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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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For who needs to run phpVirtualbox from another machine:


1) set the vboxsrv IP address like the one of your unraid box (not localhost,, but your server IP)

2) the default username/password is admin/admin and if you disable authentication you loose the ability to navigate in system preferences (this is a known bug, they will solve this)

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Did anyone fix this yet?


This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:vbox="http://www.virtualbox.org/">


<SOAP-ENV:Fault SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">


<faultstring>HTTP GET method not implemented</faultstring>




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Need a little help


I think I got everything loaded and installed properly but getting an error in phpvirtualbox


I get the login screen then get this error


could not connect to host


Exception Object


    [message:protected] => Could not connect to host (

    [string:Exception:private] =>

    [code:protected] => 64

    [file:protected] => /mnt/cache/Appz/www/lib/ajax.php

    [line:protected] => 128

    [trace:Exception:private] => Array




    [previous:Exception:private] =>


any ideas? did I miss something

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Can you explain how to get phpvirtualbox running?


Step one is to install a web server. There are several web servers available (some even have plugins available). Set this to somewhere on your cache drive for your data directory. I used /mnt/cache/.custom/www & picked 8084 for the listening port. The port is up to you, just make sure the port is not used for something else.

You can test this much is running by pointing a web browser to http://tower:8084



Next download phpvirtualbox:


From http://code.google.com/p/phpvirtualbox/downloads/list, download the version that is compatible with your version VirtualBox & extract it to your data directory for your web server (I used /mnt/cache/.custom/www).


Phpvirtualbox gives a nice graphical web page to allow you to manage VirtualBox easily. However, everything can be done to manage VirtualBox via the command line.


If you want to be prompted for a username/password by phpvirtualbox, edit lines 12 & 13 of config.php with your user/pass that runs virtualbox.


var $username = 'vboxuser';

var $password = 'vboxpass';


Then to verify it works, try to login with default user / pass for phpvirtualbox which is admin / admin.


If you prefer not to be prompted for a login, you can modify the config.php file to uncomment the line 52 for "var $noAuth = true;" Some people seem to have issues with setting a login and if you do, just set this line so no login is needed.


There is a wiki page for phpvirtualbox at http://code.google.com/p/phpvirtualbox/w/list that lists some common errors with phpvirtualbox. If you have a problem with it that is not listed there, click the Issues tab link, click the dropdown box next to Search (which is default set to Open Issues) & change it to "All Issues" then use the next box to type part of your error message & click the Search button.

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Is there a reason why no recommendation of what webserver to use? I really dont want to install SimpleFeatures just to get webserver. I tried just downloading webserver plugin from SimpleFeatures site and installpkg to it but it broke my EMHTTP had to remove and reboot to restore.


Because I am using an older version of the SimpleFeatures web server that is working for me. I saw no reason to upgrade to a newer version when I did not need any of the fixes or newer features and others were posting issues (I haven't had the time to chance breaking something that is working with no real benefits to me).


I'm not sure which web server SimpleFeatures uses now, but there is also lighttpd, Apache, Nginx, XAMPP... just to name a few and there are many more. Some people prefer to run their web server on their unRAID server while others will run it on another system (like their Windows desktop) and point it to their unRAID system.


This plugin gives the option to start and stop your VMs and everything can be done via the command line without ever using phpvirtualbox or a webserver.

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The reason propably is that there is no easy installable webserver plugin for unRAID 5.0.x at the moment. :) They all have some bugs that need to be resolved by hand. SF is propably still your best bet, but you'll have to remove the "beta" webgui beforehand. Besides the webserver plugin you also need to install the SF core package. Browse the SF webserver plugin thread to read what needs to be modified within the plugin file. If you are using influencer plugins that depend on the older ssl package, they will break the SF webserver.


I don't use them, so I have it running on 5.0.2 quite fine. Didn't upgrade to 5.0.3 yet, because there seem to be problems with the virtualbox plugin.


