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Because of the constant log messages from CA about cron, I reverted back to the previous version by getting a .plg file from a backup and installing manually through the plugin install.  Your package management is not allowing me to remove CA and revert back to a previous version because the latest package is installed and prevents an older version from installing.  I had to manually remove the older package versions before it would install.


This problem has been discussed and you should find a way to clean up the package(s) when updating/removing CA.  In my plugins I don't use packages because of this problem.  I use a tarball instead of a package so the packages don't stack up.

One message an hour if you didn't wind up setting up a job for it.


As far as the package install is concerned, at the time I wasn't that particularly worried about it as it would have required a big revamp to the workflow that I do, etc but may investigate that again (although there is an easier way of doing things - just copy over an old txz onto the flash drive with the new date -> md5's aren't checked if the txz already exists)


Either way, an update is now available for the spurious crontab errors in the log.


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ps. can we get some sort of indication that it is running on the two main pages (dashboard & main)? Not necessary to have the real time file list (very slick BTW), just a "appdata backup in progress" thingy? Oh, and maybe disable the "backup now" button while its running?

Backup Now button - Will fix tonight.


Dashboard / Main - Not going to happen as it would require modification of system files for the GUI -> that's why there are notifications.

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How does the restart of dockers work? I just checked my list of dockers and it was hit and miss as to which ones were started that were previously running and some were not started which were previously running. Also some that were not running previously were now started.

I don't see this behaviour.  If it continues, can you do this before and after a manual backup and let me know the results:

docker ps -a

(and also post a screen shot of the dashboard showing the stopped / running containers before and after)

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I am going to hazard a guess that its the docker service itself that gets cycled so those that have "autostart" turned on will be running after its done. At least that is how mine worked out.

Problem with stopping the service is that anything set to autostart will come back up whether it was running or not.  Hence why I'm stopping individual containers.  (And also at least on my 6.2, if I do a rc.docker stop, then dynamix just re-enables docker and restarts the containers if I do anything on the GUI    :o )
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How does the restart of dockers work? I just checked my list of dockers and it was hit and miss as to which ones were started that were previously running and some were not started which were previously running. Also some that were not running previously were now started.

I don't see this behaviour.  If it continues, can you do this before and after a manual backup and let me know the results:

docker ps -a

(and also post a screen shot of the dashboard showing the stopped / running containers before and after)


All OK this time. Included the info requested anyway.





CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREAT                                                                                        ED            STATUS                    PORTS                              NAM                                                                                        ES

e512d1e60c37        needo/couchpotato              "/sbin/my_init"        2 day                                                                                        s ago          Up 6 hours      >5050/tcp            Cou                                                                                        chPotato

de74cc9daef5        binhex/arch-get-iplayer        "/bin/bash /root/ini  9 day                                                                                        s ago          Exited (137) 7 hours ago                                      bin                                                                                        hex-get-iplayer

7c22b0ad8152        linuxserver/headphones          "/sbin/my_init"        9 day                                                                                        s ago          Up 6 hours      >8181/tcp            Hea                                                                                        dphones

4b4036a28e19        linuxserver/nzbget              "/sbin/my_init"        12 da                                                                                        ys ago        Up 6 hours      >6789/tcp            NZB                                                                                        Get

6b424fbc763b        linuxserver/sonarr              "/sbin/my_init"        12 da                                                                                        ys ago        Up 6 hours      >8989/tcp            Son                                                                                        arr

785f14d8ab83        linuxserver/rutorrent          "/sbin/my_init"        7 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                        rut                                                                                        orrent

ac4993c0b3c9        magmpzero/magrack              "java -jar /usr/src/  7 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Exited (143) 2 weeks ago                                      Mag                                                                                        Rack

3aafbcfd50c6        linuxserver/muximux            "/sbin/my_init"        8 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Up 6 hours      >80/tcp, 443/tcp        mux                                                                                        imux

dada89901529        needo/plex                      "/sbin/my_init"        8 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Up 3 hours                                                    Ple                                                                                        xMediaServer

c37720dfed61        johnodon/barracudadrive        "/sbin/my_init"        10 we                                                                                        eks ago        Exited (0) 10 weeks ago                                      Bar                                                                                        racudaDrive

