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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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On 8/1/2020 at 12:10 AM, bonienl said:

Another update to Dynamix cache dirs, version 2020.08.01a


Since this update I get a continuous find running on all my shares. It just keeps running over and over. This is on unraid 6.8.3.

It never stops.


root     22028 19708  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i Sims -i appdata -i backups -i downloads -i ebooks -i files -i isos -i music -i photos -i plex -i videos -l off
root     22030 19708  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i Sims -i appdata -i backups -i downloads -i ebooks -i files -i isos -i music -i photos -i plex -i videos -l off
root     22349 22030  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/timeout 25 find /mnt/user0/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22350 22349 16 01:08 ?        00:00:00 find /mnt/user0/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22352 10677  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 sleep 6
root     22354 22028  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/timeout 25 find /mnt/user/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22355 22354  7 01:08 ?        00:00:00 find /mnt/user/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4

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I'm having an issue with my motherboard temps being very high.  I originally posted this in the General tab, and it was recommended to post here...


My typical idle temps, are 45c CPU, and 57-60c mobo.  This by itself feels high.

If I have 1 or 2 plex streams running, temps may raise a degree or 2, but nothing that worries me.


The issue comes whenever I start a Win10 VM.  It is a basic web browsing VM that my wife RDPs to from a chromebook so she can work in a windows ecosystem.  It has 4 cores, and 6 GB RAM.


Whenever it is running, my temps go up to 60c CPU and 80c mobo, and hold there until I stop the VM, and almost immediately drop back to 50 / 70.


I am using the Dynamix System Temp plugin.  I used the auto-driver download and it has me on coretemp jc42 drivers.


My disk temps mostly idle between 25c-35c.  Cache SSD spikes sometimes if I am moving a lot of data and forget to turn off cache.


Please see below snapshots for other server / system details.


I would really appreciate any feedback on this issue.  Its been frustrating me because I.mnot comfortable leaving my VM always on, which i would like to be able to do so my wife doesn't have to tell me when she needs to use it.


Case: Rosewill 4u 15 bay - stock fan setup.



I am using the Sensor MB Temp from the available list below.






Edited by dmoney517
update text
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9 hours ago, bonienl said:

You can always look at the change log.

  • fixed multi cache pool support
  • logrotate updates by Alex R. Berg
  • Always exclude UD devices


Change logs for app updates is reasonably well hidden in unraid i've noticed. ;-)


With a few people commenting in various threads on the excessive CPU usage, are you aware of any regression, or are these the first occurrences you have heard of?

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6 hours ago, boomam said:

Change logs for app updates is reasonably well hidden in unraid i've noticed. ;-)


How would you rectify that?  There is the little info icon for every plugin on the plugins page, and for those plugins which support it (the dynamix ones do not unfortunately), if the update plugin banner comes up then there's also the info icon present there.

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On 8/1/2020 at 11:19 PM, andistyr said:

Since this update I get a continuous find running on all my shares. It just keeps running over and over. This is on unraid 6.8.3.

It never stops.


root     22028 19708  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i Sims -i appdata -i backups -i downloads -i ebooks -i files -i isos -i music -i photos -i plex -i videos -l off
root     22030 19708  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.cache.dirs/scripts/cache_dirs -i Sims -i appdata -i backups -i downloads -i ebooks -i files -i isos -i music -i photos -i plex -i videos -l off
root     22349 22030  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/timeout 25 find /mnt/user0/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22350 22349 16 01:08 ?        00:00:00 find /mnt/user0/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22352 10677  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 sleep 6
root     22354 22028  0 01:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/timeout 25 find /mnt/user/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4
root     22355 22354  7 01:08 ?        00:00:00 find /mnt/user/files -noleaf -maxdepth 4


Same issue with two of my servers. SHFS and FIND constantly running using up 20-30% CPU after the latest update 2020.08.01a. Had to disable the plugin to give my drives and CPU some time to rest 😀

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Just made some changes to my shares and rebooted the server to take advantage of the multiple pools more effectivly, I now have some of the shares only sitting on a secondary cache pool (before they were cached versions of shares on the main cache or array) and cache dir's is not finding the directories to exclude again.


In this case they are on a pool called xfs-cache, it seems to detect all the folders on the normal cache and array. although I think it might only be excluding the folders on the main cache and array and not the copies of them on other pools as my cpu usage is higher then normal

Edited by TexasUnraid
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1 hour ago, TexasUnraid said:

In this case they are on a pool called xfs-cache, it seems to detect all the folders on the normal cache and array. although I think it might only be excluding the folders on the main cache and array and not the copies of them on other pools as my cpu usage is higher then normal

I introduced a regression error with the last version, sorry.