I don't know how to get the unraid webserver plugin running. Someone other will have to chime in on this.


Another way would be to try and install the necessary webserver and php packages by hand.

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Hello ,my first post.


I decided I would try out unraid server (5.0 final) as a better way to have a DLNA server, etc and larger storage than my current Dlink DNS-320 which was getting full and is not the best NAS. I am unlikely to need more than 3 discs for some considerable time so the free version will suffice until some point in the future when I might have to expand.


I have started with only one disc (all I can afford), a WD Red 3TB. I hope to add 2 more hard discs next year to finally get a 3 disc set up with parity. That capacity should last me at least a year or 2 before I consider expanding any further if needed.  I currently run this with 4GB Ram and my usb boot drive is 4GB also.


I have moved many of my mkv files to my new unraid server and have unmenu, control panel, snap, virtualbox and serviio set up.


It is working well apart from the web interface for virtualbox plugin which seems to hang when using the buttons like start VM but the main unraid displays correctly if I close the browser tab and go back into it about 20 minutes or so later.


I setup Xampp and phpvbox on a windows pc and used this to create a vm of win xp(with a 50GB virtual hard disc, 2GB ram). I set the default machine folder to be a user shared folder 'virtualmachines' on the unraid disc. Everything works fine and I have ripbot264 encoder running on my xpvm for distributed encoding which greatly reduces my encoding times.


My question is with regards to the machine folder I have set to a user share folder. From the forum it seems most people use a path like /cache. Presumably this is allocated to a separate cache hard drive (only available on paid unraid) which is not part of parity. Whereas mine is on the data drive itself. The VM files have to be stored on a hard disc somewhere as the flash drive and ram are too small.


When I come to add the extra 2 drives and start parity will there be a problem with the vm being stored on the data array like I have it currently? It takes me some time to get my head round the fact that the file system is mounted in ram but some parts are mounted on hard disc. So the VM file I have must surely be written to often plus I have an auto defragmenter running on this windows vm which will be rearranging that structure. Will unraid properly work with parity maintained? Is my VM file protected with parity?


Sorry I am a bit confused.



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My question is with regards to the machine folder I have set to a user share folder. From the forum it seems most people use a path like /cache. Presumably this is allocated to a separate cache hard drive (only available on paid unraid) which is not part of parity. Whereas mine is on the data drive itself. The VM files have to be stored on a hard disc somewhere as the flash drive and ram are too small.


When I come to add the extra 2 drives and start parity will there be a problem with the vm being stored on the data array like I have it currently? It takes me some time to get my head round the fact that the file system is mounted in ram but some parts are mounted on hard disc. So the VM file I have must surely be written to often plus I have an auto defragmenter running on this windows vm which will be rearranging that structure. Will unraid properly work with parity maintained? Is my VM file protected with parity?


Sorry I am a bit confused.

Putting your VM HDDs on a parity protected drive will work but will have a much lower access speed because of the writes being slower on an unRAID protected array.  You could solve this with a cache drive but for the Free version you would want a drive mounted outside of unRAID control.  jumperalex outlines how to create and mount a SSD this way in this post.
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Thanks for that. I thought it would be the case that the VM would slow down once the array is fully parity protected. As would all IO compared to the current single disc set up.


Presumably I would not have to use an SSD though - I could use a spare mechanical hard disc as an external disc on the array. Obviously an SSD would be faster. I'll have to see what I can afford next year. When I reconfigure my computers I could have a spare 400GB or 1TB  SATA2 Samsung hard disk I could use as an app disk. The command for mounting in the go file would be a bit different.


So the best option for me would be first set up an external disc, set the option to use that as the default vm folder, copy over the current vm folders to the new disc, check that runs OK. Then add the 2 new disks, pre-clear them and get the 3 disc array going? Or would there be a problem in copying the VM files (should the current vm be 'cloned' instead)?

