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I am trying to install the docker 'scrutiny' - however, when the docker tries to install itself i get this error:



if I remove from the template the fields that add those two options the docker installs - having read about it, I believe the issue is related to the way the script is using 'pwd' to get a path - unfortunately, i don't know how or what to update to change this.


Is anyone able to help me on this?



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So my net/router just took a hard dump on itself, after my ISP switched my internet plan (which I did ask them to do, in their defense). But Unraid's Cloudflare DDNS keeps reporting an IP I had 5 hours ago, to Cloudflare so all of my proxied containers are unaccessable. How can I force an IP in Cloudflare DDNS to get pushed to Cloudflare's DNS?


I went in, and manually changed the IP, but then it says, reserved IP... and it doesn't work. I could really use some help. I've got people breathing down my neck "I can't access the jellyfin, my life is over" and its... kind of annoying tbh lol. The .10.47 is my router's IP address, currently, from my ISP... the 75.159 one is from... well... like... ya about 4 hours ago (thats how long I've been trying to fix this)





Edited by stry8993
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On 8/6/2024 at 12:52 AM, nekromantik said:

Hi anymore got the Graylog template working?

I get error about permission denied and there are no config files in data directory not instructions on how to set it up using template. All instructions I seen is for docker compose version.

same here

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1 hour ago, Kilrah said:

Remapping is only possible with bridge.



Indeed it works with bridge. Thanks. Is this template unique? I mean usually I can change the port with a dedicated ip. How to know when the web env variable is only for bridge ? 

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It's always the case, just how Docker works.


If you want to change the port on host/br0 you have to change the port the actual container exposes... some have a facility for that as a separate variable but most don't.

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On 6/20/2024 at 12:49 PM, trauby3620 said:

 I have been trying to solve the issue on my own and figured out a way to fix it. Not saying it is the easiest or prettiest, but it seems to work (for now). So if anyone is having trouble, here are all the steps to set up a working Overleaf container in Unraid:

  1. From the apps-tab in Unraid:
    1.1  Install “Redis” (The default options should work fine)

    1.2 Install “MongoDB” (You can also use the default options, but don't forget to set Host Path 1 to your desired appdata location)Screenshot2024-06-18205228.thumb.png.d9009d18f419a8c39954dcd9db6ec767.png

    1.3 You probably need to add a database in MongoDB. Please refer to another guide for detailed instructions.
  2. Load the “Overleaf”-template from the apps-tab. Here, some modifications are needed before you can finish the install:
    2.1  All variables need to be edited to start with OVERLEAF_ instead of SHARELATEX_
    The result should look a little something like this:

    2.2 Optionally, you can add any of the options listed on the official overleaf git-page as variables: https://github.com/overleaf/overleaf/wiki/Configuring-Overleaf (e.g. I added the variables needed for Overleaf to be able to send emails)

    2.3 You must add the following path (by clicking on the little blue plus at the bottom of the template), to install texlive in a location that is outside your dockerfile. If you don't do that, 8 GB of data is being installed in your dockerfile, which is not recommended.

    Also add the following where we can save some commands later, that otherwise you would need to type manually after every restart of your server:

    Note: You might want to adjust the Host Path to point to your desired location on your array. The entry in “Name” can be whatever you like.

    2.4 Also optional, but recommended: free up even more space in your Dockerfile by adding the following path, which tells Overleaf to store the uploaded user data in the directory specified:

    2.5 Once all of these steps are complete: Apply the changes and finish installing the container. In the docker tab, you should now see the three containers we just installed.
  3. Create a file named “set_path.sh”  and add the following contents to the file using nano or a text-editor of your choice (I use Notepad++):
    export PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH"
    chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/overleaf/set_path.sh

    Hint: You might need to adjust the year in the first line.

    Save the file in the location set by the variable “PATH location” from step 2.3.

  4. Open the Overleaf WebUI and finish the set-up of Overleaf by creating an admin account like described in the wiki: https://github.com/overleaf/toolkit/blob/master/doc/quick-start-guide.md (replace “localhost” with the IP-adress of your docker installation or the domain you use for it)

    Once you finished the setup, everything seems to be working fine. But as soon as you try to compile a document with packages that are not shipped with the standard overleaf-container, you will see a critical error along with messages that certain packages were not found.

  5. To fix this, we need to install the full texlive-installation, by opening the Overleaf-console and running the following commands:

    5.1  Download texlive by typing the following command:

    wget https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/update-tlmgr-latest.sh

    5.2 Install all texlive packages (This might take a long time, since over 4,000 packages are being installed):

    tlmgr install scheme-full

    5.3 Once the installation is finished, run the following command (most packages might work without it, but I had problems with biblatex):

    tlmgr path add


  6. Test if everything works:

    6.1  Go to your Overleaf-site and refresh the page (log in again if necessary)

    6.2 Create/Upload a latex-project which uses different packages like biblatex or microtype

    6.3 If the compile works without any critical error, you are done!



Hope this helps, and you can install and use Overleaf without any problems. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the procedure, feel free to reply and let me (and the others) know.



thx a lot for your post - really helped in reinstalling my overleaf instance! 


