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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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Well.. unless I totally misunderstand the way the Dockers work they are certainly not running ubuntu..


I also received the mail and it does worry me a lot.. For some reason Crashplan think we are using a version that will no longer be supported.. The same thing they use to identify the people who get the mail might be used to "block" certain users...


The supported linux list says:


Linux using:
Kernel version 2.6.32 or later and
glibc version 2.9 or later


The linux kernel version can be seen at bootup:


Linux Tower 4.4.6-unRAID #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 25 21:34:35 PDT 2016 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31230 @ 3.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux


So that looks fine.


GLIBC: I googled this (without knowing what it is), you should be able to assess its version by typing ldd --version. This comes back with 2.23. So that looks like above 2.9..


So still worried about why the mail was received..


I don't think it has anything to do with the kernel or glibc version, we're fine there. Rather, it's the version of the crashplan app itself. Search for 'CrashPlan' in the build log. It's version 4.6.0, which is going unsupported on May 16th.

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I just was in contact with their support and they confirmed that the issue is with the Crashplan version, not with the underlying os. So as long as the Docker supporter gets 4.7 to work in Docker we will be fine..


I still think it is kind of weird that they do it this way so I will continue to be somewhat #worried untill I see it solved.. I can imagine that, especially in combination with their cloud offering, they do not particularly like the fact that we have made it so easy to run this on a NAS.. Makes it really easy to send terrabytes upon terrabytes to their cloud.. That used to be a lot more involved (yet not impossible)

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Unraid 6.1.1

Crashplan Dekstop 4.6.0

Docker image updated to latest as of today. 4-28-16


Crashplan has been backing up to the cloud from my unraid for months. I had the desktop client connecting to the engine a several months back but somewhere along the line that broke. I updated to the latest version of the desktop but it won't connect to the engine on unraid.



have both been configured as they were in the past with the local ip of the unraid.


Is there something else going on now that I need to do? I haven't been to concerned with it since the engine was working correctly but I have added a few new shares that I need to add to the backup.

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I just was in contact with their support and they confirmed that the issue is with the Crashplan version, not with the underlying os. So as long as the Docker supporter gets 4.7 to work in Docker we will be fine..


I still think it is kind of weird that they do it this way so I will continue to be somewhat #worried untill I see it solved.. I can imagine that, especially in combination with their cloud offering, they do not particularly like the fact that we have made it so easy to run this on a NAS.. Makes it really easy to send terrabytes upon terrabytes to their cloud.. That used to be a lot more involved (yet not impossible)


When the update arrives, I'll update the container, ok?

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I just was in contact with their support and they confirmed that the issue is with the Crashplan version, not with the underlying os. So as long as the Docker supporter gets 4.7 to work in Docker we will be fine..


I still think it is kind of weird that they do it this way so I will continue to be somewhat #worried untill I see it solved.. I can imagine that, especially in combination with their cloud offering, they do not particularly like the fact that we have made it so easy to run this on a NAS.. Makes it really easy to send terrabytes upon terrabytes to their cloud.. That used to be a lot more involved (yet not impossible)


When the update arrives, I'll update the container, ok?


Thank you. I'm referring to the Windows client btw. My crashplan desktop on unraid doesn't connect either. It says up to date as well. Just an FYI. I'm hoping this will all be resolved. Thanks again!

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When the update arrives, I'll update the container, ok?


So you are not updating this container even though numerous users are presented with a black VNC screen?


Did I said that? I just said that I was going to update CrashPlan app as soon as the new version arrives.


The black screen issue was a tricky one to replicate, but I think I fixed it. Please update your container and tell me if it helped.



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Also here!!!  the update fixed the black screen !!! thankyou @gfjardim





About the user who wrote that:


So you are not updating this container even though numerous users are presented with a black VNC screen?


Perhaps a little more patience would not be bad. Are you paying for this container? He hasn't any obligation at all.



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Did I said that? I just said that I was going to update CrashPlan app as soon as the new version arrives.


The black screen issue was a tricky one to replicate, but I think I fixed it. Please update your container and tell me if it helped.


Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted the ambiguous comment  :-X.


Can confirm my blackscreen VNC has been fixed, thank you.


Perhaps a little more patience would not be bad. Are you paying for this container? He hasn't any obligation at all.


Highlights the major flaw with having a single user providing dockers.


If the docker system allowed a rollback, or ability to choose a previous build, this wouldn't be an issue. (You could rebut this and say build your own, but I'd digress)

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Did I said that? I just said that I was going to update CrashPlan app as soon as the new version arrives.


The black screen issue was a tricky one to replicate, but I think I fixed it. Please update your container and tell me if it helped.


Sorry, I guess I misinterpreted the ambiguous comment  :-X.


Can confirm my blackscreen VNC has been fixed, thank you.


Perhaps a little more patience would not be bad. Are you paying for this container? He hasn't any obligation at all.


Highlights the major flaw with having a single user providing dockers.


If the docker system allowed a rollback, or ability to choose a previous build, this wouldn't be an issue. (You could rebut this and say build your own, but I'd digress)


I do at least agree that I am starting to realise that it might be something of a risk having my precious backups in hands of a company that might decide to stop supporting us and/or in a docker system where I am reliant on one maintainer... And this has -NOTHING- to do with enormous amount of great work gfjardim is doing on this... I really do appreciate that enormously.. Its just... my backups.. I haven't decided on anything but maybe an rsync solution is "safer" in that respect..

