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19 minutes ago, matty2k said:

Yes. For me it is working with 6.10RC1. Both work Latest and Master Branch as well. Always stuck at „connecting“ but connection is established correct.

How to change from openVPN to NordLynx? What settings should be changed?

Edited by gowthamn
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Ok, I tried everything and the web UI still does not open for nzbget. I verified the nzbget uses the IP from nordvpn and not my public IP.

What could be wrong?



NordVPN: I added the nzbget port  and made sure the LAN is same as my LAN's ip from my router settings.




NZBGet: I added the nerwork parameter and removed the WebUI port which was 6789



Here are the logs:






What am I doing wrong. ifconfig.io confirms the nzbget is using nordvpn. But the webUI and Radarr is not able to connect to nzbget.


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On 11/12/2021 at 4:56 AM, Karoolus said:

the update yesterday (v3.12.0-1-1) broke everything again.

I reverted to v3.10.0-1-1 which works just fine

Thanks, I can confirm that this resolved it for me as well.. But this update caused me hours of headaches resolving. I will be more careful updating in the future.


It wouldn't have been so bad if the container hadn't somehow lost its config multiple times and became orphaned or "stuck" in the unraid UI causing me to start/stop dockerd multiple times.

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On 11/4/2021 at 8:29 PM, gowthamn said:

Ok, I tried everything and the web UI still does not open for nzbget. I verified the nzbget uses the IP from nordvpn and not my public IP.

What could be wrong?



NordVPN: I added the nzbget port  and made sure the LAN is same as my LAN's ip from my router settings.




NZBGet: I added the nerwork parameter and removed the WebUI port which was 6789



Here are the logs:






What am I doing wrong. ifconfig.io confirms the nzbget is using nordvpn. But the webUI and Radarr is not able to connect to nzbget.


Hello, I have the same issue but my ports are on TCP.

trying to access jdownloader2, sonarr and deluge GUI through nordvpn but no luck.

ports seem good in nordvpn container, networks are OK ....

any ideas?

jdownloader kinda works, but never loads completely (works perfect without the vpn)





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All Working on NordLynx here.


Thanks for a fab docker.


So to recap for those with issues-


1- check network setting in the nordvpn template, you need to click 'show more settings' to see this and remember if you access your router settings page on then your network setting would be (google CIDR notation for more)

2- check your nord access credentials, its easy to mistype a username or password.

3- add the nzbGET port as an additional port to nordvpn docker. If using the default port 6789 with nzbget then add to nordvpn Config Type : Port  Name : nzbGET Container Port : 6789 Host Port : 6789 Connection Type : TCP Description : nzbget port

4- The only setting to change on the nzbGET docker config page is the network, if nzbget worked before then just change the network settings. To do this, select Advanced View, select 'None' for network type and add only the following text to Extra Parameters '--net=container:nordvpn'

4- Start the Nord Docker, there is no web gui but to check its working click its icon and click console then type

curl ifconfig.io

this should return an ip address, it should be different to your host machine ip - google whats my ip to verify.

5- start or restart nzbGET 

6- type your unraid server LAN IP address : 6789 into the address bar ie.

7- hopefully you are now seeing the nzbget web gui :)


Well it works for me so sorry if this is confusing or it still doesnt work

Edited by dgs2001
  • Thanks 1
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Hi @dgs2001,

Your last post indicates

On 11/26/2021 at 6:29 PM, dgs2001 said:

All Working on NordLynx here


I have read this thread from start to finish; but I am still a bit confused and am wondering if you would clarify?

I currently have PIA (via script) running tunneled directly to PIA; other than complaints about stability, it works well.

That said, I want to switch over to NordVPN. So, if install the Nord Docker am I going to be able to tunnel the entire server via WireGuard?

