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[PLUG-IN] NerdTools

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On 7/27/2023 at 7:08 PM, Masterwishx said:

For the Fish i have "rm: missing operand"






This error is not from fish. I have a clean install of unraid and I have the same error.
I installed fish to check it and I get the same as you. I have uninstalled it and restarted the machine and I also get the rm error as you can see in the image I put.
So the problem is neither nerdtools nor fish.




Best regards.


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3 hours ago, Mcklaren said:


A user requests to add a package to nerdtools and the only solution you can think of is to tell him to use another system?

If they need it now, this is a fast way to get it (and many other packages not available in NerdTools). I'm not sure what you're taking issue with.

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3 hours ago, KnifeFed said:

If they need it now, this is a fast way to get it (and many other packages not available in NerdTools). I'm not sure what you're taking issue with.


Annoying me? It seems to me that you do not know how to interpret the commentary. Of course it doesn't bother me at all, but if someone asks for a package because it is not in the nerdtools tool I don't think the solution is to tell him to use another one. If you really want to help and tell him to install a package quickly it is as easy as downloading it in the path /boot/extra and run an upgradepkg -install-new package-name.txz, this is to provide a solution.



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16 hours ago, Mcklaren said:



When you set the switch to off do you press the apply button? Because if you don't apply the changes it doesn't uninstall. I just tried to install and uninstall powertop and it works correctly.


Best regards.

(facepalm) - I forgot to hit apply. My bad for wasting time.

On another note, do you know if it's possible to change the tweak settings so that it doesn't turn off the GPU?

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7 hours ago, Mcklaren said:


Annoying me? It seems to me that you do not know how to interpret the commentary. Of course it doesn't bother me at all, but if someone asks for a package because it is not in the nerdtools tool I don't think the solution is to tell him to use another one. If you really want to help and tell him to install a package quickly it is as easy as downloading it in the path /boot/extra and run an upgradepkg -install-new package-name.txz, this is to provide a solution.



I'd argue using an Unraid plugin is easier and more maintainable than the manual method.

`un-get install tcpdump` is pretty simple and `un-get upgrade` is extremely useful.

Besides, you didn't even mention where to download the package so that's not particularly helpful. 

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I've submitted a PR to the NerdTools GitHub repo to upgrade Python 3.9 to Python 3.11. https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/pull/84 As far as I could tell, not a single person had shared a Python 3.11 build for Slackware anywhere on the internet, so I took it upon myself to get an Unraid development environment functional so I could compile Python 3.11 specially for Unraid.

I also included Setuptools 65.5.0 and Pip 23.2.1 as part of the package, so there is no longer a need to install them separately. They can always be updated using Pip if desired, for example "pip3 install --upgrade pip" 


I've tested it with a couple different Python projects, including my Difflens project as well as Borgbackup 1.2.4, and as far as I can see it's working well for my uses. There are a few modules that are not compiled into the Python package. For example, OpenSSL now needs >1.1.1 to be installed on the system as of Python 3.10, which Unraid does not meet by default. For that reason, the OpenSSL package will need to be installed alongside the Python package for Python/Pip to work correctly. I've updated the NerdTools dependency list to include OpenSSL, and it should get installed automatically when installing Python 3.11. 


Some other modules that I didn't compile were "`_dbm  _tkinter    _uuid nis    readline" so they will need to be installed via Pip or another method if necessary.



for more detail on development 

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And as a side note, I was able to get Borg and PyFuse3 Pip wheels compiled and functional with no additional system packages needed. They're attached here. They can be installed with "pip3 install /path/to/wheel" and can be used immediately after. Note that pyfuse3 is only needed if a Borg repository needs to be mounted. Otherwise it can be skipped. 


This falls out of the purview of NerdTools, but I figure it would be of interest to the group here since the Borgbackup system package is the only other way of getting it working on Unraid. This is easborgbackup-1.2.4-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whlpyfuse3-3.2.3-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whlier and more reliable, in my opinion, as Pip manages the dependency installation and upgrading can be done by replacing only the Wheel file.


