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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is du / QdirStat using TiB vs TB (which the dashboard uses)?
  2. Yeah, it sucks. Don't know why my IT department just can't understand that while I'm at work I'm there just to get the paycheck and have far more important things to do than actually earn it 🤔
  3. My work blocks all VPN connections on their network
  4. Were you passing through on the vm template a USB device that is now unplugged?
  5. For some reason, certain hardware combinations issue an MCE when initializing the CPU's. Yours is one of them, and nothing to worry about.
  6. 1st 6 reallocated sectors - Up to your own comfort level, but the drive is 7 years old 2nd 134 uncorrectable errors - toss it 3rd 360 CRC errors. That's caused by bad / loose sata cabling, if it doesn't increase, then don't worry about it. You can acknowledge the thumbs down by clicking on it, then you'll be notified if those attributes increase in the future
  7. Nope, it'll write to the cache drive first, and if there's not 100GB free, then it'll write to the array and then move it later. Except if it's overwriting or modifying an existing file. How much space is available on the cache? (And also what is the cache min size set to under Global Share Settings)
  8. It's not a human readable value per se. It's an internal figure that realistically only means anything to Seagate, and will always show a huge meaningless number
  9. Just so there's no misunderstanding, these are all new drives that you just precleared and are supposed to be empty? You still have to format them. There's a check box when you start the array If not, then post your diagnostics
  10. Curious what you mean by this - The SMART data is read directly from the drive Assuming a Seagate Drive, its good. If WD, throw it in the garbage No worries Seagate -ok- WD -garbage- Seagate -ok- WD -garbage- ok ok ok
  11. https://us18.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=4ce73a4dbebfb261481909068&id=7d5746a785
  12. You would do it directly via Krusader after mapping say /UNASSIGNED to /mnt/disks/... Just recreate it then and don't worry about it. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/
  14. Should be noted though that via tapatalk, you will not see the defect reports section
  15. Yeah well the minute you open up port 22, every single script kiddie is going to be attempting to hack you (all automated scans of every IP in the world). You'll probably notice in your syslog thousands of attempted hacks. Get rid of that forwarding. You really shouldn't forward to 80 / 443 unless you're using a VPN server.
  16. He means that you've put your server into your router's DMZ or forwarded SSH ports to it for access from anywhere in the world. The *implication* by having the SSH plugin installed is that you've done this. Whether or not an OS is hardened against attacks or not, you really shouldn't do the above unless you know exactly what you're doing. On the other hand, port forwarding for NextCloud is ok.
  17. Start the array and post a new set of diagnostics
  18. Can you post your diagnostics after a successful boot
  19. Fyi, you change the management port via settings - management's doing it via the parameter is deprecated and may not even still work
  20. Is this when accessing the appdata path via /mnt/user? Does it work accessing via /mnt/cache/... Does changing the Tunable Hard Link setting in Global Share Settings make any difference?
  21. I know that I used to run a backup script on my desktop using robocopy. It would always mess up the permissions on the server, where I couldn't access the files at all without a chmod
  22. Is the server itself able to communicate with GitHub? Install Fix Common Problems and run a scan with it
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