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[Support] Linuxserver.io - SABnzbd

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Yeah, I thought you may have, any chance the path in the docker mappings is wrong?  You know you can change that in Unassigned Devices to make it a little easier don't you? For instance I've changed my mapping to /mnt/virtualisation for my SSD.


Still no go. Renamed the partition to Samsung_SSD_850, just curious, do you have any underscores or hyphens in the folder structure at all? from /mnt/virtualisation down?


Going to wipe everything and start from scratch as nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

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Yeah, I thought you may have, any chance the path in the docker mappings is wrong?  You know you can change that in Unassigned Devices to make it a little easier don't you? For instance I've changed my mapping to /mnt/virtualisation for my SSD.


Still no go. Renamed the partition to Samsung_SSD_850, just curious, do you have any underscores or hyphens in the folder structure at all? from /mnt/virtualisation down?


Going to wipe everything and start from scratch as nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

Just another thought, you know Linux is case sensitive right?  Good practice to keep everything in lowercase to simplify stuff.


Of course, this is from the person who spent over four hours today trying to work out why a variable in a script wouldn't work, then facepalmed when her realised it was a capitalisation issue....


Edit: No I don't have anything like hyphens or dashes and I'm gradually removing capitals from all my shares.

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Yeah, I thought you may have, any chance the path in the docker mappings is wrong?  You know you can change that in Unassigned Devices to make it a little easier don't you? For instance I've changed my mapping to /mnt/virtualisation for my SSD.


Still no go. Renamed the partition to Samsung_SSD_850, just curious, do you have any underscores or hyphens in the folder structure at all? from /mnt/virtualisation down?


Going to wipe everything and start from scratch as nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

Just another thought, you know Linux is case sensitive right?  Good practice to keep everything in lowercase to simplify stuff.


Of course, this is from the person who spent over four hours today trying to work out why a variable in a script wouldn't work, then facepalmed when her realised it was a capitalisation issue....


Yeah, I know it's case sensitive, the odd thing is that I continually select the paths via the drop down which should remove any chance of the incorrect case/spelling in my eyes anyways.

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Yeah, I thought you may have, any chance the path in the docker mappings is wrong?  You know you can change that in Unassigned Devices to make it a little easier don't you? For instance I've changed my mapping to /mnt/virtualisation for my SSD.


Still no go. Renamed the partition to Samsung_SSD_850, just curious, do you have any underscores or hyphens in the folder structure at all? from /mnt/virtualisation down?


Going to wipe everything and start from scratch as nothing has been set in stone as of yet.

Just another thought, you know Linux is case sensitive right?  Good practice to keep everything in lowercase to simplify stuff.


Of course, this is from the person who spent over four hours today trying to work out why a variable in a script wouldn't work, then facepalmed when her realised it was a capitalisation issue....


Yeah, I know it's case sensitive, the odd thing is that I continually select the paths via the drop down which should remove any chance of the incorrect case/spelling in my eyes anyways.

So if that's the case it must be a configuration issue in Sabnzbd webui then...


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For some reason when I formatted with unassigned devices previously it had saved a 7.1Gb partition, even though it wasn't showing as such.


I just finished reformatting the complete drive first partitioning it with gdisk then formatting with unassigned devices, reinstalled SAB from scratch but program is still only detecting the 7.1GB free. This time in the SAB folder settings the folders stuck with the correct folder and not the /config/downloads folder.


Last ditch effort is to rename the partition again without any kind of hyphens or underscores.


In the mean time I'm installing it again to the cache drive to see what happens there.


UPDATE:When installed to the cache drive (where the docker img is) the program reports the remaining ~90GB free space so next step is to try to remap to the new drive outside of the array.


UPDATE 2: as soon as I map the folders to the unassigned device drive it drops back down to 7.1GB free. going to format again but not using the unassigned devices plugin to see if that is the cause. Didn't realize the time, I'll play with the system again tomorrow.


It looks like some issue with the SSD I'm using outside of the array is formatted. I'm on the road so it's going to have to wait until I get back as I've tried formatting using unassigned devices (current situation) mkfs.xfs (won't format properly), even tried to preclear the drive with no difference. Every time it is mounted using unassigned devices and the sab install mapped to it sab reverts to 7.1Gb


So finally got it sorted, for some reason everytime I reformatted the SSD unassigned devices would still see the original partition, I ended up removing unassigned devices, went into the flash drive and removed the folder for it as well. Restarted the unraid server then reinstalled unassigned devices. I put the original script in for using the unassigned devices as a docker/VM drive back in again and restarted the server once again.


Finally the SAB docker was able to use all free space on the SSD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SABnzbd 0.8.0Beta4 has been released. http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19922


Any plans to update the docker?


no, the docker updates on restart, but the version in the sabnzbd repo is


apt-cache madison sabnzbdplus

sabnzbdplus | 0.8.0~beta3-0ubuntu1~jcfp2~trusty | http://ppa.launchpad.net/jcfp/ppa/ubuntu/ trusty/main amd64


and that's the "offficial" sab repo.

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Is nice and ionice available in this Docker, or do they not work in Dockers?  If they work, but not in this Docker, like to request they be added, please.  Dealing with large files taxes disk and affects everything else while sab is processing files.



they're both in the docker.


