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[Support] binhex - rTorrentVPN

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Hello, can you please advice what can be wrong?

I've made copy of this container for Radarr, but when i tried to install rtorrent like download client i can't connect. 

I radarr logs saying that Certificate validation for https://xxxxxxxxx/RPC2 failed. RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors

Edited by J05u
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On 1/17/2021 at 2:36 PM, J05u said:

Hello, can you please advice what can be wrong?

I've made copy of this container for Radarr, but when i tried to install rtorrent like download client i can't connect. 

I radarr logs saying that Certificate validation for https://xxxxxxxxx/RPC2 failed. RemoteCertificateNameMismatch, RemoteCertificateChainErrors

Ok in radarr certificate check for local addresses need to be disabled

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24 minutes ago, Kishin said:

Here you go


this is your issue:-



so you are creating a volume mapping of /downloads in the container but your rtorrent.rc file specifies /data, which doesnt exist, change /downloads to /data (container side, not host)

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On 1/2/2021 at 11:01 PM, binhex said:

this is your issue, you are specifying a port to use in your rtorrent.rc file, comment out or delete this line.


Have you actually tried doing this? Commenting out this line makes the container fail to load for me.


It's rebinding the port correctly, but as I said before it takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes to do so after running which makes the container and portforwarding look broken upon first glance.

Edited by plantsandbinary
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15 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Have you actually tried doing this? Commenting out this line makes the container fail to load for me.

sure, thats how i have mine setup.


15 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

It's rebinding the port correctly, but as I said before it takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes to do so after running which makes the container and portforwarding look broken upon first glance.

this must still be a configuration issue then, i use this image myself extensively, i did test a complete fresh install and had no 15-30 minute wait time, i would assume its related to the hard coded port you have in your rtorrent.rc file, that must be commented out.


edit - watch your line endings when editing the file rtorrent.rc, it MUST be saved with LF (unix line endings) not CRLF (windows).


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not having all country codes memorized, was trying to alter my standard get ip&location command to print country name. Currently *.co gets the ip right but my location not the vpn, whereas *.io gets both right. Is there a different site to use to get country name that yall know of that is better?



Error on *.co end or some leak in container?



sh-5.0# curl ifconfig.co/country
United States
sh-5.0# curl ifconfig.co
sh-5.0# curl ifconfig.io && curl ifconfig.io/country_code





has has since switched vpn endpoints, new server seems to not be doing that

sh-5.0# curl ifconfig.io && curl ifconfig.io/country_code
sh-5.0# curl ifconfig.co && curl ifconfig.co/country


Edited by Cull2ArcaHeresy
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Well i downloaded from here, it says Community Applications:

Brez naslova.png


I go to Docker tab on my unraid screen, I click on blue picture next to name: binhex-rtorrentvpn and then click WebUI. It opens new tab saying Saying it cant load webpage ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED






Port Mappings: <-> <-> <-> <->


Volume mappings:


/data <-> /mnt/user/appdata/data
/config <-> /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn


I checked links in first post, it redirect me to some websites with files. I dont know what to do there.... Am i sopouse to copy something from there?

Edited by Roketta
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On 1/24/2021 at 7:54 PM, Roketta said:

Well i downloaded from here, it says Community Applications:

Brez naslova.png


I go to Docker tab on my unraid screen, I click on blue picture next to name: binhex-rtorrentvpn and then click WebUI. It opens new tab saying Saying it cant load webpage ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED






Port Mappings: <-> <-> <-> <->


Volume mappings:


/data <-> /mnt/user/appdata/data
/config <-> /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn


I checked links in first post, it redirect me to some websites with files. I dont know what to do there.... Am i sopouse to copy something from there?

Post your logs, redacting your username/password for your VPN provider.

