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On 11/20/2023 at 12:24 PM, JerryRay59 said:

My plex server has been crashing nightly, yet I cannot figure out what is going on. From a user point of view, I cannot see my Plex libraries, and if I try to launch from the container into a browser I just get a blank browser and nothing notable (at least to me) in the docker logs. Once I restart the container all is well until the next night when I want to watch more. Oddly enough it seems to happen about the same time overnight at about 9 pm, so I thought it might be my scheduled tasks, however they are not going on during that time. I have used the "Plex SQLite" tool to perform an integrity check on the database and it comes back with no errors. I have turned off secure connections. turned off IPV6 support. I have updated to Unraid 6.12.4 attached are my latest debug logs from plex. If anyone is able to help it would be greatly appreciated. I have been dealing with this issue for weeks and I am stalled out. 

Plex Debug 11-20-23.txt 300.79 kB · 0 downloads Plex Media Server Logs_2023-11-20_14-23-05.zip 3.51 MB · 0 downloads

I am having this EXACT same issue. Started happening out of nowhere about a month or so ago. I’m on unRAID 6.12.3. All of a sudden the server just becomes completely unresponsive until I restart the container, in which case everything is back to normal. Probably happens every other day or so now. 

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2 hours ago, capt.shitface said:

My hw-transcode has stopped working, i have tried the things in this post. 


11th Gen Intel® Core™ i5-11600K

Are you aware of this known issue with Unraid 6.12.x releases? Since hardware transcoding uses the i915 driver, perhaps this will help.  I had to do this on my server with an i5 11600 CPU to stabilize the i915 drivers. 


In short, 11th gen Intel CPUs have issues with low power settings with recent Linux kernels.  This change disables the low power mode on the 11th gen. CPUs.


Known issues

Crashes related to i915 driver We are aware that some 11th gen Intel Rocket Lake systems are experiencing crashes related to the i915 iGPU.


If your Rocket Lake system crashes under Unraid 6.12.0, open a web terminal and type this, then reboot: echo "options i915 enable_dc=0" >> /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf


Setting this option may result in higher power use but it may resolve this issue for these GPUs.



Edited by Hoopster
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When playing Plex content on Roku, the videos will often go into buffering and then an error message 'your connection isn't fast enough to stream'  and stop the video. The work around to get this to work is to lower the stream quality.   Also to note, I'm streaming this locally so I wouldn't think the network would be a factor.    

some of the errors in the logs are
Failed to stream media, client probably disconnected after 917504 bytes: 32 - Broken pipe
Failed to stream media, client probably disconnected after 1310408704 bytes: 104 - Connection reset by peer



I attached my full log file

 Plex Media Server.1.log

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13 hours ago, Hoopster said:

Are you aware of this known issue with Unraid 6.12.x releases? Since hardware transcoding uses the i915 driver, perhaps this will help.  I had to do this on my server with an i5 11600 CPU to stabilize the i915 drivers. 


In short, 11th gen Intel CPUs have issues with low power settings with recent Linux kernels.  This change disables the low power mode on the 11th gen. CPUs.


Known issues

Crashes related to i915 driver We are aware that some 11th gen Intel Rocket Lake systems are experiencing crashes related to the i915 iGPU.


If your Rocket Lake system crashes under Unraid 6.12.0, open a web terminal and type this, then reboot: echo "options i915 enable_dc=0" >> /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf


Setting this option may result in higher power use but it may resolve this issue for these GPUs.



I tried that now, and not much changed. Its not crashing its just stop transcode with quicksync. it work first, then i tried remove subtitle and then hw transcode stopped working, even when i changed it back.

I have had transcode work for a long time, i suspect that a plex-updated has messed with it. I tried to disable HDR tone mapping and then everything is working like it used to again.

So somethings wanky with the HDR tone mapping all of the sudden. No problem just a few weeks ago.



Found THIS!

Rolled back to version and now its working as it used to.

Still high cpu usage with subtitle(PSG) but thats maybe normal, should i try use SRT or any other subtitle format?

Edited by capt.shitface
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On 11/24/2023 at 10:04 PM, druck21 said:

I am having this EXACT same issue. Started happening out of nowhere about a month or so ago. I’m on unRAID 6.12.3. All of a sudden the server just becomes completely unresponsive until I restart the container, in which case everything is back to normal. Probably happens every other day or so now. 

I too am having this same issue since August. Any update or tips to fix would be really helpful!

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For about two months now, my Plex server (in Docker) doesn't parse new materials from -arr Docker instances and add them from the unRAID file structure. A second Plex server on separate hardware (non-Docker) has no issues. It's like the Docker instance is read-only, even though I don't see anything that explicitly says "your Docker instance of Plex is now read-only."


This all used to work just fine. I didn't change anything.


Can someone please help me step through a fix? Thanks!

Edited by Karyudo
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  • 2 weeks later...



Since a few weeks my unraid have consumed a lot more power. It starts every day at 2:00 am and does not stop anymore.




