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  • Unraid OS version 6.10.0-rc1 available


    6.10.0 Summary of New Features


    As always, prior to updating, create a backup of your USB flash device:  "Main/Flash/Flash Device Settings" - click "Flash Backup".


    UPC and My Servers Plugin

    The most visible new feature is located in the upper right of the webGUI header.  We call this the User Profile Component, or UPC.  The UPC allows a user to associate their server(s) and license key(s) with their Unraid Community forum account.


    Starting with this release, it will be necessary for a new user to either sign-in with existing forum credentials or sign-up, creating a new account via the UPC in order to download a Trial key.  All key purchases and upgrades are also handled exclusively via the UPC.


    Signing-in provides these benefits:

    1. No more reliance on email and having to copy/paste key file URLs in order to install a license key - keys are delivered and installed automatically to your server.
    2. Notification of critical security-related updates.  In the event a serious security vulnerability has been discovered and patched, we will send out a notification to all email addresses associated with registered servers.
    3. Ability to install the My Servers plugin (see below).
    4. Posting privilege in a new set of My Servers forum boards.


    Once a license key has been provisioned, it is not necessary to remain signed-in, though there is no particular reason to sign-out.  Exception: if you have installed the My Servers plugin, signed-in servers will maintain a websocket connection to a Lime Technology cloud server for the purpose of transmitting real-time status.


    My Servers Plugin

    My Servers is what we call our set of cloud-based or cloud-enabled services and features that integrate with your Unraid server(s).  Once installed here are some of the features of My Servers:

    • My Servers Dashboard - when logged into the forum a new My Servers menu item appears. Clicking this brings up a Dashboard which displays a set of tiles representing each signed-in server.  Here you can see real-time status such as whether the server is online or offline, storage utilization and other information.  In addition, links are created to bring up a server webGUI, either locally on the LAN or remotely over the Internet (if Remote Access has been enabled).
    • flash backup - every registered server is provided with a private git repo initially populated with the contents of your USB flash boot device (except for certain files which contain private information such as passwords).  Thereafter, configuration changes are automatically committed.  Through the My Servers webApp it's possible to download a custom zip file that can be fed as input to the USB Flash Creator tool to move your configuration to a new USB flash device.
    • License key download - Again, through the My Servers webApp you can download your license key directly.


    My Servers is an optional add-on, installed through Community Apps or via direct plugin URL.  Detailed instructions can be found here.


    Security Changes

    • It is now mandatory to define a root password.  We also created a division in the Users page to distinguish root from other user names.  The root UserEdit page includes a text box for pasting SSH authorized keys.
    • For new configurations, the flash share default export setting is No.
    • For all new user shares, the default export setting is No.
    • For new configurations, SMBv1 is disabled by default.
    • For new configurations, telnet, ssh, and ftp are disabled by default.
    • We removed certain strings from Diagnostics such as passwords found in the 'go' file.



    Both libvirt and qemu have been updated.  In addition qemu has been compiled with OpenGL support.


    The built-in FireFox browser available in GUI-mode boot is built as an AppImage and located in the bzfirmware compressed file system image.  This saves approximately 60MB of RAM.


    The Wireguard plugin has been integrated into webGUI, that is, no need for the plugin.  If you had the plugin installed previously, it will be uninstalled and moved to the "Plugins/Plugin File Install Errors" page. No action is needed unless you want to press the Delete button to remove it from that page. Your WireGuard tunnels and settings will be preserved.


    Simplified installation of the Community Apps plugin.  The webGUI automatically includes the Apps menu item, and if CA is not already installed, the page offers an Install button.  No need to hunt for the plugin link.


    Let's Encrypt SSL provisioning change.  In previous releases code that provisions (allocates and downloads) a LE SSL certificate would first test if DNS Rebinding Protection was enforced on the user's LAN; and, if so, would not provision the certificate.  Since there are other uses for a LE certificate we changed the code so that provision would always proceed.  Next, we changed the logic behind the Auto selection of "Use SSL/TLS" setting on the Management Access page.  Now it is only possible to select Auto if both a LE certificate has been provisioned and DNS Rebinding Protection is not enforced.  This is a subtle change but permits certain My Servers features such as Remote Access.


    Linux Kernel

    Upgrade to Linux 5.13.8 kernel which includes so-called Sequoia vulnerability mitigation.


