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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Nextcloud

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16 hours ago, rojarrolla said:

So, I would like to understand deeper how Nextcloud + MariaDB work, because I thought that the database was only storing user names and passwords, but, as you have seen it is not. What else is stored in that database that needs to be handled carefully? 

Database stores EVERYTHING, except the binaries (files like mp3, jpeg, docx and any other type).

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17 hours ago, Trozmagon said:

Hey Guys, I’m looking for a solution to what I assume is a strange use case and I can’t quite think of a search term to explain it easily so here I am with the long winded version so see if anyway can put me on the right path.


I’ve just setup next cloud and have my admin user setup, NextCloud will only ever be used with this with this single account. What I want to do is have only 2 folders, both of which are shares live in a dedicated pool called cloud.


I want these folders to be both accessible via SMB and via NextCloud so I have my folders mapped as such

  • /config > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud
  • /data > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud/data
  • /data/singleuser/files > /mnt/cloud

This is working great except I want the ability to modify files both from NextCloud and on the FileSystem but NextCloud doesn’t see the files if they’re moved into the folder via SMB because they’re not being synced, does anyone know of a way to have files automatically sync into NextCloud if they’re dumped into the users file folder?

I’m not against running another Docker App to handle the syncing but I would assume syncing the files at they’re current location would cause some issues.

Anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this?


Thanks in advance.

You best bet would be mounting the share are external storage (check appstore).

* Delete the /data/singleuser/files > /mnt/cloud bind.
* Mount the `/mnt/cloud` share as external storage in nextcloud with the external storage app.
* Just remember  it will show as a folder in your root folder in nextcloud. So you need to add/edit/remove files only inside this folder.
 All other files in the root dir of nextcloud user profile will be stored in /data > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud/data

Also, you might notice some performance loss, and you need a bit of extra config for some apps to not ignore this folder. (e.g. Preview Generator)

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3 hours ago, skois said:

You best bet would be mounting the share are external storage (check appstore).

* Delete the /data/singleuser/files > /mnt/cloud bind.
* Mount the `/mnt/cloud` share as external storage in nextcloud with the external storage app.
* Just remember  it will show as a folder in your root folder in nextcloud. So you need to add/edit/remove files only inside this folder.
 All other files in the root dir of nextcloud user profile will be stored in /data > /mnt/cache/appdata/nextcloud/data

Also, you might notice some performance loss, and you need a bit of extra config for some apps to not ignore this folder. (e.g. Preview Generator)

Mate this is almost perfect, thanks!

It is a little slow to notify clients that there's something to sync so I'm hoping there's some tweaks I can make here to speed it up.


Thanks Mate :).

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Mate this is almost perfect, thanks!

It is a little slow to notify clients that there's something to sync so I'm hoping there's some tweaks I can make here to speed it up.
Thanks Mate :).
I don't know if there is any tweaks. But there are a lot of layers, so delay will be there..

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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On 9/20/2021 at 4:00 PM, Eddie_B said:

I have previously set up both Nextcloud and Collabora on my personal Unraid server and it has been cranking along fine for quite some time. Recently my boss discovered Nextcloud and wanted it. We initially had it running on a Synology but between the limited resources on the Syno and some behind the scenes networking stuff, we made the move to Unraid.


I was able to successfully move the database and all of the data over to our Unraid server and get it back up and running. Since I had not set Collabora up on the Synology, we were running without it on Unraid. I installed the Collabora docker, followed all of the same steps that I used on my personal server and I have been having all kinds of difficulty with it.


When I try to enter the collabora address into the settings for Collabora Online in Nextcloud, it tells me that it could not establish a connection to the server. Looking at the nextcloud.log file, I found an error referring to the SSL certificate saying that it is a self signed certificate. Seeing as how I have both Nextcloud and Collabora sitting behind SWAG, this error doesn't make much sense to me, but I admit to not being an expert on this.


I can access the Collabora admin page, and it does show that it is a secure connection verfied by LetsEncrypt.

I have attempted to wipe out Nextcloud and start over from scratch with it, but I am still running into the same issue. The collabora admin page, collabora root level page, hosting/discovery, and hosting/capabilities pages are all visible but every time I try to configure the app, I get the "Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server." message.

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Hey guys, I need some help.


I recently lost my cache drive and had to restore docker.img and appdata from a backup (tried the two backups I have). Since then nextcloud won't work anymore.


The container loads fine:


[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
using keys found in /config/keys
[cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 40-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 40-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 50-install: executing...
[cont-init.d] 50-install: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 60-memcache: executing...
[cont-init.d] 60-memcache: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 70-aliases: executing...
[cont-init.d] 70-aliases: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: executing...
[cont-init.d] 90-custom-folders: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing...
[custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
[cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.