Here are my development notes:


## Compiling Borg 1.2.4 on Unraid 6.12.3
- Starting with a fresh reboot, plus the openSSL and python 3.11.4 package installations I figured out earlier
- `pip3 install borgbackup`
- Installing the following packages as precursors


pip        23.2.1
setuptools 65.5.0

- Errors seen and their package fix if there was an issue:
    - `OSError: pkg-config probably not installed: FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')` is fixed by installing pkg-config
    - `error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing gcc
    - `/usr/include/openssl/evp.h:22:12: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing glibc
    - `/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:38:10: fatal error: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory` is fixed by kernel-headers
    - `gcc: fatal error: cannot execute ‘as’: execvp: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing binutils
    - ` src/borg/platform/linux.c:1104:10: fatal error: sys/acl.h: No such file or directory`  is fixed by installing acl
    - That was it. After installing those dependencies, the build succeeded. I rebooted and reinstalled to confirm. 

Compiling PyFUSE3 on Unraid 6.12.3
- Starting with a fresh reboot, plus the openSSL and python 3.11.4 package installations I figured out earlier
- `pip3 install pyfuse3`
- Installing the following packages as precursors



- Errors seen and their package fix if there was an issue:
    - `FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pkg-config'` fixed by installing pkg-config
    - `Package fuse3 was not found in the pkg-config search path` fixed by installing fuse3
    - `error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory` fixed by installing gcc
    - `/usr/include/python3.11/Python.h:23:12: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory` fixed by installing glibc
    - `/usr/include/bits/errno.h:26:11: fatal error: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory` fixed by installing kernel-headers
    - `gcc: fatal error: cannot execute ‘as’: execvp: No such file or directory` fixed by installing binutils
    - And then it built! I rebooted and confirmed it worked as well. Seems good. 

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On 7/31/2023 at 10:06 PM, NeoMatrixJR said:

Second this...I could have sworn I used TCPDump on my unRAID server before....can we get this added back?




The TCPDump package needs openssl 3 to work and UnRAID has version 1.1.1 installed. We are talking to them to update the openssl package or let us add it. As soon as this issue is solved we will add the tcpdump package.


Best regards.

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On 8/7/2023 at 11:20 AM, Secarius said:


would it be possible to add "stunnel" to NerdTools?



Thank you very much




The stunnel package needs openssl 3 to work and UnRAID has version 1.1.1 installed. We are talking to them to update the openssl package or let us add it. As soon as this issue is solved we will add the stunnel package.


Best regards.

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On 8/3/2023 at 3:59 PM, kubed_zero said:

And as a side note, I was able to get Borg and PyFuse3 Pip wheels compiled and functional with no additional system packages needed. They're attached here. They can be installed with "pip3 install /path/to/wheel" and can be used immediately after. Note that pyfuse3 is only needed if a Borg repository needs to be mounted. Otherwise it can be skipped. 


This falls out of the purview of NerdTools, but I figure it would be of interest to the group here since the Borgbackup system package is the only other way of getting it working on Unraid. This is easborgbackup-1.2.4-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whlpyfuse3-3.2.3-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whlier and more reliable, in my opinion, as Pip manages the dependency installation and upgrading can be done by replacing only the Wheel file.


Here are my development notes:


## Compiling Borg 1.2.4 on Unraid 6.12.3
- Starting with a fresh reboot, plus the openSSL and python 3.11.4 package installations I figured out earlier
- `pip3 install borgbackup`
- Installing the following packages as precursors


pip        23.2.1
setuptools 65.5.0

- Errors seen and their package fix if there was an issue:
    - `OSError: pkg-config probably not installed: FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')` is fixed by installing pkg-config
    - `error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing gcc
    - `/usr/include/openssl/evp.h:22:12: fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing glibc
    - `/usr/include/bits/local_lim.h:38:10: fatal error: linux/limits.h: No such file or directory` is fixed by kernel-headers
    - `gcc: fatal error: cannot execute ‘as’: execvp: No such file or directory` is fixed by installing binutils
    - ` src/borg/platform/linux.c:1104:10: fatal error: sys/acl.h: No such file or directory`  is fixed by installing acl
    - That was it. After installing those dependencies, the build succeeded. I rebooted and reinstalled to confirm. 