    In-tree GPU drivers are now loaded by default if corresponding hardware is detected:

    • amdgpu
    • ast
    • i915
    • radeon


    These drivers are required mostly for motherboard on-board graphics used in GUI boot mode.  Loading of a driver can be prohibited by creating the appropriate file named after the driver:

    echo "blacklist i915" > /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf

    Alternately, the device can be isolated from Linux entirely via the System Devices page.  Note that in Unraid OS 6.9 releases the in-tree GPU drivers are blacklisted by default and to enabling loading a driver you need to create an empty "conf" file.  After upgrading to Unraid OS 6.10 you may delete those files, or leave them as-is.  This change was made to greatly improve the Desktop GUI experience for new users.


    Added support for Intel GVT-g, which lets you split your Intel i915 iGPU into multiple virtual GPUs and pass them through to multiple VMs, using @ich777's Intel-GVT-g plugin.


    Added support for gnif/vendor-reset.  This simplifies @ich777's AMD Vendor Reset plugin which permits users to get their AMD video cards to reset properly.


    Base Packages

    Virtually the entire base package set has been updated.


    Other improvements available in 6.10, which are maybe not so obvious to spot from the release notes and some of these improvements are internal and not really visible:



    Event driven model to obtain server information and update the webGUI in real-time

    • The advantage of this model is its scalability. Multiple browsers can be opened simultaneously to the webGUI without much impact
    • In addition stale browser sessions won't create any CSRF errors anymore
    • People who keep their browser open 24/7 will find the webGUI stays responsive at all times


    Docker labels

    • Docker labels are added to allow people using Docker compose to make use of icons and GUI access
    • Look at a Docker 'run' command output to see exactly what labels are used


    Docker custom networks

    • A new setting for custom networks is available. Originally custom networks are created using the macvlan mode, and this mode is kept when upgrading to version 6.10
    • The new ipvlan mode is introduced to battle the crashes some people experience when using macvlan mode. If that is your case, change to ipvlan mode and test. Changing of mode does not require to reconfigure anything on Docker level, internally everything is being taken care off.


    Docker bridge network (docker0)

    • docker0 now supports IPv6. This is implemented by assigning docker0 a private IPv6 subnet (fd17::/64), similar to what is done for IPv4 and use network translation to communicate with the outside world
    • Containers connected to the bridge network now have both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity (of course the system must have IPv6 configured in the network configuration)
    • In addition several enhancements are made in the IPv6 implementation to better deal with the use (or no-use) of IPv6


    Plugins page

    • The plugins page now loads information in two steps. First the list of plugins is created and next the more time consuming plugin status field is retrieved in the background. The result is a faster loading plugins page, especially when you have a lot of plugins installed


    Dashboard graphs

    • The dashboard has now two graphs available. The CPU graph is displayed by default, while the NETWORK graph is a new option under Interface (see the 'General Info' selection)
    • The CPU graph may be hidden as well in case it is not desired
    • Both graphs have a configurable time-line, which is by default 30 seconds and can be changed independently for each graph to see a longer or shorter history.
    • Graphs are updated in real-time and are useful to observe the behavior of the server under different circumstances


    Other Changes

    • We switched to a better-maintained version of the WSD server component called wsdd2 in an effort to eliminate instances where the wsd daemon would start consuming 100% of a CPU core.
    • Fixed issue where you couldn't create a docker image on a share name that contains a space.
    • Fixed issue where 'mover' would not move to a pool name that contains a space.
    • Fixed issue in User Share file system where permissions were not being honored.
    • We increased the font size in Terminal.
    • Many other small bug fixes and improvements.



    Special thanks to all our beta testers and especially:

    @bonienl for his continued refinement and updating of the Dynamix webGUI.

    @Squid for continued refinement of Community Apps and associated feed.

    @dlandon for continued refinement of Unassigned Devices plugin and patience as we change things under the hood.

    @ich777 for assistance and passing on knowledge of Linux kernel config changes to support third party drivers and other kernel-related functionality via plugins.

    @SimonF for refinements to System Devices page and other webGUI improvements.  We intend to merge your mover progress changes during this RC series.