2d7b95e47d24        linuxserver/hydra              "/sbin/my_init"        3 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Up 6 hours      >5075/tcp            hyd                                                                                        ra

9e0f309c1da5        aptalca/docker-dolphin          "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 3 months ago    3389/tcp,>8080/tcp  Dol                                                                                        phin

db6eea84efeb        linuxserver/htpcmanager        "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 9 days ago                                        htp                                                                                        cmanager

8ef9b79092be        needo/sickrage                  "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 6 hours ago                                        Sic                                                                                        kRage

f796fe4c86be        coppit/no-ip                    "/bin/sh -c /root/no  6 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Up 6 hours                                                    No-                                                                                        Ip

0d5f590e026d        sparklyballs/mariadb-mywebsql  "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (128) 7 hours ago                                      Mar                                                                                        ia-WebSQL

cf628eb5db60        sparklyballs/yify-pop          "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (2) 7 months ago                                      Yif                                                                                        y-pop

01cc678f84f4        needo/sabnzbd                  "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 12 days ago                                        SAB                                                                                        nzbd






CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREATED            STATUS                    PORTS                              NAMES

e512d1e60c37        needo/couchpotato              "/sbin/my_init"        2 days ago          Up 32 seconds    >5050/tcp            CouchPotato

de74cc9daef5        binhex/arch-get-iplayer        "/bin/bash /root/ini  9 days ago          Exited (137) 8 hours ago                                      binhex-get-iplayer

7c22b0ad8152        linuxserver/headphones          "/sbin/my_init"        9 days ago          Up 32 seconds    >8181/tcp            Headphones

4b4036a28e19        linuxserver/nzbget              "/sbin/my_init"        12 days ago        Up 32 seconds    >6789/tcp            NZBGet   

6b424fbc763b        linuxserver/sonarr              "/sbin/my_init"        12 days ago        Up 31 seconds    >8989/tcp            Sonarr   

785f14d8ab83        linuxserver/rutorrent          "/sbin/my_init"        7 weeks ago        Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                        rutorrent 

ac4993c0b3c9        magmpzero/magrack              "java -jar /usr/src/  7 weeks ago        Exited (143) 2 weeks ago                                      MagRack   

3aafbcfd50c6        linuxserver/muximux            "/sbin/my_init"        8 weeks ago        Up 32 seconds    >80/tcp, 443/tcp        muximux   

dada89901529        needo/plex                      "/sbin/my_init"        8 weeks ago        Up 32 seconds                                                PlexMediaServer

c37720dfed61        johnodon/barracudadrive        "/sbin/my_init"        10 weeks ago        Exited (0) 10 weeks ago                                      BarracudaDrive

2d7b95e47d24        linuxserver/hydra              "/sbin/my_init"        3 months ago        Up 32 seconds    >5075/tcp            hydra     

9e0f309c1da5        aptalca/docker-dolphin          "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 3 months ago    3389/tcp,>8080/tcp  Dolphin   

db6eea84efeb        linuxserver/htpcmanager        "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 9 days ago                                        htpcmanager

8ef9b79092be        needo/sickrage                  "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 6 hours ago                                        SickRage 

f796fe4c86be        coppit/no-ip                    "/bin/sh -c /root/no  6 months ago        Up 32 seconds                                                No-Ip     

0d5f590e026d        sparklyballs/mariadb-mywebsql  "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (128) 8 hours ago                                      Maria-WebSQL

cf628eb5db60        sparklyballs/yify-pop          "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (2) 7 months ago                                      Yify-pop 

01cc678f84f4        needo/sabnzbd                  "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (0) 12 days ago                                        SABnzbd




Link to comment

How does the restart of dockers work? I just checked my list of dockers and it was hit and miss as to which ones were started that were previously running and some were not started which were previously running. Also some that were not running previously were now started.

