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[Support] knex666 - Nextcloud

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I'm brand new to servers, to Unraid and also to nextcloud.


After installing swag, postgresql15 and nextcloud I have this error in the log file of nextcloud:


Next Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: oc_appconfig in /app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/API /SQLite/ExceptionConverter.php:52


Can someone tell me what I did wrong?

If any information is missing, please tell me. Unfortunately, I still have no idea what else is needed to answer my question.

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3 hours ago, NAS_Ruediger said:

I'm brand new to servers, to Unraid and also to nextcloud.


After installing swag, postgresql15 and nextcloud I have this error in the log file of nextcloud:


Next Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\TableNotFoundException: An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: oc_appconfig in /app/www/public/3rdparty/doctrine/dbal/src/Driver/API /SQLite/ExceptionConverter.php:52


Can someone tell me what I did wrong?

If any information is missing, please tell me. Unfortunately, I still have no idea what else is needed to answer my question.

Hey, check your Database Server if the Database and all Tabels are there. Seems that the DB is not installed correct because the table is missing.



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9 hours ago, NAS_Ruediger said:

OK, thank you! I will try a setup again from bottom with another youtube tutorial  🙂

the most youtube tutorials are very old and not made for this docker. Maybe you‘ll get some Inspiration but stick to this forums threads first page

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EDIT: Found everything myself deep down in this and another nextcloud thread, so no help needed anymore.

Hello, I'm complete new to all of this and im trying to get my cron to work with user scripts.

I tried running this user script but I get the following error:

On 2/14/2020 at 2:03 PM, randomninjaatk said:
docker exec -u www-data Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
exit 0


"Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/nextcloud Cron for Knex/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
Cannot write into "config" directory!
This can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the config directory.

But, if you prefer to keep config.php file read only, set the option "config_is_read_only" to true in it.
See https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/27/go.php?to=admin-config"


I tried setting Permission in my unraid system appdata/nextcloud/ and my share folder for nextcloud so everyone can read and Write but as a result I only got the next error:


Error with appdata/nextcloud/ and data share permission set to "drwxrwxrwx":

"Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/nextcloud Cron for Knex/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
Your data directory is readable by other users.
Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users."


Now I have no idea what I have to do


I got no Error now using user 99:100, but is this wy the right way to do it or will I discover some erros in the future because of that?

docker exec -u 99:100 Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
exit 0



I also didnt understand what to do with the following information and how to set this up:

On 2/11/2020 at 7:33 PM, knex666 said:


To get the right folder/file rights add this to Extra Parameter and Post Execution


  <ExtraParams>--user 99:100 --sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=0</ExtraParams>
  <PostArgs>&&  docker exec -u 0 NAME_OF_THIS_CONTAINER /bin/sh -c 'echo "umask 000" >> /etc/apache2/envvars'</PostArgs>

I found that the extra parameters are a thing in the docker advanced view where I was able to set these things.

Edited by Herbert Horst
Added new Information after more testing
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Good afternoon, I am wanting some help with updating my nextcloud install. 

It seems every time I update the whole thing crashes and I spend days getting it back up, so I have not updated for a while.

I do not remember what the last issue was but, to get it back running the fix I found was to use this repository.



I am currently running:

version: 25.0.13

SQLite3 3.35.5

PHP: 7.4.26


Nextcloud is really slow IMO so I am guessing moving to another database might help... I started with sqlite because I only have 5 users.


What would be the recommended steps to updating without crashing this again.


Thank you in advance!!!!!

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Hey all - I'm trying to access my nextcloud container to install ffmpeg, but have been having difficulty figuring out what's going wrong. I'm completely new to linux commands, so would appreciate if you could go step-by-step.


When I go to my docker/nextcloud console and try to run the necessary commands, I get the following errors:



I tried getting into the nextcloud container through the unraid console, but then I get this error:



Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!




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15 hours ago, benjistern said:

Hey all - I'm trying to access my nextcloud container to install ffmpeg, but have been having difficulty figuring out what's going wrong. I'm completely new to linux commands, so would appreciate if you could go step-by-step.