    Version 6.10.0-rc1 2021-08-07


    Base distro:

    • aaa_base: version 15.0
    • aaa_glibc-solibs: version 2.33
    • aaa_libraries: version 15.0
    • acl: version 2.3.1
    • acpid: version 2.0.32
    • adwaita-icon-theme: version 40.1.1
    • apcupsd: version 3.14.14
    • appres: version 1.0.5
    • at: version 3.2.2
    • at-spi2-atk: version 2.38.0
    • at-spi2-core: version 2.40.3
    • atk: version 2.36.0
    • attr: version 2.5.1
    • avahi: version 0.8
    • bash: version 5.1.008
    • beep: version 1.3
    • bin: version 11.1
    • bind: version 9.16.19
    • bluez-firmware: version 1.2
    • bridge-utils: version 1.7.1
    • brotli: version 1.0.9
    • btrfs-progs: version 5.13.1
    • bzip2: version 1.0.8
    • ca-certificates: version 20210526
    • cairo: version 1.16.0
    • celt051: version
    • cifs-utils: version 6.13
    • coreutils: version 8.32
    • cpio: version 2.13
    • cpufrequtils: version 008
    • cracklib: version 2.9.7
    • cryptsetup: version 2.3.6
    • curl: version 7.78.0
    • cyrus-sasl: version 2.1.27
    • db48: version 4.8.30
    • dbus: version 1.12.20
    • dbus-glib: version 0.112
    • dcron: version 4.5
    • dejavu-fonts-ttf: version 2.37
    • devs: version 2.3.1
    • dhcpcd: version 8.1.9
    • diffutils: version 3.8
    • dmidecode: version 3.3
    • dnsmasq: version 2.85
    • docker: version 20.10.6
    • dosfstools: version 4.2
    • e2fsprogs: version 1.46.3
    • ebtables: version 2.0.11
    • editres: version 1.0.7
    • eject: version 2.1.5
    • elogind: version 246.10
    • elvis: version 2.2_0
    • encodings: version 1.0.5
    • etc: version 15.0
    • ethtool: version 5.13
    • eudev: version 3.2.10
    • file: version 5.40
    • findutils: version 4.8.0
    • flex: version 2.6.4
    • floppy: version 5.5
    • fluxbox: version 1.3.7
    • fontconfig: version 2.13.92
    • freeglut: version 3.2.1
    • freetype: version 2.11.0
    • fribidi: version 1.0.10
    • fuse3: version 3.10.4
    • gawk: version 5.1.0
    • gd: version 2.3.2
    • gdbm: version 1.20
    • gdk-pixbuf2: version 2.42.6
    • genpower: version 1.0.5
    • getty-ps: version 2.1.0b
    • git: version 2.32.0
    • glew: version 2.2.0
    • glib2: version 2.68.3
    • glibc: version 2.33
    • glibc-zoneinfo: version 2021a
    • glu: version 9.0.2
    • gmp: version 6.2.1
    • gnutls: version 3.6.16
    • gptfdisk: version 1.0.8
    • graphite2: version 1.3.14
    • grep: version 3.6
    • gtk+3: version 3.24.30
    • gzip: version 1.10
    • harfbuzz: version 2.8.2
    • haveged: version 1.9.14
    • hdparm: version 9.62
    • hicolor-icon-theme: version 0.17
    • hostname: version 3.23
    • htop: version 3.0.5
    • hwloc: version 2.2.0
    • icu4c: version 69.1
    • imlib2: version 1.7.1
    • inetd: version 1.79s
    • infozip: version 6.0
    • inih: version 53
    • inotify-tools: version
    • iproute2: version 5.13.0
    • iptables: version 1.8.7
    • iputils: version 20210722
    • irqbalance: version 1.7.0
    • jansson: version 2.13.1
    • jemalloc: version 5.2.1
    • jq: version 1.6
    • json-c: version 0.15_20200726
    • keyutils: version 1.6.3
    • kmod: version 29
    • krb5: version 1.19.2
    • lbzip2: version 2.5
    • less: version 590
    • libICE: version 1.0.10