I don't see this behaviour.  If it continues, can you do this before and after a manual backup and let me know the results:

docker ps -a

(and also post a screen shot of the dashboard showing the stopped / running containers before and after)


All OK this time. Included the info requested anyway.





CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREAT                                                                                        ED            STATUS                    PORTS                              NAM                                                                                        ES

e512d1e60c37        needo/couchpotato              "/sbin/my_init"        2 day                                                                                        s ago          Up 6 hours      >5050/tcp            Cou                                                                                        chPotato

de74cc9daef5        binhex/arch-get-iplayer        "/bin/bash /root/ini  9 day                                                                                        s ago          Exited (137) 7 hours ago                                      bin                                                                                        hex-get-iplayer

7c22b0ad8152        linuxserver/headphones          "/sbin/my_init"        9 day                                                                                        s ago          Up 6 hours      >8181/tcp            Hea                                                                                        dphones

4b4036a28e19        linuxserver/nzbget              "/sbin/my_init"        12 da                                                                                        ys ago        Up 6 hours      >6789/tcp            NZB                                                                                        Get

6b424fbc763b        linuxserver/sonarr              "/sbin/my_init"        12 da                                                                                        ys ago        Up 6 hours      >8989/tcp            Son                                                                                        arr

785f14d8ab83        linuxserver/rutorrent          "/sbin/my_init"        7 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                        rut                                                                                        orrent

ac4993c0b3c9        magmpzero/magrack              "java -jar /usr/src/  7 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Exited (143) 2 weeks ago                                      Mag                                                                                        Rack

3aafbcfd50c6        linuxserver/muximux            "/sbin/my_init"        8 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Up 6 hours      >80/tcp, 443/tcp        mux                                                                                        imux

dada89901529        needo/plex                      "/sbin/my_init"        8 wee                                                                                        ks ago        Up 3 hours                                                    Ple                                                                                        xMediaServer

c37720dfed61        johnodon/barracudadrive        "/sbin/my_init"        10 we                                                                                        eks ago        Exited (0) 10 weeks ago                                      Bar                                                                                        racudaDrive

2d7b95e47d24        linuxserver/hydra              "/sbin/my_init"        3 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Up 6 hours      >5075/tcp            hyd                                                                                        ra

9e0f309c1da5        aptalca/docker-dolphin          "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 3 months ago    3389/tcp,>8080/tcp  Dol                                                                                        phin

db6eea84efeb        linuxserver/htpcmanager        "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 9 days ago                                        htp                                                                                        cmanager

8ef9b79092be        needo/sickrage                  "/sbin/my_init"        4 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 6 hours ago                                        Sic                                                                                        kRage

f796fe4c86be        coppit/no-ip                    "/bin/sh -c /root/no  6 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Up 6 hours                                                    No-                                                                                        Ip

0d5f590e026d        sparklyballs/mariadb-mywebsql  "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (128) 7 hours ago                                      Mar                                                                                        ia-WebSQL

cf628eb5db60        sparklyballs/yify-pop          "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (2) 7 months ago                                      Yif                                                                                        y-pop

01cc678f84f4        needo/sabnzbd                  "/sbin/my_init"        7 mon                                                                                        ths ago        Exited (0) 12 days ago                                        SAB                                                                                        nzbd






CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                CREATED            STATUS                    PORTS                              NAMES

e512d1e60c37        needo/couchpotato              "/sbin/my_init"        2 days ago          Up 32 seconds    >5050/tcp            CouchPotato

de74cc9daef5        binhex/arch-get-iplayer        "/bin/bash /root/ini  9 days ago          Exited (137) 8 hours ago                                      binhex-get-iplayer

7c22b0ad8152        linuxserver/headphones          "/sbin/my_init"        9 days ago          Up 32 seconds    >8181/tcp            Headphones

4b4036a28e19        linuxserver/nzbget              "/sbin/my_init"        12 days ago        Up 32 seconds    >6789/tcp            NZBGet   

6b424fbc763b        linuxserver/sonarr              "/sbin/my_init"        12 days ago        Up 31 seconds    >8989/tcp            Sonarr   