When I go to my docker/nextcloud console and try to run the necessary commands, I get the following errors:



I tried getting into the nextcloud container through the unraid console, but then I get this error:



Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!




short answare, dont!

you can do but your changes will be flushed if you dont commit the container.

there is @Kilrah s nextcloud with ffmpg installed.



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Hey all - I have a problem with big file upload. I am able to uplaod big files up to 25Gb but everytime after a big file uplaod, a few hours (or days) later my complete Server dies. I'm then not able to open the unraid dashboard or any of my dockers webui (nextcloud, jellyfin, ... everything dead). The file itself is fine when I look it up on my disk(the file is assembled out of chunks. After the uplaod I'm able to download it without error and nextcloud shows no error messages. I#m not sure right now if SMB share still works when everything is dead.)
Only way for me then is to go to my server and hold the on/Off button till it shuts down. Then when I restart, everything works fine, until I upload the next big file. For making Big File upload possible I added the following variables to my Docker:


Also I gave PHP 2Gb of Ram with 


I'm using a NginxProxyManager where I also got some 'Custom Configuration':

real_ip_header CF-Connecting-IP;
client_body_buffer_size 512k;
proxy_read_timeout 86400s;
client_max_body_size 95M;


Does someone know this problem and/or can help me where I can Download the Logs and what Logs would be interstinng to lock into? I allready enabled Unraid mirror Log to Flashdrive. Can I Upload this Log without being worried that personal Info will be in there?


I switched from nextcloud linuxServer docker to nextcloud-multimedia (official nextcloud image but with ffmpeg (install from apt repository), pdlib (built from source) and bzip (built from source)) a week ago, but I had the same problem with the linuxServer dockerimage. Everytime after a big file upload (Big = everything bigger than ~2Gb) 2 Days later my server was dead. Maybe one of my apps got a problem or I dont know...

My installed Apps:




Im really thankfull for every help and hope someone knows this, Right now my cloud is not really usable like this.

Thanks in advance!

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On 1/16/2024 at 12:22 PM, Ann4B3ll2019 said:

Good afternoon, I am wanting some help with updating my nextcloud install. 

It seems every time I update the whole thing crashes and I spend days getting it back up, so I have not updated for a while.

I do not remember what the last issue was but, to get it back running the fix I found was to use this repository.



I am currently running:

version: 25.0.13

SQLite3 3.35.5

PHP: 7.4.26


Nextcloud is really slow IMO so I am guessing moving to another database might help... I started with sqlite because I only have 5 users.


What would be the recommended steps to updating without crashing this again.


Thank you in advance!!!!!

Any Guidance I really dont want this to crash again....

Should I start with the database, using a different repository, I am at a loss.



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On 1/9/2024 at 6:05 AM, jordfoz16 said:

Hi all,


I'm getting this error when trying to access my Nextcloud after upgrading unraid


Configuration was not read or initialized correctly, not overwriting /var/www/html/config/config.php





I've got the same issue, I;ve gone ahead and chown -R www-data:www-data entire /html directory.

I still get this message, any assistance would be appreciated.

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I give up trying to setup nextclould, cloudflare, reverse proxy w/ NPM and this docker container. No matter what I do, I just can't figure it out. Sure I can access the local http server but as soon as I do anything releated to the revers proxy and https, it's all FUBAR'd.


If anyone wants to hold my hand through the process? Beers and coffee are on me!


Main Docker config:



Nextcloud Docker Setup:




NPM Official Docker Setup:




NPM proxy host setup:








Ping of my domain for cloudflare functionality:




nextcloud config.php setup:




Router Config (Port Foward/Opening):










Edited by SpinCykle
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1 hour ago, Kilrah said:

Nextcloud logs?


Also any reason your mariadb container is on another network?


Are you talking about the logs when viewed from unraid by left clicking on the docker image for nextcloud? Or the nextcloud logs located at /mnt/user/appdata/nexcloud/data/nextcloud.log ?


Does this mean anything to you? It's the log from right clicking on the docker image after start up.




The container being on a bridge network was an oversight. I've changed it but nothing has changed, unfortunately.


I truly think I have the proxy setup correct.... It's the nextcloud config,php/internal (LAN) config that's wrong. How and what I have set wrong, I have no clue.

