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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Im at a loss on getting webgui access to a docker that is pointed to Delugevpn. Im new to setting this up, let me know what info you need from me. I have followed spaceinvaders video (didnt work) I have read many faq's and other sites on this and still not working. I am trying to get sabnzbd to run through the vpn as well as my arr's the pic is of the set up I have on Sabnzbd, I also have Sonarr set up the same way and its also not working. I have done command "curl ipconfig.io" and  it is showing the VPN IP address so I know that part is working. Just need access to the webgui.image.thumb.png.d5ef9aa727cccb3a670ac75ea734d568.png

What am I missing??

*edit miss spelled words

Edited by Jurak
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Been having a heck of a time. I had all of this running smoothly until I lost my cache pool during a power outage. So in the process I upgraded the sytem at the same time and have been trying to get everything back to the way it was.  First I was losing User share when attempting to run plex on ram with it setup on the old config. Then it turned out a few of my appdata folders had made it onto the array at one point and needed deleting. Now I cant get any of the containers arr containers to use the vpn any longer. 


I can get deulge running on the vpn no problem. When I try and run any of the arr containers through it they seem to work as far as being able to use the gui, but can no longer talk with any of the other containers?


I went though the logs as best I could and corrected a few of the errors and changing settings including:

iptable_mangle was missing ran some commands and no longer get this error. 

tried changing port to 8119

a couple other things I cannot remember as its been a wild few days of tracking down errors from the move etc. 


here is my log, I've gone through and exhausted everything I can think of. 


Thank you kindly for any help anyone can provide. 

Screenshot (31).png

Screenshot (30).png

Screenshot (29).png


Screenshot (28).png

Edited by Liquidbings
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I'm sure this has been covered in these 400 pages, but for the life of me I cannot get my exact situation to work.  I followed SpaceInvaderOne's guide and setup the -arr's to all run through the delugevpn container which works great.  I am now trying to setup Sabnzbd but not have it run though the vpn.  I cannot get any of the -arrs to add it as a downloader.


I have added both 8080 and the mapped ports from Sabnzbd in the VPN OUTPUT PORTS in the Deluge-vpn container

I have tried using localhost, my server ip, and the container ip for Sabnzbd with all 3 of the ports (8080 and the 2 mapped inside of Sabnzbd) and nothing will allow Sonarr, Radarr, or Prowlarr to connect to it and add it as a downloader.




Thanks all!

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:06 AM, Liquidbings said:

I can get deulge running on the vpn no problem. When I try and run any of the arr containers through it they seem to work as far as being able to use the gui, but can no longer talk with any of the other containers?

the missing part is you need to bypass the proxy for local addresses and also define 'Ignored Addresses', example:-

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Hi, This is probably covered in these 400 pages but how can I install plugin from the UI?


Python version 3.11.5 (downloaded the egg based on this version)


config is mapped to `/config/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn` in docker template

Things I tried already.

1) Placing the egg in the plugins folder of appdata/binhex-delugevpn/plugins. Then restarting the docker.




Still Empty




2) Click on Browse and Install in the UI - but it just do this



Any suggestions?


Edited by shivam183
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i just got a unifi UDM Pro and installed it last weekend, i ended up changing my IP scheme from to i created a separate vlan for my server as and assigned unraid to this network. i got most things running but deluge GUI is one of the ones i dont.


when the docker is started deluge is connected to the vpn successfully because i run ifconfig.io and get a different IP address. my arr dockers also see the deluge client and can send downloads to it. i can access the download folder if i connect to the share


when i turn off the vpn i can connect to the GUI again so im guessing i need to set a firewall rule or set up a port forward for the vpn im using (openvpn, PIA) but im not sure if thats right or which one to do. 


i tried port forwarding the default ports 8112, 8118, 58846 and 58946 with no luck.


any suggestions? would a reinstall work? i feel like that wouldnt really solve my forwarding issue

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3 hours ago, jakeisrollin said:

i ended up changing my IP scheme from to i created a separate vlan for my server as and assigned unraid to this network. i got most things running but deluge GUI is one of the ones i dont.

as you have been messing with your lan, check that LAN_NETWORK is still valid, also if you have vlan's and need access from different vlans then add those as well to the LAN_NETWORK list (comma separated).


for help on how to do this see Q4:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md

  • Thanks 1
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On 1/26/2024 at 1:35 AM, binhex said:

as you have been messing with your lan, check that LAN_NETWORK is still valid, also if you have vlan's and need access from different vlans then add those as well to the LAN_NETWORK list (comma separated).


for help on how to do this see Q4:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md


thank you for this, i added my vlan where the router is at but not the vlan for my home network. now i have the server vlan and home vlan added and i am able to access the gui again

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Just noticed my container wasn't running.  When starting it throws an error "Execution Error - Server Error".  Using PIA and fireguard.  was working fine.  Last log was from Jan 23rd.


