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[Plugin] Prometheus unRAID Plugins

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10 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Where did you see this message is the exporter not working?

here in the Prometheus targets:



The old GT 710 doesn't export a lot of metrics, but I've had other "good" cards that don't export 100% of metrics and return N/As, so I thought it was worth raising... but otherwise feel free to ignore :)




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13 minutes ago, tjb_altf4 said:

The old GT 710 doesn't export a lot of metrics, but I've had other "good" cards that don't export 100% of metrics and return N/As, so I thought it was worth raising... but otherwise feel free to ignore :)

Will look into this...

I think my card also doesn't show everything, give me a few days please.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/28/2021 at 5:36 PM, ich777 said:

I think something is very wrong here, seems like the Prometheus Docker can't connect to the Afterburner exporter that runs on your Server.


From what I see in the screenshot you experience a http 500 error from the exporter itself, but I really can't tell why.


Really can't help here... I'm out of ideas...


 Finally founded what the problem was in msi afterburner the langue is russian    when changed to english was no error in prometheus ,but im getting next go staff...,    any ideas maybe ? prometheus is not supporting multilangues?


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9 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:

after restarting MSI Afterburner in English i having some value of Afterburner and some of go...

how to fix it, any ideas maybe ? Sorry again for asking...

No problem, overlooked your post... sorry...


This looks fine to me and should not cause any issues.

What is the exact problem you have?

Is it possible for you to let the exporter run in English and edit the values or at least the Dashboard in Grafana to fit your needs?

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46 minutes ago, ich777 said:

This looks fine to me and should not cause any issues.

What is the exact problem you have?

Is it possible for you to let the exporter run in English and edit the values or at least the Dashboard in Grafana to fit your needs?


i just checked again in graphana,  it was no data at all tables becose most of data was in deutch ,

so i changed to english metrics and all seems to be Fine .


i was worried that not values of msi afterburner was exported ,was in go format...


( # HELP go_memstats_next_gc_bytes Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place. # TYPE go_memstats_next_gc_bytes gauge go_memstats_next_gc_bytes 6.080416e+06  )


but anyway all important metric is OK i think , i will stay in english MSI Afterburner for now .

Thank you for all your help again.

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4 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:

how MSI Afterburner exporter can be restarted from shell or script ? by what command ?

Why would you do that?


4 minutes ago, Masterwishx said:

becose when it running already when unraid is booted and then im starting msi afterburner on main comp, its need to be restarted

The main problem here is that you have to manually restart the Afterburner exporter once after unRAID is started for the first time, after you did that you don't have to restart it even if you turned off the machine where Afterburner Server is running, the exporter will automatically pick up the machine.

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18 hours ago, ich777 said:

Why would you do that?


To not do it manually, for script will check if machine with afterburner is online and restart exporter.


18 hours ago, ich777 said:

The main problem here is that you have to manually restart the Afterburner exporter once after unRAID is started for the first time

i will check it again if i need to restart it at all and you right after i restarted once next time it picked up.

so can i just restart Afterburner exporter after first boot by script or command or only manualy?

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1 hour ago, Masterwishx said:

To not do it manually, for script will check if machine with afterburner is online and restart exporter.

Try to set the wait value on the plugin page higher something in the neighborhood of 300 seconds.


1 hour ago, Masterwishx said:

so can i just restart Afterburner exporter after first boot by script or command or only manualy?

As said above try to set the timeout higher since this will delay the start of the exporter itself and should make a restart obsolete.

There is no easy way of restarting the exporter from the command line.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

Try to set the wait value on the plugin page higher something in the neighborhood of 300 seconds

 OK i will check , but dont know if msi afterburner start after this time if it will help ...



1 hour ago, ich777 said:

There is no easy way of restarting the exporter from the command line.

Yes, i saw it exec.sh 

function start(){
echo -n "$(echo "/usr/bin/prometheus_afterburner_exporter -host=$1 -port=$2 -username=$3 -password=$4 -listen-address=$5 -metrics-endpoint=$6" | at now)"

Thanks a lot for your help ,super quick respondes,and what you making for unraid communitity


BTW : maybe there is a way to add restart option to msi afterburner exporter on start up, to  solve this problem ?

         if you think it need to be and you will have time for this ...