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Thanks for that. I thought it would be the case that the VM would slow down once the array is fully parity protected. As would all IO compared to the current single disc set up.


Presumably I would not have to use an SSD though - I could use a spare mechanical hard disc as an external disc on the array. Obviously an SSD would be faster. I'll have to see what I can afford next year. When I reconfigure my computers I could have a spare 400GB or 1TB  SATA2 Samsung hard disk I could use as an app disk. The command for mounting in the go file would be a bit different.


So the best option for me would be first set up an external disc, set the option to use that as the default vm folder, copy over the current vm folders to the new disc, check that runs OK. Then add the 2 new disks, pre-clear them and get the 3 disc array going? Or would there be a problem in copying the VM files (should the current vm be 'cloned' instead)?

Yes an SSD is not required that was just the guide to format and mount a drive external to the array I would recomend following since it uses disk ID rather than SDA, SDB, SDC, etc... in the mount commands.  You are not guarantied to have the same letter on a drive each time unRAID boots so just like unRAID you would need to mount by ID.  You would probably be able to copy from one disk to another and get it to work.  However the VirtualBox configuration could cause problems since pointers to locations can hang around.  If you update the default folder for your machines and each VM it will probably work just fine.  If you are unable to get it working you might have to nuke and pave your VM setup and just save any virtual HDDs you have setup for your VMs. Then setup VirtualBox and the VMs completely by scratch again using ONLY the virtual HDDs.  If that actually happens and you can't figure out what to do I would ask again.  I could post what procedure I've followed before but there are probably better ways to go about it.  Cloning works but if I remember correctly you might have to reactivate a Windows VM as the disk signature and definitely the machine signature would change even with my procedure.  However both signatures could be updated to the old values so you might be able to get it copied without a reactivation required.
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OK thanks for the feedback.


Just been doing a little bit of reading on SSD but the reliability with regards the number of writes has always put me off them.


In a way it's like comparing DVD-Ram in a caddy (100,000 writes capable) to a DVD-Ram bare disc or DVD-RW (only 1000 writes). I have a big pile of DVD-Ram caddied discs for my dvd recorder and prefer to use them over the bare discs (although I do have both).


I might have considered a 60 GB mSata SSD but it seems it's recommended to not fill them more than 50% to allow some movement to different blocks on rewrites. It would cost £50 for one of these which is very expensive compared to normal hard disks. I'll more likely re-use an older hard disc like I alluded to in the earlier post  - recycling is cheaper:).

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OK thanks for the feedback.


Just been doing a little bit of reading on SSD but the reliability with regards the number of writes has always put me off them.


In a way it's like comparing DVD-Ram in a caddy (100,000 writes capable) to a DVD-Ram bare disc or DVD-RW (only 1000 writes). I have a big pile of DVD-Ram caddied discs for my dvd recorder and prefer to use them over the bare discs (although I do have both).


I might have considered a 60 GB mSata SSD but it seems it's recommended to not fill them more than 50% to allow some movement to different blocks on rewrites. It would cost £50 for one of these which is very expensive compared to normal hard disks. I'll more likely re-use an older hard disc like I alluded to in the earlier post  - recycling is cheaper:).

That is precisely why I have Raptors for my ESXi datastore drives on my ESXi servers.  I don't have to worry about an early death for the drives because ESXi doesn't support trim on a datastore drive (might in 5.5 but didn't in 4.1 or 5.0).  I do use SSD on my laptop and HTPC computers since they have Windows which supports trim.  I use VirtualBox on my N54L since it is so much smaller and possibly/probably doesn't support AMD-V.
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First, I want to thank the author of this excellent plugin. I found it pretty easy to get a Windows 7 VM running within VirtualBox on my unraid server. I can use Remote Desktop or Teamviewer to connect to the VM, but I can't figure out how to connect with UltraVNC. If anyone is using UltraVNC to connect to their Virtualbox Windows VM, I'd be interested in learning how you made it work.

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