    • libSM: version 1.2.3
    • libX11: version 1.7.2
    • libXau: version 1.0.9
    • libXaw: version 1.0.14
    • libXcomposite: version 0.4.5
    • libXcursor: version 1.2.0
    • libXdamage: version 1.1.5
    • libXdmcp: version 1.1.3
    • libXevie: version 1.0.3
    • libXext: version 1.3.4
    • libXfixes: version 6.0.0
    • libXfont: version 1.5.2
    • libXfont2: version 2.0.5
    • libXfontcache: version 1.0.5
    • libXft: version 2.3.4
    • libXi: version 1.7.10
    • libXinerama: version 1.1.4
    • libXmu: version 1.1.3
    • libXpm: version 3.5.13
    • libXrandr: version 1.5.2
    • libXrender: version 0.9.10
    • libXres: version 1.2.1
    • libXt: version 1.2.1
    • libXtst: version 1.2.3
    • libXxf86dga: version 1.1.5
    • libXxf86misc: version 1.0.4
    • libXxf86vm: version 1.1.4
    • libaio: version 0.3.112
    • libarchive: version 3.5.1
    • libcap-ng: version 0.8.2
    • libcgroup: version 0.41
    • libdaemon: version 0.14
    • libdmx: version 1.1.4
    • libdrm: version 2.4.107
    • libedit: version 20210714_3.1
    • libepoxy: version 1.5.8
    • libestr: version 0.1.9
    • libevdev: version 1.11.0
    • libevent: version 2.1.12
    • libfastjson: version 0.99.9
    • libffi: version 3.3
    • libfontenc: version 1.1.4
    • libgcrypt: version 1.9.3
    • libglvnd: version 1.3.3
    • libgpg-error: version 1.42
    • libgudev: version 236
    • libidn: version 1.38
    • libjpeg-turbo: version 2.1.0
    • liblogging: version 1.0.6
    • libmnl: version 1.0.4
    • libnetfilter_conntrack: version 1.0.8
    • libnfnetlink: version 1.0.1
    • libnftnl: version 1.2.0
    • libnl3: version 3.5.0
    • libpcap: version 1.10.1
    • libpciaccess: version 0.16
    • libpng: version 1.6.37
    • libpsl: version 0.21.1
    • libpthread-stubs: version 0.4
    • libseccomp: version 2.5.1
    • libssh: version 0.9.5
    • libssh2: version 1.9.0
    • libtasn1: version 4.17.0
    • libtiff: version 4.3.0
    • libtiff: version 4.3.0
    • libtirpc: version 1.3.2
    • libunistring: version 0.9.10
    • libunwind: version 1.5.0
    • libusb: version 1.0.24
    • libusb-compat: version 0.1.7
    • libuv: version 1.41.0
    • libvirt: version 7.3.0
    • libvirt-php: version 0.5.5
    • libwebp: version 1.2.0
    • libwebsockets: version 4.2.0
    • libx86: version 1.1
    • libxcb: version 1.14
    • libxkbcommon: version 1.3.0
    • libxkbfile: version 1.1.0
    • libxml2: version 2.9.12
    • libxshmfence: version 1.3
    • libxslt: version 1.1.34
    • libzip: version 1.8.0
    • listres: version 1.0.4
    • lm_sensors: version 3.6.0
    • lmdb: version 0.9.29
    • logrotate: version 3.18.1
    • lshw: version B.02.19.2
    • lsof: version 4.94.0
    • lsscsi: version 0.32
    • lvm2: version 2.03.12
    • lz4: version 1.9.3
    • lzip: version 1.22
    • lzo: version 2.10
    • mc: version 4.8.26
    • miniupnpc: version 2.1
    • mkfontscale: version 1.2.1
    • mpfr: version 4.1.0
    • mtdev: version 1.1.6
    • nano: version 5.8
    • ncompress: version 5.0
    • ncurses: version 6.2_20201219
    • net-tools: version 20181103_0eebece
    • nettle: version 3.7.3
    • network-scripts: version 15.0
    • nfs-utils: version 2.5.4
    • nghttp2: version 1.44.0
    • nginx: version 1.19.9