But when accessing nextcloud all I get is Error 504: Gateway timed out.


/log/nginx/error.log says this:


2021/10/04 08:44:33 [error] 407#407: *28 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\ExceptionLoggerPlugin' not found in /config/www/nextcloud/remote.php:61
Stack trace:
#0 /config/www/nextcloud/remote.php(169): handleException()
#1 {main}
  thrown in /config/www/nextcloud/remote.php on line 61" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/principals/users/[redacted]/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host:"[redacted}"


Any pointers how to fix this?

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On 9/2/2021 at 11:48 PM, thomas said:


Lately I have some CVE attacks on my Unraid due to Nextcloud container using nginx v1.18.0. The attacks are being blocked by Netgear Armor (Bitdefender) and I only receive a notification that it was blocked and it says there is a vulnerability due to nginx v1.18.0.


Is there a way to update nginx to a newer/secure version?



Screenshot from 2021-09-02 17-46-31.png


Our nextcloud container use version 1.20.1 of nginx, so update your container. If its updated, it's not our nextcloud container that is the issue.


Edited by saarg
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Just curious if anyone has moved to NextCloud 22?  I noticed current rev is 22.2 (running 21.0.5 here) and wondering if moving to 22 is a technology challenge (requiring a manual install) or simply a channel release thing?  Thanks!

Edited by talmania
more info
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11 hours ago, jesta said:

Hey guys, I need some help.


I recently lost my cache drive and had to restore docker.img and appdata from a backup (tried the two backups I have). Since then nextcloud won't work anymore.


The container loads fine:


But when accessing nextcloud all I get is Error 504: Gateway timed out.


/log/nginx/error.log says this:


Any pointers how to fix this?


I will tell you what I know. Maybe it will give you some information. Something similar happened to me, I lost my cache drive too and restored the .img file from the CA Backup/Restore. But, mine was 6 days old.


My Nextcloud worked after restoring, however, files stored in the cache drive, were not passed on to the array. I could recover them, but, when the user was running the nextcloud client from her computer, she got a lot of synching errors. So I had to erase and upload again everything. 

My best advice is to backup realtime or at least daily the Database (I use MariaDB), The containers and synch the files to another NAS.


I hope this helps you at least something.

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Hey guys,

I was thinking about upgrading my postgres database to version 14. But since the upgrade process is kind of complicated I thought I can simply convert my exiting database to the new postgres 14 database, like I did when I switched from mariadb to postgres.


I have nextcloud running in an docker container in unraid and I am using the following command to convert the database:
occ db:convert-type --all-apps --port 55432 --clear-schema pgsql nextcloud nextclouddb


But then I receive the following error message:
In ConvertType.php line 149:
  Can not convert from pgsql to pgsql. 



I already received the information from reddit I need the pg_dump and pg_restore commands here to simply backup the existing database and restore it to the new one.


Unfortunately I wasn't lucky to find a instruction on how to do it on unraid. I am not a professional so I have trouble figuring it out by myself/Google.

Has someone already switched from postgres 13.4 to 14 on unraid and can tell me the commands and where to type them in to update my postgres database?

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PSA: Not sure if anyone tried to the new Collabora Code( released 17 hours ago but it wouldn’t work for me on NC 22.1.1(I need to upgrade to 22.2.0). I downgraded Collabora to collabora/code: and immediately had success loading documents 😬🤨

Edited by blaine07
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On 1/10/2020 at 8:18 AM, Diggewuff said:


When Syncing data to these mapped shares via Web DAV, or when I'm creating a folder via Web GUI,

permissions of created folders are not 777 (drwxrwxrwx) but 755 (drwxr-xr-x).

Permissions of a txt file created via Web GUI are 644 (-rw-r--r--) and not 666 (-rw-rw-rw-) as expected for Unraid. 


Is there any option to set the propper UMASK to make Nextcloud respect Unraid's permission scheme?

Was this ever fixed? I also have created by nextcloud - (linuxserver) showing 755 folders and 644 for files.

Is there an option that is opposite to UMASK to make the files 666 and folders 777?

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Hello guys, I just updated to 22.2.0 from 21.x.x a few days ago.

I noticed that my disks won't spin down after the update,

and I can see that nextcloud.log file are constantly open and modify in the File Activity plugin.

I tried to change background jobs setting in the administration of nextcloud from cron to ajax, don't know if it works, but it always change back to cron after a few minutes.

Edited by vinckcent
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 Hi guys, 


I have two nextcloud dockers setup and it all seems to run fine, but once a day the NEXTCLOUD #2 gets the 502 error. 