How's about we leave it here for the moment and I'll ask additional questions as they arise. What I hope to accomplish is something similar to the post for setting up and using the PIA script for WireGuard. The entire purpose being so that others can read it (ala Ed, aka SpaceInvaderOne -best videos ever!) and use Nord, with WireGuard, and be tunneled.


Thanks in advance!

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Anyone get the location key to work?

For [country] [city] if I use - United States Chicago it does not work, but when I put UnitedStates that seemed to be accepted, but Chicago did not.  This is a valid server city.  I got it from the NordVPN app running on my Win10 pc.

I cannot fine the [country]/[server]/[country_code]/[city]/[group] info anywhere from Nord.  I have not tried to contact them via support yet.


I'm just trying to find a way to speed up my VPN connection.  I'm losing about 50%-70% download speed when using NZBGet if I run through NordVPN.


Any help / guidance is appreciated.

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On 11/29/2021 at 5:36 PM, TechMed said:

Hi @dgs2001,

Your last post indicates


I have read this thread from start to finish; but I am still a bit confused and am wondering if you would clarify?

I currently have PIA (via script) running tunneled directly to PIA; other than complaints about stability, it works well.

That said, I want to switch over to NordVPN. So, if install the Nord Docker am I going to be able to tunnel the entire server via WireGuard?

How's about we leave it here for the moment and I'll ask additional questions as they arise. What I hope to accomplish is something similar to the post for setting up and using the PIA script for WireGuard. The entire purpose being so that others can read it (ala Ed, aka SpaceInvaderOne -best videos ever!) and use Nord, with WireGuard, and be tunneled.


Thanks in advance!

Hi TechMed, sorry you have confused me a little!


Are you trying to route various docker images through either NordVPN or PIA? or are you attempting to remote into your Unraid server through a vpn tunnel ?


If as I suspect you are looking to tunnel into your Unraid server GUI then you should perhaps be looking at the wireguard service built into unraid.

This allows you to create a tunnel from your remote location to your sever gui login page withoput the use of a paid service like nord or pia. The same functionality can be achieved with the my servers plugin from Unraid.



This thread as far as I understood was more about using one container to connect to a vpn service; then routing other dockers through the vpn docker which allows many docker containers to connect to the net through the vpn docker.  



NordVPN offers both openvpn and nordlynx protocols, with most people finding nordlynx to be a faster connection. This NordVPN container allows the user to choose between the two protocols. 


Hopefully that makes sense


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Hi @dgs2001,


Sorry for the confusion.

My goal is to find out if this container is A. working with NordLynx (aka Wireguard?) and B. am I able to route specific Sab, Sonarr, Radarr, other "-------aar's" containers, and the like through it?


Currently, I have a direct connection to a PIA server (server to server) via Wireguard, that other than PIA's inherent issues, works well.

4 hours ago, dgs2001 said:

Are you trying to route various docker images through either NordVPN or PIA? or are you attempting to remote into your Unraid server through a vpn tunnel ?

Wow! Yes! That would be ideal, running only select images through the VPN, as I am also running into some issues with Swag because of that entire server running through the VPN only.


Anyway, that's what I am looking for.

I bought a NordVPN account on Cyber Monday so I am ready to go. I contacted Nord and the support guy was cool and understanding. They are working on a direct connect like I am using now, but no time frame. They already have a Linux script, but they are not sure it will work with SlackWare.


Thanks for the reply!

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On 12/6/2021 at 4:46 PM, TechMed said:

Hi @dgs2001,


Sorry for the confusion.

My goal is to find out if this container is A. working with NordLynx (aka Wireguard?) and B. am I able to route specific Sab, Sonarr, Radarr, other "-------aar's" containers, and the like through it?


Currently, I have a direct connection to a PIA server (server to server) via Wireguard, that other than PIA's inherent issues, works well.

Wow! Yes! That would be ideal, running only select images through the VPN, as I am also running into some issues with Swag because of that entire server running through the VPN only.


Anyway, that's what I am looking for.