2015-12-27 20:20:45,885::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:518] nice binary... found (/usr/bin/nice)

2015-12-27 20:20:45,885::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:522] ionice binary... found (/usr/bin/ionice)

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I have a strange issue with linuxserver's dockers. Starting a couple days back I can no longer access via webgui. I simply get "no server found" in the browser when attempting. It is only linuxserver dockers though. I have all other dockers that aren't linux server running and I can access them (several different creators). I have rebooted router, unraid, access point, computer i'm accessing from etc... I have started just one docker before anything else and still can't access it and it is only the linuxserver dockers.


I have not updated the unraid version, have not updated the dockers, have not added any dockers or VMs etc.... The system is exactly the same as it was a few days ago minus having a new drive added to the array and pre-clear was running for the last 4-5 days to get the disk prepared. Other than that nothing has changed on the server. Any ideas? Let me know if I can provide something that may help determine what is going on.


It actually somewhat appears the linuxserver.io dockers aren't even starting up. It says they are started (the green play arrow), however I don't think they are starting all the way.


Edit: A few hours have gone by since this post and now they have all started up. Any idea why this would be?

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More of a general request for all of linuxserver.io Dockers, can updates not occur automatically on Docker start?  Perhaps a separate GUI button to toggle update on start?  Thanks.

wait do you want updates or not ?

Yes or no, depending on a saved toggle setting for each docker. All that's needed is a user settable variable that skips the auto update portion and starts immediately if set.
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More of a general request for all of linuxserver.io Dockers, can updates not occur automatically on Docker start?  Perhaps a separate GUI button to toggle update on start?  Thanks.

wait do you want updates or not ?

Yes or no, depending on a saved toggle setting for each docker. All that's needed is a user settable variable that skips the auto update portion and starts immediately if set.

Yes, thank you.

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Yes, I think this would be a good option. I believe all of my dockers were hanging at: waiting for "apt" this could take a while


This is what I saw when I viewed the log. Perhaps they were not able to get through to the destination where it checks and therefore none of the linuxserver.io dockers would start. I usually am not a huge proponent of updating software all the time either unless there is a real good reason to do so.


I think at the least, if that is what was causing the hang for about a day then there should be a timeout so that it will start up without having to contact a site for checking updates or whatever it does.

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  • 4 weeks later...

EDIT:  Found my answer in the SAB logs:


2016-01-27 09:46:57,209::INFO::[downloader:306] Speed limit set to 3500.0 B/s


Apparently the scheduler sets the speed limit in Bytes.  :S





Is anyone else here using the builtin scheduler to set speeds limits?


I have only two rules:


@ 06:00 set speed limit to 3500Kb/s

@ 22:00 remove speed limit




However, SAB is setting the speed @ 3KB/s.  If I manually change the value to 3500 at the top of the screen, speeds are set properly (3.5MB/s).


I did not have this issue in binhex's SAB container and used the same schedules/values.


Can someone else test?  If someone else can confirm, I will post an issue on their github.



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I appear to be experiencing an issue with the SABnzbd docker.


I noticed today when I glanced at the logs that it appears to error when it starts up. The error appears to be to do with updating, presumably to the latest version.


Current running version is version 0.8beta5.


The particular part of the log I refer to is in the code snippet below:


_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \ 
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

Brought to you by linuxserver.io
User uid: 99
User gid: 100

We are now refreshing packages from apt repositorys, this *may* take a while
Update: ERROR
Jan 29 16:30:12 961acca98b9f syslog-ng[46]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'


All other dockers appear to be updating fine, including others released by linuxserver.io so I don't think it is a connection issue.


I only call out the issue as there appears to be a new BETA out (BETA 6) and as a general rule I like to move to the most recent BETA released ASAP when running BETA software. I have not however experienced an issue with BETA 5 but thats by the by.


Home / sabnzbdplus-beta

Name		 Modified 	 Size 	 	 Downloads / Week 	 Status 		 Parent folder

0.8.0Beta6	2016-01-24			 1,5771,577 		 weekly 	 	 downloads	 
0.8.0Beta5	2016-01-14			 301301 	 	 weekly 	 	 downloads	 
0.8.0Beta4	2015-12-25			 1111 	 	 	 weekly 	 	 downloads	


The last time it seemed to execute without throwing this error was January 22nd. BETA 6 was released on January 24th.


Does anyone on the linuxserver.io team know if this is an issue?


To the community, can anyone else confirm that they have this issue too?

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I appear to be experiencing an issue with the SABnzbd docker.



I am currently at b6:


Version:	0.8.0Beta6 [727b300]


But I don't remember when I got it (is there a way to tell).  Anyway, update must have worked fine for me.


I imagine you can always delete the container/image and pull it again (leave config folder in place).




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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having an issue with Speed on my container.  I will start a download and it will go up to 4.5 or 5MB and then after about a minute like clockwork it goes down to 1.3MB.  This happens for many downloads and it always seems to happen when I dont have anything going and then start something. Then it stays at 1.3MB exactly for the rest of the download. If I wait long enough and add something it will then start high and then lower back to 1.3MB


Could this be a docker networking issue rather than a container issue?




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I am having an issue with Speed on my container.  I will start a download and it will go up to 4.5 or 5MB and then after about a minute like clockwork it goes down to 1.3MB.  This happens for many downloads and it always seems to happen when I dont have anything going and then start something. Then it stays at 1.3MB exactly for the rest of the download. If I wait long enough and add something it will then start high and then lower back to 1.3MB


Could this be a docker networking issue rather than a container issue?




You can try playing around with the number of connections.  Lowering the connections tends to speed it up due to less overhead  http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/highspeed-downloading
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