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Is anyone else having an issue with live TV, as of this morning Plex stopped working with my HDHomerun Quatro, and will just spin before giving me a message about not being able to load the stream.  I have verified its not the tunner as i can watch content off of it directly when bypassing plex.

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8 hours ago, wam731 said:

Is anyone else having an issue with live TV, as of this morning Plex stopped working with my HDHomerun Quatro, and will just spin before giving me a message about not being able to load the stream.  I have verified its not the tunner as i can watch content off of it directly when bypassing plex.

Working from here with the same tuner (in the browser).  Live TV isn't the most polished parts of Plex though, and I've had this before.  Can't recall whether I restarted, rescanned for channels in the DVR section, deleted the codecs, refreshed the browser or just waited (sorry).

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Transcoding suddenly stopped working. I can only watch things through plex if I can direct play. I'm getting the below errors about "EAE Timeout".


[Req#3c46/Transcode/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566/62a1a8fd-5c38-4dc8-a9e4-0fa3f07eded4] [eac3_eae @ 0x145a8050c680] EAE timeout! EAE not running, or wrong folder? Could not read '/tmp/pms-cf22eb25-fbf8-442e-ae10-88ce826d91ee/EasyAudioEncoder/Convert to WAV (to 8ch or less)/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566_2204-0-0.wav'

Completed: [] 200 POST /video/:/transcode/session/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566/62a1a8fd-5c38-4dc8-a9e4-0fa3f07eded4/progress/log?level=0&message=%5Beac3_eae%20%40%200x145a8050c680%5D%20EAE%20timeout%21%20EAE%20not%20running%2C%20or%20wrong%20folder%3F%20Could%20not%20read%20%27%2Ftmp%2Fpms-cf22eb25-fbf8-442e-ae10-88ce826d91ee%2FEasyAudioEncoder%2FConvert%20to%20WAV%20%28to%208ch%20or%20less%29%2FA8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566_2204-0-43.wav%27 (35 live) #4024 0ms 195 bytes (pipelined: 140) (range: bytes=0-)

Request: [ (Loopback)] POST /video/:/transcode/session/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566/62a1a8fd-5c38-4dc8-a9e4-0fa3f07eded4/progress/log?level=0&message=%5Beac3_eae%20%40%200x145a8050c680%5D%20error%20reading%20output%3A%20-5%20%28I%2FO%20error%29 (35 live) #402b Signed-in Token (cypres0099) (range: bytes=0-)

[Req#3c67/Transcode/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566/62a1a8fd-5c38-4dc8-a9e4-0fa3f07eded4] [eac3_eae @ 0x145a8050c680] error reading output: -5 (I/O error)

[Req#3ce2/Transcode/A8519070-6190-4D45-A5F4-3F61DD8A3566/62a1a8fd-5c38-4dc8-a9e4-0fa3f07eded4] Error while decoding stream #0:1: I/O error

Things I've Tried with No Success: 

  • Reset permissions for /tmp
  • Delete the codecs folder in plex app data
  • Ran the new permissions tool for appdata folder
  • Rebooted server
  • Restarted plex docker
  • Changed transcode folder to a regular share location

From what I'm reading this is either a ram permissions problem or a codecs problem.

Would really appreciate help!

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Help! Updated Plex, it Orphaned the Image. Trying to add the container back and this is happening. Seems something is broken with the latest?


EDIT: Well, it appears the issue is related to unraid Version 6.12.7-rc2


I downgraded, now the plex container works.. Looks like the latest Plex update doesnt play nicely with it.


Edited by Dro
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I've been using Plex DVR with a HDhomerun for years. I can select what show to record. After it records it showed up in my TV Shows. 


Now something is different. It says "Can not move move recorded media to destination." And the file shows up in a .grab folder in /mnt/user/Media/TV/.grab


Why this change? Anyone else have this issue? Anyone have a fix? 

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4 hours ago, Dro said:

EDIT: Well, it appears the issue is related to unraid Version 6.12.7-rc2


I downgraded, now the plex container works.. Looks like the latest Plex update doesnt play nicely with it.

did you try to fix the error you see ?




may the faulty setup works on the "old" version, but rather try setup your mounts properly ?

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4 hours ago, alturismo said:

did you try to fix the error you see ?




may the faulty setup works on the "old" version, but rather try setup your mounts properly ?

What you see in the screenshot is not how the actual mounts are setup. Plex works fine prior to updating the OS so the issue is something with the Plex container and unRAID 6.12.7-rc2. On 6.12.6 the Plex container is using the latest update and this issue doesn’t happen. Not sure where the bug is but it seems to think the mounts are using : but if you look at them they are how they are supposed to be. 

