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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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5 hours ago, xkagex said:

I upgraded to 6.3.4; UD is upgraded to 2017.5.21;  I put in a new WD red 4tb disk. it shows up in UD, I can format it and mount it, but I am unable to use preclear. When i click on preclear nothing happens. I have used UD in the past to preclear disks. 

I uninstalled and reinstalled to make sure that there wasn't a corrupt file from upgrading. 

Just checking to see if there is something wrong on my end or if the upgrade to 6.3.4 broke something.


Your issue is with the preclear plugin and not UD.  UD does not preclear disks.

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On 5/21/2017 at 8:17 AM, dlandon said:

I'm not sure how any of you with the disk spin up issue are creating this situation with UD installed and uninstalled and determining that it is a UD problem.  I have a drive mounted in a docking station in my test system and I was able to make this happen.  It happens with UD uninstalled.  The problem appears to be in the background monitor script built into unRAID.  This should be posted as a defect in unRAID as I can make it happen without UD being installed and monitoring enabled.

I've posted a defect report for this issue.

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On 21.5.2017 at 2:17 PM, dlandon said:

I'm not sure how any of you with the disk spin up issue are creating this situation with UD installed and uninstalled and determining that it is a UD problem.  I have a drive mounted in a docking station in my test system and I was able to make this happen.  It happens with UD uninstalled.  The problem appears to be in the background monitor script built into unRAID.  This should be posted as a defect in unRAID as I can make it happen without UD being installed and monitoring enabled.

You might be correct in that it might be an unraid polling problem and not an UD problem. This needs further investigation.

Edited by Videodr0me
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I'm not sure if the issue is with UD or something else but I precleared a disk in UD with 3 passses with no errors. I formatted it in ext4 and copied data over. I used a powered USB enclosure to connect it to a raspberry pi but I cannot mount it in the pi, even after adding "max_usb_current=1" to the config as recommended. I ran dmesg and got something like "Magic Mismatch Can't find valid F2FS filesystem". gparted shows only 500+gb of unallocated space but it's a 5tb drive. I plug it into a Windows machine and the device manager sees it but it's ext4 so can't mount it. I tried to mount it with http://www.paragon-drivers.com/extfs-windows/ but it gets "unknown error". I put it back in unRAID in UD and it mount fine and all my files are there. Any idea what might be the issue? I thought maybe UD formatted it weird. After I formatted it in UD I went to copy data to it and there was a lost+found folder and I thought those only showed up when there was orphaned data or something.

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Quick question.. got the app/plugin running on unRAID 6.3.5... quick recap of my setup..

5 brand new 3TB red drives. that i intent to use with unraid...


3x2tb that have data.. from openmediavault.. in a raid0 array...stripe..

backup of that data on 2x500gib disks plus a 1tb usb drive (samsung.. with a MB mini board. not sata..

so.. i need to mount either the array from omv to copy files once the new unraid 5x3tb array is built with the 4x1parity or 3x2parity drives.. .. any pointers? omv was created as an ext4 "filesystem"...


do I have any chances of getting the data from omv?? no.. I don't have a second server... =(


Thanks in advance..

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6 hours ago, CarlosRojo said:


Quick question.. got the app/plugin running on unRAID 6.3.5... quick recap of my setup..

5 brand new 3TB red drives. that i intent to use with unraid...


3x2tb that have data.. from openmediavault.. in a raid0 array...stripe..

backup of that data on 2x500gib disks plus a 1tb usb drive (samsung.. with a MB mini board. not sata..

so.. i need to mount either the array from omv to copy files once the new unraid 5x3tb array is built with the 4x1parity or 3x2parity drives.. .. any pointers? omv was created as an ext4 "filesystem"...


do I have any chances of getting the data from omv?? no.. I don't have a second server... =(


Thanks in advance..

UD can mount ext4 disks.  I don't know what openmediavault is so I don't know how the data is written.  UD can mount disks recognized by unRAID and Linux.

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8 hours ago, CarlosRojo said:

3x2tb that have data.. from openmediavault.. in a raid0 array...stripe..

I don't think you can mount a md RAID volume in unraid. I think your best option would be to redo your OMV setup to mount the disks, copy the data to single disk volumes, then you can set up unraid and use unassigned devices plugin to copy data from the single disks.


I could be wrong, maybe email support at limetech and ask if it's possible to manually command line mount a RAID0 set from OMV. I know there is no easy automatic way of doing it.

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6 hours ago, dlandon said:

UD can mount ext4 disks.  I don't know what openmediavault is so I don't know how the data is written.  UD can mount disks recognized by unRAID and Linux.


OMV is Debian... mdadm is used for handling raid..
ud sees the disks but no mount option (plus signs.. etc) under fdisk -l there is no filesystem reported.. dmesg reports that VSF cannot find the ext4 filesystem..
I also tried mount -t ext4 /dev/sdwhatever to a dir I created inside mnt.. no luck..

hmmm yes I guess I'll have to upload the data from my backups (single drives.. some combination of exfat, ntfs, hfs.. I can't remember.. right now making sure all data is somewhere in the backups)

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I have a problem with the plugin:


(I'm trying to explain the steps I took below)


I had a CIFS share mounted using Unassigned Devices, the share is on another machine in the house.


The machine was offline, when I tried to unmount the share, which in some wierd way has caused the following problems:


I can still connect to unraid using SSH

  1. $ ls /mnt/disks: causes a hang and I'm unable to exit out of the command.
  2. Connecting to any of my shares using samba causes a hang on the machine accessing the share, and an error message saying the share is unavailable.
  3. I'm unable access the webui.