Compiling PyFUSE3 on Unraid 6.12.3
- Starting with a fresh reboot, plus the openSSL and python 3.11.4 package installations I figured out earlier
- `pip3 install pyfuse3`
- Installing the following packages as precursors



- Errors seen and their package fix if there was an issue:
    - `FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pkg-config'` fixed by installing pkg-config
    - `Package fuse3 was not found in the pkg-config search path` fixed by installing fuse3
    - `error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory` fixed by installing gcc
    - `/usr/include/python3.11/Python.h:23:12: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory` fixed by installing glibc
    - `/usr/include/bits/errno.h:26:11: fatal error: linux/errno.h: No such file or directory` fixed by installing kernel-headers
    - `gcc: fatal error: cannot execute ‘as’: execvp: No such file or directory` fixed by installing binutils
    - And then it built! I rebooted and confirmed it worked as well. Seems good. 




We will look at it as soon as we can. Thank you.


Best regards.

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2 minutes ago, Mcklaren said:




The stunnel package needs openssl 3 to work and UnRAID has version 1.1.1 installed. We are talking to them to update the openssl package or let us add it. As soon as this issue is solved we will add the stunnel package.


Best regards.


i have it installed manually on unraid 6.11.5, and it is working without openssl 3. I used version:

But for now, i have to reinstall it on every reboot, so in the past i used it with the old Tools.

Maybe you could have a look.


Thank you very much for your work.


Kind Regards

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Hi all, still having issues with iotop, it refuses to work:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/iotop", line 17, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/iotop/ui.py", line 620, in main
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/iotop/ui.py", line 610, in <lambda>
    main_loop = lambda: run_iotop(options)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/iotop/ui.py", line 508, in run_iotop
    return curses.wrapper(run_iotop_window, options)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/curses/wrapper.py", line 22, in wrapper
    stdscr = curses.initscr()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/curses/__init__.py", line 33, in initscr
_curses.error: setupterm: could not find terminal

I have reinstalled Nerdpack to no avail.

I have python installed:


Any idea what could be wrong?


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23 hours ago, Secarius said:


i have it installed manually on unraid 6.11.5, and it is working without openssl 3. I used version:

But for now, i have to reinstall it on every reboot, so in the past i used it with the old Tools.

Maybe you could have a look.


Thank you very much for your work.


Kind Regards




OK, I see that you are using the stable version, I have tested the version that is in current and it is the one that openssl 3 needs. In the next version of nerdtools that will be released soon we will add this package.


Best regards.

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1 hour ago, wesman said:

Any change FFMPEG could get added to this tool? and FFPROBE? 



We have tried adding ffmpeg and it needs a lot of dependencies, nerdtools is not intended for that use. If you need ffmpeg you can tell us and we can make a docker that has ffmpeg so you can use it, but sorry, in nerdtools we are not going to add it.


Best regards.

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4 hours ago, shpitz461 said:

Hi all, still having issues with iotop, it refuses to work:

I have reinstalled Nerdpack to no avail.

I have python installed:


Any idea what could be wrong?




I have tried to install iotop and also python3 to have both version 2 and version 3 installed and it works perfectly. I can't reproduce the error.


Do you have nerdtools or nerdpack? Try uninstalling iotop and python2 and installing again.


Best regards.

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1 hour ago, DarkKnight said:

I see that StorCLI (For LSI) has been requested a couple of times.




for now we only add official packages or packages that are in SBO but we don't create packages ourselves due to lack of time. If you have a SlackBuild of the package we can try to add it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Best regards.

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