785f14d8ab83        linuxserver/rutorrent          "/sbin/my_init"        7 weeks ago        Exited (0) 2 weeks ago                                        rutorrent 

ac4993c0b3c9        magmpzero/magrack              "java -jar /usr/src/  7 weeks ago        Exited (143) 2 weeks ago                                      MagRack   

3aafbcfd50c6        linuxserver/muximux            "/sbin/my_init"        8 weeks ago        Up 32 seconds    >80/tcp, 443/tcp        muximux   

dada89901529        needo/plex                      "/sbin/my_init"        8 weeks ago        Up 32 seconds                                                PlexMediaServer

c37720dfed61        johnodon/barracudadrive        "/sbin/my_init"        10 weeks ago        Exited (0) 10 weeks ago                                      BarracudaDrive

2d7b95e47d24        linuxserver/hydra              "/sbin/my_init"        3 months ago        Up 32 seconds    >5075/tcp            hydra     

9e0f309c1da5        aptalca/docker-dolphin          "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 3 months ago    3389/tcp,>8080/tcp  Dolphin   

db6eea84efeb        linuxserver/htpcmanager        "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 9 days ago                                        htpcmanager

8ef9b79092be        needo/sickrage                  "/sbin/my_init"        4 months ago        Exited (0) 6 hours ago                                        SickRage 

f796fe4c86be        coppit/no-ip                    "/bin/sh -c /root/no  6 months ago        Up 32 seconds                                                No-Ip     

0d5f590e026d        sparklyballs/mariadb-mywebsql  "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (128) 8 hours ago                                      Maria-WebSQL

cf628eb5db60        sparklyballs/yify-pop          "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (2) 7 months ago                                      Yify-pop 

01cc678f84f4        needo/sabnzbd                  "/sbin/my_init"        7 months ago        Exited (0) 12 days ago                                        SABnzbd


Good.  I can't fix what ain't broke.  But was thinking that if it happens again all I really need is the diagnostics as CA and dockerMan both log the starts and stops


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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What if you're in hell and you get mad at someone?  Where do you tell them to go?


Enhanced: Notifications now sent when applications autoupdate themselves

Changed: CA now defaults to autoupdate.  (All other applications still default to not autoupdate)

Added: Optional appdata backup


The appdata backup / restore feature can be found under Settings (Community Applications Section).


In a nutshell it allows you to either manually or via a scheduled job to backup your appdata folder to your Array




Appdata share  Select whatever share is storing the appdata for your docker /plugin apps.  Only shares which are cache-only or mounted with Unassigned Devices will be listed.  If your appdata share isn't listed (ie: your appdata is already stored on the redundant array), then this module will not function for you.


Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to.  DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share.  In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh.


Save To Disk Because most docker applications use hardlinks / symlinks in their appdata, the destination share HAS to be written directly to a disk share in order for the backup / restore process to work.  Set this in conjunction with the Destination Share.  Note that if you happen to set any split levels, include/exclude disks, etc they are automatically overridden by this setting


Path to Custom Stop / Start Script Prior to issuing the Docker Stop (and after the Docker Start) command, the backup / restore scripts will call the scripts if this is filled out.  Use this to perform any custom shutdown procedures (ie: stop plugins).


Rsync Options If you don't know what you're doing here, just leave it at the defaults


Run scripts in place of rsync or in addition to Setting this to in place of has the effect of disabling CA's rsync command to backup, so that the custom scripts can handle everything


Scheduled Backup Frequency Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Custom


The temporary log file is stored within the docker.img file and upon completion is copied to the flash drive (in a DOS format).  This is primarily because the log files (especially on the initial backup) has the potential to completely fill the space allocated to /var/log, I didn't want to force anyone to have to increase their allocation for the logfiles - My initial backup log file size is ~400Meg.  Logs are not rolling, and are deleted at the start of each new backup / restore set.

Scheduled backups? What kind of sorcery is this? [emoji14]


I can't wait to try it

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Danioj brought up a good point to me via PM. 