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Tried to update docker and my docker disappeared.  Now when I try to reinstall I get the following.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="CrashPlan" --net="host" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 4242:4242/tcp -p 4243:4243/tcp -p 4280:4280/tcp -p 4239:4239/udp -v "/mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user":"/UNRAID":rw -v "/mnt/user/Backup/":"/backup":rw -v "/mnt/disks/":"/unassigned":rw gfjardim/crashplan

Unable to find image 'Data/Crashplan/:/config:rw' locally

Invalid namespace name (Data). Only [a-z0-9-_] are allowed.


The command finished successfully!

Running unraid 6.1.9

My / config file is on /mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/.  /backup is on one of my disks.




Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help appreciated. 

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Tried to update docker and my docker disappeared.  Now when I try to reinstall I get the following.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="CrashPlan" --net="host" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 4242:4242/tcp -p 4243:4243/tcp -p 4280:4280/tcp -p 4239:4239/udp -v "/mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user":"/UNRAID":rw -v "/mnt/user/Backup/":"/backup":rw -v "/mnt/disks/":"/unassigned":rw gfjardim/crashplan

Unable to find image 'Data/Crashplan/:/config:rw' locally

Invalid namespace name (Data). Only [a-z0-9-_] are allowed.


The command finished successfully!

Running unraid 6.1.9

My / config file is on /mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/.  /backup is on one of my disks.




Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help appreciated.

It's having a problem with the space in App Data. Check for an update to the Dynamix webGui.
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Tried to update docker and my docker disappeared.  Now when I try to reinstall I get the following.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="CrashPlan" --net="host" -e TZ="America/New_York" -p 4242:4242/tcp -p 4243:4243/tcp -p 4280:4280/tcp -p 4239:4239/udp -v "/mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user":"/UNRAID":rw -v "/mnt/user/Backup/":"/backup":rw -v "/mnt/disks/":"/unassigned":rw gfjardim/crashplan

Unable to find image 'Data/Crashplan/:/config:rw' locally

Invalid namespace name (Data). Only [a-z0-9-_] are allowed.


The command finished successfully!

Running unraid 6.1.9

My / config file is on /mnt/cache/App Data/Crashplan/.  /backup is on one of my disks.




Not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help appreciated.

It's having a problem with the space in App Data. Check for an update to the Dynamix webGui.

And install/update CA and enable auto update :)

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I was doing a large restore yesterday and at some point my server locked up completely so i had to power it off. Today when i went tried to connect back to Crashplan to continue the restore i get this message when i go to the link in the log - http://Storage:4280/vnc.html?host=Storage&port=4280


noVNC ready: native WebSockets, canvas rendering



Is that how we are supposed to be accessing Crashplan or are there better ways?



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It seems some people have had issues with the black screen and they were resolved by updating the docker.


I have tried this and it did not work for me. The docker does show some warnings and errors in the logs. Perhaps my docker is corrupt?


Cannot read from Windows Registry on a Linux system

Cannot write to Windows Registry on a Linux system

Encrypted Bin Pass= '**'

Encrypted Hex Pass= '**'

Warning: could not find self.pem

No installed websockify, attempting to clone websockify...

_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6

_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/**:1

_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6

_XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created.


[update] I do not know if this makes a difference but I did add a password by the variable VNC_PASSWD.

Client OS: OS X 10.10.5

Server OS: unraid 6.1.9


Using Chrome Browser - ver 50.0.2661.86 (64-bit)

After sending the password to log in I can see the cursor in the black box until I mouse over the black box. Nothing else displays within the black box. There are 5 icons on display at the top right for No VNC

1. Send Ctrl-Alt-Del

2. Clipboard

3. Full Screen

4. Settings

5. Disconnect


Using Safari - ver 9.1 (10601.5.17.4)

After sending the password only the black box is displayed. There is an additional icon in the top left to move the view port. But it does not appear to work. The other 5 icons do display in the upper right corner. But there is no content within the black box.


Installed Firefox - ver 46.0.1

This resulted in the same outcome and behavior as using Chrome.


I'm not all that familiar with dockers but shouldn't all the required components already be part of the dock or are there some cases where you need to install different components? If you do need to install additional components, how does one go about that when the UI is not working?

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So tried to install via both Community Applications and directly from the Docker Repository and got this:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="CrashPlan" --net="host" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "TCP_PORT_4242"="4242" -e "TCP_PORT_4243"="4243" -e "TCP_PORT_4280"="4280" -e "VNC_PASSWD"="" -e "UDP_PORT_4239"="4239" -v "/mnt/user/appdata/crashplan/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/":"/mnt/user":rw -v "/mnt/user/Backup/":"/backup":rw -v "/mnt/user":"/unraid":rw -v "/mnt/disks/":"/unassigned":rw,slave gfjardim/crashplan

Unable to find image 'gfjardim/crashplan:latest' locally

docker: Error response from daemon: Error parsing HTTP response: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "<html><body><h1>408 Request Time-out</h1> Your browser didn't send a complete request in time. </body></html> ".

See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.


The command failed.



Fresh install of unRAID v. 6.2.0-beta21

So what am I doing wrong?


UPDATE: Turns out this happens for any container I try to install and not just Crashplan.  Will create a new thread for the general docker engine question.


UPDATE2: Ok, so I figured it out.  Docker doesn't like Jumbo Frames for pulling containers. Switched MTU to 1500 on my bonded connections and Containers installed.  Does anyone know a way around this for Docker?  I'd hate to lose Jumbo Frames at MTU 9000 since it works so well for transfers across my 10GbE network.

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