    • nss-mdns: version 0.14.1
    • ntfs-3g: version 2017.3.23
    • ntp: version 4.2.8p15
    • numactl: version 2.0.13
    • oniguruma: version 6.9.7
    • openssh: version 8.6p1
    • openssl: version 1.1.1k
    • openssl-solibs: version 1.1.1k
    • p11-kit: version 0.24.0
    • pam: version 1.5.1
    • pango: version 1.48.7
    • patch: version 2.7.6
    • pciutils: version 3.7.0
    • pcre: version 8.45
    • pcre2: version 10.37
    • php: version 7.4.18
    • pixman: version 0.40.0
    • pkgtools: version 15.0
    • procps-ng: version 3.3.17
    • pv: version 1.6.6
    • qemu: version 6.0.0
    • qrencode: version 4.1.1
    • reiserfsprogs: version 3.6.27
    • rpcbind: version 1.2.5
    • rsync: version 3.2.3
    • rsyslog: version 8.2102.0
    • sakura: version 3.5.0
    • samba: version 4.12.15
    • sdparm: version 1.12
    • sed: version 4.8
    • sessreg: version 1.1.2
    • setxkbmap: version 1.3.2
    • sg3_utils: version 1.46
    • shadow: version 4.8.1
    • shared-mime-info: version 2.1
    • slim: version 1.3.6
    • smartmontools: version 7.2
    • spice: version 0.15.0
    • sqlite: version 3.36.0
    • ssmtp: version 2.64
    • startup-notification: version 0.12
    • sudo: version 1.9.7p2
    • sysfsutils: version 2.1.0
    • sysvinit: version 2.99
    • sysvinit-scripts: version 15.0
    • talloc: version 2.3.2
    • tar: version 1.34
    • tcp_wrappers: version 7.6
    • tdb: version 1.4.5
    • telnet: version 0.17
    • tevent: version 0.11.0
    • traceroute: version 2.1.0
    • transset: version 1.0.2
    • tree: version 1.8.0
    • ttyd: version 20210507
    • usbredir: version 0.8.0
    • usbutils: version 013
    • utempter: version 1.2.0
    • util-linux: version 2.37.1
    • vbetool: version 1.2.2
    • vsftpd: version 3.0.5
    • vte3: version 0.50.2
    • wayland: version 1.19.0
    • wget: version 1.21.1
    • which: version 2.21
    • wireguard-tools: version 1.0.20210424
    • wsdd2: version
    • xauth: version 1.1
    • xcb-util: version 0.4.0
    • xclock: version 1.0.9
    • xdpyinfo: version 1.3.2
    • xdriinfo: version 1.0.6
    • xev: version 1.2.4
    • xf86-input-evdev: version 2.10.6
    • xf86-input-keyboard: version 1.9.0
    • xf86-input-mouse: version 1.9.3
    • xf86-input-synaptics: version 1.9.1
    • xf86-video-ast: version 1.1.5
    • xf86-video-mga: version 2.0.0
    • xf86-video-vesa: version 2.5.0
    • xfsprogs: version 5.12.0
    • xhost: version 1.0.8
    • xinit: version 1.4.1
    • xkbcomp: version 1.4.5
    • xkbevd: version 1.1.4
    • xkbutils: version 1.0.4
    • xkeyboard-config: version 2.33
    • xkill: version 1.0.5
    • xload: version 1.1.3
    • xlsatoms: version 1.1.3
    • xlsclients: version 1.1.4
    • xmessage: version 1.0.5
    • xmodmap: version 1.0.10
    • xorg-server: version 1.20.13
    • xprop: version 1.2.5
    • xrandr: version 1.5.1
    • xrdb: version 1.2.0
    • xrefresh: version 1.0.6
    • xset: version 1.2.4
    • xsetroot: version 1.1.2
    • xsm: version 1.0.4
    • xterm: version 368
    • xtrans: version 1.4.0
    • xwd: version 1.0.8
    • xwininfo: version 1.1.5
    • xwud: version 1.0.5
    • xxHash: version 0.8.0
    • xz: version 5.2.5
    • yajl: version 2.1.0
    • zlib: version 1.2.11
    • zstd: version 1.5.0

