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Docker requests

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Just a few requests here.


Mayan EDMS - https://gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms-docker

Free Open Source DMS (document management system).


Paperless - https://github.com/danielquinn/paperless/

Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents


Read the Docs - https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org




I would like to second this request for Mayan EDMS.


There's currently a Docker container on docker hub (source on GitLab) but it doesn't support upgrading. I'm currently looking into it myself, but I think someone with more docker experience would be able to do it easily.

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Hello World! (First Post)


I'm exploring unRAID (why did I wait this long it's so so so good) and looking at how to improve Disability Access in a number of areas. The Following Dockers would be very useful in meeting the needs of some people who's existing adapted IT systems are web intensive.


1) Wallabag Vs 2 .... the version 1 docker by Sparklyballs is great and very useful for certain people (Monochrome, Text Only), but Vs 2 with it's ability to handle images improves utility massively for certain disabilities and people with eye and neurological issues. It also allows for access across the net and sharing of materials from one location. This can be done using social media but tends to end up with clutter and distractions that disable.


2) MusicBrainz Picard https://picard.musicbrainz.org/ This is invaluable for organising and tagging but is hell for altering individual tags


3) Easytag https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EasyTAG This is amazing for being able to alter individual tags and images to aid and improve accessibility.


4) Telephony Managment such as PBX in a flash/Asterisk - desperately needed to deal with ongoing issues of abuse by phone and Hate Crime reporting to police.


If you're able to help Thank You - If you have any examples of how unRAID with dockers has address disability elsewhere I'm all ears.



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  • 1 month later...

Could someone add this to an unraid repo? https://hub.docker.com/r/mattikus/mumbledj/


Or maybe direct me to a guide on how to use containers from docker.com, because I couldn't find one and I have no idea what I'm doing.


Thanks.  :)

3 Entries in the docker FAQ about this:

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ok so I got Cardigann working, by turning on docker hub search in CA settings, then manually adding all the same paramters to it that Jackett used with the exception of changing the port to 5060 which cardigann uses by default, no idea if it works or will auto update yet, but the web ui works so im off to a good start I think.

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any of you experienced docker container authors reading this thread? any word or guidance on cardigann or Ampache?


I had never heard of Ampache before your post above.


I use the Linuxserver Apache Docker and the MariaDB Docker.


I got Ampache working by following these steps.


I downloaded Ampache and copied all the files in to my apache www folder /mnt/cache/appdata/Apache/www/ampache


In the Apache docker, I added a new new path to /music mapped to the location on my music folders.


I launched ampache by going to https://192.168.x.x:8x/ampache/install.php

(change all x's above to correspond to your unraid ip and apache port)


In the Database configuration page, I entered the MariaDB ip and port numbers. Enter your database username and password.


It is up and running for me.... need to figure out how to add my music, and all the other program features.


I hope this helps.




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awesome I will try that out today, thanks very much!!! so thankful for you experienced people on here.


One last question is there any guide or help on how to make a template available in community for apps like cardigann and ampache?


Im a programmer and IT person and would like to dive into this myself, just not sure where to start really.

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awesome I will try that out today, thanks very much!!! so thankful for you experienced people on here.


One last question is there any guide or help on how to make a template available in community for apps like cardigann and ampache?


Im a programmer and IT person and would like to dive into this myself, just not sure where to start really.

Docker FAQ

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  • 2 weeks later...

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