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[Support] binhex - Krusader

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34 minutes ago, Jobine said:

The speed of moving files was much faster with the previous version.

i very much doubt that, its the exact same version of krusader.

34 minutes ago, Jobine said:

But no solution for the moment.

just tested, no issues moving multi gigabyte files on the same path, note if the path is different then a move will be a copy and then a delete, and this will be slow, this is completely normal.

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2 hours ago, Jobine said:

I run Krusader on Unraid.

With the previous version, when I moved a file it was almost instantaneous, now it's like a copy, we see the progress.

 It's not normal.

Are you sure you're moving to & from the same mount point (ie: /media to /media), or is it different mount points (/UNASSIGNED to /media)?

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55 minutes ago, Jobine said:

/media to /media

The subdirectory to which you are making the move must exist on the same disk. Otherwise, the file will be copied to another disk where the subdirectory does exist which involves a copy followed by a delete.   If the destination subdirectory exists on the same disk as the file, only the 'pointers' in the directory table have to be moved.

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How can I use the Krusader GUI to open a 'CA Backup / Restore Appdata' .tar file, so I can extract just the backup data for a single Docker app?


If I just right-click on the file in question and choose 'Open', I ultimately get "Error could not open the file, probably due to an unsupported file format". Really? The one compressed file format essentially native to Linux, and Krusader doesn't open it?? That can't possibly be right.


7-Zip will open the file no problem in Windows, but extracting 50GB from the monolithic 236GB file isn't working well because of a lack of space on my Windows machine, and because of 136,000+ "Can not create symbolic link: A required privilege is not held by the client" errors.


It's sort of insane I have to ask, but can someone please step me through this?

Edited by Karyudo
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6 hours ago, Karyudo said:

If I just right-click on the file in question and choose 'Open', I ultimately get "Error could not open the file, probably due to an unsupported file format". Really? The one compressed file format essentially native to Linux, and Krusader doesn't open it?? That can't possibly be right.

Well that is an odd one.  I just installed fresh versions of krusader to check (binhex-krusader and krusader from djaydev) and went to my CA backup file and it opened in both with no problem.


I would reinstall krusader before anything else... I personally like the one from djaydev a little bit more..  and try that.


If that fails, you can extract manually from a console window.  It's just like working on a Windows command line.


cd /mnt/user/appdata/backups  --- or where ever your backup file is

tar -xvf CA_backup.tar.gz <name of folder> --- this will extract only the folder you want.. it's case sensitive (as is everything in linux) so Plex and plex would be two different folders.  It's got to be exactly what the name of your folder is.


This will extract it in the same directory as your backup file.

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Just tried Krusader from djaydev: doesn't even connect to my server. FAIL.

Tried original binhex Krusader on a different backup: failed the same way it did originally.

Reinstalled binhex Krusader: template information gone (WHY????) and fails the same way it did on the original file.


You can see why I get pissy about Linux/Dockers/unRAID.


Once I calm down, I'll see about trying the console window. Which I'll also have to figure out how to start.

Edited by Karyudo
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I wish that piece of information were a little more obvious! I'm clearly still pissed off that my installation doesn't seem to be working as it should, but almost everything Linux/unRAID/Docker has half a dozen ways for a relatively-unsophisticated user to get in trouble, with seemingly little to no documentation/explanation/controls to prevent it and guide the user to the secret preferred way of doing things.


[deep breath]


Thanks for the information about Previous Apps. I didn't know that detail, clearly, and I'll try to keep that in mind for the next time I have to troubleshoot an errant Docker.


I may also try it again today, to see if using Previous Apps after bungling things with a straightforward fresh template install will still let me recover my previous configuration.

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As a rule, when troubleshooting something out of the ordinary, you are almost always best off starting fresh and not even trying to import and restore any prior settings.


Just rebuild them from scratch if possible.


In the case of krusader there are not that many settings to setup, I would recommend backing up and then deleting the krusader appdata, removing the krusader docker and then starting over from scratch.


All that said, I wish that 7zip could be integrated with krusader as well, have a bunch of rar files I am having to extract using my main system right now actually.

Edited by TexasUnraid
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I'm now three problems deep: my Plex won't start, due to a corrupted database. So I need to get the backup from CA Backup. But Krusader won't open the .tar. So I try rebooting unRAID. But unRAID won't boot, because of a SMART error on the cache SSD.