    Linux kernel:

    • version 5.13.8 (CVE-2021-33909 CVE-2021-33910)
    • CONFIG_USB4: Unified support for USB4 and Thunderbolt
    • CONFIG_USB4_NET: Networking over USB4 and Thunderbolt cables
    • CONFIG_DRM_I915_GVT: Enable Intel GVT-g graphics virtualization host support
    • CONFIG_DRM_I915_GVT_KVMGT: Enable KVM/VFIO support for Intel GVT-g
    • CONFIG_VFIO_MDEV: Mediated device driver framework
    • CONFIG_VFIO_MDEV_DEVICE: VFIO driver for Mediated devices
    • CONFIG_FTRACE: Tracers
    • CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER: Kernel Function Tracer
    • CONFIG_KPROBES: Kprobes
    • CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL: Kernel debugging
    • CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL: Include all symbols in kallsyms
    • CONFIG_X86_X32: removed
    • md_unraid: version 2.9.18


    • emhttp new defaults:
      - root password required
      - newly created shares not exported by default
      - predefined 'flash' share not exported by default
      - ftp, ssh, telnet: disabled by default
      - NetBIOS disabled by default
      - WSD enabled (and using newer 'wsdd2' package)
      - Enhanced macOS interoperability enabled
    • mover: fix bug not moving shares with embedded spaces
    • shfs: fix bug where permissions being ingored ('default_permissions' was missing in mount command)
    • webgui: support simultanious LAN SSL with self-signed cert and DNS-based SSL with Lets Encrypt cert
    • webgui: Suppress non-relevant IPv6 routes in routing table
    • webgui: Fixed smart temperature settings sometimes not possible
    • webgui: Add internal container reference
    • webgui: Diagnostics: Remove lines from go containing passwords etc
    • webgui: Better translation of docker container variables
    • webgui: Fix monitor false positives
    • webgui: Allow ruleset for local rules in rsyslog.conf
    • webgui: Include links in email and Discord agent notifications
    • webgui: Allow all notification agents to send links
    • webgui: Validate WebGUI ports before applying
    • webgui: Add vmxnet3 and e1000 into available NICs for VMs
    • webgui: Error checking etc on ports for syslog server
    • webgui: Check for flash offline / quick check on if it is corrupted
    • webgui: Only allow png files to be uploaded as user image
    • webgui: Diagnostics: Revamp anonymization
    • webgui: Add WireGuard GUI
    • webgui: Update DashStats.page
    • webgui: Bug fix in DashStats
    • webgui: Fix corruption check after a New Config is issued
    • webgui: Update alert text
    • webgui: Translation support (Unraid.net)
    • webgui: WireGuard: preset peer DNS server with "Remote tunneled access"
    • webgui: Plugins page loading improvements
    • webgui: Docker page loading improvements
    • webgui: Make WireGuard trademark visible on "full" page
    • webgui: Replace polling scripts with event driven Nchan interface
    • webgui: Improved format of stale and error plugin pages
    • webgui: Docker: Add crypto as a category
    • webgui: Dashboard: add CPU and NETWORK chart
    • webgui: Docker: compress too long author names
    • webgui: Convert notify polling to Nchan
    • webgui: Docker: process bash ANSI colors in web log display
    • webgui: dockerMan: remove HTML from descriptions
    • webgui: SSH authorized keys UI
    • webgui: Device_list replace .png icon with font icon
    • webgui: Compress too long share names in dropdown menus
    • webgui: Show management access and shares access groups for users
    • webgui: Added "User 'root'" reference on Management Access page
    • webgui: Show warning when javascript is disabled
    • webgui: Force creation of root password
    • webgui: Edit/Add Container: Fix browser console error
    • webgui: WireGuard: warn when directly connected with public IP
    • webgui: Fix network bonding display
    • webgui: Add tracking after system shutdown
    • webgui: Added notify when plugin fails to install
    • webgui: Add Apps link to install CA
    • webgui: Diagnostics: Add share summary
    • webgui: Suppress IPv6 anycast addresses in routing table
    • webgui: Diagnostics: Add share summary
    • webgui: Diagnostics: Include current plugin versions
    • webgui: Diagnostics: add DHCP log
    • webgui: Diagnostics fix plugin deprecated max version error
    • webgui: Docker: Support CA tag
    • webgui: Delete DockerRepositories.page
    • webgui: dockerMan Security: Remove HTML tags from Config elements
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    • webgui: System devices additions
    • webgui: Create syslog entry when user logs out
    • webgui: privatize host in diagnostics
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    Installed the update this morning and server is running fine besides an unclean shutdown when rebooting for the update but I cannot switch tabs when using mobile, no matter which tab I choose nothing works (docker, settings etc) but desktop browser works fine. I’ve tried safari and chrome.

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    7 hours ago, ljm42 said:


    Since you can access the system via IPMI, type "diagnostics" and make note of the zip file it generates. Then type "powerdown" to shut the server down.


    Put the flash drive in another computer and attach the diagnostics zip file here so we can get some clues as to what the problem is.


    To revert back to 6.9.2, copy all of the files from the "previous" directory on the flash drive into the root of the flash drive. Then you can boot the server from the flash again.


    I have attached the diagnostics.


    I still get the timeout errors USB4-6 and 'Cannot find device "Bond0"


    I don't have any files in the 'previous' directory - it is empty. Is there another way to rollback? Can I overwrtie the new stick with the 6.9.2 image and then copy the config folder over?