I tried and tried a lot and noticed that Plex starts at 2:00 at the maintenance interval. I finished the Docker container Plex at 10:00 pm and the power consumption did not go up at night. For example, when I restart Plex at 8:00, the consumption will also go down again. I see that Plex uses the CPU because individual cores always go to 100% for a short time. I didn't have this problem in the past. Does someone know what is the reason for this and how I bring Plex out of the maintenance cycle? Something seems to be hanging here during maintenance, doesn't it? tried a lot and finally i regognized that plex is starten at 2:00 am it´s maintainance procedure.


Thaks in advance!!!




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18 minutes ago, Master-Rudi said:

Something seems to be hanging here during maintenance, doesn't it? tried a lot and finally i regognized that plex is starten at 2:00 am it´s maintainance procedure.


Thaks in advance!!!

Plex, Settings, Tasks ... ever looked there ?




also may take a look at some new Plex features ... yes, sometimes its good to read the changelogs and news from Apps you use ;)


these tasks are very power consuming ...



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@alturismo :

I'm not sure, but I don't think it's because of it. I have not changed anything about the settings and have not active all settings.



In addition, the maintenance should be stopped at 7:00 am and the CPU load and power consumption should also be reduced again.




However, this does not happen. So I suspect something else, or what do you think?

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4 minutes ago, Master-Rudi said:

I have not changed anything about the settings and have not active all settings.


4 minutes ago, Master-Rudi said:

However, this does not happen. So I suspect something else, or what do you think?

that these are "new features" which wherent there before, so as "test" i would disable them and see if that makes any change ... after that, i would look into the Plex logs what is happening.


Plex Webui, left side, buttom ... Protocol ... and look what is running there ...


and look at the plex forums for help if there are errors.

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I finally moved my plex (latest linuxserver docker) setup to a proper unraid server (6.12.6) and have been very, very happy with it so far. One issue I do have is that users can't download from the server even though they are allowed within the plex settings. In my googling I've found this post;

 But it's from 3 years ago and since I'm relatively new to linux/unraid, I'm not 100% sure if it's still fine to go through the steps in that post. How would a noob like myself enable downloads?

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1 hour ago, bitzie said:

How would a noob like myself enable downloads?

The article you linked describes how to increase write speeds to a share. I don’t think that has anything to do with your issue.


It’s possible that someone here might have a solution for you but sounds to me like an issue with the Plex app rather than the container. You might have better luck posting on the Plex forum.

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On 12/12/2023 at 7:22 PM, alturismo said:


that these are "new features" which wherent there before, so as "test" i would disable them and see if that makes any change ... after that, i would look into the Plex logs what is happening.


Ok that worked... couldn´t believe it, cause i have been using it since the beginning and never had a problem.


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I am getting "Execution error Server error" when trying to start Plex.  I have tried to recreate the docker folder and even restore appdata to no avail.  I tried messing with some settings but I keep getting "command failed" and this error



docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error running hook #0: error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: Auto-detected mode as 'legacy'
nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: nvml error: driver not loaded: unknown.


I also rolled back the nvidia driver as well.

What could the problem be? 

Edited by knowpistons
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/29/2023 at 9:46 AM, vvolfpack said:

I too am having this same issue since August. Any update or tips to fix would be really helpful!


Hey all! 

I'm hoping some of you have encountered and solved a similar issue with Plex server crashing on Docker. I had this problem several weeks ago and reported it in August. Others have also reported something similar here and here. The problem seemed to resolve itself for a few weeks until the last update, but now it's back.


Summary of the issue:

  • Plex server crashes intermittently, typically following or during a long media download cycle.
  • Restarting the Docker container brings it back online, but the crashes repeat.
  • I haven't found any clear clues in the logs.


Would anyone be willing to help me troubleshoot this? I apologize if I've uploaded the wrong logs (details below)


Attached logs:

Stable log from this morning
Log from a crash event
Log after restarting the container and regaining stability


Plex Media Server.1_Pre_Fail.log Plex Media Server.Working.log Plex Media Server_Post_Restart.log

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Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire si j'ai mal configuré mon conteneur, car je rencontre souvent l'erreur suivante : "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB". Plex a son propre disque NVME, et les applications tierces sont installées sur un autre disque NVME.

Paramètres supplémentaires : --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --restart=unless-stopped.

Si vous avez des conseils ou d'autres suggestions, je suis preneur, car je ne suis pas encore très familier avec le système Unraid.



Could someone tell me if I have misconfigured my container? I often encounter the error "Sqlite3: Sleeping for 200ms to retry busy DB." Plex has its own NVME disk, and third-party apps are installed on another NVME disk.

Additional parameters: --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --restart=unless-stopped.

If you have any advice or other suggestions, I'm open to them, as I'm not yet very familiar with the Unraid system.


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So my wife has reported to me that she's getting playback errors more and more, especially on older shows. Sometimes the error is something like "the server is not powerful enough to play this file", other times, it's simply "error: cannot play media". None of these make any sense, since my server is quite beefy, and my client-side device is an Nvidia shield Pro. Sometimes, the issue is with older media types, like old avi and mp4 files. I can "fix" these by simply obtaining versions that are encoded differently, or even just transcoding them myself using Tdarr into mkv, and they will work fine, which is kinda silly. Other times, though, the files are of older shows, which may not be available, or Tdarr may not allow me to transcode, since they are already in mkv format.

