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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Hi. Can anybody help me? I can´t make sonarr or plex dockers work. I can´t even get to the webui in any of both. Here is the screenshot of the config. What can be the problem? Thank you in advance.


What is not working? We need some more information.

Also on the plex docker, you should have /tv to /mnt/user/TvShows/ instead of /media, and /movies for /mnt/user/Movies instead of /media. Now you have /media two places on the same docker.

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Hi. Can anybody help me? I can´t make sonarr or plex dockers work. I can´t even get to the webui in any of both. Here is the screenshot of the config. What can be the problem? Thank you in advance.


What is not working? We need some more information.

Also on the plex docker, you should have /tv to /mnt/user/TvShows/ instead of /media, and /movies for /mnt/user/Movies instead of /media. Now you have /media two places on the same docker.

I have made those changes and plex is working!! Thank you. What about sonarr? Can you see any errors? I can´t even go to the webui. It wont load.

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When you add or edit a container after you say create or add or whatever it says it brings up a new screen with the download progress and the docker run commAnd at the bottom.  Need to see a screen shot of the command and its result


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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Yes.  All container from the linuxserver.io repo autoupdate at the start.  The ones in the lsiodev repo do not though.


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

Thanks!  Minor clarification here: does it update at "Start" or Install-time?  Say a new version comes out.  Can I just stop the container and restart it and have it auto-install the latest version?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, I am using LinuxServer.io's Sonarr docker and BinHex's rtorrentvpn docker and I am having an issue with sonarr passing magnet links to rtorrent and the torrent not keeping the properties of the magnet link after it is removed (hope this makes sense). I did some research online and I found some info on the sonarr forums and in the issue tracker on GitHub and was wondering if anyone could tell me if this fix has been incorporated into the Sonarr docker (I am not a coder or an expert in navigating GitHub so I was hoping someone here could help).


Here is the forum post that led me to the pull request on github: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/rtorrent-magnet-not-resolved/8608/6


The forum post doesn't exactly describe the issue I am having but after reading through the whole discussion on GitHub it sounds like it was resolved with the pull requests they made.

This post specifically describes the behavior I am experiencing: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/pull/1033#issuecomment-173240458


    -Sonarr pushes magnet to rtorrent.

    -Sonarr starts magnet.

    -Magnet gets downloaded as meta file.

    -Rtorrent deletes magnet download, replaces it with a torrent download attached to the meta file. But doesn't transfer any other property. So the torrent gets the default download dir set without a label


Could anyone tell me if this has made it into this docker? I am still experiencing the issue and I am a Git noob so I don't know how to check whether the pull was committed to the repository or anything like that.

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Could anyone tell me if this has made it into this docker? I am still experiencing the issue and I am a Git noob so I don't know how to check whether the pull was committed to the repository or anything like that.


Looks like the pull request was merged in Sonarr and this container autoupdates on restart so, yes it will have made it into the container as soon as you restarted after the PR was merged.

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Could anyone tell me if this has made it into this docker? I am still experiencing the issue and I am a Git noob so I don't know how to check whether the pull was committed to the repository or anything like that.


Looks like the pull request was merged in Sonarr and this container autoupdates on restart so, yes it will have made it into the container as soon as you restarted after the PR was merged.

Just tested it again, still the same issue. The meta file is added with the proper download directory and label, but it is not passed on to the torrent file itself. Is this something I should bring up on the sonarr forums then? The links I posted previously were the only thing I could find that sounded like the issue I am experiencing now.


I was previously using deluge (as it played nice with CP, Sonarr, and Headphones without any of these issues) but I found it was more resource heavy (RAM wise) than I liked, my Plex machine is the older of my two UnRAID systems and the board only supports a maximum of 8GB (budget build lulz) and deluge was using 3GB before I stopped it.

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Could anyone tell me if this has made it into this docker? I am still experiencing the issue and I am a Git noob so I don't know how to check whether the pull was committed to the repository or anything like that.