I got the first two problems fixed by running the following command:


$ umount -f -t cifs -l /mnt/disks/name_of_share


If I ran it without -l (lazy) I got this error:

umount -t cifs -f /mnt/disks/name_of_share
umount: /mnt/disks/name_of_share: target is busy
        (In some cases useful info about processes that
         use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1).)

The output from fuser:

fuser -l /mnt/disks/name_of_share


But I'm still unable to access the webui.


I suspect that this is caused by a hang in Unassigned Devices, after trying to unmount an "offline" share.


Any chance someone knows how to restart the plugin or something, that will bring back the webui without having to reboot?


Pretty sure this is the relevant part of the logfile (names are changed):


May 29 12:32:18 Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=this_is_a_username,password=and_a_password'//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' '/mnt/disks/name_of_share'
May 29 12:32:18 Successfully mounted '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' on '/mnt/disks/name_of_share'.
May 29 12:32:18 Defining share 'name_of_share' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/name_of_share.conf'
May 29 12:32:18 Adding share 'name_of_share' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
May 29 12:32:18 Reloading Samba configuration...
May 29 12:32:18 Directory '/mnt/disks/name_of_share' shared successfully.
May 29 12:32:18 Device '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' script file not found.  'ADD' script not executed.
Jun 01 14:31:31 Removing Remote SMB share '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...
Jun 01 14:31:31 Device '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' script file not found.  'REMOVE' script not executed.
Jun 01 14:31:31 Unmounting Remote SMB Share '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...
Jun 01 14:31:31 Unmounting '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...


Edited by cnrd
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4 minutes ago, cnrd said:

I have a problem with the plugin:


(I'm trying to explain the steps I took below)


I had a CIFS share mounted using Unassigned Devices, the share is on another machine in the house.


The machine was offline, when I tried to unmount the share, which in some wierd way has caused the following problems:


I can still connect to unraid using SSH

  1. $ ls /mnt/disks: causes a hang and I'm unable to exit out of the command.
  2. Connecting to any of my shares using samba causes a hang on the machine accessing the share, and an error message saying the share is unavailable.
  3. I'm unable access the webui.

I got the first two problems fixed by running the following command:


$ umount -f -t cifs -l /mnt/disks/name_of_share


But I'm still unable to access the webui.


I suspect that this is caused by a hang in Unassigned Devices, after trying to unmount an "offline" share.


Any chance someone knows how to restart the plugin or something, that will bring back the webui?


Pretty sure this is the relevant part of the logfile (names are changed):


May 29 12:32:18 Mount SMB/NFS command: mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=this_is_a_username,password=and_a_password'//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' '/mnt/disks/name_of_share'
May 29 12:32:18 Successfully mounted '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' on '/mnt/disks/name_of_share'.
May 29 12:32:18 Defining share 'name_of_share' on file '/etc/samba/unassigned-shares/name_of_share.conf'
May 29 12:32:18 Adding share 'name_of_share' to '/boot/config/smb-extra.conf'
May 29 12:32:18 Reloading Samba configuration...
May 29 12:32:18 Directory '/mnt/disks/name_of_share' shared successfully.
May 29 12:32:18 Device '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' script file not found.  'ADD' script not executed.
Jun 01 14:31:31 Removing Remote SMB share '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...
Jun 01 14:31:31 Device '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE' script file not found.  'REMOVE' script not executed.
Jun 01 14:31:31 Unmounting Remote SMB Share '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...
Jun 01 14:31:31 Unmounting '//SOME/SAMBA_SHARE'...


Do you have the latest UD plugin version installed?  This problem was worked on some time ago.

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18 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Do you have the latest UD plugin version installed?  This problem was worked on some time ago.

Any way to check this without the webui? Can't remember when I last updated it.


My primary goal right now, is gaining access to the webui. (Hopefully without having to reboot).


EDIT: Not sure if relevant, found this in /tmp/plugins/unassigned.devices.plg: <!ENTITY version   "2017.03.23">

Edited by cnrd
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15 minutes ago, cnrd said:

Any way to check this without the webui? Can't remember when I last updated it.


My primary goal right now, is gaining access to the webui. (Hopefully without having to reboot).


EDIT: Not sure if relevant, found this in /tmp/plugins/unassigned.devices.plg: <!ENTITY version   "2017.03.23">

That's not the latest version.  You are probably going to have to hard reboot.  Once you are back up and running, be sure to update all plugins.

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1 hour ago, CHBMB said:

With the new webui interfaces the icon to display partions is missing (to the left of the drive name).  Works fine with the old style webui.  Running V6.4rc2



There are several things that need tweaking for the Azure and Gray themes.  The "Complete" toggle, refresh, download log, and log icons are scrunched together.  I'm working on it.

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44 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Oh yeah, I forgot about those icons on the right, I had noticed that too.. 

You'll also notice the spinny thing throws up a black background.  I'll do what I can to get functionality back.  bonienl will give me some help with some of the details, like colors because UD uses it's own style sheet.  I'll end up doing several incremental releases to improve the Azure, and Gray themes as I can work out the details.


I am really liking the Azure theme!


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7 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Me too, become my default.


I have to disagree with you. I like the gray one better :)

I really like how the pages look on the tablet. The header is always on top and since I'm using full screen mode on that tablet, its a just like having an app, but everything available. Good work @bonienlbonienl


The UD part looks good now.

Edited by saarg
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