Some users utilize their appdata share for VMs.  CA does not stop and start VMs, so I would either create a separate share for VMs, or modify his script (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47986) accordingly to be integrated with CA.  I had a very quick look at his scripting, and it doesn't look like too much trouble to separate the stop and starts, but CA itself will not directly support starting and stopping of VMs (or PhAzE plugins for that matter).  Hopefully someone who utilizes PhAzE's plugins will bang together a script to properly stop and restart them, but it won't be me as I cannot support options that I am unable to test.


I will however investigate incorporating an Excluded folder option to help out those users using appdata for VMs.  (But as I said, this is part of the reasoning for the stop / start scripts support)

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Never designed for that, but I already saw it in yours and was thinking about adding it.  I'll let you know. But won't be for a week or so.


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I removed one of the two for now so the link works.


I am slowly getting the hang of this Docker stuff.


So a plugin is different that it has access to the system?  And so that when removing everything the plugin adds gets fully removed?


So I could try and make a plugin for LCDproc to send system stats to an USB LCD character panel?  I have one working in my KODibuntu box.




Sent from my XT1563 using Tapatalk



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Going to try out the backup feature on the test server soon.


No support for backup "sets" ie: day 1, day 2, etc.  But you can add scripting via the stop script to support this


Squid, I know you mentioned you would not support backup sets in the alpha build post. Does that mean you don't ever plan to support this or just not now/yet? I see you also mentioned it is possible via scripts, admittedly I'm not one to be able to create such a script. Could you provide an example script if this will be the only way possible to do backup sets.


Personally this is really important to me now that dockers auto-update themselves, I've already had an update cause issues and was lucky I had a manually created backup that wasn't too out of date. 


I was hoping for more of a snapshot setup. For example, do a full backup once a week keeping 4 backups, overwriting the oldest. Hopefully there would be a way that only changed files are copied or each backup will take a as long as the initial backup which isn't a big deal but would rather not have plex offline for long periods of time.


Thanks for all your work!


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Nicely done. Running first one manually. Pushbullet notification, webGUI notifications, like its made for it :) Thanks again for your great work.

Just be aware that the first backup can take awhile (45 minutes) especially if you run plex.  Subsequent backups are a lot faster as only changed files are copied.


Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk

How much data do you have on plex then?

I am running plex, with 1.7TB of data, and 10 dockers in total with a appdata share and it only took me 2 minuttes to do the first backup.. Did not expect that. Great job Squid!  8)

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take it - it is not possible to backup to a folder under a share?  I have another script I run that is \\Tower\Backups\Cache - but I also have my crashplan in there as well under \\Tower\Backups\Crashplan


Wanted to keep all backups together - nice and tidy etc....




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take it - it is not possible to backup to a folder under a share?  I have another script I run that is \\Tower\Backups\Cache - but I also have my crashplan in there as well under \\Tower\Backups\Crashplan


Wanted to keep all backups together - nice and tidy etc....



Gimme an update or 2 to accomplish this.


You really don't know what features people want / need until you throw it out there.  ;)

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How much data do you have on plex then?

I am running plex, with 1.7TB of data, and 10 dockers in total with a appdata share and it only took me 2 minuttes to do the first backup.. Did not expect that. Great job Squid!  8)

Initial backup takes me ~ 1 hour.  My plex has something like 200,000 files in metadata.
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How much data do you have on plex then?

I am running plex, with 1.7TB of data, and 10 dockers in total with a appdata share and it only took me 2 minuttes to do the first backup.. Did not expect that. Great job Squid!  8)

Initial backup takes me ~ 1 hour.  My plex has something like 200,000 files in metadata.


Mine was an hour almost exactly.

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you mentioned you would not support backup sets in the alpha build post. Does that mean you don't ever plan to support this or just not now/yet? I see you also mentioned it is possible via scripts, admittedly I'm not one to be able to create such a script. Could you provide an example script if this will be the only way possible to do backup sets.

lol  If I came up with a sample script to accomplish this, then the plugin would actually support it natively


I really don't envision this as ever being a full-featured backup application.  Rather as a utility to fulfill a need.  Namely to restore all the appdata in case of a cache drive failure.