Edited by Dro
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Hi all


I need some help as I'm banging my head against the wall.


Plex has been fine for a very long time. Recently ive noticed remote clients are transcoding. I ask the users to go direct (even though they had been before) and they say plex warned them it was indirect, and max quality option is 720.


In my server settings it shows remote access is not available. I've checked and my router has port 32400 forwarded, and I have that port set manually in plex. The container is also set to host.


I have tried some steps that people took on pages ~215 like signing out all clients, reseting password, reclaim server (tried via docker variable, by the button in the web ui and by the curl console command) and rebooting docker etc but still no joy.


The remote access screen still shows as not available, and when you press retry on the manual port it will go green for about 10s saying it is accessible and then change to not accessible. I've tried changing ports too and forwarding them on my UDM-SE.


I am at my wits end. Some clients cant even connected anymore, and others are forced to transcode via relay.


So I am hoping someone has some advice for me. 


Im on the latest linuxserver image `lscr.io/linuxserver/plex:latest`



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4 minutes ago, trurl said:

Are these clients not on your local network?

No they are remote, some in different countries, some in same town :)

Locally I am able to direct play, except sometimes playing something will result in a "connection is not fast enough" error and some buffering but thats not happened in a few weeks.

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Bumping this up again. Hoping for a solution. I get an error for each DVR recording. "Could not move recorded media to destination."




The file is being saved as a .ts file in a .grab file in the TV directory. The only example I can find is this reddit post where they say you have to manually change the name of the file and move it to another directory. Why isn't it saving properly?


I'm getting a Permission error in the log:


Error creating directory "/tv/UEFA Champions League Soccer (2003)/Season 2024": Permission denied


How to I give Plex permission for the TV directory? And doesn't it already have permission since it can create the .grab data?


I have it set to save to TV Shows library:



Here is the file it's creating. This file is automatically deleted within a few hours. I'm at a loss. 




Do I need to do something with permissions? I've used the DVR successfully for years. Something changed. 


Are these permissions incorrect? 



Edited by adminmat
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1 hour ago, adminmat said:

Bumping this up again. Hoping for a solution. I get an error for each DVR recording. "Could not move recorded media to destination."




The file is being saved as a .ts file in a .grab file in the TV directory. The only example I can find is this reddit post where they say you have to manually change the name of the file and move it to another directory. Why isn't it saving properly?


I'm getting a Permission error in the log:


Error creating directory "/tv/UEFA Champions League Soccer (2003)/Season 2024": Permission denied


How to I give Plex permission for the TV directory? And doesn't it already have permission since it can create the .grab data?


I have it set to save to TV Shows library:



Here is the file it's creating. This file is automatically deleted within a few hours. I'm at a loss. 




Do I need to do something with permissions? I've used the DVR successfully for years. Something changed. 


Are these permissions incorrect? 



Try using the unraid tool of new permissions in the media directory. It will reset things to nobody. The folders with root users most likely can’t be written to by Plex. At least I think that’s how it works. 

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10 hours ago, Marc Bush said:

and they say plex warned them it was indirect, and max quality option is 720.

all your description sounds like your Plex is currently running through the Plex relay (also the 720/2mbps).


i would rather say your port 32400 is not reachable by WAN ... you could try to reach your Server by your WAN IP:32400 or your DNS Name like plex.yourdomain:32400 ... you should see the Plex landing page there at least, if not ... it will run through the relay and limited as described.

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On 2/14/2024 at 2:58 AM, Dro said:

What you see in the screenshot is not how the actual mounts are setup. Plex works fine prior to updating the OS so the issue is something with the Plex container and unRAID 6.12.7-rc2. On 6.12.6 the Plex container is using the latest update and this issue doesn’t happen. Not sure where the bug is but it seems to think the mounts are using : but if you look at them they are how they are supposed to be. 

Just got the same issue in 6.12.8. Even though the transcode mount is optional, it seems with the latest version of docker included with the new unraid tries to put a : in for a blank variable in the template. If you delete the optional variables like /transcode in the template, it will start correctly.

  • Thanks 1
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21 hours ago, chiefo said:

Just got the same issue in 6.12.8. Even though the transcode mount is optional, it seems with the latest version of docker included with the new unraid tries to put a : in for a blank variable in the template. If you delete the optional variables like /transcode in the template, it will start correctly.

Thanks for this. Exactly the same thing happened to me but I knew how to fix it because of this post.

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