UnRaid Logs show the following


Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered blocking state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered disabled state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: device veth07cd363 entered promiscuous mode
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered blocking state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered forwarding state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered disabled state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered disabled state
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: device veth07cd363 left promiscuous mode
Jan 30 12:00:04 HomeServer kernel: docker0: port 7(veth07cd363) entered disabled state


Results from changing the config and saving

docker run
  -e TZ="America/New_York"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e HOST_HOSTNAME="HomeServer"
  -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="binhex-delugevpn"
  -e 'VPN_ENABLED'='yes'
  -e 'VPN_USER'='pxxxxxxxx '
  -e 'VPN_PASS'='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  -e 'VPN_PROV'='pia'
  -e 'VPN_CLIENT'='wireguard'
  -e 'VPN_OPTIONS'=''
  -e 'ENABLE_PRIVOXY'='no'
  -e 'LAN_NETWORK'=''
  -e 'NAME_SERVERS'=',,'
  -e 'DELUGE_WEB_LOG_LEVEL'='info'
  -e 'DEBUG'='false'
  -e 'UMASK'='000'
  -e 'PUID'='99'
  -e 'PGID'='100'
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8112]/'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binhex/docker-templates/master/binhex/images/deluge-icon.png'
  -p '8112:8112/tcp'
  -p '58846:58846/tcp'
  -p '58946:58946/tcp'
  -p '58946:58946/udp'
  -p '8118:8118/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/user/media/download/':'/data':'rw'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn':'/config':'rw'
  --sysctl="net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1" 'binhex/arch-delugevpn'
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint binhex-delugevpn (2cc0c7c031cb9b1bb7e5a5747b9b4eee2b39e25be783702ab6896bb14d6c209c): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.


Edited by Flyinace2000
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28 minutes ago, Flyinace2000 said:
tcp4 bind: address already in use.

docker thinks the port is already in use, so either you have another container running with that port (if so stop it), or docker is having a senior moment (it happens), try a reboot of your server.

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2 hours ago, binhex said:

docker thinks the port is already in use, so either you have another container running with that port (if so stop it), or docker is having a senior moment (it happens), try a reboot of your server.

That's what I thought as well.  I manually checked and nothing else is using those ports.  I'll try a reboot.  Thanks!


Reboot fixed it.  Very strange.

Edited by Flyinace2000
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50 minutes ago, qiosas said:

Is there any workaround to get webui access when using tailscale? It works perfectly otherwise, but cannot figure out setup to access when tailscale is running.

add the tailscale network range to LAN_NETWORK using a comma to separate values.

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Im having a weird issue with delugevpn.  If i am physically at home, on my home network, i can connect to the webui just fine.  If i use an app like parsec and connect to a pc remotely I can access the webui still.  However, if i use wireguard and vpn to the home network, I can no longer connect to the service. And thats new.  It worked for weeks.  I can still connect to everything else like Sonarr, homarr, and all that, it's just deluge that doesnt want to let me connect if i vpn in.  Any ideas what might be causing that?

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Has anyone gotten the ltconfig plugin to deluge working inside the binhex-deluge docker?   My download speeds are really bad so i wanted to try this plugin.   However, all the eggs I try do nothing.   It won't show up as being installed at all.  (in the left panel of installed plugins)

I read somewhere to copy the egg into the main docker volume and the plugin folder but I'm not sure what that means.   I found the plugin's folder under the appdata folder but now sure what the main volume is)

Anybody any ideas?



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10 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

I'm confused.    This is not my issue....   Q32. I can access the Web UI for the application when connected to my LAN, but when i connect to my LAN via a VPN connection i can no longer access the Web UI, why is this and how do i fix it?

these are not the droids you're looking for :-), check who i am replying to.

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I have an issue accessing the docker webgui when using a Chromebook & Wireguard VPN.

I have the LAN_NETWORK key set as,

Wireguard is running on my pfSense router.

I am using the built-in wireguard VPN on my chromebook. 

I can access everything else on my LAN with no issues when connected with the chromebook VPN.

I can access the webgui of the docker no problem when using my windows laptop or android phone, it is only when using the chromebook that it does not allow access.


Hoping that somebody else has a chromebook and maybe encountered a similar issue?


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5 hours ago, [email protected] said:

Has anyone gotten the ltconfig plugin to deluge working inside the binhex-deluge docker?   My download speeds are really bad so i wanted to try this plugin.   However, all the eggs I try do nothing.   It won't show up as being installed at all.  (in the left panel of installed plugins)

I read somewhere to copy the egg into the main docker volume and the plugin folder but I'm not sure what that means.   I found the plugin's folder under the appdata folder but now sure what the main volume is)

Anybody any ideas?



I did finally get the plugin working and it did solve my download speed issue.  My problem was the plugin file i was downloading.  I looked further and found another download link to the 2.0 version.  I copied it into the plugin directory, installed from the UI and then restarted the docker and it showed up in the UI.  I selected the "High Performance Seed" setting and speeds went from under "1MB" to over 3 and even 5 MB per second.


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2 hours ago, markpeo said:



I have an issue accessing the docker webgui when using a Chromebook & Wireguard VPN.

I have the LAN_NETWORK key set as,

Wireguard is running on my pfSense router.

I am using the built-in wireguard VPN on my chromebook. 

I can access everything else on my LAN with no issues when connected with the chromebook VPN.

I can access the webgui of the docker no problem when using my windows laptop or android phone, it is only when using the chromebook that it does not allow access.


Hoping that somebody else has a chromebook and maybe encountered a similar issue?


OK, so I tried using the wireguard android app instead of the built-in VPN option. Works perfect, just like it does on android phone and windows. So, obviously something in the built-in chrome VPN causing the issue. Will update here if I find anything else.

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Hello, When I try to move completed files that are on a share called Downloads set to use cache to a Media share also set to use cache, the files are moved directly to the array. This bogs down my whole system and interrupts some other actions. This happens when I either right click and choose "Move download folder" or set up Labels with rules to move them. (The labels aren't the ideal option for me as I often want to be more specific.) The weird thing is, every once in a while the cache drive will be used, just rarely.


The docker is configured to use mnt/user/downloads and mnt/user/media


When I added a path in the docker settings to try to move it directly to the cache (/mnt/cache/media/) it ended up in that folder, but it wasn't in mnt/user/media. I'm not sure if I did that right though or if maybe I need to wait for the mover to run.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by GodzillaUR
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