Version 2020.08.03 is available with the correction.


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30 minutes ago, bonienl said:

I introduced a regression error with the last version, sorry.

Version 2020.08.03 is available with the correction.


No worries. Thanks, That fixed the excluded folders.


Although I just noticed a new issue, I think I might of had this issue the other day but could not figure it out and it was fixed with a restart so I left it alone.


I just spundown the array manually and noticed that unraid became very unresponsive. This time my dockers were working, last time even they would not load but it allowed me to see this:




The high iowait starts when I spin down the array. I then spun it back up and it went away. Spun it down again and it came back.


On a hunch I disabled folder cache at the end there and as you can see, even with the drives spun down CPU dropped back to what it should be.


No idea what would cause this, my settings are pretty much defaults with some exclusions and a limit of 5 levels deep (still experimenting with the ideal depth, which is why I spun down the array, wanted to see if and what would spin back up over the day).



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22 hours ago, Squid said:

How would you rectify that?  There is the little info icon for every plugin on the plugins page, and for those plugins which support it (the dynamix ones do not unfortunately), if the update plugin banner comes up then there's also the info icon present there.

Tbh, its not just that area of Unraid with hidden/non-obvious functionality.

If it was me, perhaps the installing 'dialogue' also including the change log as something to read during?


Just saw the update today, re-enabled, testing...

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Please fix the System temperature plugin.


It has been working till the upgrade to 6.8..


in the CLI sensors gives decent output. I also have decent detection, but when I select the sensors and hit apply, the sensors.conf is updated and there is no sensor to select anymore. I cannot get the plugin to work. The Netdata docker can display the temperatures without problems, but I really like to see the most important temperatures on the dashboard again.


If you need config files or or the output of some commands... Please let me know, I'd be glad to help to get this problem resolved.

Edited by Spoooky_nl
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I have a request for the developer. I would like a plugin (button) which would enable me to shutdown and poweroff the server at a given date/time. Tomorrow morning maintenance is scheduled which means i will lose power. It would be great to have the option to schedule a shutdown in advance, as i am now worried that I oversleep.

i tried to do this from the terminal with command shutdown -h 06:45 hope this works!
regards Richard



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20 minutes ago, Richard Aarnink said:


I have a request for the developer. I would like a plugin (button) which would enable me to shutdown and poweroff the server at a given date/time. Tomorrow morning maintenance is scheduled which means i will lose power. It would be great to have the option to schedule a shutdown in advance, as i am now worried that I oversleep.

i tried to do this from the terminal with command shutdown -h 06:45 hope this works!
regards Richard



Also look into the "at" command. 

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2 hours ago, Richard Aarnink said:


I have a request for the developer. I would like a plugin (button) which would enable me to shutdown and poweroff the server at a given date/time. Tomorrow morning maintenance is scheduled which means i will lose power.



If you're really worried about power outages, I suggest that you invest in a small UPS and use APCUPSD (built in to unRAID) to perform the safe shutdown.  Here in Philippines, we can have several unscheduled power outages in one day.  I used an APC BK650 UPS (since upgraded) and have set the configuration to power down five minutes after the power goes off.  It works perfectly.

Edited by PeterB
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On 8/12/2020 at 2:45 AM, PeterB said:

If you're really worried about power outages, I suggest that you invest in a small UPS and use APCUPSD (built in to unRAID) to perform the safe shutdown.  Here in Philippines, we can have several unscheduled power outages in one day.  I used an APC BK650 UPS (since upgraded) and have set the configuration to power down five minutes after the power goes off.  It works perfectly.

Hi Peter, here in the Netherlands power outages are rare. A UPS seems overkill and I was looking for a cheap alternative. Scheduled poerdown from the terminal worked so i guess this is also good for the rare occasions i need to power down. Thanks anyway! 

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2 hours ago, Richard Aarnink said:

Hi Peter, here in the Netherlands power outages are rare. A UPS seems overkill and I was looking for a cheap alternative. Scheduled poerdown from the terminal worked so i guess this is also good for the rare occasions i need to power down. Thanks anyway! 

Power outages are rare where I live too, but it only takes one to cause data corruption. That's why I have all of my computer equipment on UPS.

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