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Unraid Forum 100K Giveaway

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there are many thing what i like with Unraid, but at highest like, i am going to say; The Community (the Plugin/Docker/VM developers and Tutorial creators!)


what i like to say in 2020; more stuff in the Unraid GUI boot, like a (easy) File Browser, more monitor stuff. an another thing; Multi-pool support (for the Cachepool and Datapool)

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The Unraid feature that I adore, as a result of it completely maximising and refining how I utilise my household devices is the ability to utilise Docker/Docker applications!


The feature that I would like to see implemented in 2020, would be a native "Resource/Utilisation Viewer" to quickly check what's hogging the most resources. It's not a huge problem (since checking through terminal commands is possible) - but a quick GUI tab would be fantastic to check for any greedy apps!

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My favorite thing about Unraid is probably the overwhelming support for the platform by the community and the folks contributing to its success.


For 2020 I'd like to see some better licensing options for smaller/secondary Unraid installations. Sometimes I feel like I'd want a second Unraid server for very specific/minor tasks but don't want to pay for 'full' license. 

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Love the fact that you can mismatch hard drives and sizes. Super simple to set up and get going. The community is really great with tons of guides and help. Its consistently being updated with features that make it even more attractive than it already is! SO GREAT!


I would like to see docker folders haha, sometimes i forget my ABC's and don't remember which letter comes after A :P

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One thing I really enjoy about UnRAID is the overall level of polish the OS has. Everything is intuitive, everything just works, and it's beautiful to boot.

One thing I'd like to see added next year would be some kind of Easy Access feature, similar to what Synology has. I personally have no problem using my existing domains and getting SSL certs, but it would be a really cool touch to give paid users the option to create their own *.unraid.me address. That address could be linked to a VPN or secured webpage, depending on preference. 


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I love the ease of use of unRAID.  Coming from a strong IT background I have used many different turnkey solutions and built many customized systems.  I really like the ability to easily add features whether it be plugins, VMs or Docker containers.  The ease of expanding the array is rather nice too.


I would love to see multiple array pools in the future, so I could have on for SSDs and another for spinners.  That being said, I do miss ZFS.


Well worth the money for a license, I have a Pro license with only 8 drives on it.

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One thing that like...  Moving from Windows 10 to unRaid for storage/media server has been a no-brainer.  No more drive letters to remember.  Just put the data in a volume and unRaid takes care of the rest.


Feature to add:  Hire Spaceinvaderone as your head of training so he can do videos 100% full time.

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One thing I like is the ease of use and setup. Currently sitting at 100TB with 2x 1TB SSD mirrored cache and running 30 dockers on 10 year old hardware. Only issue I've had so far was a cooked USB drive which meant a couple days of rebuilding my config and dockers (I've since learned to backup the USB).

I'm about to build a new Unraid server for my 65 year old father because I'm sick of all the network file sharing issues that occur with his multiple Windows machines. Plus with the dockers I can integrate all the services he has running on multiple machines.


One feature I'd like to see added would be a modification to the New Permissions tool to be able to modify a single folder. Usually I need to use it to modify a file in my appdata but I have to wait for 30 minutes for it to hit every file in the share when I only need 1 file in 1 specific folder.

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I just started using it, but love the clean gui, simplicty of use, and the great forum help I've received so far.


Would love to have the ability to configure folders or shares to duplicate contents onto multiple disk's, like DrivePool has.  (I'm still becoming familiar with unraid, so this may already possible and I haven't come across it yet)

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