Is there anyone who can just log on to my server (via TeamViewer, say) and sort me out? Maybe I'm just cursed, and your better mojo is all that's needed....


EDIT: OK, I've got the server running again. Had to plug in a monitor and keyboard just to see a message that I need to press F1 to continue to boot. So much for "headless."

Edited by Karyudo
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7 hours ago, Karyudo said:

I may also try it again today, to see if using Previous Apps after bungling things with a straightforward fresh template install will still let me recover my previous configuration.

The name you give the container is the name the template is stored under on your flash. If you reused that name then your previous configuration was overwritten.

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55 minutes ago, trurl said:

The name you give the container is the name the template is stored under on your flash. If you reused that name then your previous configuration was overwritten.

So, nice and idiot-proof. Good thing it warned me about that! /s


In the case of Krusader, I didn't have too many extra things specified in my setup, so it's not a big deal. Just a few directories like 'MEDIA' and 'UNASSIGNED' to make it easier to navigate.

Edited by Karyudo
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1 hour ago, TexasUnraid said:

yeah, that is pretty normal, you generally need a "dummy monitor" to boot headless, sometimes a keyboard too, I just have a wireless dongle plugged in and a dummy VGA dongle plugged into the video card. You can get the dummy VGA / HDMI / Display port plugs on ebay or amazon for a few bucks.

That's interesting! I didn't know such things exist. In my case, I don't think I actually need a dummy port plug—I was able to reboot a second time by hitting F1 without seeing a screen, and that worked fine. One small victory!

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OK, why won't Krusader delete the Plex directory in appdata? I *know* it's not empty; I'm telling you to just delete it anyway! But it won't. What secret do I not know about this command?


Windows is looking better and better all the time. At least there's documentation for its stupidities.

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When you look up issues, don;t limit yourself to looking up unraid, look up general linux issues / commands.


I had only basic linux understanding 2 months ago and have taught myself how to work with linux pretty well since starting to work with unraid.


Lots of googling to figure out issues but with some effort and google foo, I was able to figure out most of them.


Of course I have been working with computers and in IT since the 90's, so while linux is still new to me, computers in general are not.


Your deleting issue is most likely a permissions issue. I ended up just making krusader a root user so I can do whatever the heck I want. I then used the password option to log into krusader to give some level of security.

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I've been working with computers since the '80s. Linux is by far the most inside baseball, "it's a feature, not a bug" OS I've ever used. It was easier to find out how to set up your autoexec.bat and config.sys file in DOS than it is to find out how to do almost anything quickly and easily in Linux. Although, 40 years later, the tools look identical: light text on a dark background and a flashing cursor. So throwback! Such commandline!


For argument's sake, let's say my deleting issue is a permissions problem. Never had any problems deleting anything created or handled by any other Docker (e.g. Sonarr, Radarr, sabNZBd, etc.) before, so it's far from clear why it would be a problem now, and even though your premise doesn't make logical sense on the face of it, it is Linux we're dealing with, so you're probably right. Somehow, it's always a permissions issue. It's very nice you've solved that for yourself by "ending up just making Krusader a root user so you can do whatever the heck you want." Next question: How can *I* end up just making Krusader a root user so I can do whatever the heck I want?


I assume this should be pretty easy; probably even the default. Obviously there will be a quick explanation that will cover the basics and a few pros and cons, and I'll just check the Docker edit page for this rundown and some options and oh wait no nothing is explained there because of course it never is.


Default UMASK (not explained anywhere) is 000 (not explained anywhere); default PUID (not explained anywhere) is 99 (not explained anywhere); and default PGID (not explained anywhere) is 100 (not explained anywhere). I seem to recall from troubleshooting some previous infuriating Linux/unRAID problem that those defaults should allow Dockers permission enough to read/write files created by other users/Dockers, but I'm open to learning otherwise! It would certainly fit within my increasingly cynical worldview to find out everything I know is wrong.

Edited by Karyudo
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On 7/27/2020 at 6:11 PM, luca2 said:

Hi, when I try to click on a .jpg I cannot visualize it. This dialog appears but I cannot assign any programm since I do not know what either krusader may have built-in or what I could use from unraid. Let me know pls how I can solve this.



This docker uses Arch Linux to provide you the Krusader Explorer.


If you like to view pictures I suggest you install ristretto into the docker. It is a lightweight image viewer made for Xfce desktop.