In my case I ran into one small issue in step 5.1 - tlmgr was not found . Made sense as the custom path did not contain the texlive installation, so I followed the "UNix ish" instructions here for a fukll installation: https://www.tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html. What they do not really explain is, that the path you also use in your pathfile is the default installation path for texlive. so you choose a random temporary folder for the download, e.g. \usr\tmp then the actual installation will by default save the packages in /usr/local/texlive/2024/bin/x86_64-linux


I did not quite understand though why you named the path to the .sh script "/mnt/user/appdata/overleaf/set_path.sh" . Actually after setting it in the template, I could neither overwrite the created folder with the actual script file, nor could I delete it for some odd permission problem. I solved it by putting my set_path.sh file into that folder and changed the command itself to: chmod +x /mnt/user/appdata/overleaf/set_path.sh/set_path.sh. I guess this could be done more elegantly, but it works. 


Finally, the tip with tlmgr add path was gold! Indeed I had problems with biblatex , too and was not able to get the bibliography to work . Now all seems fine. Brilliant!


EDIT: once I changed further things on the template (added a few variables for email / smtp) and rebuild the container, I noticed that my projects would not compile any more for various reasons relating to missing files in packages etc. I went on to go through the whole process described above again as seemingly it did some needed changes to the container which were needed after all. I then commited all the changes to the container, however, oddly enough, that also increased my docker image by 8GB. It seems texlive somehow still got installed in the container itself, just around 200MB are saved in the x86_64-linux. This is not really what was expected... but at it seems to work now. I also have the impression that previous caches steadily prevent recompilation of projects no matter if you try compile from scratch. the frog example I had from previous attempts in my library would steadily refuse to find the picture, but when recreating that example file via the interface it would work no problem. 



Edited by ph_
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I've just installed Prometheus and when I start it I get this message in the log:
ts=2024-08-15T18:41:06.753Z caller=main.go:537 level=error msg="Error loading config (--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml)" file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml err="open /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml: no such file or directory"


And I have nothing in the etc folder. Shouldn't this "/prometheus/prometheus.yml" be created during the installation of Prometheus?



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im using Backblaze_Personal_Backup i have the drive e: set up and seen but it just hangs when doing the scan of the hard drives


Edit- just had to leave it run for 8 hours and it started to download.



Edited by Vomit
fixed the issuse
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I am a newb when it comes to Docker and Docker on UnRAID.  I see that our Xibo-CMS installation is v1.8 and they are on 4.0.15 now.  I followed to the point that y'all have this version on GitHub (GitHub - xibosignage/xibo-docker: Xibo Docker) and ChatGPT gave me instructions pull the latest, remove the container and add it manually.  This all worked to v3.3.3 but not to version 4.0.15, which I see on the GitHub page.  ChatGPT stated to use 'docker pull xibosignage/xibo-cms:release' which I substituted to 'docker pull xibosignage/xibo-cms:4.0.15'. 


That gave me the following message: 

Error response from daemon: manifest for xibosignage/xibo-cms:4.0.15 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown.


Can you help point me in the right direction to update to 4.x?  Thank you in advance!



I further did searches for nightlybeta and any other possible tags, but it did not help.  Is it safe to assume that the 4.0.15 that I see on the GitHub page is a work in progress, then, and not available to install/use?



Edited by BeaconGroup
Added additional troubleshooting steps
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14 hours ago, BeaconGroup said:

Is it safe to assume that the 4.0.15 that I see on the GitHub page is a work in progress, then, and not available to install/use?

Looks like they simply don't build/update the images on Dockerhub anymore since >1 year ago, so you'd have to build the image yourself from the repo if you wanted it.

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I am a new duplicacy user with a personal licence. I tried to setup my docker instance with your template with google drive (Duplicacy Web Edition 1.8.1), but I always get the result “This app is blocked”.


What can I do in order to connect to google drive?



Edited by fir3drag0n
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On 8/5/2024 at 5:52 PM, nekromantik said:

Hi anymore got the Graylog template working?

I get error about permission denied and there are no config files in data directory not instructions on how to set it up using template. All instructions I seen is for docker compose version.

Same issue.  I gave up.

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Since Dozzle moved to a nerw auth mechanism it's been unusable.  It requires a yaml file inside the container with credentials, but the container fails without it, and you can't create the file in the container since it fails, so it's a fail loop.  Has anyone figured out a way to run this?  The guides are decent, but assume you can start the container, which isn't possible.

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On 8/28/2024 at 11:41 PM, Kilrah said:

Looks like they simply don't build/update the images on Dockerhub anymore since >1 year ago, so you'd have to build the image yourself from the repo if you wanted it.

Well, that sucks!  😞  Thanks for the info!

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On 8/28/2024 at 11:41 PM, Kilrah said:

Looks like they simply don't build/update the images on Dockerhub anymore since >1 year ago, so you'd have to build the image yourself from the repo if you wanted it.

Question:  Xibo states that they did quit updating DockerHub after 3.3.3, which matches up.  They instead post to https://github.com/xibosignage.  So that begs the question:

  1. Can I have the app in UnRAID look there for updates?
  2. If not, are we able to upload it ourselves to DockerHub?  Or, does that require Xibo?
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It is possible to publish built images on github but if they do I don't see where. They publish the source but not a built image that I can see. 


Which means you probably need to clone their https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo-docker repo, do a docker build, and you can then either push that to your own dockerhub account, to a private repository container, or just build it on the server itself, repeat when new versions come out. 

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