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unRAID Server Release 6.0-rc5-x86_64 Available


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Above you say:


I have a new docker (RDP-Calibre) that works fine on my local network but can't resolve the server via DNS. 


Can't resolve which 'server'?  ???



I can reach the RPD-Calibre server on the local network (192.168.1.xxx) but not on mydns.freedns.org, while all the other web interfaces for docker apps or the unRAID array can be accessed either locally or through mydns, i.e. through the internet.    It's just this one docker app.  Several folks have noted similar issues with different apps.


One person recommended switching from bridge mode to host mode and then back but that did not fix the problem for me.






If I'm right in thinking, you're trying to make RDP-Calibre internet facing right?  So you can access it across the web as well as LAN.  It's technically possible I think, by using Guacamole (I've managed to Reverse Proxy that with an Apache docker) to connect.  But I'm not sure it's worth the effort.  Might be worth installing both the RDP and the Server Calibre docker, using RDP to change metadata and Server to, well, serve.  To serve my e-book library I use COPS in Apache, works great and pretty easy to get going, but this thread isn't the place for that.  Hit me up if you want any help.  There's also Ubooquity to serve an ebook library as well.

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Above you say:


I have a new docker (RDP-Calibre) that works fine on my local network but can't resolve the server via DNS. 


Can't resolve which 'server'?  ???



I can reach the RPD-Calibre server on the local network (192.168.1.xxx) but not on mydns.freedns.org, while all the other web interfaces for docker apps or the unRAID array can be accessed either locally or through mydns, i.e. through the internet.    It's just this one docker app.  Several folks have noted similar issues with different apps.


One person recommended switching from bridge mode to host mode and then back but that did not fix the problem for me.






If I'm right in thinking, you're trying to make RDP-Calibre internet facing right?  So you can access it across the web as well as LAN.  It's technically possible I think, by using Guacamole (I've managed to Reverse Proxy that with an Apache docker) to connect.  But I'm not sure it's worth the effort.  Might be worth installing both the RDP and the Server Calibre docker, using RDP to change metadata and Server to, well, serve.  To serve my e-book library I use COPS in Apache, works great and pretty easy to get going, but this thread isn't the place for that.  Hit me up if you want any help.  There's also Ubooquity to serve an ebook library as well.

Rdp-calibre uses guacamole and with correct port forwarding, it should be accessible remotely. We can continue the conversation in the support thread for the docker ie. my repository thread linked in my signature

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I'm sensing that this is not an unRAID issue, but a Docker or app issue.


Actually it's a neurodegenerative symptom.  I neglected to open up these ports on my router, though at one point I thought I had checked that by swapping ports.  It's been a long day and I'm sorry for the confusion between my problem and the other 'DNS' problem. 


I too have been very happy with rc4/5 and am looking forward to a final.  Thanks all.



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Actually it's a neurodegenerative symptom.  I neglected to open up these ports on my router, though at one point I thought I had checked that by swapping ports.  It's been a long day and I'm sorry for the confusion between my problem and the other 'DNS' problem. 


It's ok brother, we've all had to admit to the PEBCAK phenomenon on here at some point, as Sparklyballs once said to me..


I feel your shame!  ;D


have you clicked advanced and set the variables ?


Ummm, no  :-[


i feel your shame

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Just curious...


Why is the Dynamix Webui listed as a plugin when it is part of the core now?  I would expect the other Dynamix addons to be treated as plugins but not the core package. If there are minor changes to the UI, can they not be released as a minor core updates instead?


BTW...this is my OCD speaking.  :)



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Just curious...


Why is the Dynamix Webui listed as a plugin when it is part of the core now?  I would expect the other Dynamix addons to be treated as plugins but not the core package. If there are minor changes to the UI, can they not be released as a minor core updates instead?


BTW...this is my OCD speaking.  :)




I guess it makes it a bit more modular and allows bonienl to update dynamix without affecting the base Unraid OS.  Satisfy your OCD by thinking of it as compartments.

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While I'm posting on the thread I might as well add that I've had no issues at all with this RC. Good work Lime-Tech team!


yeah good job LT people....


what i really like is i can use it as a platform for VM's and dockers and i don't have to know too much about the underlying NAS'iness stuff.



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Just curious...


Why is the Dynamix Webui listed as a plugin when it is part of the core now?  I would expect the other Dynamix addons to be treated as plugins but not the core package. If there are minor changes to the UI, can they not be released as a minor core updates instead?


BTW...this is my OCD speaking.  :)




I guess it makes it a bit more modular and allows bonienl to update dynamix without affecting the base Unraid OS.  Satisfy your OCD by thinking of it as compartments.


Note that even the core OS is listed as a plugin  :)


I think this is simply a list of the components that can be updated individually via the "Update" button.  I think it makes sense to isolate the GUI from the other core functionality, as this allows fixes to display-only issues without a new UnRAID core release.


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Just curious...


Why is the Dynamix Webui listed as a plugin when it is part of the core now?  I would expect the other Dynamix addons to be treated as plugins but not the core package. If there are minor changes to the UI, can they not be released as a minor core updates instead?