I just can't figure out what's up with Plex. It seems like every time Plex updates, this issue gets just a little bit worse, and files that used to play just fine, suddenly don't.

Any advice greatly appreciated, as long as it's not "buy better hardware", because I have about as good of gear as I can reasonably be expected to have. I mention this because that's exactly what I did to deal with this once before, and the Shield Pro helped for a while, but now it's getting worse again.

BTW, transcoding is off (and has been off for a long time) in the server-side settings in Plex.

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4 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Any advice greatly appreciated, as long as it's not "buy better hardware", because I have about as good of gear as I can reasonably be expected to have. I mention this because that's exactly what I did to deal with this once before, and the Shield Pro helped for a while, but now it's getting worse again.

fetching your Plex logs and offer them in the Plex support Forums ...


as you dont transcode (which is the correct way @home) there must be some codec issues, either on the Server side or on the Client side, therefore you also should enable Plex Client logging ...


all described in the Plex Support Part.

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6 hours ago, Elmojo said:

Any advice greatly appreciated

Have you tried stopping Plex, deleting the Codecs folder and starting again?  First thing I do when playback gets dodgy.


Also - and I'm guessing this is a no as you're playing avi files, but - have you run something like Tdarr over your media to compress/convert it?  Every time I've done this I force Plex to analyse each library again to make sure what it thinks is in the file is actually what is in it.  Might be worth doing that anyhow.

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7 hours ago, alturismo said:

fetching your Plex logs and offer them in the Plex support Forums ...


as you dont transcode (which is the correct way @home) there must be some codec issues, either on the Server side or on the Client side, therefore you also should enable Plex Client logging ...


all described in the Plex Support Part.

I wish I knew how to fetch the logs.  Any documentation on that process?

Why is transcoding the "correct way"?  The last time I had a similar problem, the first thing that everyone suggested was to turn off transcoding, since I'm only streaming locally over my LAN, and all my hardware should be strong enough to direct play.  I'm confused...


5 hours ago, Cessquill said:

Have you tried stopping Plex, deleting the Codecs folder and starting again?  First thing I do when playback gets dodgy.


Also - and I'm guessing this is a no as you're playing avi files, but - have you run something like Tdarr over your media to compress/convert it?  Every time I've done this I force Plex to analyse each library again to make sure what it thinks is in the file is actually what is in it.  Might be worth doing that anyhow.

I've run Tdarr on a few shows, particularly the really old ones that just refused to play at all, but the ones that aren't working now are a mix of mp4 and mkv mostly, and aren't even that old, so I'm not sure that's the issue.

As for deleting the codecs folder, I'd be happy to try that, if I had any idea where that was. lol 
Got a link to some instructions or a path to the folder?  Is it a simple matter of just deleting the entire folder, or just its contents?  What happens then?  Are the codecs somehow automagically rebuilt or downloaded?

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16 minutes ago, Elmojo said:

Got a link to some instructions or a path to the folder?  Is it a simple matter of just deleting the entire folder, or just its contents?  What happens then?  Are the codecs somehow automagically rebuilt or downloaded?

This may need some tweaking depending on your setup, but the Codecs folder is in 

\\tower\appdata\plexmediaserver\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server

With Plex stopped, just delete the folder (or rename it to something like codecs_old) and restart Plex.  It'll automatically redownload the latest.  As I understand it, this folder may get corrupt over time and/or updates.


With Tdarr, I run analyse across my libraries on Plex afterwards, since when Plex initially scans a file it grabs its info.  When you play it, it starts it based on that info.  If it's re-encoded using Tdarr and the filename isn't changed, Plex doesn't know that the file is different and tries to play it according to the original specs (at least I think that's what's happening).  Analyse forces it to actually look at the file again.


Also, I think that @alturismo was saying that turning transcode off for local files is correct.

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So deleting the codecs folder did nothing.

However, I found the issue, but not exactly how to fix it...

It appears that Plex is choking on some sort of subtitle problem.  I have 2 files that are identical in every way, except that the little media preview at the bottom of the screen (on the TV) before I click [play] shows that one of them has "off" subs, and the other shows "Unknown (Closed Captions)" subs.  If I try to play the "unknown" one, it fails.  The other one works fine.

If I go to my PC and load up the web player, it does the same thing.  If I change "unknown" to "off" for the subs before playing, then it works just fine, so it's some issue with the subs.  The problem is that there's no quick way to turn off subs on the TV interface.  I can do it, but it's a hassle, and my wife isn't gonna be happy with having to fiddle with that each time half her shows don't play right.

Isn't there a way to have all subs default to "off" for every file, unless you manually turn them back on?  I swear I've seen that, but just can't find it now...


In any case, I kinda doubt this is the issue with all the files that won't play, unless Plex just really has trouble with subs (which doesn't seem likely), but this is the trouble with the specific show I'm looking at right now for sure.

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1 hour ago, Elmojo said:

Isn't there a way to have all subs default to "off" for every file, unless you manually turn them back on?

Those settings would be configured in the player. I know for my AppleTV they default to off unless it’s forced subs.

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