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[Plugin] CA Fix Common Problems

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On 11/6/2022 at 4:49 PM, voidpointer said:

The "Fix Common Problems" plugin warns about updating every individual docker container:


> Docker Application prowlarr has an update available for it


How can I disable this permanently for *all* docker containers?


On 10/26/2022 at 12:50 AM, bdr9 said:

This plugin is reporting many warnings on my Unraid server, but they are all Docker container updates. I can ignore them individually, but that only ignores the one specific Docker container, and warnings are still generated for other Docker containers. I would prefer not to receive any warnings for Docker container updates. Is there a way to disable this entire category of warning?


This is a very long thread but I can only find issue reports and not a fix.


How do I disable the image update warning entirely? I find myself starting to ignore Fix Common Problems because 99/100 it is docker noise and that cant be a good thing when that one time is important.

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1 hour ago, OsoPolar said:

Just updated run FIx and it shows this warning!!

But mine is already set to what it suggests ?


So not sure why its telling me to do something already set ?


Sorry about that, I see the bug.  


p.s. this was my bug, not Squid's :) 

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Extended Tests are now removed from FCP


Extended tests had their use a number of years ago, but nowadays

  1. No matter what you do it's a given that it will always return issues
  2. Those issues are not "real" per se
  3. They're primarily tests for SMB compatibility, (and any errors are once again not "real" issues)
  4. It takes forever to run
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FCP recently started warning me that 


Your mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem certificate is not valid for your system's hostname 'mnemos.rendezvous.agffa.net'. Either adjust the system name and local TLD to match the certificate, or get a certificate that matches your settings.


But my subject CN appears to be set correct for a wildcard

root@mnemos:/boot/config/ssl/certs# openssl x509 -noout -text -in mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep "Subject: CN"
        Subject: CN = *.rendezvous.agffa.net

 and my local TLD also appears to be correct



I am still on unRAID 6.9.2 if that matters.


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13 hours ago, rjorgenson said:

FCP recently started warning me that 


But my subject CN appears to be set correct for a wildcard

root@mnemos:/boot/config/ssl/certs# openssl x509 -noout -text -in mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep "Subject: CN"
        Subject: CN = *.rendezvous.agffa.net

 and my local TLD also appears to be correct



I am still on unRAID 6.9.2 if that matters.



Would you run these two commands please?

openssl x509 -noout -subject -nameopt multiline -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | sed -n 's/ *commonName *= //p'

openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep -Eo 'DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9.*-]*' | sed 's/DNS://g'


Is this is an official cert provided by a certificate provider or one you generated?

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14 minutes ago, ljm42 said:


Would you run these two commands please?

openssl x509 -noout -subject -nameopt multiline -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | sed -n 's/ *commonName *= //p'

openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep -Eo 'DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9.*-]*' | sed 's/DNS://g'


Is this is an official cert provided by a certificate provider or one you generated?


This is a wildacard cert provided by letsencrypt. Here is the output of those two commands.

root@mnemos:~# openssl x509 -noout -subject -nameopt multiline -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | sed -n 's/ *commonName *= //p'
root@mnemos:~# openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep -Eo 'DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9.*-]*' | sed 's/DNS://g'


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6 minutes ago, rjorgenson said:


This is a wildacard cert provided by letsencrypt. Here is the output of those two commands.

root@mnemos:~# openssl x509 -noout -subject -nameopt multiline -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | sed -n 's/ *commonName *= //p'
root@mnemos:~# openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName -in /boot/config/ssl/certs/mnemos_unraid_bundle.pem | grep -Eo 'DNS:[a-zA-Z 0-9.*-]*' | sed 's/DNS://g'



I don't have a wildcard cert to test with, but I'll use the output from those commands to mimic it on a 6.9.2 system.


Would you mind uploading your diagnostics.zip file (from Tools -> Diagnostics) as well?

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12 hours ago, rjorgenson said:


Glad the issue was found. Am I safe to dismiss this for now until a new version is released? Or will I need to change something about my cert eventually anyways?


Your cert should be good. Would you please update to today's release of Fix Common Problems and confirm it no longer warns about your setup?

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4 minutes ago, Waoji said:

Has anyone noticed that the exclusion list for "Docker Safe New Perms" has disappeared from the Settings/FixProblems page after the patch 2022.12.10 (or 2022.12.09)? I still have some shares on that list which I would like to be able to change. 

That's an oops on my part... Removed as part of removing the extended tests.  I'll add it back in tomorrow

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Hi, please could you advise on this. When I click on "The following shares will NOT be touched: Additional shares can be excluded HERE" in Docker Safe New Perms, it takes me to Fix Common Problems. However, there is no option to exclude shares. I have tried updating Fix Common Problems and clearing the browser cache.


Edit: I went through and manuualy checked ownership for each share using

find . ! -user nobody


Then fixed as required using

newperms /mnt/user/share


It would still be cool to do this in a more automate way, though.

Edited by Mushin
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