BTW...this is my OCD speaking.  :)




I guess it makes it a bit more modular and allows bonienl to update dynamix without affecting the base Unraid OS.  Satisfy your OCD by thinking of it as compartments.


Note that even the core OS is listed as a plugin  :)


I think this is simply a list of the components that can be updated individually via the "Update" button.  I think it makes sense to isolate the GUI from the other core functionality, as this allows fixes to display-only issues without a new UnRAID core release.


Correct, this is a modular approach which allows individual components to be upgraded independently of each other. When a new OS version is released it will always have the latest version of the GUI included, but intermediate updates to the GUI are possible on an existing OS version.


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Did anyone give a try with igpu pass through with the updated kvm libraries on rc5?


iGPU pass through is not supported on unRAID 6.  This is covered in the wiki under the Assigning Graphics Devices section.


I do not expect this to change anytime soon and even if/when it does, it will most likely be because of newer hardware capabilities, nothing in software.


iGPU assignment is a tricky, tricky beast.  iGPUs do not act like a normal GPU in any way and in fact, can be unique from chipset to chipset.  The goal of GPU assignment in unRAID 6 is to make it work with the widest number of discrete GPU devices we can with the least amount of headache or hassle.  iGPU is not a part of that.


I actually think we even removed the ability to even select an iGPU from the webGui in a recent update, because it just flat out does not work.


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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.

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... Can be resolved by rebooting.


It's amazing how many problems can be resolved by rebooting => not just in UnRAID, but in computers in general.  First thing I generally ask folks when they need help is if they've tried rebooting ... and a fair number of issues simply "go away"  :)


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... Can be resolved by rebooting.


It's amazing how many problems can be resolved by rebooting => not just in UnRAID, but in computers in general.  First thing I generally ask folks when they need help is if they've tried rebooting ... and a fair number of issues simply "go away"  :)

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Please try these commands and post output:


cat /etc/resolv.conf
cat /etc/hosts


Then pick one of your containers with no dns and type:


docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/resolv.conf
docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/hosts
docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/hostname

replacing <container-name> with the actual container name.


I think my CouchPotato is having this issue.. I had no idea, it just wouldn't work for a while.

A quick bridge/host fixed it, now I think it's broke again.



cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by dhcpcd from br0
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
# /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line

 cat /etc/hosts
# Generated       Server localhost

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by dhcpcd from br0
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/hosts      f7a6e8729f82       localhost
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/hostname



I am attempting to refresh the charts, it fails, will not grab info...

I could just be being impatient, however I had no idea last time (wasn't downloading anything for weeks) and I had the same symptom for the charts being empty and not refreshing.



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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.


That is another symptom of the "docker loses dns" bug.  Eric figured out the problem and solution!! (fingers crossed anyway).

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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.


That is another symptom of the "docker loses dns" bug.  Eric figured out the problem and solution!! (fingers crossed anyway).


Bet Eric is feeling mighty proud at the moment! What a team!

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Please try these commands and post output:


cat /etc/resolv.conf
cat /etc/hosts


Then pick one of your containers with no dns and type:


docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/resolv.conf
docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/hosts
docker exec <container-name> cat /etc/hostname

replacing <container-name> with the actual container name.


I think my CouchPotato is having this issue.. I had no idea, it just wouldn't work for a while.

A quick bridge/host fixed it, now I think it's broke again.



cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by dhcpcd from br0
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
# /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line

 cat /etc/hosts
# Generated       Server localhost

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by dhcpcd from br0
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/hosts      f7a6e8729f82       localhost
::1     localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

docker exec CouchPotato cat /etc/hostname



I am attempting to refresh the charts, it fails, will not grab info...

I could just be being impatient, however I had no idea last time (wasn't downloading anything for weeks) and I had the same symptom for the charts being empty and not refreshing.


This does not look like that bug - the bug shows itself when /etc/resolve.conf on the host (unRaid) does not match /etc/resolve.conf in the container.  They are supposed to, and the fact they don't is the "bug".

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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.


That is another symptom of the "docker loses dns" bug.  Eric figured out the problem and solution!! (fingers crossed anyway).


go eric..


that's about the only or come to think of it, is the only issue with 6 i am having, so putting that to bed would be great.

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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.


That is another symptom of the "docker loses dns" bug.  Eric figured out the problem and solution!! (fingers crossed anyway).


Bet Eric is feeling mighty proud at the moment! What a team!


He's not going to let Jon steal all the thunder  8)

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Found a bug!


1.  Set up server fresh with DHCP assigned IP

2. Set up Dockers

3. Shut down Dockers and array

4.  Change server IP to static (different to DHCP assigned IP)

5. Start array and Dockers

6. Click on link to open WebUI of Dockers, and they try to go to the old IP and not the new one.


Can be resolved by rebooting.


That is another symptom of the "docker loses dns" bug.  Eric figured out the problem and solution!! (fingers crossed anyway).


Bet Eric is feeling mighty proud at the moment! What a team!


He's not going to let Jon steal all the thunder  8)


get him his own tv show, lol.

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