Edited by SpinCykle
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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm trying to figure out why nextCloud stopped working after working correctly for almost a year.

When I try to go to the web UI, I get nothing, blank screen.

Looking in the logs, I noticed this line repeating itself:

[Mon Feb 05 19:35:29.871466 2024] [php:error] [pid 80] [client] script '/var/www/html/custom_apps/richdocumentscode/proxy.php' not found or unable to stat

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Not sure if I am in the right section of the forum, as I cannot start a new thread under the 'Docker Container' forum section, only reply?!


I am having a little difficulty finding information regarding some configuration settings in the NextCloud and NGINX Reverse Proxy Dockers.


I have used unRAID for over 3 years now mainly used just to maintain some media storage, alongside the Emby Server Docker. However, feeling a little more adventurous, I recently setup NextCloud and setup a Reverse Proxy using NGINX, which is connected over a Cloudflare Tunnel. However, there are a couple of areas, I am struggling with and it is getting a little annoying, because I think it is probably something really simple!


Issue 1:

I am unable to access NextCloud via the Windows Desktop App as I am getting a SSL warning and Error 403. (see pics).


I also have a few errors popping up on the NextCloud Docker Container.


I have Googled for answers and even used ChatGPT but with limited success. None of the guide on YouTube and general forums seem to have this unique group of errors.  I feel is it something to do with CloudFlare Tunnel and SSL certificates, but not 100%.


Any help in resolving these issues will be greatly appreciated. Already starting to go gray!








NextCloud Desktop Errors.png


NextCloud Config.php.png

NextCloud Errors.png

Edited by JasonH76
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/28/2024 at 10:34 PM, mschmitz said:

You have to set "http" -hostname -ip in nginx proxy manager edit proxy, not "https".

Thank you this did the trick! 
I was wondering what I did wrong in my config.php and was even tinkering on different settings in the .htaccess files!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/14/2020 at 2:03 PM, randomninjaatk said:

Option 2 seems easiest, created the following script below and set it to run every 5 min using the "Users Scripts" plugin

docker exec -u www-data Nextcloud php -f /var/www/html/cron.php
exit 0



Hi, I've been trying to get this to work for some time and I'm unable.

When I run the command, I get:

Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php
Current user id: 33
Owner id of config.php: 99


I'm trying to get cron running using the mentioned 2nd method.

When I check the /etc/passwd file, there is no user 99.

Any ideas?


Also, whenever I try to su within the container, I get a password prompt, but what is the password?

Additionally, when I try to sudo I get an error that sudo is not found.

Any help would be appreciated?

Edited by KptnKMan
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26 minutes ago, KptnKMan said:


Hi, I've been trying to get this to work for some time and I'm unable.

When I run the command, I get:

Console has to be executed with the user that owns the file config/config.php
Current user id: 33
Owner id of config.php: 99


I'm trying to get cron running using the mentioned 2nd method.

When I check the /etc/passwd file, there is no user 99.

Any ideas?


Also, whenever I try to su within the container, I get a password prompt, but what is the password?

Additionally, when I try to sudo I get an error that sudo is not found.

Any help would be appreciated?

Just go with "docker exec -u 99 nextcloud php cron.php". On Unraid nextcloud files are owned by user 99. There's no www-data. Sometimes you're gonna get a warning because of using different user than www-data but it's nothing to worry about.

  • Thanks 1
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On 2/25/2024 at 7:57 PM, Antoni Żabiełowicz said:

Just go with "docker exec -u 99 nextcloud php cron.php". On Unraid nextcloud files are owned by user 99. There's no www-data. Sometimes you're gonna get a warning because of using different user than www-data but it's nothing to worry about.

Thanks, that helps with docker exec.


However, I still cannot su within the container console, and its annoying because my container has stopped working and I have no su/sudo access.


How can I get the root password?

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1 hour ago, KptnKMan said:

Thanks, that helps with docker exec.


However, I still cannot su within the container console, and its annoying because my container has stopped working and I have no su/sudo access.


How can I get the root password?

You can try "docker exec -it -u root nextcloud bash" in Unraid console to access nextcloud console as root.

  • Thanks 1
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