I bought a NordVPN account on Cyber Monday so I am ready to go. I contacted Nord and the support guy was cool and understanding. They are working on a direct connect like I am using now, but no time frame. They already have a Linux script, but they are not sure it will work with SlackWare.


Thanks for the reply!



As far as I am able to check this container is working with the NordLynx (NordVPN custom wireguard) protocol on my set up.


I am able to route several docker containers through this container by changing their container settings as follows -

eg NZBget firstly switch to advanced view then

Network Type - None

add the following to Extra Perameters 



Save this and then add an additional port within your nordvpn container 





Once completed you will need to use the local server URL:port to access the other docker web gui EG - NZBget could be accessed at if your server is local ip address


I'm no expert at this but to check what ip address your containers are connecting to open a NordVPN docker Console (Terminal) window by left clicking the Nord icon and selecting console. Type the following

curl ifconfig.me


The response should be a different IP address to that of your main server terminal window, you can also check other containers, but NZBget does not have Curl installed so it wont show in NZBget console.


Hopefully that all makes sense, but if not search up more spaceinvader videos and also this old reddit thread may be worth a read Reddit: Passing dockers through a vpn container



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Hello my question is for the person who runs the nord vpn container. First I will talk about what I want Nord VPN for. I want to use it for torrenting and for internet traffic via mozilla Firefox and all the apps except I need there to be excluded apps that can use split tunnelling and be accessible by my real ip, such as next-cloud, bit-warden and the other apps tied to my domain name, so that they still work with the vpn on but I want my data encrypted through nords vpn, i don't really want to use specific vpn apps and i like the speed of nord vpn, I am wondering if I can configure certain apps to be under nord vpn and others to not be? I had no problem setting up the nord vpn but after I did nextcloud and some other apps wouldn't load and were no longer accessible via https://. Can I specify certain apps by their ports even? How do I set it up so at least nextcloud, sonarr and deluge web ui  are working or how can i configure it so that my outgoing traffic is under the vpn and the inbound isnt?

Edited by RYZEN5000
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did not change the template or anything in the network settings. yesterday the container was working well. today the container stopped and is not starting again. I just checked User and PW on wb login. All working and correct.



[services.d] done.
'nordvpn login --nordaccount' will become the default login method in the future.
Invalid Username or password.
[cmd] /bin/sh exited 1
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.



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2 hours ago, matty2k said:

did not change the template or anything in the network settings. yesterday the container was working well. today the container stopped and is not starting again. I just checked User and PW on wb login. All working and correct.



[services.d] done.
'nordvpn login --nordaccount' will become the default login method in the future.
Invalid Username or password.
[cmd] /bin/sh exited 1
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts...
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.



Yes same here,


The log is showing Incorrect User or Password.


I dont know how the container is authenticating, but its possible this is a change at the nord end.



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8 minutes ago, dgs2001 said:

Yes same here,


The log is showing Incorrect User or Password.


I dont know how the container is authenticating, but its possible this is a change at the nord end.




This was what was happening to me when I first set it up. I finally logged into my Nord account and changed my password then changed it back to what it was originally and it started working.


I don't know if the Nord Unraid container issue was/is related to the Nord password change or if it was a coincidence but it did help my situation. YMMV.


Good Luck!

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2 hours ago, jimdaway said:


This was what was happening to me when I first set it up. I finally logged into my Nord account and changed my password then changed it back to what it was originally and it started working.


I don't know if the Nord Unraid container issue was/is related to the Nord password change or if it was a coincidence but it did help my situation. YMMV.


Good Luck!

Thanks, I did just try changing password but no joy. Changed it back again but still no joy.


Its all been working fine but seems to have fallen over sometime in the last 12 hours for no apparent reason.

Now it wont reconnect I'm getting exactly the same login error as 'matty2k' posted.


All works natively through the nord app on windows and mobile.



Is anybody able to confirm what version of the app this container runs?

I believe the latest is







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