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Mover % bar or information

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I have submitted a pull request for consideration. Initially this will only update after each share being transferred and just shows a percentage complete.




Status will also update for scheduled moves. The transfers to and from are sequential so you will not see both at the same time.  From would say 0% complete until To had finished or will show nothing to transfer if that is the case.



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  • 3 months later...
On 2/19/2021 at 12:02 AM, jamerperson said:

I'd love that feature too. I suggested it to the mover-tuner-plugin author, but he isn't sure if he can implement it.

With recent changes I think this can be implemented.  Just will take some extra loops and creating a rather large file list.  Then sending the file list to the mover instead of the individual find commands.  Will keep track of this thread to see when it comes out in beta.   But.. Depends on how it's implemented...  Will check back once the feature is released.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2/20/2021 at 12:41 PM, SimonF said:

I have submitted a pull request for consideration. Initially this will only update after each share being transferred and just shows a percentage complete.




Status will also update for scheduled moves. The transfers to and from are sequential so you will not see both at the same time.  From would say 0% complete until To had finished or will show nothing to transfer if that is the case.



I have changed the format of the status, Some of the data is static or test data and not very granular at present as changes needed to core Unraid functions to provide that level of detail. 


Static test data is File name, Progress.


Transfer data is only updated at the end of a share transfer. PR is here https://github.com/limetech/webgui/pull/1042





Edited by SimonF
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@SimonF fantastic looking work! I'm watching the PR, looks like a super clean implementation 🙌


One thing to add that might be nice once the initial is merged would be to also show the %complete in the UI's tray at the bottom of the screen, similar to how parity checks are reported there. Doesn't need all the detailed info IMO, just that it's active when active and the percentage value, at least that's my thought anyway...


Keep up the great work, and thanks!!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think I'll be able to provide info that is needed for the GUI portion in an update to mover tuning to allow this.  (Move based on a filelist instead of a "find")

I still have a ways to go, but hopeful to have the base info needed in a few days.   Implementing the GUI portion I will need help with though.

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Looking for a few testers with the following.


1.) Basic understanding of bash/shell (To install the files and change their permissions. chown, chmod etc...)

2.) That have mover tuning plug-in installed. (Preferrable have been using it for a while) (Required as the GUI update file is created based off this plug-in).

2b.) Have unRAID 6.11.3 or above installed.

3.) That can test moving files off cache shares to the array.

4.) That can test moving files TO cache pool FROM the array.

5.) Bonus - if you have multiple pools to test with.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/13/2023 at 9:12 PM, hugenbdd said:

Looking for a few testers with the following.


1.) Basic understanding of bash/shell (To install the files and change their permissions. chown, chmod etc...)

2.) That have mover tuning plug-in installed. (Preferrable have been using it for a while) (Required as the GUI update file is created based off this plug-in).

2b.) Have unRAID 6.11.3 or above installed.

3.) That can test moving files off cache shares to the array.

4.) That can test moving files TO cache pool FROM the array.

5.) Bonus - if you have multiple pools to test with.



Hi. I'm willing to test if you're still looking for testers

1) I have a basic understanding of the shell, since I set up and manage some pretty large Ubuntu servers (Zabbix monitoring with multiple proxies for a large enterprise environment) at work. I'm very far from proficient though, I would call myself a novice still
2) Mover tuning is installed and have been using it for a while.
2b) Unraid version 6.11.5, the latest one
3 & 4) I can test moving both ways. I have cache enabled on multiple very active, very large shares and I can also test the other way around, simply by moving my appdata back and forth or by setting up some test shares that download to spinning disks and then move to cache

5) I do not have multiple cache pools at the moment, but I am running unraid on ESXi which in this case is a benefit because I can make extra cache drives at-will and destroy them after testing. I have enough space left on my ESXi datastored (both NVMe and spinning disk) to do this. I can even split my existing cache drive in two if needed, giving us 2 x 750GB NVMe cache to test with

I'm interested in this addition to unraid as I often really miss a mover progress indication when moving data onto my array. I back up my ESXi VM's and gaming rig through veeam to unraid, meaning that I regularely copy very large files to unraid which makes a progress indicator very handy. I'm also a bit of a data hoarder so I download large volumes of... ehmmm... linux ISO's... for archiving reasons

Let me know.


Edited by BlueBull
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