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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone setup Sonarr with SSL? Going off the documentation here: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/SSL. Looks like httpcfg is not included in the docker even though it should be included with mono? I tried doing a 'find / -name httpcfg' in the docker container and no luck (after trying to run the command given).


Even if I found httpcfg and was able to run the command... I do not think it would last past a restart or container update.


edit: as usual I found my answer mere seconds after posting. httpcfg is in mono-devel. I am going to experiment with just getting it working period first, then try to figure out the best way to make it last on restart, etc.


edit2: trying to manually install mono-devel (just for testing purposes) was a no-go -

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

mono-devel : Depends: libgamin0 but it is not installable

              Depends: libgnomeui-0 (>= 2.22.0) but it is not going to be installed

              Recommends: mono-csharp-shell but it is not going to be installed


edit-final: found the github issue for this. sometimes i work from the wrong direction when solving a problem. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-sonarr/issues/8 so i will be ditching sonarr for sickrage.


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Hi, I am having problems with Sonarr and moving them to my TV folder after SABnzbd finishes the download. My setup works 100 % for CouchPotato, but Sonarr refuses to move the finished downloads. I get the following error message in Sonarr when it tries to move the download SABnzbd has finished: "No files found are eligible for import in /sonarr/(Series name)"


I have attached a screenshot of my unRAID volume mappings for SABnzbd, Sonarr and CouchPotato (I included the CouchPotato setup because it works).


I have also attached a screenshot of my settings within SABnzbd, Sonarr and CouchPotato.


Does anyone have any idea why Sonarr fails at importing the finished downloads?


Edit: Is there any point in using separate folders for Sonarr and CouchPotato, or should I just keep it simple and use a Downloads/Complete folder for both? The reason I set it up this way is because of my old setup on my Windows server, which followed this guide: http://www.cuttingcords.com/home/ultimate-server/newsgroups-and-sabnzbd - If you have any default or standard setup you would rather recommend that I use, feel free to enlighten me :-)



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Personally I find /downloads ==> /mnt/cache/downloads across all containers works for me.  It is static and then when I'm configuring anything in a container I have the same starting point if that makes sense.  Otherwise it gets way too confusing.


So if sonarr and sabnzbd are both mapped as /downloads  then if you tell one /downloads/sonarr then when they communicate they're both referencing the same location...

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Personally I find /downloads ==> /mnt/cache/downloads across all containers works for me.  It is static and then when I'm configuring anything in a container I have the same starting point if that makes sense.  Otherwise it gets way too confusing.


So if sonarr and sabnzbd are both mapped as /downloads  then if you tell one /downloads/sonarr then when they communicate they're both referencing the same location...


This is how I do it and my setup works flawlessly for Sonarr and Couchpotato.

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Yesterday I updated to unraid 6.18 from 6.17 and once I restarted my machine nzbget and sonarr stopped working. I reinstalled nzbget and restored my settings from a backup which now works fine.


But Sonarr won't start if I restore the config.XML and nzbdrone.db but will start fine if i let it create new config files.


I get this message when I update the container


Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 23 Warning: chown(): Not a directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 24 Warning: chgrp(): Not a directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/CreateDocker.php on line 25


Edit: well frig me I've just tried again and it seems to be working.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just tried updating the docker today and now the docker is gone.  If I try to recreate it, I get the following error:


"Unable to find image 'Shows:/tv:rw' locally

Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint https://Shows:/v0/:'>https://Shows:/v0/: unable to ping registry endpoint https://Shows:/v0/

v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://Shows:/v2/: dial tcp i/o timeout

v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://Shows:/v1/_ping: dial tcp i/o timeout. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add `--insecure-registry Shows:` to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/Shows:/ca.crt"


Any idea what the problem is?  It was working fine yesterday before I updated unRAID and the docker.

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I just tried updating the docker today and now the docker is gone.  If I try to recreate it, I get the following error:


"Unable to find image 'Shows:/tv:rw' locally

Error response from daemon: invalid registry endpoint https://Shows:/v0/:'>https://Shows:/v0/: unable to ping registry endpoint https://Shows:/v0/

v2 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://Shows:/v2/: dial tcp i/o timeout

v1 ping attempt failed with error: Get https://Shows:/v1/_ping: dial tcp i/o timeout. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add `--insecure-registry Shows:` to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/Shows:/ca.crt"


Any idea what the problem is?  It was working fine yesterday before I updated unRAID and the docker.

Did you update unRaid to 6.1.9?  There is an update to dynamix webgui that fixes it.  http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47185.0
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Personally I find /downloads ==> /mnt/cache/downloads across all containers works for me.  It is static and then when I'm configuring anything in a container I have the same starting point if that makes sense.  Otherwise it gets way too confusing.


So if sonarr and sabnzbd are both mapped as /downloads  then if you tell one /downloads/sonarr then when they communicate they're both referencing the same location...


This is how I do it and my setup works flawlessly for Sonarr and Couchpotato.


Same here, i use both sickrage, sonarr, and couch no issues, works flawless.

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I have issue with Sonarr. When the file is downloaded Sonarr imports the file. I download with SABnzbd on the cache drive. For some reason the downloaded file stays on the cache drive in the correct folder (/TV Series/Lost/Season1/s01e01). The cache drive is disabled for the TV Series directory. Any idea?


P.S. I run 6.2 beta18

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Please post a screen shot of your Sonarr docker setup for folder mappings.


I would manually move them to the user share folders, then I would ensure the cache disk does not have a TV Shows folder and if it did, make sure it's empty and remove it.


Afterwards, make sure your settings for Sonarr are not pointing to /mnt/cache/TV Shows/ at all.


Then, see if it happens again.


The thing is, if the cache drive has a share folder on it, the system may (or does) act like it's set to cache-yes.

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