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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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Biggest change (albeit rather minor in the grand scheme of things) are mobile device detection and options regarding the search bar focus


Mobile Device detection *slightly* adjusts how the system works when running on a mobile device (currently how the resizing works when rotating, and the setting regarding search bar focus).  Since the distinction between a mobile device and a computer can get rather blurred nowadays, the there is an option (below) to force on/off/auto the only change that this really affects for the end user.


Search Bar Focus  Previous behaviour was to have the search bar only in focus when entering the Apps tab, so you could immediately search without having to click in the bar.  A new option is available in CA settings to allow you to adjust how the focus works:

  • Automatic (default) - This keeps the search bar always in focus at all times so that no matter what you've done or clicked, you can always start banging away on the keyboard to have it begin to search.  Automatic means that this feature is enabled from a desktop / laptop, but disabled on a mobile device (Some mobile devices do not like this and will continually scroll back to the top of the page when using CA)
  • Always in focus - This forces the search bar to always be in focus.  As stated, some mobile devices may have trouble with this.
  • Never in focus - This is the previous behaviour, where the search bar is only in focus on the initial load of the Apps tab, and after clicking anything you will have to click into the search bar to type.



Beyond that, some optimizations and fixes that nobody has noticed which means that either no-one uses CA or I'm just anal on this plug.

Edited by Squid
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Beyond that, some optimizations and fixes that nobody has noticed which means that either no-one uses CA or I'm just anal on this plug.

Ha! Anyone who doesn’t use CA is either unaware of its awesomeness or enjoys physical and mental punishment of themselves.

P.S. No offense if the later is your thing. For each their own.
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Hi. Running unRAID 6.5.1 and Community Applications fails to upgrade. It shows I'm on version 2018.04.22 and that 2018.05.05 is available. Tried it 4x.


System logs only shows the attempt to upgrade (in the GUI, it says it fails and then that is was successful but doesn't actually update) :

May 5 12:00:36 Tower ool www[23399]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/plugin 'update' 'communityapplications:.plg' &>/dev/null &


Anyone else having this issue or have any recommendations? Thanks.

Edited by austinite
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15 minutes ago, austinite said:

Hi. Running unRAID 6.5.1 and Community Applications fails to upgrade. It shows I'm on version 2018.04.22 and that 2018.05.05 is available. Tried it 4x.


System logs only shows the attempt to upgrade (in the GUI, it says it fails and then that is was successful but doesn't actually update) :

May 5 12:00:36 Tower ool www[23399]: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/advanced.buttons/script/plugin 'update' 'communityapplications:.plg' &>/dev/null &


Anyone else having this issue or have any recommendations? Thanks.

Delete advanced buttons.plg from config/plugins on the flash drive then reboot

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Thanks @Squid and @trurl. Manually deleting the advanced buttons.plg from the cache drive and rebooted. It worked. Appreciate it.


Edit: Noticed these messages every second in the log, though:

May 6 23:02:51 unRAIDTower nginx: 2018/05/06 23:02:51 [error] 9375#9375: *28082 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/advanced.buttons/AdvancedButtons.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""

Edited by austinite
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Got myself a new weird problem.


Apps tab is missing. When I try to directly access IP:Port/Apps I just get a blank page. In Plugins section the community applications plugin is looking strange:



I am running Unraid v 6.5.1-rc6.


Nothing of note in Syslog... some PHP warnings...


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Probably a know issue. 


The update button of unRAID in the CA is still pointing to the plugin tab and not to the tools tab. Not sure if this has something to do with backwards compatibility. I don't know when "updating unRAID OS" was moved to the tools tab.  

Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 16.12.51.png

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Major redesign of the template displays.  


Switched to more of a complete "skin" design.  Two skins are available: Wide & Narrow.  Narrow allows more apps to be displayed per column while still retaining all of the same information.  You can select via CA Settings.  Docker Hub searches now also utilize the skin settings.  At the same time, some of the stupid stuff displaying in the template has been removed (like dockerhub stars), and you can only see it now via hovering / clicking on the icon.


Gone is Table Mode (deal with it @sparklyballs)  It was a hold over from the very original proof of concept plugin (before Community Repositories), and was never the way I envisioned CA to look under any circumstance.


Gone also is the Search Bar focus options.  It was a good idea, but I found that under certain circumstances you could issue a search when you shouldn't be allowed to, and it just wasn't workable to continue with keep the search bar always in focus.


Notable addition is that when using a mobile device (actually probably any touch screen enabled device), you have the ability to swipe left/right to change pages when a search returns more than a single page of templates.


<DonateImg> has also been deprecated in this version, and going forward a stock donate image is applied to any/all templates that have the donate options


Edited by Squid
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