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XFS Extended Defragmentation

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The default xfs_fsr command defragmentates all XFS disks. For SSDs it isn't only useless, but also wears them out.


This script:

  • does not defrag SSDs
  • does not defrag NVMe
  • defrags for a specific time in seconds (default is 7200 seconds = 2 hours)
  • defrag_only_sleep=1 (defrags only if parity is not spinning)


# #####################################
# Script:      XFS Extended Defragmentation v0.2
# Description: Defragmentate only HDDs (SSDs will be ignored) if requirements met for a selectable running time.
# Author:      Marc Gutt
# Changelog:
# 0.2
# - SSD recognition added
# 0.1
# - first release
# ######### Settings ##################
# #####################################
# ######### Script ####################
# make script race condition safe
if [[ -d "/tmp/${0///}" ]] || ! mkdir "/tmp/${0///}"; then exit 1; fi; trap 'rmdir "/tmp/${0///}"' EXIT;

# defrag only if parity is not spinning
if [[ $defrag_only_sleep == "1" ]]; then
    # obtain parity disk's device id
    parity_id=$(mdcmd status | grep rdevName.0 | cut -d = -f 2)
    echo "Parity has device id $parity_id"
    # we defrag only if parity is not spinning
    parity_state=$(smartctl -n standby "/dev/$parity_id")
    if [[ $parity_state != *"STANDBY"* ]]; then
        echo "Defragmentation has been skipped because of active parity disk"

echo "Search for HDDs..."

# parse /etc/mtab and check rotational status
declare -a mtab
while IFS= read -r -d '' line; do
    if [[ "$line" =~ $disk_id_regex ]]; then
        rotational=$(cat /sys/block/md${disk_id}/queue/rotational)
        if [[ "$rotational" == "1" ]]; then
            echo "Found HDD with id md${disk_id} (added)"
        echo "Found SSD with id md${disk_id} (skipped)"
done < <(cat /etc/mtab | grep -E '^/dev/md' | tr '\n' '\0')

if [ ${#mtab[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -i alert -s "XFS Defragmentation failed!" -d "No HDD found!"

printf "%s\n" "${mtab[@]}" > /tmp/.xfs_mtab
echo "Content of /tmp/.xfs_mtab:"
cat /tmp/.xfs_mtab

# defrag
xfs_fsr -v -m /tmp/.xfs_mtab -t "$defrag_seconds" -f /tmp/.xfs_fsrlast




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1 hour ago, mgutt said:

If a file needs to be defragmentated, it will update the Parity as usual. So it does not "bypass" the parity if this was your thought. Is this even possible? I don't know.

I assume (you not what that means) that it is similar to xfs repair as far as maintaining parity. If you repair the md device, parity is maintained. If you repair the partition of the sd device, parity is not maintained. Looks like your code is working with the md devices so parity should be maintained, but I won't pretend to understand it all.


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3 minutes ago, trurl said:

Hope you will consider these points:

Yes, I know both "bugs" (move to a different share does not move to correct disk and moving between share and disk can kill files). But moving will come much later. At first I will realize delete and maybe zip/tar.

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5 hours ago, tronyx said:

Is this something that one *SHOULD* be doing

No. Most people suggest this only for heavily written HDDs as this data will fragmentate (spreaded across different positions in the plattern) over time. This causes higher latency for reads and writes = slower / wavering transfer rates. As I used multiple parallel transfers to fill my HDDs (not clever), some of them were heavily fragmentated. So I would say it's more like a one time job or should only be done once per year or after changing many files on the HDD.


Sadly it's not possible to get the real fragmentation rate as really huge files must be fragmentated to 8GB blocks.


Maybe I should integrate a notification when all HDDs were successfuly defragmentated. Or I add a temporary file which disables defragmentation for several months when it was successful. 

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15 hours ago, mgutt said:

rotational=$(cat /sys/block/md${disk_id}/queue/rotational)

I forgot to mention, you can't do this on the mdX device, it will always return 1, even for an SSD, there shouldn't be many users with SSDs in the array, but if you want to check it you need to do it on the sdX devices.

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This looks pretty cool, thanks!


Would you mind posting this to gist.github.com instead of embedding it here in the forum? Often the forum will add hidden characters that break things. Plus with a gist we can see the change history.


Might also make sense to link to this thread for more context: 



Potential idea, what if you pass a 'status' param to the script and then instead of running the defrag it does this to show the fragmentation on each drive:
  xfs_db -c 'frag -f' -r /dev/mdX
This should be safe to run while a defrag is happening, so it could skip the "race condition" check and the parity spinning check.


Also, would you mind making it so setting defrag_seconds=0 removes the -t param?

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  • 4 weeks later...


Thanks for your input. Will consider the zero value problem in a future release. I will publish this script only on github if I find the time to write it as a plugin.


"frag -f" is sadly nearly useless as described in this post. As an example all my HDDs return a high fragmentation factor although no defragmentation is possible (as they mainly contain huge movies).


Maybe it would be possible to calculate the real fragmentation factor by counting files and their sizes and devide them through 8GB while finally comparing this value with the value returned by "frag -f". I need to think about that...

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On 10/23/2020 at 12:43 AM, ljm42 said:

Also, would you mind making it so setting defrag_seconds=0 removes the -t param?

I checked that. If the param is removed, it uses the default value of 7200 seconds (check line 59). If you expect an "unlimited" execution you must set a really high value like 2630000 (= 1 month). Should I replace 0 against 9999999 (~4 month)?

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  • 2 months later...

Really looking forward to this as a plugin (if you will ever make one) :D 
I mainly have HDD's and had to fill them nearly full (95% and more) as new disks are expensive now with corona and the fragmentation is rather high and can "feel" already the performance drain of it.

Thank you for your time into looking stuff like this and making it available for non linux pro's :) 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

can i somehow see a progress on this anywhere? i am wondering what kind of runtime length i should be aiming for, the default 2hrs seems very low? was thinking of just putting 24hrs or something like that, it will just quite once it is done anyway, right?

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