1. Enter the Unraid GUI and go to Dashboard. Click on the krusader icon and chose Console

2. type in the terminal window that opens: pacman -S  ristretto

3. return and then Y and return again

4. Once the command is done close the window

5. Restart the docker


If you would like to view the pictures now, simply right click in Krusader and select open with. You can also make it the default in the Krusader settings for the image types you like. 


Please keep in mind that when you update the docker you will have to reinstall the app again. I usually install mediainfo and ristretto into the docker so I have some additional functionality. It works fine.


Hopefully this answer is helpful.

Edited by Seriously_Clueless
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4 hours ago, Karyudo said:

I've been working with computers since the '80s. Linux is by far the most inside baseball, "it's a feature, not a bug" OS I've ever used. It was easier to find out how to set up your autoexec.bat and config.sys file in DOS than it is to find out how to do almost anything quickly and easily in Linux. Although, 40 years later, the tools look identical: light text on a dark background and a flashing cursor. So throwback! Such commandline!


For argument's sake, let's say my deleting issue is a permissions problem. Never had any problems deleting anything created or handled by any other Docker (e.g. Sonarr, Radarr, sabNZBd, etc.) before, so it's far from clear why it would be a problem now, and even though your premise doesn't make logical sense on the face of it, it is Linux we're dealing with, so you're probably right. Somehow, it's always a permissions issue. It's very nice you've solved that for yourself by "ending up just making Krusader a root user so you can do whatever the heck you want." Next question: How can *I* end up just making Krusader a root user so I can do whatever the heck I want?


I assume this should be pretty easy; probably even the default. Obviously there will be a quick explanation that will cover the basics and a few pros and cons, and I'll just check the Docker edit page for this rundown and some options and oh wait no nothing is explained there because of course it never is.


Default UMASK (not explained anywhere) is 000 (not explained anywhere); default PUID (not explained anywhere) is 99 (not explained anywhere); and default PGID (not explained anywhere) is 100 (not explained anywhere). I seem to recall from troubleshooting some previous infuriating Linux/unRAID problem that those defaults should allow Dockers permission enough to read/write files created by other users/Dockers, but I'm open to learning otherwise! It would certainly fit within my increasingly cynical worldview to find out everything I know is wrong.

First off, no arguments at all that linux and the community in general is very hard to get into, everyone just assumes you know how to do "basic tasks" and never explains it meaning you never learn to do said basic tasks.


Also agreed it is a throwback to DOS in a big way, I left those days behind me and do not like being forced to go back. I have said for years that linux will never be able to go mainstream until you can do 95% of tasks with the GUI.


All of that said, these are also the reason I chose unraid over other options, it allows you to do far far more then other options via a GUI.


I fully admit I have to search positivity everything I need to do with linux to figure it out. I just never limited myself to searching unraid solutions to a problem and that helped a lot.


All of that said, to turn your krusader into a root user, change the PUID and PGID both to 0. I have no idea what the difference is between them, I just know after googling, 0 was root.


Then click the "privileged user" box. This will turn krusader into a root user and you should not be hounded by any permissions issues again. It is a good idea to enable the password option if you do this.


Also, there is a "fix permissions tool" under the tools menu in unraid (a better version called docker safe permissions is added once you install fix common problems plugin). This tool is a life saver, anytime I have a permissions issue, run that and it is generally sorted out except inside appdata. It is very common for folders inside appdata to have strange permissions and those permissions to be needed by the dockers.

Edited by TexasUnraid
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4 hours ago, Seriously_Clueless said:


This docker uses Alpine Linux which is a Arch based Linux to provide you the Krusader Explorer.


If you like to view pictures I suggest you install ristretto into the docker. It is a lightweight image viewer made for Xfce desktop.

1. Enter the Unraid GUI and go to Dashboard. Click on the krusader icon and chose Console

2. type in the terminal window that opens: pacman -S  ristretto

3. return and then Y and return again

4. Once the command is done close the window

5. Restart the docker


If you would like to view the pictures now, simply right click in Krusader and select open with. You can also make it the default in the Krusader settings for the image types you like. 


Please keep in mind that when you update the docker you will have to reinstall the app again. I usually install mediainfo and ristretto into the docker so I have some additional functionality. It works fine.


Hopefully this answer is helpful.

Very nice, not having a clue how anything but ubuntu works (and just basic understanding there) I have no idea how to do things like that.


Is it possible to install 7zip this same way and enable that inside krusader?

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