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webGui on github

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...the original idea behind this was to have a plugin that managed the background and let you choose between different ones, or maybe a color gradient, etc., for the purpose of managing several servers on the same screen.  For example, say you have three unRaid servers named "Mountain", "Beach" and "Forest"; well you could give each one an appropriate image banner as a visual cue that your webGui is accessing the right server.  Maybe a dumb idea...



I like the idea allot. I sometimes mistake which server I'm on.

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...the original idea behind this was to have a plugin that managed the background and let you choose between different ones, or maybe a color gradient, etc., for the purpose of managing several servers on the same screen.  For example, say you have three unRaid servers named "Mountain", "Beach" and "Forest"; well you could give each one an appropriate image banner as a visual cue that your webGui is accessing the right server.  Maybe a dumb idea...



I like the idea allot. I sometimes mistake which server I'm on.


Been there...  AND done that!!!! 

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that's great for us noobs with 2 servers (I did buy the 2nd pro as a back up)

but the 1st (mostly 8x1.5tb 3x2tb) gave me a few issues quite a while back, now 2 has (15-18 2tb hdd) is bigger.



5rc16c each 4gb ram a supermicro 8way card, 1st thermalake m9 (2x5 vert homemade hdd holder with fans at front into 5 bays & a 4:3 coolermaster with 4 hdd),

2nd modified duplicator 13 way case

4x4:3 cooler master 12 hdd up the top with 700w tr2 p/s & 6hdd in 2x4:3 coolermaster in the bottom 7 bays.

case modiied as it had no m/b tray extends out the rear by nearly 60mm.

both on wooden trolley with 50mm castors 2 fixed & 2 flexible.




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First off nice move using github, this will pay dividends in the end I am sure. Install went seemlessly here and its a quantum leap in usabilty as far as I am concerned


One area that needs cleared up before it becomes a "thing" is that there is no license file that I can see. Technically this means that no one can fork the code legally in most country's since doing so breaches copyright.


This is an ongoing thing on github with countless debates about it hence why they created this http://choosealicense.com/



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As a piece of information:


I was using Simple Features on my test bed server.  I decided to try out the new webGui.  I read through the thread to this point, making notes on how to do it.


First, I backed up the entire flash drive to my windows computer.


Second, I deleted the contents of /boot/plugins (plugins in Windows).


Third, followed the instructions on the GitHub page.  I copied and pasted the commands from the page into a terminal session using PuTTY.


Fourth, started the WebGui in my browser.  At this point, Everything seemed fine.  Then I noticed that the addins for Simple Features (Health, "SimpleFeatures Settings" on the Setting tab) were still there.  However, the addins not longer worked that there were error messages on many of the pages. 


I corrected this issue by rebooting the system.  Apparently, even though I had deleted the files on the Flash drive, they were still in memory and were being used by the new webGui.



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I'm having issues with the "stats" page.


Here's the error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/include/myPage_content.php(31) : eval()'d code on line 1


Warning: parse_ini_file(/simpleFeatures.system.stats.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/include/myPage_content.php(61) : eval()'d code on line 12


Screenshot attached.


"Health" page is similar and also has parse errors.


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I'm having issues with the "stats" page.


Here's the error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/include/myPage_content.php(31) : eval()'d code on line 1


Warning: parse_ini_file(/simpleFeatures.system.stats.ini): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/include/myPage_content.php(61) : eval()'d code on line 12


Screenshot attached.


You still have some remenents of SimpleFeatures left in your server.  See my earlier post...  (fourth one back from this one.)

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Thanks! Yeah a reboot of the server is necessary. Although everything from the Flash was removed, it was still in memory like you said.

Right, I will update the README file about this, sorry.


Tom ----


The following line in README.md :



If you have any other plugins installed, reboot your server; otherwise, just bring up the webGui in your browser.


Should read :


    If you have had any other plugins installed, reboot your server; otherwise, just bring up the webGui in your browser.


The reason being that you have just ripped out SimpleFeatures from the /root/plugins directory, all of those addins will show up in the new webGui.  Apparently none of them will work but it may appear to less experienced unRAID user that they should work.  Of course, this causes all sorts of confusion and will result in lots of posts from those users wanting to know why things are not working and how to make them work! 

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have i gone blind, or has the function to schedule a parity check been removed from webgui? i use to have it run once a week.


If so, please bring it back :) That, and system temps.

I do not think that has ever been part of the standard GUI.    You probably got it via unMenu or Simple Features.

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updated to rc3 via the instructions on github, but the gif from a spundown disk isn't showing properly. see attached.


bug perhaps?, i'll try redownloading and installing again to see if that clears it, but i can see the .gif file is there and i've tried a couple of browsers (safari latest, firefox latest)



EDIT* redownload, reinstall nor reboot has fixed the issue.

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updated to rc3 via the instructions on github, but the gif from a spundown disk isn't showing properly. see attached.


bug perhaps?, i'll try redownloading and installing again to see if that clears it, but i can see the .gif file is there and i've tried a couple of browsers (safari latest, firefox latest)



EDIT* redownload, reinstall nor reboot has fixed the issue.


try this.


settings>display preferences>"View of spun-down disks". play with this and click apply see if it changes anything.

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Another issue:


The image for a spun-down disk is called green-blink.gif but the code is trying to open green-blink0.gif.


<img src="plugins/webGui/images/green-blink0.gif" class="icon gap">


I noticed this too when I upgraded.  So what I did to resolve this was to copy the green-blink.gif to green-blink0.gif as a temporary fix.


cp /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/images/green-blink.gif /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui/images/green-blink0.gif



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