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Good day everyone,

Just want to say thanks to the unraid team, spaceinvaderone and everyone on the forums for all their work and love for this beautiful software that is UNRAID.

I'm a noob Unraider. I recently built my first system. I enjoy the learning process and setting up cool dockers for eg media streaming and downloading, etc. However having become a dad recently my time is very limited now.

My question is will the unraid team ever consider a subscription service with video tutorials (like spaceinvader, I appreciate his work and very grateful for it but sometimes feel I'd prefer to get guidance from the ppl that designed the os) or individuals authorized by unraid from the community to assist noob users in getting more advanced dockers or features set up quickly?

Will there by any changes to the license tiers in the future?

Will unriad team ever release an official app for ios and Android?. (There are options out there but I'm not really impressed by it, some features don't work as I would like them to)

How important is ecc ram for unraid software compared to ZFS. Does it make a SIGNIFICANT difference the way the file systems are set up having ECC ram for unriad os. Or will I have relatively the same protection using normal hardware that doesn't support?

Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Question on backups:

One of the things that often stops me recommending unRAID to other less technically-minded users is the lack of a built-in, easy-to-use backup tool that can be managed by the web interface.


Currently the only built-in backup tool unRAID provides is the unRAID Flash device backup. To backup my Docker containers I use the excellent CA Backup/ Restore Appdata plugin. Then run rsync on a schedule to copy the data in my shares to another computer on my network.


Does the unRAID team have any plans for adding a more comprehensive built-in backup solution?


Looking forward to the show!


Thanks :)

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Enjoyed that a lot, and now I have yet another podcast/chat channel to while away the hours with as I explore the guys back catalog.


@jonpOne point: I have encountered exactly the same issue as Mike described with a multi-drive BTRFS cache setup. A hard reset would corrupt the whole cache and no amount of scrubbing or recovery would bring it back. I've downgraded to a single cache with XFS as it was just too unreliable.


Looking forward to multiple pools! Now, I'm off to do some tweeting to try to win one of those case badges.....


Edited by meep
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Thanks to @theaverageguy for asking my question - https://youtu.be/FnFcaKNF268?t=3508


And @jonp for the reply.

That's brilliant news about the new Cloud backup feature for the unRAID Flash device.  Being able to get over that first hurdle of getting back to a working system after a problem will be a big help.

Will the Cloud backup contain only the current backup of the unRAID Flash device, or will you be able to go back 1 week, 1 month -  to allow you to restore the last known good configuration?


On the more general point of Array/ user data backup. Right now I'm trying to get a friend onto unRAID but was met with a blank facial expression after talking through all the different backup options. Its great from a tinkerer point-of-view like myself. For a regular user its just too much to absorb and get something reliable working.


There needs to be an Official unRAID way of doing an Array backup. When you search "Windows Backup and Restore" or "Synology Backup and Restore" you get helpful results at the top of Google. Try that for unRAID and you have Flash device backup, CA Backup/ Restore Appdata and some talk about using unRAID as a target for Apple Time Machine before the talk gets very technical. Leaving your regular user who deleted a video project they've been working on all week completely out of luck.


To me it just seems the next natural step for unRAID to add an Official Array backup, either developed by the unRAID team or working with a established partner. You mention a few times during the show that customer data protection is your number 1 priority. Unfortunately continuing your stellar work on unRAID from the software side isn't enough; hardware fails, users make mistakes and viruses are a thing.


For me there are so many advantages to using unRAID. I have several friends and family who would benefit from moving to unRAID. But its hard to get them to commit on the idea when competing platforms and products have, maybe not ideal, but basic backup features baked into their products.


Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my question :)

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10 minutes ago, Ockingshay said:

Would anyone be kind enough to do a quick summary of what was announced?

  1. Multiple cache pools
  2. Automatic backup of flash drive to cloud
  3. Possible future inclusion of Nvidia drivers in unRAID
  4. Auto stubbing of devices for VMs (simple check box selection/deselection)
  5. Localized languages for GUI (at least the infrastructure for doing it - localizations may be community driven)
  6. Others I am forgetting?

They ran out of time but Jon hinted there may be more to talk about with 6.9.

Edited by Hoopster
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Oh, and most importantly, @Squid was blushing at all the praise heaped on him for Community Applications.  😉


Other community members mentioned for significant work:

  • @CHBMB and the LSIO team for the UnRaid Nvidia build
  • @Skitals for help with the VM stubbing
  • "Some guy in the Netherlands (@bonienl) " for work on GUI localizations
  • @Mex for his work on the Dashboard

Kudos to you all for helping make unRAID even better.  As has been mentioned multiple times over the years, the community is the best thing about the product!

Edited by Hoopster
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Thanks Jon for sharing your time with the home gadget podcast, please continue to promote unraid on other channels aswell with more time allotted.
Every time you do I learn something new from your discussions and have a better appreciation for what you guys do.
This gives me greater confidence knowing that the software I have invested my time and money in is continously being worked on for a better user experience.
Thanks again for answering my questions, especially the ecc one [emoji120] and special thanks to every community developer, squid, spaceinvader, CHBMB, etc. without you guys I wouldn't be apart of the unraid tide.
Keep up the good work Unraid Team. [emoji120][emoji482]
PS: next time invite Tom, would love to get to know Mr Unraid himself.

Best regards,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, itimpi said:

I was surprised that WireGuard was not mentioned as one of the significant improvements since the previous podcast

So many things to keep track of, but yeah, that would have been a good one to bring up.  I was honestly more excited to talk about what's coming next, but never fear, WireGuard will see it's day in the spotlight with us for sure soon!  It was probably a good thing we had an internal call that made me have to jump of the podcast otherwise I may have spilled too many beans ;-).

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