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Docker requests

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I have a few requests!

Low hanging fruit:

A new ps3netsrv would be great.  It's a single 50kB statically linked file that hosts PS3 games for modded PS3s.  The current docker(https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37859.0) works and hasn't seen any updates of the hosted binary but it'd be nice to be able to share image space. Binary and source is here: http://www.deanbg.com/webMAN_1.43.zip


Also Archivo, http://www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?t=532868 / https://github.com/fflewddur/archivo which is software for archiving TiVo recordings would be awesome sitting in one of the RDP based dockers.


More ambitious:

IncrediblePBX/PIAF http://nerdvittles.com/?p=12292 which are Asterisk distros for phone systems.  I currently have to run mine in a VM. :(


Opensim http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page or even better the Diva distro of Opensim http://metaverseink.com/Downloads.html!  This is a open source implementation of SecondLife.


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A bit of a wildcard request but i would love to see some mailserver and ftpserver dockers.


Perhaps something that needs to connect to a database for management?


I'm in the process of testing my unraid server, i have nginx, mysql, emby, 2 vm's and hopefully a mail server and ftp server if this request works. I'm moving from entirely windows servers running hmailserver which i was able to add users via a custom web gui hence my database request. I'm not very familiar with linux mail/ftp servers so sorry i wasn't able to put anything specific.




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  • 1 month later...



Any chance someone with some skills can make an unraid docker for rclone (http://rclone.org/). I did find a couple of dockers, but not sure how to make them work under unraid.




Community Applications has a feature that will help you with trying to use dockers out in the wild, wild, web.


The unRAID docker page is really just giving you a form to enter parameters for the docker run command. Nothing special about the way unRAID does this really. If you have some dockers that tell you how to run it then you should be able to give it a try.

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I haven a request for Plex Users, which is extremely helpful for media conversions automatically. This is built off of the CouchPotato/SickBeard/Sonarr plugin called SickBeard MP4 Autmator, https://github.com/mdhiggins/sickbeard_mp4_automator/blob/master/README.md, HOWEVER IT IS NOT IT. This is customized for Plex users to output not only better quality to be also add an AAC track to the beginning and also force the MOOV Atom to the beginning as well. The instructions for this version are below, found here if you are a plex forum member, https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/comment/931888/#Comment_931888:



The only pre-requisite is to have python 2.7.9 installed. https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-279/

Instructions for setup:

1. Download convert.zip from [ftp=ftp://ayars.tv]ftp://ayars.tv[/ftp]

-- username and password are both guest

Unzip, You will end up with [iNSTALLDIR]\Convert

There are two directories (can be changed) inside this folder that are used for the media

Process is where you put any files you want to convert

Done is where the files will end up after processing

You can run this multiple ways but the easiest is to use the Run.bat file. (or for this case setup a Cron Job maybe?)

If you edit this file (run.bat) you will notice it's one line that reads: c:\python27\python manual.py -a -i c:\convert\process

If you install python to a different folder then change the python directory at the beginning of this line.

If you want to process files from a different location then c:\convert\process then just change this in the batch file.

If you want to change the final location of where the final files are stored then edit autoProcess.ini (this is the file people will need to modify the most) file and change the output_directory setting.

That's pretty much it.

Put files in the process directory and run the batch file


What this will do:

It will process each and every file in the "process" directory.

It will remux files that are h.264 and will transcode files that aren't h.264 video

It will pull out any english subtitles and create SRT files from them.  If you want to pull out other languages then modify the subtitle-language setting in the ini file.  Multiple languages are supported by commas

The completed file will not have subtitles (we pulled them out)

It will clear all tags in the mp4 file so Plex doesn't pick up and use these tags instead of the proper meta-data

It will create an AAC track as the first track upto 256K in size.

It will remove all audio tracks not in english.  If you want other languages included modify audio-language setting (ini file) and include any languages you want kept in the MP4 file.  Multiple languages are supported by commas

When it transcodes it wil use an h.264 profile of high; a level of 4.0; crf setting of 20.  These are basically the same as Handbrake High Profile settings with a bit more refinement for Plex use that allows it to direct play more often.

In all cases the final MP4 file has the MOOV ATOM at the beginning of the file (ie web optimized)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey all.  Had a request for a docker for an application called Identify 2 for Mac.  It will automatically (and simply) grab info for tv shows and movies and write tags.  Here's a description:


For use with iTunes compatible video files, iDentify looks at the names of the files you give it. Based on the structure of the file name, it attempts to determine wether the file is a TV Show or movie, also collecting season number, episode number, episode title, year, and IMDB code when provided in the file name. Using that information, it then goes online and searches the theTVDB.com for information on that TV show, or theMovieDB.org for movies, and tagChimp to fill in anything that was missing from the first two sources. From those sites, it collects as much information as possible, such as description, cast, crew, MPAA rating, artwork, chapter names, and it looks at the dimensions of the video so it can automatically mark the video as


Link to the free app below.  Hopefully someone much smarter than me can make this docker!



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Hey all.  Had a request for a docker for an application called Identify 2 for Mac.  It will automatically (and simply) grab info for tv shows and movies and write tags.  Here's a description:


For use with iTunes compatible video files, iDentify looks at the names of the files you give it. Based on the structure of the file name, it attempts to determine wether the file is a TV Show or movie, also collecting season number, episode number, episode title, year, and IMDB code when provided in the file name. Using that information, it then goes online and searches the theTVDB.com for information on that TV show, or theMovieDB.org for movies, and tagChimp to fill in anything that was missing from the first two sources. From those sites, it collects as much information as possible, such as description, cast, crew, MPAA rating, artwork, chapter names, and it looks at the dimensions of the video so it can automatically mark the video as


Link to the free app below.  Hopefully someone much smarter than me can make this docker!




Why not just use something like Plex or Emby?

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The new Apple TV has a very nice Plex App. The third gen apple TV cannot be jailbroken, but the first 2 can. I'd just get the new one though, if that's the issue.


Take a look, it's probably the best looking Plex app:




and https://plex.tv/appletv


Plus, then all of her progress on shows and movies would by synced across all devices she may use to watch on.

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