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Prometheus Fritzbox Exporter


  1. Download and install the Prometheus Fritzbox Exporter plugin from the CA App:
  2. Log in to your Fritzbox and go to "System -> FRITZ!Box-Benutzer":
  3. Click on "Benutzer hinzufügen":
  4. Create a new user with a password for the exporter (in this example "grafana") and tick the following check boxes ("FRITZ!Box Einstellungen", "Sprachnachrichten, Faxnachrichten, FRITZ!App Fon und Anrufliste" & "Smart Home"):
  5. Go to "Heimnetz -> Netzwerk -> Netzwerkeinstellungen" and select "Statusinformationen über UPnP übertragen":
  6. Go to the plugin settings by clicking on "Settings -> Fritzbox Exporter" (at the bottom of the Settings page) :
  7. Enter the username and password that you've created in Step 3 for the exporter in your Fritzbox and click on "Confirm & Start":
  8. After that you should see in the right top corner that the Exporter is running and details about it:
  9. Open up the prometheus.yml (Step 4 + 5 from the first post), add a line with '- targets: ["YOURSERVERIP:9042"]' (please change "YOURSERVERIP" to your Server IP), save and close the file:
  10. Go to the Docker page and restart Prometheus:
  11. grafik.png.5ce625ba0089855ec275263b094e4a1a.png
  12. Open up the Grafana WebUI:
  13. In Grafana click on "+ -> Import":
  14. Now we are going to import a preconfigured Dashboard for the Fritzbox Exporter from Grafana.com (Source), to do this simply enter the ID (12579) from the Dasboard and click "Load":
  15. In the next screen rename the Dashboard to your liking, select "Prometheus" as datasource and click on "Import":
  16. Now you should be greeted with something like this (please keep in mind that the Dashboard can display N/A at some values, especially at the gauges, since there is not enough data available, wait a few minutes and you will see that the values are filled in):


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 minute ago, Marzel said:

my  Pi-Hole Exporter is stopping every day. Is there any log file where i can take a look to get more infos what is stopping it?

Do you have CA Backup installed and do you backup your containers daily?


If so please read the support thread for the PiHole Exporter especially the ATTENTION section.

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On 10/8/2021 at 10:55 AM, ich777 said:

Do you have CA Backup installed and do you backup your containers daily?


If so please read the support thread for the PiHole Exporter especially the ATTENTION section.


Yes i have CA Backup installed, but i run it weekly. I know what you mean but my PiHole is not a docker on the Unraid. 


Since I created the post, the exporter runs through, I will continue to monitor this.;)

Thanks anyway for the help.

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Yes i have CA Backup installed, but i run it weekly. I know what you mean but my PiHole is not a docker on the Unraid. 
Since I created the post, the exporter runs through, I will continue to monitor this.[emoji6]
Thanks anyway for the help.
Usually the Exporter is stopping if the connection to PiHole is lost and there is nothing I can do about that.

I really don't want to wrap the Exporter in a script that tries to restart the Exporter if the connection is lost.

Sent from my C64

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One thing I wanted to be able to see/monitor in the node exporter is the network traffic based on the docker.  Today it lists all the veth<number> values, but I have no way to know how they map to the dockers.


I found this plugin: ❚❚ [Plugin] Network Stats - Page 11 - Plugin Support - Unraid


That has a script that can do the mapping.  Is it possible to have do this mapping for the Promethius data so that what we see in the Graphana dashboard says the docker name instead of the veth<number>?


If the veth<number> changes everytime the docker restarts, is the historical data valid?




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hi there, 


I'm trying to set up the Pihole monitoring but am running into two issues: 


the Pihole target goes down/stopped every 10 minutes or so: 



and even while is up, I still get No Data in the Pihole Explorer even after updating the JSON model with the Prometheus source.



Where would I start looking for the cause?  



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15 hours ago, lovingHDTV said:

That has a script that can do the mapping.  Is it possible to have do this mapping for the Promethius data so that what we see in the Graphana dashboard says the docker name instead of the veth<number>?

I don't think that this is possible since this works completely differently since the Node Exporter can only output RAW data from the Host so to speak the veth<number>.

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14 hours ago, daan_SVK said:

Where would I start looking for the cause?  

What does the Exporter plugin page tell you is it "Running" or "Starting"?

Do you restart PiHole, if so, keep in mind that if you restart PiHole the Exporter won't also stop and there is nothing I can do about this.


You've posted a screenshot where it shows that the Exporter is DOWN, have you seen it yet do display UP?

Are you running PiHole on unRAID?

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7 hours ago, ich777 said:

What does the Exporter plugin page tell you is it "Running" or "Starting"?

Do you restart PiHole, if so, keep in mind that if you restart PiHole the Exporter won't also stop and there is nothing I can do about this.


You've posted a screenshot where it shows that the Exporter is DOWN, have you seen it yet do display UP?

Are you running PiHole on unRAID?

thanks for y our reply. 


yes, when I start the Explorer plugin it starts, runs for about 10 minutes and then it stops. 


Pihole runs on Unraid. 


Even with the services running, I dont get any data from the Pihole in Grafana: 



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