I have the following unraid docker running:

- NginxProxyManager  `autostart wait 0` 
- mariadb  `autostart wait 5` on port 3306
- mariadb2 `autostart wait 20` on port 3307
- nextcloud  `autostart wait 20` on port 444
- nextcloud2  `autostart wait 20` on port 448



All on bridged network. 
Each nextcloud is directed to via a proxy from Nginx.
Each nextcloud is linked to mariaDB via separate port.

Most of the time all is running fine, but from time to time I encounter the 


502 bad gateway when trying to reach the NEXTCLOUD #2

Maybe once a day...



Steps to replicate it:

1. I assumed that it was a problem of dockers starting too fast.
2. I tried to have a wait time before they start. But problem appears again. 
3. When I **stop** mariaDB2 and and NEXTCLOUD2 and restart it after few seconds, it works again. 

Could anyone suggest where to look for problems?



Nextcloud version: `Nextcloud 22.1.1`
Operating system and version : `UNRAID Version: 6.9.2 `
Nginx version:  `v2.9.9 © 2021`

The output of your Nextcloud log in **Admin > Logging**:
This is the only error warning I get since it has worked:


Warning    core Login failed: '67.513466269904' (Remote IP: '184.XXX.242.192')    


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 Hi guys, 
I have two nextcloud dockers setup and it all seems to run fine, but once a day the NEXTCLOUD #2 gets the 502 error. 
I have the following unraid docker running:

- NginxProxyManager  `autostart wait 0` 
- mariadb  `autostart wait 5` on port 3306
- mariadb2 `autostart wait 20` on port 3307
- nextcloud  `autostart wait 20` on port 444
- nextcloud2  `autostart wait 20` on port 448
All on bridged network. 
Each nextcloud is directed to via a proxy from Nginx.
Each nextcloud is linked to mariaDB via separate port.

Most of the time all is running fine, but from time to time I encounter the 
502 bad gateway when trying to reach the NEXTCLOUD #2

Maybe once a day...
Steps to replicate it:
1. I assumed that it was a problem of dockers starting too fast.
2. I tried to have a wait time before they start. But problem appears again. 
3. When I **stop** mariaDB2 and and NEXTCLOUD2 and restart it after few seconds, it works again. 

Could anyone suggest where to look for problems?
Nextcloud version: `Nextcloud 22.1.1`
Operating system and version : `UNRAID Version: 6.9.2 `
Nginx version:  `v2.9.9 [emoji2398] 2021`
The output of your Nextcloud log in **Admin > Logging**:
This is the only error warning I get since it has worked:
Warning    core Login failed: '67.513466269904' (Remote IP: '184.XXX.242.192')    
Sounds like the mariadb is crashing, check the logs for it.
In my experience, if it gives 502 without any changes in your Network set-up, it's the DB.

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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43 minutes ago, skois said:

Sounds like the mariadb is crashing, check the logs for it.


Thank for the tip. 
I only get these warnings, that do not really correlate to the 502s. 


2021-10-10  0:40:00 1322 [Warning] Aborted connection 1322 to db: 'nextcloudXXX' user: 'adminXXX' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)



2021-10-05  8:43:36 4 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name does not resolve



Also one more think to note ... the only way to make it work again is to restart mariadb and nextcloud. 

I will test if whether i restart only one it also helps ... next time this error shows up. 

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in the meantime, any tips how to make it more "stable" ? 
There is max 5 people connected to it during the day and the data transfer is minimum. 
Tbh I've used mariadb for a while but had some issues. After moving to postgres, never had any problems.

Sent from my Mi 10 Pro using Tapatalk

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Running Nextcloud on my Unraid server and I have a bunch of video files on it which I used to play on my iOS devices via the Nextcloud app. Lately for some reason it only just downloads them not like before where it opened the video player like I want to. Via the browser it still opens up the video player. Anyone?

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I'm trying to run this docker in a custom bridge network in conjuction with your mariadb docker.


At first I tried running both dockers in the same custom br0, this led to a 304 error starting the second docker though (is this not possible).


Running the Nextcloud docker in a custom br0 and the mariadb docker in default bridge mode, Nextcloud is unable to connect to the database.


So far the only possible config of running this setup is running them both in bridge mode.


Is there any workaround for this?

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Hi Folks, can any one assist me with a recent error I noticed in the overview section under setting in Nexcloud.


The warning is: The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud.


I've tried amending the config.php in line with the documentation, but am still getting the error.


Any assistance would be appreciated.



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Help please :/


Im trying to create an external strorage mount for paperless-ng using the app in nextcloud


1. I have installed the external storage app in nextcloud

2.  I am trying to make a storage path in the docker template but the docker wont start when I add this field


Obviosuly im doing something wrong, even read the help pages and im still stuck, Id appreciate your help.





Screenshot 2021-10-17 081522.png

Screenshot 2021-10-17 081557.png

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