    System specs:


    Supermicro SC846 Chassis

    Supermicro X10DRI-T 256GB RAM

    Asus NVME Card (4 x EVO 860 NVME) in PCIe Slot

    Nvidia Quadro P2000 in PCIe Slot

    LSI 9300 HBA in PCIe Slot


    Edited by msryhajw
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    On 8/10/2021 at 7:23 AM, dalben said:

    I've had two hard lockups in 12 hours since installing this release.  Nothing in syslog around time of lockup.


    Diagnostics attached.  I'll stay on this release for a bit longer in case there's a need for more info or a fix, but will need to roll back to 6.9 sooner rather than later.


    tdm-diagnostics-20210810-0718.zip 135.45 kB · 3 downloads


    3 hard lockups in 36 hours of 6.10 RC1

    If no one is interested in the logs or any potential other checks or tests I'll just roll back to 6.9


    Latest diagnostics attached


    Link to comment

    Hi guys, I upgraded to 6.10 RC1 and immediately after reboot I received the "cannot find bond0" error and subsequently I was not able to get an IP from my router. Rolled back to 6.9.2 using the files from the previous folder and rebooted... back online. Is this a bug? (diagnostics attached).


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    1 minute ago, Juzzotec said:

    Hi guys, I upgraded to 6.10 RC1 and immediately after reboot I received the "cannot find bond0" error and subsequently I was not able to get an IP from my router. Rolled back to 6.9.2 using the files from the previous folder and rebooted... back online. Is this a bug? (diagnostics attached).

    horizonlab-diagnostics-20210811-1813.zip 135.29 kB · 0 downloads

     I had the same issue - reported a few threads up ...

    • Like 1
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    Just now, msryhajw said:

     I had the same issue - reported a few threads up ...

    Thanks, glad I'm not alone... I've been experiencing a few technical issues with plex docker and my shield tv (seperate to this issue). Thought I would take the dive into 6.10.... ☺️

    Link to comment
    12 hours ago, limetech said:


    Use "Auto" setting.  This setting is slightly different in 6.10 than in previous releases.  "Auto" means use the certificate defined in the file:



    The "Provision" button will download a LE cert to that file, but instead of doing that you can upload your own cert there.  The code will then check that DNS Rebinding protection is not active on your LAN and that the Subject of the certificate resolves via your DNS server.  If both those checks pass then you can select "Auto".  Once selected, now the webGUI will only answer up to this URL prefix:


    Thank you for clarification. 

    For some reason I can´t click on auto anymore. You know why?

    I have Pfsense, but I have added:

    private-domain: "unraid.net"


    Link to comment
    5 hours ago, dalben said:


    3 hard lockups in 36 hours of 6.10 RC1

    If no one is interested in the logs or any potential other checks or tests I'll just roll back to 6.9


    Latest diagnostics attached

    tdm-diagnostics-20210811-1548.zip 136.6 kB · 0 downloads


    There's nothing obvious in the system log except Nerdpack is installing down-rev packages.  Maybe remove that plugin or try running in 'safe mode'.

    • Thanks 1
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    5 hours ago, Juzzotec said:

    Hi guys, I upgraded to 6.10 RC1 and immediately after reboot I received the "cannot find bond0" error and subsequently I was not able to get an IP from my router. Rolled back to 6.9.2 using the files from the previous folder and rebooted... back online. Is this a bug? (diagnostics attached).

    horizonlab-diagnostics-20210811-1813.zip 135.29 kB · 0 downloads


    This happens when 'bzmodules', which is a compressed file system image, cannot be mounted from the USB flash device.  Probably the file is corrupted.  I suggest restoring your flash backup via the USB Creator tool, which will also ensure the flash file system is not corrupted, boot and try the update again.

    • Like 1
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    Upgraded fine apart from I now can't passthrough my onboard Bluetooth controller. It works fine in a BM Windows 10 install, but throws up a Code 10 error in the Windows 10 VM and doesn't even let me Enable Bluetooth in a PopOS VM.


    Edit:- Created a separate thread here.



    Edited by cobhc
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    2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Just upgraded a test server and don't see one of my pools in the main GUI page

    This is a bug.

    I can reproduce the issue and working on a fix.


    Made a fix, should come in rc2

    Edited by bonienl
    • Like 2
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    4 hours ago, limetech said:


    This happens when 'bzmodules', which is a compressed file system image, cannot be mounted from the USB flash device.  Probably the file is corrupted.  I suggest restoring your flash backup via the USB Creator tool, which will also ensure the flash file system is not corrupted, boot and try the update again.