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anyone else having this issue with the German server (or others)?


sh-5.0# ./testvpn.sh
sh-5.0# ./testvpn.sh
sh-5.0# ./testvpn.sh
sh-5.0# ./testvpn.sh
United States


for reference

sh-5.0# cat testvpn.sh 
curl ifconfig.io && curl ifconfig.io/country_code && curl ifconfig.co/country && curl ifconfig.co


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Hey we discussed earlier how the container does a check to see if the port is forwarded and if not, it resets the connection and attempts to update the port again. The thing is, the port isn't being set correctly the first time around, which means every time I restart the container or need to reboot my server. I have to wait 30 minutes before the container actually bothers to check if the port forward worked and when it realises it hasn't (because the open port re-assignment didn't happen properly on container boot) it resets and correctly assigns the port with a new IP again, only after the check after 30 mins.

This causes me a lot of problems. It gets me temp banned from multiple trackers due to:


"You are seeding/connected from too many IP addresses"


This is because the container starts with an IP from PIA and the port doesn't get assigned properly. So it starts seeding with a closed port from IP address (A). 30 minutes later when the port check fails, it resets the connection and properly assigns the port with a new IP address (B). This however gets me temp banned from some of the trackers I seed on because my IP address changed and my previous session is still valid.


Can you please just update this container or fix the port assignment issue during boot so it assigns/forwards the port correctly the first time around without needing a check after 30 mins and possible reset. You can keep the part of the script that does the check later too in case something happens. But the container really seriously needs to assign/forward the port the right way the first time.


I really hate to ask @binhex but at this stage it's really not functioning as it should. I haven't set any settings differently or messed with any files or anything either.



On 1/2/2021 at 11:01 PM, binhex said:

this is your issue, you are specifying a port to use in your rtorrent.rc file, comment out or delete this line.


I forgot to mention that the line is uncommentated out by default when your container is installed and commenting it out does not make the port get assigned properly the first time the container starts. So it really doesn't seem to matter if it is or isn't commented out.

Edited by plantsandbinary
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3 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Can you please just update this container or fix the port assignment issue during boot so it assigns/forwards the port correctly the first time around without needing a check after 30 mins and possible reset.

this is ONLY broken for you dude, nobody else in this thread has reported this issue, and the reason is because this issue is 100% related to your config, did you change the rtorrent.rc as recommended and remove the static port assignment?, see here:-



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Hello, i'm trying to setup binhex-rtorrentvpn to make use of binhex-privoxyvpn. I want to do this so that i don't use too many connections on my vpn provider. Privoxy is up and running, connected through wireguard on default port 8118.


edit: i figured it out. an extra install of privoxy is not necessary when using rutorrent. it has a privoxy instance built in which can be used by other applications. pretty cool.



Edited by likesboc
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i cannot figure out however how to change the listening port. editing \rtorrent\config\rtorrent.rc to use

# Port range to use for listening.
network.port_range.set = 5 digit portnumber

for example leads to rutorrent not starting anymore.

the log somehow circles around

2021-02-06 21:33:31,344 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start Privoxy...

2021-02-06 21:33:32,351 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Privoxy process started
[info] Waiting for Privoxy process to start listening on port 8118...

2021-02-06 21:33:32,355 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Privoxy process listening on port 8118

2021-02-06 21:34:02,403 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] rTorrent listening interface IP and VPN provider IP different, marking for reconfigure

2021-02-06 21:34:02,408 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] rTorrent not running

2021-02-06 21:34:02,413 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Removing any rTorrent session lock files left over from the previous run...

2021-02-06 21:34:02,415 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[info] Attempting to start rTorrent...

2021-02-06 21:34:02,416 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
Script started, output log file is '/home/nobody/typescript'.

2021-02-06 21:34:02,445 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
Script done.

2021-02-06 21:34:13,524 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[warn] Wait for rTorrent process to start aborted, too many retries

2021-02-06 21:34:13,525 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
[warn] Failed to start rTorrent, skipping initialisation of ruTorrent Plugins...


i thought maybe adding my forwarded vpn port to "Container Variable: ADDITIONAL_PORTS" would help but that doesnt change anything either.


any help would be appreciated :)


Edited by likesboc
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10 minutes ago, likesboc said:

network.port_range.set = 5 digit portnumber

did you not see the existing entry in there?, it should of given you a clue as to the format, assuming incoming port (port forward) is 1234, the entry in rtorrent.rc would be:-

network.port_range.set = 1234-1234


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9 minutes ago, binhex said:

did you not see the existing entry in there?


i did. i tried a port and also a range, but both variants failed. must have been something else though because following your advice now it works. thank you.

