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New Unraid Developer


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All of us at Lime Technology Inc. are excited to announce the hiring of Zack Spear as a full-time developer. Please help us give @zspearmint a warm welcome to the Unraid forums!


Zack has a diverse skill set and is an all around great guy. Learn more about Zack from his website bio:


As a 90s kid I grew up in the age where the internet was rapidly becoming common in every household. I always remember being glued to a screen. Whether it was playing my Gameboy 24/7, hogging the dial-up to use AOL, having LAN parties, to building my own rigs; my favorite being my first dual-boot – a Hackintosh / Windows rig. Fast-forward to getting a design internship right out of university at an ad agency in Orlando, Florida that quickly turned into joining their web dev team full-time. Soon after that I packed up my car and made my way to the West Coast. With stints in Santa Cruz, California and Olympia, Washington I eventually landed in Portland, Oregon where I worked remotely building fully fledged marketing websites with custom CMS’s for close to 5 years. One of those being Unraid.net. Hitting the fast-forward button again, I’m now responsible for taking Unraid to the next level with a new offering that will be Released Soon™️ and managing Unraid.net. Outside of work I love watching soccer, sipping cappuccinos, staging diving at hardcore punk shows, and walking around aimlessly with my analog film camera – currently enjoying my Contax T2. Late 2019 I embarked on an indefinite trip as a Digital Nomad. After 3 months in Japan, I'm currently in Taiwan. Catch me in SE Asia in the coming months.


Please feel free to ask Zack all about his digital nomad travels, Borussia Dortmund banter, love of old school analog film photography, or just drop in below to say "Hey".


Welcome aboard Zack!

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