Looks like the pull request was merged in Sonarr and this container autoupdates on restart so, yes it will have made it into the container as soon as you restarted after the PR was merged.

Just tested it again, still the same issue. The meta file is added with the proper download directory and label, but it is not passed on to the torrent file itself. Is this something I should bring up on the sonarr forums then? The links I posted previously were the only thing I could find that sounded like the issue I am experiencing now.


I was previously using deluge (as it played nice with CP, Sonarr, and Headphones without any of these issues) but I found it was more resource heavy (RAM wise) than I liked, my Plex machine is the older of my two UnRAID systems and the board only supports a maximum of 8GB (budget build lulz) and deluge was using 3GB before I stopped it.


I guess so.  It's not something we can really help with from ls.io as Sonarr is up to date.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Every time Sonarr adds a download to the NZBGet queue the individual status of that download starts as 'paused'. It seems to be a Sonarr issue as the CouchPotato downloads start as 'queued'. I'm using the linuxserver.io dockers for NZBGet, CouchPotato, and Sonarr.


Things I've tried:

  • I've looked through the logs for both NZBGet and Sonarr but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.
  • I've looked through all the settings for Sonarr and NZBGet. Sonarr has the priority setting for the download client but that doesn't seem to affect this.
  • The global NZBGet download control doesn't make a difference.
  • Internet searches talk about this happening with torrents but nothing seems relevant.

Is this some weird bug or am I missing something obvious?




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Is this some weird bug or am I missing something obvious?



Well, I figured out the issue. It was an issue with completion script needing Python 2.7.9 but this docker only having Python 2.7.6. I thought I had disabled completion when I was testing things but apparently I didn't. I was able to update python to 2.7.11 and that fixed it.

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I have Emby (emby/embyserver:latest) running in one container, and Sonarr (linuxserver/sonarr:latest) is also installed. When i try to configure a "connection" between the two so that Sonarr notifies Emby of a new episode, i can't get it to save - it just reports "

Unable to send test message: The request timed out

" - however, when i look in Emby's notification centre, i see "

Test from Sonarr 7 minutes ago Success! MediaBrowser has been successfully configured!

". I tried entering the Sonarr container and made a request using CURL ("

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' "<key>

") and it works. I was able to add a "webhook" type connection without a problem though - and that does trigger an update to the library.

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I have Emby (emby/embyserver:latest) running in one container, and Sonarr (linuxserver/sonarr:latest) is also installed. When i try to configure a "connection" between the two so that Sonarr notifies Emby of a new episode, i can't get it to save - it just reports "

Unable to send test message: The request timed out

" - however, when i look in Emby's notification centre, i see "

Test from Sonarr 7 minutes ago Success! MediaBrowser has been successfully configured!

". I tried entering the Sonarr container and made a request using CURL ("

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' "<key>

") and it works. I was able to add a "webhook" type connection without a problem though - and that does trigger an update to the library.


Strange, works fine on mine...  Not sure what to suggest.

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Do hard links work with this? How can I verify if they do or not? I don't want it to be copying and taking up twice the space because I seed everything.


Quick Google-foo seems like it does




I don't have much first hand experience with it though...


No, I knew the answer but forgot. Hard linking is not supported in UnRAID user shares.


Any thoughts on a work around?: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=49647.0

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Do hard links work with this? How can I verify if they do or not? I don't want it to be copying and taking up twice the space because I seed everything.

Keep in mind anything using /mnt/user paths will not work with links, you must use /mnt/diskX or /mnt/cache paths to use links.
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I got it working



My problem was that I was an idiot.... i was entering a username and password when i had not configured a username and password in ruTorrent  ::)    duuuur herp durp


For anyone else's reference


host: IP of unraid server ( for me)

port: 8080 is default, (i remapped mine to 82)

urlpath: RPC2

category: TV

everything else default





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