Edited by likesboc
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On 11/20/2020 at 3:44 AM, xtorrent said:

First off, thanks binhex for an incredible tool.  I'm a newbie to this image, and in the process of moving a lot of my stuff over.  If I find some stumbling blocks along the way hopefully my questions will help others.


First up, in "https://github.com/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn/blob/master/README.md", section about "AirVPN provider" in the bit: about modifying rtorrent.rc to change the ports:

network.port_range.set = 20479-20479
port_random = no

 in the latest config file included with the image I noticed the following already exists:

# Start opening ports at a random position within the port range.
network.port_random.set = no


Are the "network.port_random.set" and "port_random" the same thing?  If so maybe the bit about port_random can be removed from the readme to make things even simpler using the latest image.


Second, I'm trying Pyroscope for the first time.  I searched for some guidance in this thread but most people commenting on Pyroscope seem to be old hands.  After a bit of digging around in the image I figured out pyroscope is already installed, but if you want the extra fields (loaded,completed,leechtime,seedtime) to work you need to add the config below to rtorrent.rc, as documented  at:




# PyroScope SETTINGS

# `system.has` polyfill (the "false=" silences the `catch` command, in rTorrent-PS)
catch = {"false=", "method.redirect=system.has,false"}

# Set "pyro.extended" to 1 to activate rTorrent-PS features!
# (the automatic way used here only works with rTorrent-PS builds after 2018-05-30)
method.insert = pyro.extended, const|value, (system.has, rtorrent-ps)

# Set "pyro.bin_dir" to the "bin" directory where you installed the pyrocore tools!
# Make sure you end it with a "/"; if this is left empty, then the shell's path is searched.
method.insert = pyro.bin_dir, string|const,

# Remove the ".default" if you want to change something (else your changes
# get over-written on update, when you put them into ``*.default`` files).
import = ~/.pyroscope/rtorrent-pyro.rc.default

# TORQUE: Daemon watchdog schedule
# Must be activated by touching the "~/.pyroscope/run/pyrotorque" file!
# Set the second argument to "-v" or "-q" to change log verbosity.
schedule = pyro_watchdog,30,300,"pyro.watchdog=~/.pyroscope,"

Hopefully the next time someone searches for Pyroscope in this thread this will save them some time.


Thanks again binhex.




Just installed this Docker and loving it. Having issues getting pyrocore tools to work. When I add these commands into rtorrent.rc, rtorrent never loads and the watchdog-script keeps repeating "Failed to start rTorrent, skipping initialisation of ruTorrent Plugins...". If I open a shell into the container and attach to the tmux session, I see the console message that Pyroscope loaded but rtorrent restarts shortly thereafter.


Anyone else have this issue or can point me in the right direction?


Edit: I figured out what was happening and worked around it for now. rTorrent-PS takes quite a lot longer to start with the PS extensions loaded - at least in my environment with a large number of torrents in the session. While it would eventually come up (4+ minutes), the rtorrent.sh script kept trying to restart rTorrent and would delete the rtorrent.lock file in the session directory - which would in turn prevent things like rtcontrol from running. I modified /home/nobody/rtorrent.sh to increase retry_wait=1 to retry_wait=30. This allows everything to come up. I'm running everything from NVMe SSDs on a 10th Gen i7 with plenty of RAM and no obvious chokepoints.


Not sure of a permanent fix for this? I do have a ton of hash checks running (importing from Transmission) - so maybe I'll wait that out and see if it's the issue - I'll update here on what happens.


Update- after all hash checks finished, the issue continues. For now I am just updating the retry_wait value via script on container startup. Seems I'm the only one with the issue so probably not valuable to try and accommodate. I'll leave this all here in case anyone else has the issue in the future.

Edited by rinseaid
The secret ingredient is patience
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