Near term, I can see this performing dated backups, and you would be responsible for deleting the old ones.  But rotating backups I'm thinking would very quickly become a nightmare on my end.


Priority #1 has to be excluded folders.  So that users who (unlike myself) have appdata containing items like VM's (I wouldn't even consider setting up appdata like that, otherwise it would have been in there originally).  Hopefully at some point shortly someone will come up with stop / start scripts for PhaZe plugins and for VM's.  I myself won't be because quite simply I don't run my servers with those apps, and I don't want to take responsibility for support of any user scripts.

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How much data do you have on plex then?

I am running plex, with 1.7TB of data, and 10 dockers in total with a appdata share and it only took me 2 minuttes to do the first backup.. Did not expect that. Great job Squid!  8)

Initial backup takes me ~ 1 hour.  My plex has something like 200,000 files in metadata.


Mine was an hour almost exactly.

My subsequent backups are usually ~5 minutes.  And the vast majority of time there is merely rsync traversing the Plex folder just to see what changed.
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Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to.  DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share.  In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh.

Maybe a little warning that you're gonna delete all the data in the target directory with the backup option. I had a bunch of other stuff in my backup folder that's gone now. Easy enough to fix the rsync, but didn't notice it at first.

You were warned.
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Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to.  DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share.  In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh.

Maybe a little warning that you're gonna delete all the data in the target directory with the backup option. I had a bunch of other stuff in my backup folder that's gone now. Easy enough to fix the rsync, but didn't notice it at first.

You were warned.

Right above the apply button


NOTE: All files within your chosen destination share will be deleted when the backup runs. Only select a share created SPECIFICALLY for appdata backup purposes


And it's not easy enough to fix the r sync because if the source and destinations do not have the exact same contents then it's not a backup


Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk


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Destination Share This is whatever share you want the backup to go to.  DO NOT use a share that already contains any other files, as part of the process of the backup is keeping everything in sync, which ultimately means that if the file/folder does not exist in the appdata share, CA will delete it from the destination share.  In other words, if you decide to backup the appdata to your "Movies" share, I will be the first to laugh.

Maybe a little warning that you're gonna delete all the data in the target directory with the backup option. I had a bunch of other stuff in my backup folder that's gone now. Easy enough to fix the rsync, but didn't notice it at first.

You were warned.

Right above the apply button


NOTE: All files within your chosen destination share will be deleted when the backup runs. Only select a share created SPECIFICALLY for appdata backup purposes


And it's not easy enough to fix the r sync because if the source and destinations do not have the exact same contents then it's not a backup


Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk


Ugg yeah been staring at the screen too long today.  Wouldn't a better solution be to use btrfs snapshots?

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lol  If I came up with a sample script to accomplish this, then the plugin would actually support it natively

Fair point squid.


I really don't envision this as ever being a full-featured backup application.  Rather as a utility to fulfill a need.  Namely to restore all the appdata in case of a cache drive failure.

Having a proper backup solution for the config folders is something I've wanted since v5 and this is finally looks to be a good solution. I know its possible via scripts but a nicely setup plugin is more polished. Thanks for doing this.



Near term, I can see this performing dated backups, and you would be responsible for deleting the old ones.

That would be good enough for me. I could either manually delete old backups or find a way via script to purge old backups.  Thanks!

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in auto update section in settings i get the following text at the top of the page.


Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34 Warning: file_get_contents(/usr/local/emhttp/plugins//README.md): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php(292) : eval()'d code on line 34


I also have old, deleted ._plugins showing up. I have rebooted to see if it's what's stored in memory, but they are still there. I've deleted the previously installed plugins folder on my flash drive (which shows the offending plugins).

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How much data do you have on plex then?

I am running plex, with 1.7TB of data, and 10 dockers in total with a appdata share and it only took me 2 minuttes to do the first backup.. Did not expect that. Great job Squid!  8)

Initial backup takes me ~ 1 hour.  My plex has something like 200,000 files in metadata.

Maybe that is why, I only have 21 240 files in my metadata folder  :P

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