'aimerais qu'il y ai la prise en charge native de smachine virtuelle macOS .


Merci pour tout unRAID une très bonne team et une superbe communautée merci. 

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I really like the customization that i can get with all the addons and  Plugins ( I am always looking for new Stuff to install :P )


What i really want is an option for me to define the Port of a Docker that is used to access the WEB GUI when i use a custom IP Address


Also thanks for the awesome Product that you guys are developing.


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UNRAID has opened up the options for efficient and economical storage and so much more!! So much that we have two systems and we are on out 3rd (T3 aak Tower3) version of deployment. It keeps on getting better every day with not only the UNRAID Team, but the UNRAID community! We are in it all together!


Better Windows (yes i know) compatibility for domains (not business production, but lab production). 

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What I love most about unraid is the software shows the genuine passion you guys poured into this software, and continue to grow for everyone. It's easily configurable based on each users use case, the pricing is fair, and very flexible.


What I would like to see is a special tier where we can pay for someone authorized from the community to remotely log in and optimize our servers for us (new users), help us trouble shoot, some authorized literature (advanced how to's) that we can can purchase through the merch store, snapshots/revisions on certain shares! Continued content from Jon on his YouTube channel! It's nice to hear advice directly from the creators of the software, maybe a podcast every now and again.

Best regards,

Shane from Trinidad.

(About to build my server, awaiting on used server parts from eBay) 

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I love Unraid because in a world of overly complicated software, Unraid makes my home server a dream to deal with and maintain on a daily basis. Now if only our cto would get on board at work! 


One thing I would love to see added, well with the addition of wireguard... and the new login prompt.... well nothing. Unraid has become one of the best pieces of software I have ever used. Maybe a download more storage button 🤣

Edited by Jetracer
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