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[PLUG-IN] NerdTools

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On 12/5/2023 at 4:16 PM, Masterwishx said:

can be fish update to lasted 3.6.4 ?


Now is updated to the last version.


Best regards.

On 12/17/2023 at 6:54 PM, Kilrah said:

It's not there, not found in packages.json.


Was requested but never added, and the desc file has apparently been taken from the old NerdPack and that entry wasn't cleaned up. Maintenance for this plugin has quickly become almost as spotty as for NerdPack...


Added and fixed a error on 2024.02.05 version.


Best regards.

On 12/17/2023 at 4:55 PM, Przemek said:

Just to be sure, I have removed it but as I expected from what you said. It didn't change anything. Still can not find nvme-cli package.


Added on 2024.02.05 version.


Best regards.

On 10/17/2023 at 4:58 AM, kubed_zero said:

I'm not aware of any reason for it not to be added. The repo owner seems to be MIA, not responding to the PR, not updating the repo, not commenting here. 


I have notes in my PR for installing the necessary compiling tools to compile on Unraid https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/pull/84

I also made an application I call DiffLens, which uses Blake3 hashes instead of MD5 hashes to do file integrity validations on Unraid shares https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/pull/84


thanks for your effort, as soon as I have a moment I will look at it and let you know.


Best regards.

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On 10/12/2023 at 8:19 AM, HellScytheX said:

Is it possible to add RHash into the Nerdtools pack?



I'm unable to build and compile the tool myself as it requires a gcc compiler, which I haven't been able to mange to install in my unRaid system (the old DevPack plugin is incompatible with unRaid versions > 6.10.3).


Otherwise if there is perhaps any other tool for doing md5 hash checks, which is perhaps a little more versatile than the default md5sum utility.





Request open: https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/issues/114


We will try to add it in future versions.


Best regards.

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On 10/28/2023 at 8:05 PM, mgutt said:

Can someone replace the p7zip package against the original 7z binary, which can be downloaded from the website? Its a full binary without dependencies:



Regarding my tests it's at least 5x faster than the p7zip package. The main reason is that it is able to multi-thread/multi-core decompress:





Right now we use the package created from SBO, we will study the option you mention. Thank you very much.


Best regards.

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Posting mainly to be looking to get "mcelog" per fix plug notes to install from nerd pack to get this file...

I usually grab nerd pack to get screen for use in scripting with user scripts plugin.

6.12.6 i no longe see or can search to install mcelog, is this still bing made available?

Second notes...

I'm also using a Python script to use in a venv for python 3 getting errors with missing libs. Need to know how to package and make my own / compile from source to add to unraid.


looking to go after the 2 deb packages lib files:

libnss3 libnspr4
^ I believe these are the missing libs to prevent the script form running... may be others.. Not sure where to look to add to nerd pack or how to add missing libs to unraid. May be looking to add more for ad / ldap / samba domain controller back ends...

Third, as i haven't had time to move to a ubuntu environment to retest codes...

Looking to install above libs to fix a python dependacy.
This is to fix error 127 with a webdriver within python that makes a venv of firefox / chorme web browser to access the page to then scrape the data...

Mainly to fix non gui / web browser environment website sniffing/scraping ...

--May be better to just run it in a vm for home automation. Wanting to grab the ameren daily smart hour pricing each day...
Unfortunate ameren page loads weird javascprt data and ther internal application ( I think its a net framework plugin app they are using...) with no end user documentation or api access and not tech /IT form them to grant or get data... So other pulls to the site needs a full web browser to render and run that code. then python pull the rendered page... The venv of python and the web brower is not enough as it needs to pull form unraids python host level of libs to run in my setup.

URL to scrape: https://www.ameren.com/illinois/account/customer-service/bill/power-smart-pricing/prices
Chrome web console inspect.. 
as I'm just trying to get the table... and other python pulls don't see the table or generate with just  web pull...


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rar2fs is linked to libunrar.so.6.1.7. Running it gives: 

rar2fs: error while loading shared libraries: libunrar.so.6.1.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.


Either it needs to be compiled to libunrar.so or you need to:

ln -s /usr/lib64/libunrar.so /usr/lib64/libunrar.so.6.1.7

Would be nice to have it all set when installing from NerdTools.


Thanks for all your hard work btw. Is there a way to send a 🍺?

