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Reorder disks

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Using unRAID v6.1, and with no gaps in the assignments (8 data drives should be disks 1 through 8, not 1-3 and 5-9), then you can simply unassign and reassign the disks at will.  You may have to indicate that Parity is valid on array start.


Using v6.2 and later, you will need to use New Config with the Retain Configuration option, then make the assignment changes you want.  When you start the array, you will have to indicate that parity is valid (assuming it's the identical set of drives).  If you have setup dual parity, then the second parity drive will no longer be valid and will have to be rebuilt.  In other words, you cannot preserve the second parity drive if you reorder the data drives.

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Using v6.2 and later, you will need to use New Config with the Retain Configuration option, then make the assignment changes you want.  When you start the array, you will have to indicate that parity is valid (assuming it's the identical set of drives).  If you have setup dual parity, then the second parity drive will no longer be valid and will have to be rebuilt.  In other words, you cannot preserve the second parity drive if you reorder the data drives.


I'm rolling with 6.2.4 right now. What option do I choose in the retain config menu?


I only have one parity drive, so that's not an issue.

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New Config is the wrong approach to adding a new drive. Have you precleared the new drive?


Preclearing now, but I know how to add a new drive.


What I want to do is reorganize my drives as they appear in the GUI. And I want to include the newest drive in that reorganization. So, when the drive is done preclear tomorrow, I'd like to be ready to roll. Ya feel me?

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You can do the new config without the new drive. Since it will be clear you can add it later. Or you can add it during the new config. Either way. All the retain options do is keep some assignments in place so you won't have to reassign them if you don't want to. Whatever you choose for retain, it will still let you change any of them.

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Retaining is entirely for your convenience. If you retain nothing you're presented with a blank sheet and you have to assign everything from scratch. If you retain everything you're presented with a sheet that's filled in exactly the same way as it was previously. Either way you can make changes but one may involve a little more clicking. You certainly need to make sure you assign the same disk to the Parity slot; the rest is up to you.

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Well, I've done it. Super easy (like everything else unRAID-related) but also terrifying because I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground when it comes to this stuff and I'm terrified I'll lose all my data. But my fear was all for naught.


Thanks for the help!


No need to be terrified  :)


Realistically the only thing you COULD do that would mess things up would be to assign the wrong drive as parity ... and with the new feature that retains the previous configuration except for changes you specify that's VERY unlikely.    It's always a good idea to save a screen shot of the GUI showing your current assignments before doing the New Config -- then you can easily confirm your parity assignments are correct before you Start the array with the new settings ... just to be ABSOLUTELY certain you haven't made an inadvertent change.


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  • 1 year later...

Does it represent a problem if you have empty slots?  For example, I just replaced my disks 1 though 4 with a single drive (four 2 TB drives in to one 8TB drive) I put the 8 TB drive in slot 1, but slots 2, 3, 4, are now empty.  Everything seems to be working fine.  Is there any reason the empty and non-contiguous slots would be a problem (aside from being somewhat esthetically displeasing)?



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  • 7 months later...

Sorry to revive the old thread, but I want to be 100% sure before I do this.

Running 6.7.0, with dual 12TB parity drives, and 24 slots.

I would like my disk numbers to match my physical slot numbers, convenience, ocd, whatever.

I've been adding and removing disks, and disk # is not matching slot #.


Can I safely new config, and assign disk # to the hdd in the physical slot?

Can I safely leave gaps in disk #'s for empty slots?


Edited by ptr727
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  • 1 year later...

FYI if you have the unassigned devices plugin, you can easily tell which is a parity drive as it wont have a file system and can't be mounted. If you have 2 and cant remember just assign and rebuild parity. which as stated before you will always have to sync at least parity 2. if not both... just don't assign one with a file-system to parity slot and your good.

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