    Thanks, tried this with the same issue when upgrading again. What I have also noticed is the 4 PCIe NVME running on a HyperX card do not show in 6.10 RC1 - only the one assigned as a cache drive shows. They all appear correctly in 6.9.2 and biurifcation is set in the bios to x4x4x4x4. If BZmodules is corrupt and I install the backup to go back to 6.9.2 I don't understand why it corrupts each time I install 6.10 RC1. At least 2 of us have had the same issue now.

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    2 hours ago, msryhajw said:

    What I have also noticed is the 4 PCIe NVME running on a HyperX card do not show in 6.10 RC1


    If you can't upgrade how do you know this?

    • Thanks 1
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    15 hours ago, ZataH said:

    Thank you for clarification. 

    For some reason I can´t click on auto anymore. You know why?

    I have Pfsense, but I have added:

    private-domain: "unraid.net"



    Is there a message elsewhere on the page telling you "DNS Rebinding Protection is ENABLED" or "DNS Propagation is PENDING"?

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    On 8/8/2021 at 10:54 AM, ljm42 said:

    Thanks for the diags. You are getting an error message I have not seen before:
      *936 auth request unexpected status: 504 while sending to client
    What browser are you using? If you have an ad blocker you need to whitelist the server.

    I do use an ad blocker on chrome (I think it’s whitelisted already, can’t check at the moment) but I did try with Firefox that doesn’t have ad blocker and still couldn’t connect to the web gui

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    On 8/11/2021 at 2:35 AM, bonienl said:

    Some people -including myself - never experience crashes, this makes it hard to troubleshoot.


    Lucky I haven't macvlan crash too.

    As I need host access, in general, just enable host access for that would fine. But I notice docker's mac address sometimes will be change and cause some strange issue. So I disable host access and use 2nd NIC to make Unraid can access those docker, i.e. Pihole, Syslog.


    On 8/11/2021 at 3:16 AM, alturismo said:

    ipvlan assigns 1 mac (the same) to all, so my router was jumping in mapping the ip with the mac address. so first it looked ok but then i ran into timiouts, specially when access "externally" like laptop browser to a service like tvheadend, plex, emby, ... or it took a while until the service could be reached, so i reverted back for now, just as note if some may run into "issues" with ipvlan.


    ipvlan assigns 1 mac (the same) to all, this also alert me, BTW all service still work without problem and seems won't got timeouts. The current issue is Network monitor "Fing" mo more monitor service individually because all in same MAC address.

    Edited by Vr2Io
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    1 minute ago, Vr2Io said:

    But I need host access, in general, you should enable host access for that.

    me too ;)


    here it looks pretty persistent about macs on dockers while using macvlan, ipvlan as mentioned, great feature for those where the router is not struggling with it.

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    43 minutes ago, alturismo said:

    me too ;)


    here it looks pretty persistent about macs on dockers while using macvlan, ipvlan as mentioned, great feature for those where the router is not struggling with it.


    I still apply ipvlan in live with host access, keep monitoring. My 2nd NIC now free for other purpose.




    ** Edit : I try external loop back to router, it also work without timeouts **, do you apply IP-MAC binding in router ? ( I have binding also no problem )


    i.e, local <> WAN <> docker

    WAN IP port:80 forward to Unraid port:80

    WAN IP port:81 forward to docker_1 port:80

    WAN IP port:82 forward to docker_2 port:80

    Edited by Vr2Io
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    For me the upgrade from 6.9.2 to 6.10-RC1 doesnt work. After i reboot, the WEBGui doesnt appear and i dont have access to the unraid server. how are the steps that i can do to find the problem i have. after i reboot the server with version 6.10-rc1 i have access with putty on it, thats the only one. (no web interface). i have installed the dev pack and the nerds pack. maybe this is a problem?

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    2 hours ago, cracyfloyd said:

    how are the steps that i can do to find the problem i have. after i reboot the server with version 6.10-rc1 i have access with putty on it, thats the only one.

    log in and 


    The file will be saved to the flash drive (logs folder).  Upload the file here

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    I’ve found a small issue with the new version. 

    When using the GUI on my iPhone (Safari on iOS 14.7.1) none of the tabs work “on click”. They work fine if I open them in a new window / tab though. 

    Problem seems to be localised to Safari as the behaviour is as expected using an alternate browser app (e.g DuckDuckGo).


    Was able to replicate on my GFs iPhone too which was an IOS version lower. She hasn’t upgraded yet.

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    Open = Under consideration.


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