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i know netcat is already avilable, but is there any possibility of getting netcat-openbsd? this was available in nerdpack and allowed for users to manage VMs with ssh and virt-manager. Apparently the flags are different so netcat doesn't work for this use case.

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On 2/10/2024 at 4:03 AM, niXta- said:

rar2fs is linked to libunrar.so.6.1.7. Running it gives: 

rar2fs: error while loading shared libraries: libunrar.so.6.1.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.


Either it needs to be compiled to libunrar.so or you need to:

ln -s /usr/lib64/libunrar.so /usr/lib64/libunrar.so.6.1.7

Would be nice to have it all set when installing from NerdTools.


Thanks for all your hard work btw. Is there a way to send a 🍺?



Thank you by your noticed.


The problem is fixed on 2024.02.17 version.


Best regards.

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On 2/13/2024 at 9:40 AM, cammelspit said:

I would love to have access to CurlFtpFS on my server. I have some specific use cases thay would be so much easier this way. I didnt see any mention of a specific place to make requests. 😉





I open request on github: https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/issues/117


Will be studied to be added.


Best regards.

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On 2/13/2024 at 2:36 AM, nu11P4nD4 said:

i know netcat is already avilable, but is there any possibility of getting netcat-openbsd? this was available in nerdpack and allowed for users to manage VMs with ssh and virt-manager. Apparently the flags are different so netcat doesn't work for this use case.



I open request on github: https://github.com/UnRAIDES/unRAID-NerdTools/issues/118


Will be studied to be added.


Best regards.

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On 2/5/2024 at 1:05 PM, Mcklaren said:


I don't think unraid is an option as a development machine. For this purpose I really recommend a virtual machine with Slackware for example if you need to create packages for unraid by yourself.


Best regards.


It certainly is not as long as there's no packaged C/C++ compiler, but other than that, I'm not sure why you'd make this claim. With DevTools and NerdTools I used unRAID as a development machine for several years with no problems.

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Does NerdTools have or can we request any of the following for disk management to wipe prior to decommission, donate or sell a hard drive? 

  • Shred - A command-line utility available in most Linux distributions for overwriting and deleting individual files.
  • NWipe A command-line tool that allows for secure erasing of disk drives, a fork of the DBAN software.
  • Secure Erase - A set of commands for the ATA interface to erase all data from a hard disk or solid-state drive.
  • BleachBit - A free and open-source disk space cleaner, privacy manager, and computer system optimizer that includes file shredding and disk wiping features.
  • Scrub - A command-line tool for Unix-like systems that writes patterns on files or disk devices to make retrieving the data more difficult.
  • Wipe - A secure file wiping utility for Unix-like systems that uses a variety of overwrite patterns to ensure data is unrecoverable.
  • dd - While not specifically a data wiping tool, dd can be used to overwrite a disk with random data or zeros, effectively wiping it.
  • hdparm - A command-line tool to set and view ATA hard disk drive hardware parameters, including initiating a Secure Erase command.
  • GParted - A free partition editor that can be used to manage disk partitions, and can also securely wipe partitions using various algorithms.

Any of the top, would be appreciated it.


Edited by RoTalk
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4 hours ago, RoTalk said:

Does NerdTools have or can we request any of the following for disk management to wipe prior to decommission, donate or sell a hard drive? 

  • Shred - A command-line utility available in most Linux distributions for overwriting and deleting individual files.
  • dd - While not specifically a data wiping tool, dd can be used to overwrite a disk with random data or zeros, effectively wiping it.
  • hdparm - A command-line tool to set and view ATA hard disk drive hardware parameters, including initiating a Secure Erase command.

Any of the top, would be appreciated it.



Those 3 are built into the base unRaid install.


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I still seem to have an issue with mcelog:

Mar  5 22:29:07 Zoltar root: Fix Common Problems: Error: Machine Check Events detected on your server
Mar  5 22:29:07 Zoltar root: mcelog: ERROR: AMD Processor family 23: mcelog does not support this processor.  Please use the edac_mce_amd module instead.



Running on:

System Overview

Unraid system:Unraid server Basic, version 6.12.8



Processor:AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core @ 3000 MHz



16 GB ram.


I'm have no hardware issues but FCP plugin flags mce.


Thought? FCP ignore?


Edited by bmartino1
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